
The Evolution of Eve's Womb

Christians read in Genesis that Eve was made from a rib taken from Adam while he slept. That is a hint about how the womb evolved.

Consider that the womb and eggs couldn't be evolved separately or externally from 'Adam'. They needed to be fully functional from the start or humanity would not be able to reproduce. The womb and egg reproductive 'unit had to be extracted completely functioning from the multi-cellular creature and continue working seamlessly. As an intact internally evolved unit that was removed from its Adam source that continued functioning sexual reproduction could occur rather than asexual.

The asexual reproductive male -female unit became sexual when the female egg and womb unit was removed, free floating and able to receive the sperm of any male unit. Eve's extraction and development from a substantial piece of Adam equivalent to a 'rib' let the species experiment through marriage adaptively for the best solutions to external challenges.

One wonders why God created mankind or even the Universe when He was perfect for-himself. A hint is given in Genesis when God said; 'it is not good that man should be alone'. God developed companionable sexual pluralism and directed mankind to 'be fruitful and multiply. Thus the species arose from a process a billion of years in the works. The appearance of mankind was pre-determined from the beginning or whenever God willed it to be so. God allowed contingent sentient (not omniscient) creatures to exist.

From existing in a more abstract and spiritual context in the mind of God though made from matter, Adam was put to sleep and the evolution of Eve necessarily from Adam followed. When Adam awakened with Eve in the garden of Eden perhaps hundreds of millions of years have passed and Adam and Eve arise as reborn creatures closer to the modern era circa 30,000 y.b.p.

In the garden Adam and Eve were a 'crop' tended by God. They were logically cast out of 'the garden' of the development league when they were fully grown and ready for prime time as human beings.


Plotinus, the One & a Multiverse of Broken Symmetries

God's Perfection and Mankind's Original Sin of Being Less Than Perfect

The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus developed the concept of the One (God) as the original perfect spiritual singularity in his collection of 54 tractates named the Enneads. Being absolutely perfect spirit with omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence the One had no need for anything else to be. Christians believe God is One yet with three persons-for-others.

Plotinus wondered why the absolutely perfect One would create anything else. Why would a perfect Spirit create anything less than Himself, less than One existing apart from the all-in-One monistic fact.

Plato and his realm of forms was the source of inspiration for Plotinus' ideas. Plotinus never really answered his own question about why the One would create anything. Plotinus described a logical paradigm wherein the One emanates ideas that become actual apart from the One (God). The realm of ideas emanated is known as the realm of forms that Plato described in The Republic, and the Intelligence directs the realm of forms. The Intelligence is comparable to the word or Logos whom is Jesus Christ and of whom the Disciple John wrote of in opening his gospel.

The realm of forms is a foundational realm of every possible configuration of being and of things that exist or will exist apart from the One. It might be comparable to an abstract mathematical field wherein every possible particle configuration that could occur in the Higgs field or elsewhere exists timelessly in thought stasis.

The world of actual forms is incomplete and partial; none that arise in material being have actual perfection; all are temporal and haven't omniscience, omnipotence or omnipresence. Mankind are actualized forms themselves. Maybe the Schrödinger wave-function collapsing super-positioned quantum state is a way to think about broken forms arising from the realm of forms. Symmetry breaking happens in the initial waveform collapse from possible perfect balance of quantum superposition. Subsequently a steady state realm of broken forms evolves through thermodynamic changes as God has destined.

In the Garden of Eden mankind was in a near perfect relation to the One within their innocence. It seems as if the Garden of Eden was non-temporal and likely spiritually founded. It is possible that Adam though made from dust was yet in a closer relation to pure spirit. The fall took Adam and Eve farther away from spiritual perfection and down into a purely material realm of broken forms that is the cosmos and Earth.

That brings me to the topic of salvation and mankind's need for relief from original sin. Mankind placed into the temporal material realm of broken forms has no way out; there isn't a way to directly return to the One. Jesus Christ; perfectly God and perfectly man, is the sole way for mankind unto the One.

