
Sagittarius A (the poem)


  A left right meandering
dialectical stream
flowing over banks
racing up shores
precipitous falls
fissile material cliches
hydrogen atoms
heavily watered
deuterium dreams
lost memories of deutero-Isaiah
circling design loops to inventions
the leader’s deuteragonists
increment with everyone cast aside

  Pressurized flying like fish
forgotten works of conventional wisdom
collected conventional weapons
persuasive narrations poise
profitless peace
exploding hearts
streaming lives with incineration
land lives matter more
torn apart episodic egression
night and day rotisseries
upside down maps
orienting toward Sagittarius A.

Democrats Say Republicans are Extremists

 Before I consider Pres. Joe Biden’s promotion in May of June to Gay National Nuclear Incineration Gam!bling!bling! Month and the prospect for incineration of most of civilization of the Northern Hemisphere making short selling the hemisphere and investing in South American and African futures worth the risk (If one flips the usual picture of the Earth, Terra del Fuego is the key point of departure to Valhalla formerly known as Antarctica and the Arctic Ocean is scientifically recognized as Earth’s a-hole), I will comment on my disappointment with Minion Radio’s reporting on the war in Sudan in regard to the RSV. Democrats say Republicans are extremists and that making America great again is dangerous because it was wicked rather than great before. I had pneumonia before and that wasn’t great. Not even the plastic hippie Von Biden administration retrovirus censorship mileau corrected that.

Long ago in the winter of 2010-2011 I contracted what I believed was pneumonia staying at a homeless shelter in Anchorage in December. I should have spent all of the winter in a tent and skipped getting what might have been pneumonia. Being broke with no cash to launder clothes and without clean socks I made the mistake of sharing floor space among several people with frostbite whom perhaps hadn’t clean socks or gloves either. So I left after Christmas and returned to a tent, killed my gut biome drinking ice-water for months, put on weight and clogged my lungs.

A couple of years passed before the lung clogging decreased appreciably and perhaps five years before I could recover 60 or 70 percent of capacity. After that it improved about 5% a year. Today after twelve years I have about 95% lung capacity compared to before. Maybe it gets better 1% annually. Residual stickiness in the airway made morning phlegmatic coughing a never ending new normal. So I wonder about what it really was; RSV? Listening to Minion Radio (aka NPR) concerning Sudan (it’s the only station I get at a roadless region in a borough in S.E. Alaska) I learned that the Rapid Support Forces were attacking RSV.

The federal government issued an ineffective vaccine approval against Republican Strangulation Virus during National Asian Political Activist Cookie Month (May). Hikaru Nakamura is the World Fischer Random Chess Champion and I thought his contribution to Asian-American advance was nearly as significant as that of Activist Cookies yet he wasn’t mentioned in the headlines. If Nakamura could bake and jiggle activist cookies while winning Chess 960 tournaments maybe he would get an honorable mention next May. If the Rapid Support Forces can defeat the RSV I will breathe easy once again and maybe begin a career as a Wal-Mart door greeter provided I get college financing to attend Door Greeter College. If that doesn’t work out I may enroll in the Democrat party’s free on-line course ‘Ending the Cold War; How to Make a Sow’s Ear from a Silk Purse’.

Rapid Support Forces bring hope to everyone suffering from RSV or listening to Minion Radio learning of the wonderful economy destroying the ecosphere with immigrant workers making it grow because there isn’t an affordable alternative. That reminds me of the 2024 Presidential campaign, Joe Biden does have a wealth of convincing campaign slogan material available; “Re-elect me! I have raised the debt ceiling higher than at any time in U.S. history and will do it again! Or; Re-elect me in 2024! You ain’t seen nothin yet! I will keep nuclear war to a bare minimum needed to bring the Democrat party way of life liberating all the Earth! Just a continent or three will be out of order for a brief period, and that’s all good!”

