
Sanders is the Democrat's Version of a Trump Outsider

A flock of former Democrat primary Presidential candidates have lined up behind Joe Biden in obvious opposition to Bernie Sanders. Sanders seems to be the Democrat party's version of Donald Trump; someone to hate and oppose with all guns blazing. The true nature of the Democrat party as a neo-liberal just kiss Wall Street's butt organization with token appeals to social politics to get people to line up behind politicians primarily interested in enriching themselves is kind of interesting.

I was aware for some time that the Democrat Party is nothing more than the left version of the Republican party. It is something more like a one-party deep state system of government with an in corporatism we trust ideology. Neo-cons and Neo-liberals are ideologically dedicated to enriching themselves first and foremost. That's why the prospect of a Sanders vs Trump Presidential campaign is frightening to Washington insiders; two true independent candidates interested in making a political philosophy they have work and not worried about being independent without the support of the deep state.


Business as usual is why the national debt keeps compiling and why the poorest retirees can't afford nearly 200 dollars a month to pay for Medicare plan B- the one that pays for outpatient services including doctor visits etc. The prosperous that can afford to pay for their own medical services when retired can get plan B discounts for just $185 and the most poor Americans get nothing at all. That is the way things are evolving in the brave new world of corporatism and neo-liberalism.


Shouldn't Int. Travel Have Automatic 3 Week Quarantine?

The novel coronavirus demonstrated the fact that the next serious virus that lay hidden for a while before showing up and is easily transmitted could take down the population of the planet, or a good portion of it. That is a fact of modern life the prosperous aren't willing to face. Even more terrifying for Chris Matthews than Bernie Sanders getting elected and chopping of his head in Central Park first thing could be reforming economics of the world to be in harmony with the ecospheric and its restoration and firewalls for viruses.

The Novel coronavirus could actual be a good thing as a proof of concept item for the risk of promiscuous international travel. A deadly disease that is as easily transmitted as a common cold and kills 95% of the people it infects could be on some biologist designers weaponized plate right now, or in the future. Without global firewalls and an economy adapted to it with ecological economics in each country with as much local restoration of wildlife and no net loss of biota the high livers just keep on skimming as if there were no next decade.

Some people have the misguided notion that scripture indicates an Armageddon ahead when in fact it occurred in the first century A.D. The end of the age isn't necessarily going to occur anytime soon; it could be a trillion years, so establishing a rational planetary economy is actually necessary. It would be possible to end global military budgets of vast scale if rational adults signed on together to do so reciprocating security for all nations. If  the U.S., China, Russia and the E.U. got aboard that wouldn't be difficult.

One wonders how people can be so daft as they are regarding politics.


Another Guess about Gravity Particles

There are so many theories about what gravity actually is that I thought I would update my guesses about it. Modified Newtonian Gravity and extra-dimensional theories are interesting of course as are dark matter and energy ideas. Since gravity attracts mass together in some way (Einstein noticed that it acted as if it curved space) the explanation that there is some kind of particle-force interaction is good.

One might like to regard gravity as a god particle that likes all other mass (if it is without sin of being antipathetic in some reprehensible way), yet being without the kind of insight required to make a declarative affirmation of that I will consider other ideas. I can use these later as notes to myself.

One might guess that molecular clumps, or even atomic clumps of mass in various configs are not a minimal condition for the attraction of mass. One then would need to find some kind of a particle that appears in a certain level of mass that produces gravity particles.

If gravity is a singular item as a particle that attaches itself to mass and yet anchors itself within an aspect of a given clump of mass such as an atom, then there would need to be some kind of a force that binds gravity to the host mass in order to attract other mass.

Gravity is known to act at the speed of light and so has a limit. One might expect gravity to act upon energy too however- even upon light with very low mass, and it does appear too if observations of how light behaves transiting regions around black holes or galaxies with a lot of mass can be said to be more than the apparent localized curvature of space that light follows.

Maybe gravity is related to an exchange of standard particles in a given clump of mass through quantum uncertainty and super-positioning effects acting to tie them in to every possible field position including those of other mass. If particles from various steady state clumps of mass interact in a ghostly probabilistic way in proportion of numbers and effects to their respective mass then a minor force might develop amongst all mass drawing it together, with very light yet substantive concatenated force.