A compromise was reached to raise the debt ceiling for a couple of years in exchange for terminating enough I.R.S. workers to let the rich get away with clever tax dodges (this is a non-partisan, anti-bigot provision including rich Democrats). After two years of Joe Biden in office I guess it’s easy to discern Democrat Party patterns of governance if one sorts through dregs at the bottom of offal piles on the Plain of Mars.

I have pointed out that Democrats talk a good environmental game, and an increase taxes on the rich game, when they haven’t the political position to actually get either thing done. When they have the power they find some way to avoid it and blame Republicans or Sen. Joe Manchin. Manchin took the hit from his party for blocking the minimalist Von Biden environmental plan to pretend to fix global warming. Joe Biden of course would say that what passed was part of his greatest environmental work of any U.S. administration ever. Joe Manchin was recently rewarded with construction of a gas pipeline to North Carolina that environmentalists hate. That might have been pay back for taking the hit on the environmental bill. Even if the goes from Virginia rather than West Virginia and Sen. Manchin didn’t get a kickback for doing the dirty work, President Von Biden still looks rather lame environmentally speaking after SCOTUS decided to let property owners fill in wetlands that aren’t directly connected to a big body of water. There are too many frogs and amphibians in wetlands as it is that creep into chemical lawn treated spaces leaving unsightly corpses.

Democrats are quite upset that the daycare and diapers for Democrats environmental bill didn’t pass unscathed. Without a federal debt limit they could have funded special made-in-America diapers built by union workers that have the logo reading Republicans are Extremists printed around the exit strategy for public debt on every patriotic baby’s bottom; the primary job for Democrat politicians is to assure their wealth and re-election so one cannot begin indoctrinating the masses too soon. Democrats don’t understand that modern war isn’t a legal case in a courtroom; nature is not a courtroom. Neither is evolution a court; it is more like a roulette wheel that favors the bold, rational or lucky with no regard for legal opinions, claims or precedent. History, nature and international relations require cold, rational logic and understanding rather than belligerents in an adversarial system of justice refereed by an independent judiciary if one wishes to avoid nuclear conflict.

In war strategy the President has decided that Russians will not use tactical nuclear weapons to defend against the approaching Ukrainian offensive. He has gambled the future of the United States and suggested that Russian can have peace if they surrender what is regarded now as Western Russia and Crimea to Ukraine. With the legacy of Bill Clinton and British Thermonuclear Unit advantage over Russia the administration’s gamble that Russia can be defeated with conventional weapons and Ukrainian casualties is proceeding toward the penultimate denouement in the exciting series’ second season.

What is the logic for use of battlefield nukes anyway? The only precedent; a legal precedent I suppose, set by the Democrat President Harry S. Truman is that nuking Nagasaki and Hiroshima spare the U.S.A. a quarter of a million combat casualties. That was the number of dead Americans believed to have been the price for invading Japan to root out the Evil Emperor and his minion loyalist extremists. So President Putin might need to decide after careful calculations if he would save at least two hundred thousand Russian lives if he nukes Ukraine instead of fighting with Wagner troops or conscripts from the regular Army of Russia. I would guess the calculation is close to reaching the point of Truman validation. Those legal calculations are difficult and need be worked by a good lawyer to assure rule of law is adequately applied.

With so many of Russia’s leaders charged with war crimes and one-way sanctions applied to that belligerent nation, and the prospect of war crimes trial in the Hague given to President Put-in, one might reasonably expect the Russian leader to use fifty battlefield nukes in Ukraine in response to the Ukraine offensive; at an early stage rather than later in order to conserve his remaining conventional forces for recovery of and land taken by Ukrainian soldiers and to help defend against a possible U.S. military response in Russia to the nuclear escalation.

The Von Biden administration pursues its narrative in Ukraine against Russia with the same no-negotiating stance it did in the budget negotiation. Not until Democrats encountered existential limits would they negotiate. In the case of Ukraine that probably means when the first existential challenge mile or kilometer marker presents; perhaps battlefield nuclear weapons to Von Biden Democrats, the President may decide to negotiate an in-place end of conflict.

During the Cold War era the Mutually Assured Destruction policy precluded nuclear war. The Biden administration has apparently failed to see that tactical nuclear weapons can be used in Ukraine without MAD policy being invoked; for President Von Biden would need to choose to escalate with nuclear attacks on Russia and that would lead to invocation of MAD policy. U.S. nuclear attacks on Russia are likely to lead to Russian attacks on the United States and though the damage might initially be limited it is probable that fairly soon the entire nations of Russia and the U.S.A. would be engulfed in holocaust.

Pressuring Russia to deploy the first use of nuclear weapons since that of the United States in Japan in 1945 seems rather crazy or mad. If President Biden wasn’t a Democrat with inherently irrational party blinders about his brain that regard non-conformance to his party’s world view as extremist, one might hope he would comprehend the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine isn’t more unthinkable to Vladimir Putin than it was to Harry Truman. One might hope that after the use of nukes President Biden he would decide not to escalate and would seek peace. He is a Democrat though; the party of slavery and human trafficking illegal alien workers, of World War Two, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Syrian Civil War etc. The party where the U.S. can have as much public debt as that of the rest of the world combined and it wouldn’t ever matter as Democrat politicians need only be concerned with being re-elected.

Is the United States more secure if it helps build a super-Europe regardless of it sporting a neo-Nazi revival or not? The minimum collateral or derivative consequent of Von Biden policy is that Europe can become a rival to rule the world competing with China and the United States while Russia sort of watches from the middle.

Even if the King of England doesn’t elevate the Youth Knighthood States to peer status in a recrudescent British Empire sufficient excitement will develop that a season 5 or 6 of Democrat Party Presidents and the world of war may be created. One must wait until 2025 before Mass Effect 4 is released. If Northern hemisphere civilizations still exists after the Von Biden administration, and meek non-nuclear nations of the world haven’t yet inherited the Earth, a new world of war episodes might be good viewing for those that like Call of Duty and that sort of thing.


Last word on the Lakers 2023 Season

 The Lakers had an amazing end of season run following a wonderful trade that brought several good players to L.A. It seems that they lacked a solid center for the Western Conference final when they ran into a superstar center (Nikola Jokic) for the Nuggets. In the championship bubble season the Lakers still had Dwight Howard whom had been one on the leagues best rebounders and defensive players at the position that became the Laker’s Achilles heel easily exploited by the Nuggets.

James is nearing forty yet he still scored 40 points in game four. He would have needed to score 60 points for the Lakers to win; in each game. Anthony Davis is a hybrid player who goes well against teams without a strong star center. He isn’t a corner shooter and driving forward like Rick Barry or Larry Bird, and isn’t a good enough shooter as a forward to play the position like they, Magic Johnson or Julius Erving did. Neither is he solid, durable or tall enough to play the center role like Shaq, Wilt or Kareem when running into a Jokic. Davis can put the ball in the hoop inside and out against the majority of teams. If Davis played just one forward position for the Lakers his value could be optimized. If the Lakers can keep Lebron around for 30 off the bench now and then, retain four of the present guards, as well as Vanderbilt and Gabriel, and find that strong, tall center defender and rebounder able to fill the gap in the key they might be able to make it to the N.B.A. finals next year.

If the Lakers haven’t good draft choices maybe they should go to Africa, Eastern Europe and South America to advertise for guys that meet the physical attributes required for center and give them an audition. Training some non-basketball player to rebound and play tenacious defense even if they haven’t the shooting skills of Davis, Kareem, Lebron, Magic or Julius might be enough to win in 2024. After that it is likely the Nuggets and San Antonio will be fighting for the top spot from the west.

A Generation After Ending School Swats; Enter the Dragon of Mass Shootings

 Corporal punishment in American schools mostly ended in the 1980s I believe it was. Before the rise of the new permissive education ecosystem there were few or no school shooting and zero mass shootings in schools. That makes me wonder if there is some positive correlation; spare the rod and spoil the child as it were.