A discordant aspect of that it that super-positioning generally is regarding as occurring faster than light- instantaneous all over the Universe…a phenomena that if so could itself wreak havoc upon ideas of space-time presentness and yet seem to support Universal real time too, without a past or future.

Maybe quantum entanglement over great distances acts faster than the speed of light and it is just mass that is limited to travelling at light speed theoretically, or at least energy might, so gravity itself simply appears limited to light speed when it actually isn’t.

It there were two flat universes equal in mass and scale spaced an infinity minus 1 distance apart and they began to entangle virtual particles and draw each other together, the speed at some point might actually surpass light speed, or more than two times light speed, and move toward infinite speed increase before collision. It could be that the limit of light speed is relevant to the field components of mass and energy of each universe and not to the empty space between Universes. Nothing exists to slow their acceleration. Another Universe could seem like dark energy acting on another Universe,

That idea about future events actually being something more than the eternal now that is and becomes what it is always changing yet forever being itself is interesting, yet gravity as a particle that is a consequence of quantum entanglement seems reasonable even though it occurs at light speed.

I suppose another approach would be to guess that mass stores or interacts with energy, or dark energy, stored in virtual particles of an unknown field attracting all mass within space-time of its light speed emissions. More guesses about that another time.

That was it for now.


Next Gen Radicalism at Berkeley Isn't What it Used to Be

UC Berkeley is a kind of godfather of American radicalism that has been a reliable developer of radical left-leaning social movements for generations. Recently their production of radical causes has been jejune lacking a Lebron James of ecological economic reform to return radicalism to greatness.

Ecological economics within a free enterprise, selectively regulated and screened for no damage to the environment, with points given for benefiting the ecosystem, should be the new area of radicalism bringing youth to some creative synthesis with political leadership. Instead of the entry of the dragon of ecological economics into the left-leaning political scene there is a silent spring wherein the left dance around with androgynous terminology and leftist attachments to corporatism; the shining city on a hill in Silicon Valley with neo-simpatico village shelter in Hindu land and Shang-droid cities abroad. 

A radical American scholar residing in Berkeley might consider what criteria free enterprise should have as loops to clear before starting a business in the U.S.A. Free enterprise, free thinkers; free radicals are the single best way to b ring new ideas to the marketplace of ideas. Sure, with selective screening that eliminates fatuous eco-damaging start-ups there is a need for compensation in the form of guaranteed minimum income and Medicare Plan B for free to Americans over the age of 40 when they might need it with care for pregnant women reaching to 18.


Marxism still infects the thought of the formerly radical left. It is obsolete and demonstrably represses free and creative radical thought. F.D.R. showed the way to overcome too much concentration of wealth with a progressive tax plan for the highest bracket at 90% tax. F.D.R.s method brought American prosperity for several generations without much increase of public debt. Public debt began with too much long-term cutting of taxes, and that too is a problem new Berkeley radicals could address. They would need to lose the Marxist rhetoric though and apply the remedy to a comprehensive reform of free enterprise within ecological economic parameters. Free enterprise is the best economic tool in existence; one merely need learn how to direct it with proper regulation.

Race, gender and perversion political features cannot substitute for fundamental economic change to an ecologically rational paradigm. If Marxism had prevailed before the industrial revolution, the industrial revolution never would have happened. Ordinary average people have little capacity for invention or creative adaptation. Ordinary people in a communist setting would fear and repress economic change as enemy of the state activity.

Average people may have sharp tongues, and may be good workers yet they are not inventors necessary for technical progress. Communism stagnates, and corporatism does as well, in its own way, though it is more liberal concerning inventions that it expropriates for shareholders benefit.

Ecological economic would cap the amount as a percent of national wealth an individual could own in order to keep democracy alive, and would screen business for efficiency concerning reversing harm to the world ecosphere including oceans, air and land. With solid business requirements directed ecological economic synthesis could proceed with the vigor unlimited and irrationally applied capitalism does.

Radical activism to put women, non-whites, homos and foreigners in place of white men is understandable. As radical action it is generally limited to reinforcing the established economic order.