Some schools have taken to placing police-persons in schools with guns to watch over students. It occurs to me that something is missing in the logic of educators that would use what is fundamentally an adult corrections process to correct juvenile misbehavior. As has been noted ad nauseam the brains of kids don’t fully form until about age 23. Kids will make mistakes and test the limits of their existential experience. It is like putting a hand on a hot stove when young and learning not to repeat the process with it’s implicit correction. A swat with something like a cricket bat until 9th grade for substantive misbehavior would provide some humility and knowledge for students lacking discipline at home or at school. Maybe putting corporal punishment back into public schools should be considered.

It has been reported that the U.S. education system is presently dominated by females. It has also taken a turn toward associationist psychology and epistemological subjectivism. Maybe that’s a good environment for females yet less so for male educators and students alike. One wonders if the permissive, feminist environment of schools (if that is what it is) has driven some male students to seek fraternity in gangs. I wonder if networking bullies that led to the mass shooting in Uvalde Texas might have been corrected with the presence of corporal punishment. When there is not corporal punishment correcting networking bullies all contributing a piece of abuse on a single target cannot easily be corrected since individually the members of the network are not responsible individually for much of the load of abuse, unlike the victim whom must individually use a high degree of violence to apply some to each member of the network of abuse.

I wonder if feminization of schools has led not only to increase the extra-curricular increase of gangs. Maybe the Sandy Hook shooter in a prosperous home responded to the absence of a father in the home and lack of a fraternal environment in schools by looking inward and becoming isolated with drugs and violent music and gangs his replacement. Of course that led to a bad end. Expecting juvenile corrections systems or incarceration to effectively discipline and correct male students from fatherless homes and non-fraternal school environments without male role models in education seems unreasonable. Wasn’t the Aurora Colorado shooter also acting out a fantasy role model exploring the existential limits of an aneomic environment without the reality check of corporal punishment?

It probably isn’t a good idea to rely on guns of police persons in schools to be the first step of correction for juveniles forced by law to be regimented grade in desks and classrooms until completing the 8th grade. Maybe swatting some juvenile offender isn’t an ideal way to train youth, yet it may be better than the presence of armed police persons beginning a life experience for Americans of Big Brother with the menace of death in a holster waiting outside the classroom door. Adult corrections should be for adults while corrections of misbehavior for juveniles in school should be less than that of a criminal system reply whenever reasonable.

New Military Units and War Crimes

 When the Soviet Union ended so perhaps did Army unit continuity. The Soviet war in Afghanistan occurred in the 1980s and its veterans are long gone. When the new Russia emerged in the aftermath of the dissolution of the evil empire it may have needed to reform its armed forces from scratch.

Of course New Russia or Russia v. 2.0 may have enlisted some veterans from the evil empire. There was quite a large gap between 1991 and 2013 though. It is likely that the percentage of non-commissioned officers and officers with combat experience dropped quite low since Russia was not involved in nearly the scale of combat operations as the United States during that time. Russia did have the Chechen conflict and some other internal or proximal skirmishes yet not of a scale that would create a vastly combat experienced military. Russian special forces gained much experience yet perhaps not more than private military contractors like the Wagner Group.

I mention the above because of a reflection upon the trouble the Russian Army has had in its Ukraine operation. A military historian named Van Creeveld wrote a book of some title I don’t recall that examined several aspects of military composition and performance. He pointed out that armies without solid unit histories; like irregular and guerrilla units tend to have far more war crimes than regular armies with lengthy unit history. I suppose it is the lack of experience and lack of discipline and order that leads to disorder in job performance. The Russian Army may have had about as much combat experience among its NCOs and Officers as a U.S. National Guard unit had during the Vietnam War; none. They may have performed about as well as its officers and NCOs simply lacked the field experience useful for competent and effective military maneuvers, troop allocations etc. During the Vietnam War the Pentagon formed a new Army Division named the Americal Division that had the lack of unit history of a new unit. It also had more than its share of war crimes, including massacre at Mi Lai. It was made up of draftees, NCOs and officers transferred from other units.

On the other hand, the Ukraine military has been provided with a vast amount of donated military experience of American advisers that have been involved in more than two decades of nearly continuous military conflicts. They have fine tuned their use of military technology and HUMINT and can design offensives for the Ukraine Army to go along with all of the fine weapons paid for by adding public debt to Americans and Europeans.

The Russian Army is gaining very hard won combat experience in Ukraine that will likely inform future combat operations should they arise. Its cadre will develop the knowledge of U.S. veterans. Probably its military discipline will increase even if the political wisdom of politicians in many nations does not.

Russia changed from the old Soviet military models to something of a volunteer Army of smaller numbers with higher quality like that of the U.S. military in the first part of the millennium. It’s special forces and the Wagner Group gained experience in Syria yet the Army was not broadly involved. In my opinion the U.S. military control from the civilian sector and general leadership has learned to minimize casualties in a number of ways while yet conducting military operations while Russian leadership has not. Wars of course are best not started in the first place, yet U.S. leadership of the Democrat Party has learned to let others fight there battles for them where possible and to use the most high-tech and expensive weapons they can obtain to fight them with. Russia has used very costly hypersonic gliders and found they can be shot down with Patriot missiles, and the U.S. is developing hyper-sonic cruise missiles I believe it, so nuclear weapons can be delivered within minutes instead of an hour for targets less than a thousand miles away.

I am not sure what experience will be helpful for constructive use of the very destructive weapons when they are effectively used. Neither am I sure of how to get intelligent leadership inn the White House that could restore full normal relations with Russia and the U.S.A. In my opinion the latter would be a better investment of effort than the former.

President Joe's Special Rule of Law-Ukraine

 I was trying to figure out the logical paradigmata the Biden administration has repeatedly invoked in support of the pretense that they are defending the rule of law by supporting the Ukrainian war with Russia. To my knowledge there was no rule of law involved with the formation of Ukraine from a Soviet political entity following the end of the Soviet Union. Changing government and economic system entirely usually requires direct use of force rather than legal proceedings. Boris Yeltsin had no legal authority to make nations of Soviet political units; he was not the Emperor, and neither was Bill Clinton. I believe Joe Biden wants the Stalinist Soviet state boundaries that existed until 1991 for Ukraine in preference to the restoration of Russian boundaries that existed until Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolshevik Red Army took over the country in 1917.

Law is nothing more than an external formalization of power. Rule of law means rule of power. Usurping power from the demos to elites and elite military backed new rulers is what transpired in the case of the nascent Russian revival when the Clinton-Yeltsin axis filched Ukraine toward the N.A.T.O. side of things. Now the main hegemon; Joe Biden, is using that military power to consolidate Democrat Party lawyer-presidential rule decretals he says are law for Russia, Ukraine and for governing boundary disputes among nations..

Laws do not exist for-themselves. Laws do not exist without the people that made them. Rule of Law from the mouth of Joe Biden means rule of the lawyer that was a law maker in the U.S. Senate before executing law. That suit him as president. Joe Biden has in effect a petrified brain viewing himself as the law in-itself.

Rule of Law to Joe Biden does not mean rule of the laws of God. Democrats often break the laws of God as expressed in the Christian Bible inclusive of the Pentateuch. They kill, they do not love God enough to obey His laws, they are adulterers, abortionists, homosexuals and thieves, etc. The rule of law Joe Biden respects and regards as sovereign for the globe are realistically those of the U.S. Democrat Party. Democrats are intolerant of political pluralism or laws not in lockstep with laws they approve of. Democrats may not have forced the world into conformity with their concept of Democracy yet they are trying to get that done.