Nubes want a chance to be swells in the unsustainable, ecosphere destroying system inertially continuing since mankind learned to cut down trees. Necessary radical is for adaptation of free enterprise to ecological economic principle for continuity of human life on Earth.

A small minority of world population is regarded as first world*. Encouraging the rest (maybe 7 billion) to join in an unsustainable economic method that will advance ecosphere decline even with new technology is a drunken sailor's methodology.

The world Earth has several human disasters approaching methodically as a consequence of the lifestyle of modern economics and demographic impacts on the ecosystem. What rational captain, given two possible courses to a destination that would deliver one to port at the same approximate time would choose the one with a hurricane in its path? Without course correction toward ecological economics presently avoidable disasters may be in the future of humanity.


Racist Marxists Don't View Sanders or Biden Favorably?

 I hadn't listened to Radio Pacifica in some decades. They are still out there as something more like Soviet era radio All-Union or whatever (https://www.radio.net/s/101ruussr). One thing that is certain is that they don't support free enterprise reform with a focus on ecological economics so much as socialism. In the current 2020 race they seem to cover fringe and extremist movements and like the Democrat Party establishment are of more benefit to Wall Street than the people. 

They do bring out some useful points of politics one won't discover elsewhere. As a Berkeley centered five-station network they are best buddies of the far left, or what in former ages was thought of as the far left, and still are by those without any sense of the need to reform Democracy and free enterprise to fit in with ecological economic criteria for Earthly sustainability.


One of the concepts I learned about was post-Soviet Marxism applied for black racist organization. Marxism as envisioned by the founder was supposed to be an economic class oriented item to oppose the concentration of wealth and establish a more just and peaceful society (a more verdant world would need to wait for N.P.R.) with social rights and earnings divvied up more or less equally. Racist Marxism is in complete contradiction to that; it is based on a premise that genocide is occurring in the United States right now with blacks being the victims. Terms like class consciousness and petty bourgeois are still used, though applied to races such as white people versus black, and poor blacks versus middle class blacks such as voted recently for Vice President Biden in the Super Tuesday elections.

The problem of petty bourgeois blacks and loyal followers voting for Joe Biden Tuesday was a travesty for the Marxist racist movement. Bernie Sanders as a declared socialist has the trouble of being an old white man and therefore seeming somewhat untrustworthy to black extremists. Joe Biden's appeal as a former pupil-stabilizer of Barrack Obama's administration is his prior interaction with the black community engendering an element of trustworthiness

Dividing the electorate along racial lines is just one help for concentrating wealth globally. A divided electorate has just splinter cell ideas about redistributing from one race to another. Marxism is really quite obsolete in its application for racism, and racism is obsolete to those seeking economic justice for all classes and races of people comprising one electorate. 

LatinX people (gender neutered) are a little more favorably disposed to Bernie Sanders.

The United States in its foundation had basic egalitarian lines with most people being independent and self-providing giving thanks to God for the bounty of the land. It was a very progressive foundation allowing free enterprise and trusting in God to lead people to a better union. People of the world then and now are fundamentally racist though the racism may be suppressed. With good reason though people overcome their racist tendencies and recognize basic economic liberties as Universal rights and desired forms for business. Free enterprise adapted to any era is the best way forward for creative and energetic people. Human rights that are equally devised and applied are necessary for free enterprise universally expressed.

For some white Joe Biden's familiarity since his silly 1988 Presidential campaign has not brought expectations of change. Instead it makes people believe that the bottom of the barrel has risen to the top through sheer persistence in the desire for political power and wealth to better himself personally. No one knows of anything significant Joe Biden has done as a Senator or Vice President that is memorable or leading. They remember his gaffs and prevarications on the campaign trail.

Intelligent voters would like chance to vote for an actual ecological economic leader who would reform free enterprise with good regulations and little public expense. Some seek medical care for all including retirees who even if poor would need to pay $200 appx. for doctor visits for plan B. In effect the elderly are denied any medical care in retirement unless they pay as much a month as working youth who were poor paid monthly for Obamacare. Plainly the retiree and general medical provisioning structure should be reformed in order to prevent the 'genocide' in old age that Marxist-racists may be concerned about.