The Soviet Union ended mostly voluntarily without violence or blood beside a minor fray at the White House (where the Soviet Congress was located) that Boris Yeltsin defeated with a few tank shells. In that regard the ending of the Soviet Union was something of a miracle unparalleled in world history. Some communists dissented with the end of their era. Democrat Party politicians of course were Johnny carpet-baggers on the spot exploiting the situation with the impending vacuum of political and legal power. It goes without saying that U.S. President Bill Clinton had absolutely no legal or moral authority to be involved in negotiating any sort of post Soviet political structure; he didn’t reside in Europe and wasn’t formerly a dual passport holder of the Soviet Union.

Normally nations have formed around tribes or associated tribes that expanded and passed through various social structures of increasing organization levels until they become nations with non-local leadership. Sometimes that leadership is royal or authoritarian, rarely is it democratic and there are several additional forms of political leadership. Sometimes tribes kill their former rulers and ruling class. That occurred in Cahokia and was attempted in the Haitian revolution. The Soviet revolutionaries killed off several members of the former Romanov dynasty in the House of Special Purpose in Yekaterinburg Russia; a tourist site in Boris Yeltsin’s home town.

The non-violent transition from Russia was historically very special and should have been respected rather than exploited by the west. Russian national land should have been fully restored when the Soviet Union died.

Soviet Communist revolutionaries stole Russia in transforming it into the Soviet Union. Normally when property is stolen and recovered through whatever means it is returned to the former owner. When the Soviet Union ended the former Russian borders should have been allowed to emerge from the seventy years of suppression. If a nation had a popular vote and decided to end its existence and join some other entity that would at least be a Democratic procedure. If Mexico petitioned the United States to become a U.S. state and the U.S. Congress voted to accept it that would be a legal process according to U.S. and Mexican law. There would be no international legal convention concerning the process though; it is a process of reason and popular will for two governments to become one as it was in the several European states to form closer political bonds and become the European Union. Russians were never given that opportunity- that is to determine their own destiny in regard to Ukraine that was part of Russian before the Soviet revolution. A tiny minority of one continuing from the Soviet Union (Boris Yeltsin) chose under the influence of Bill Clinton it appears to have disposed of the former Soviet Union land as he saw fit. He ended the Soviet Union and formed the C.I.S. or Community of Independent States as would an Emperor informed by the power of the U.S. President leader of N.A.T.O. with a full and ready war machine poised at his temporarily powerless paper government entity in case he chose another path (such as restoring Russia fully). Boris Yeltsin negotiated with the west with a gun at his head; that was the rule of law that President Biden touts as a great legal and moral principle upon which Western civilization rests.

It is doubtful that Boris Yeltsin had a moral or legal right to dismember historical Russia and render parts of it independent. Neither did he have the legal authority to give independence to the land where the Brooklyn bridge reaches shore. A sober legal mind would have been mindful that popular will and historical circumstance operating in the political ecosystem of Earth makes national boundaries a matter of military power balances. If one wants to have a peaceful society it is necessary to comprehend and respect those international balances rather than to regard them as following legal fictions. The pretense that rule of law precedes rule of reason and historical facts and justice for adjudicating national boundary disputes is specious. Law is a national concern. International law is nothing more than legal comity or cooperation among friendly nations to enforce similar legal paradigms.

The United States and most nations will not enforce laws of other nations they hold to be unjust. Returning escaped slaves from northern states by force was so disagreeable to the north that it was rejected as law and became one of the proximal causes for the U.S. civil war. There was no natural right for Bill Clinton or Boris Yeltsin to give up Russian land as there was a reasonable paradigm for restoration of former East Block nations to a fully independent status. Baltic states for instance that were not part of historical Russia had an inherent right to return to there pre-Soviet status so far as was realistically possible. Russia shared that right.

Democrat Party politicians have consistently claimed to be enforcers of the rule of law in supplying countless billions of dollars of advanced military weapons to Ukraine when what they have actually accomplished is the rule of lawyers that are Democrat party Presidents asserting their will to power. Instead of peace they chose sufficiently corrupt policies to compel war in Ukraine. Piling up vast public debt in the U.S.A. they risk the security of the nation in escalating a military crisis that brings the world to the brink of nuclear conflict quiescent since 1945.

Russia should never have been placed in the situation of being required to fight with Ukrainians and the west as if it was one of two pit bulls in a dog fight for spectators. There was an are numerous ways to peaceful and directly end the conflict and begin to restore normal relationships in business and ecospheric world recovery from innumerable continuing insults. When a vacuum of power occurs of a unique historical nature simply restoring boundaries of what existed before the Soviet takeover of Russia would have been the conservative step to take. There have been circumstances where international powers have decreed international boundaries or formed nations from what were possession of defeated former ruling powers. One of the most obvious examples is that of the Ottoman Empire.

When the Ottoman Empire lost the First World War the allied powers decided to make several nations in the Middle and Near East from it. England and France ruled large areas of it for a time as well; from Iraq to Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Saudi Arabia and Jordan were created yet the process was the consequence of military and political necessity for the victors to decide the fate of the former possessions of the defeated.

It is the case that most of the nations created in the Middle East did not exist before the First World War and that the people that lived there in the occupied class rather than that of the ruling class emerged from a time when they had lived repressed for centuries. People of the Middle East had not had an opportunity to live in the form of modern nation states nor with elected national government while the colonial power ruled.

Russia before the Soviet takeover was a well developed modern nation with strong national identity and borders including that of the Ukraine. The Soviets were like a ruling colonial power in Russia. Russia may not have been the most developed of nations in comparison to those smaller nations to the west, and it only eliminated serfdom about the time the U.S.A. ended slavery, yet it was not a completely undeveloped country. Russia had the malodorous institution of royal aristocracy of course, yet it also had a middle class and might have better developed a form of constitutional democracy with fetters and muzzles on the royals given time while the petty bourgeois prospered.

President Clinton made sure that Russians never had a choice about restoring their nation once the terrible oppressive weight of Soviet Communism was lifted. The ancient practice of war to retake their land was the sole remedy available in an international environment where Democrat Party presidents claimed that rule of law gave them the right to dismember Russia and defend the Ukraine, with the long view of joining it with N.A.T.O. and deploying advanced weapons systems on the Russian border to defend the law of force, force of law, or rule of force or law or whatever.

The Biden paradigm of meaning for rule of law means rule of force. It means more than that however. It means that in the future whenever any ruler can be co-opted by a strong international power or when a coup against a government can be orchestrated and an agreeable puppet put in place if he signs a paper with the international power to dissolve his nation and form several new ones as he deems fit the international power may invoke the rule of law precedent to intervene militarily. Stealing nations overnight and laundering their disposal through the rule of law gambit could become the norm for slick elite land grabs.

I believe a couple of additional points may be learned from the Biden and Democrat party lawyer-president history since 1992. One is the trust and betray nature of U.S. foreign policy. Instill the trust of America’s benevolent intentions in an adversary who drops their guard and is then betrayed by the U.S.A. at some future time. Trust and betray has several variations including enlisting allies who are discarded following use.

The other point is retro-causality. A concept invented by the physicist John Wheeler for use in cosmology applications, it also applies to U.S. foreign policy. The Reagan administration for example developed a good and even trusting relationship with Moscow concerning U.S. intentions, who let down their guard and moved toward capitalism, free enterprise and democracy passing through a period of power vacuum while abandoning Soviet communism. Later, due to Democrat lawyer Presidents of the U.S.A. the good work of the Reagan administration followed by the Bush I administration was betrayed thereby retroactively causing the trust phase to become a necessary part of the betrayal phase that was the emergent true policy of the United States Government.

The World of Super-Shocks (a poem)


Centered within space-time          paces          pry ultrified knocks
dimensions to believe in                places        some things are taught
eventual horizons                            face            surfaces of spheres   
shapes yet to come                        grace            formations of years
each star of the galaxy                    spaces          where galaxies go 
one thought to feel                          light              one thought to know
drawn to start                                races            called to beginnings
tempests and structures              case            beatings of hearts.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...