If one has spent a lifetime in prison or had trouble getting jobs because of social exclusion or racist attitudes on-the-job then one may get so little social security retirement that paying $200 monthly for plan B isn't possible. Maybe that should change, and Bernie Sanders could address the particular problem if he chose to.

Senator Biden is trusted as a Corporatist tool that will help Wall Street concentrate wealth and reinstall corruption as usual. Donald Trump is hated for being white and rich. He is also harmful to the environment and has no concept of what ecological economics is. It is an interesting menu this year presently with three possible candidates for the 2020 Presidential election mentioned already. Restoring a higher progressive tax on the rich should be in the cards for either Democrat candidate yet just one is considered trustworthy to try to get that done. Republicans will of course resist as much as some sanity-challenged individual being dragged off a Greyhound bus by some local policy department on the road. Some will choose not to vote as a reasonable option. The U.S. public debt has no vote, and neither does the atmospheric and oceanic conditions; they all increase negatively for themselves.


Covid 19 and 6 Degrees of Separation

Following reports of Covid 19 in the pacific Northwest recently one infers easily that the virus arrived at Seatac airport and generated a cluster in the Seattle are before travelling down to Portland, where a small cluster formed, then travelling east down the Interstate to Umatilla Oregon. One might guess that its next stop on the way could be Salt Lake City.


The problem in containing the virus seems to be that it takes a couple of weeks for symptoms to appear after infection, and during that time the carrier can give others the disease.  With a few clusters in California already it is not unlikely that the nature of U.S. travel and transcontinental points of contact will deliver the virus to much of the country, although perhaps not with anything like the clustering density of China and Wuhan province where people live more close together in numbers and travel less than the west.

Maybe Mexicans considering crossing the border illegally will want to think about the idea of getting Covid 19 in the U.S.A. and taking it back to their medically challenged country. The Mexican heat is a fair defense yet the lack of good medical treatment may neutralize that a bit.

Soon I would guess a national appearance and clustering chart with appropriate vectors will become commonplace in the mainstream media. Then one will want to stay tuned for a good chunk of one's lifetime-maybe a year or two, listening to talking heads with a broadcast product better than impeachment. Maybe the inauguration ceremony in 2021 will be banned because of the crowd density, and Congress can appear in surgical masks. If that occurs it would be quite a show.


What About Terraforming Venus?

The atmosphere of Venus is mostly made of CO2; about 96%. Nitrogen comprises about 3.5% with traces of other gasses such as sulphur dioxide and water vapor. The Venusian atmosphere is 90 times heavier than Earth's. If N.A.S.A. were to prioritize developing technology to convert the CO2 of Venus into oxygen and perhaps coal it might be a practical way to find solutions for Earth's atmospheric surplus of CO2 and terraform Venus at the same time.



converting CO2 into energy


single catalyst splits CO2 into CO and O2

Venus is also quite hot. Its greenhouse gas and location a little closer to the sun have made its surface temperature more than 700 degrees fahrenheit. If the temperature can be reduced somewhat is could be possible for botanists to generate some form of exothermal planet that could thrive on Venus and also help convert CO2 into oxygen.

Some people would like to build a floating cloud-town 31 miles above Venus where the temperature would be cooler. Venus is closer to Earth than mars and getting there is easier. Yet converting the CO2 to oxygen and other materials would be a good project for drone and mechanical technology with an oxygenated atmosphere and extremal exothermal engineered plants bringing the entire surface of the world to one more useful for humanity down the road. Venus has more resources than CO2 after all.

If one insisted upon a float on the clouds approach, one might consider covering the planet with floating solar reflecting plates to cool the atmosphere a little. The floats might be used to convert CO2 to oxygen and whatever else-perhaps carbon monoxide and/or coal, and then shape to carbon into gliders to land at some particular place on the planet instead of being scattered all over.

Mars is still a good colony location for people living underground and under glass above. A moon base can serve developments on both worlds and additional planetary locales beyond

https://www.newscientist.com/article/2134206-extreme-plants-thrive-at-72c-in-new-zealands-hot-volcanic-soil/  exothermal plants

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...