God sees Jesus whom is perfection within the One and is of the One when he regards the saved whom have accepted the Lord as their personal savior. The elect saved through the grace of God through the Lord Jesus Christ receive eternal life that is the state of the One.

It is impossible for broken forms that are human beings, and for artificial intelligence, animals or stones to bring themselves unto the One. The abundant providence of the Lord and the grace of election makes that unnecessary. Imperfection as human beings is transformed through the perfect atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus and thence may the saved return closer unto the One.

That brings me to the topic of works versus grace. Works in-the-world could never result in perfection or perfect obedience to the will of God. The sole way to fully obey the will of God is to have faith in the Lord Jesus as one's savior.

There is one final point to raise in this essay; how could God create anything imperfect if he is perfection in-himself? The question seems comparable to a paradigm of how could the One whom is pure monism though being three persons create a plural realm of forms and broken forms?

Maybe the answer is that a multi-verse in an infinite number of forms is logically a manifestation of the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of God. Creating every possible good thing is a logical activity of omnipotence. The infinite creative power of infinite plural things in every possible state of being is a power of God. Like a fog that covers some regions of land and water and may increase or decrease the realm visible to others, the will, providence and grace of God makes some things known and knowable and others not so within realms for sentient beings in order to be consistent with his creative parameters. The temporal ekstasis of past, present and future is an example.

For God eternity is complete rather than incomplete as it appears to imperfect, incomplete beings existing in regions of his will for things actualized to be and become. Physicists too have speculated that matter already exists in past, present and future and it is human conscious movement along a ladder or route of time, space, mass and energy that is a spiritual journey appearing subjectively as outward or empirical change. It is a strange Universe in which humanity exists. God is good.


Two Health Comments

A comprehensive dental tool with artificial intelligence to drill and measure quantifying immediate tooth work such as enamel remaining, decay remaining, area requiring filling and so forth utilizing live imaging should be an interdisciplinary project that could be designed to increase dental services at low cost to the masses.

The device would be something like a boxer's mouth-guard vaguely, yet unlike it at all since it would have diamond micro drills and feedback sensors devices, filling measuring and packing devices and be controlled with artificial intelligence wired into some sort of live tooth imaging system.

With the most data and advanced technology that interdisciplinary designers can pack into the devices it might be possible to mass-produce dental correction (and cleaning) tools that could repair decayed teeth at very low cost.

With so much computer tech about a device that could repair teeth and cost less than $300 might let thousands of under-served villages get some basic tooth repair done, although probably not more advanced work such as extraction and root canals.

On another topic, low cost MR screening for the public would be a good brain health analysis tool for so many illnesses that may or may not affect the public from meth use, smoking, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, football and concussive head injuries etc. I wonder how many people would have a better idea of the actual state of health or not of their brain regarding area of loss, function and so forth and have an opportunity to act upon the information if they had a realistic idea about their own health status.

As it is with MR costs far to high for anyone besides the prosperous to consider casual MR health screening, very few use it comparatively and instead voodoo science at best lets people remain uniformed of their own health status. In theory diagnostic brain scanning should be as easy as blood pressure screening.

excerpt God, Cosmology, Nothingness (video 16 minutes)

Gary reads from his 2015 philosophy-theology-cosmology book. Voice over unrelated scenic images


Arguments 4 the Existence of God (video 2015)

Someone wondered about the covenant of works versus the covenant of redemption and where Jesus fits in; maybe the question is a categorical error, though it reminds me of Plotinus' query about why 'the One' or God would emanate or create anything to start with since He is perfect and one might infer that anything created would need to be less so. That is God transcends covenants-for-non-contingent beings, though He has stipulated them. Jesus is God and satisfies the covenant of works with the covenant of Grace-for-the-elect. Redemption is grace sine qua non. No one besides the Lord could satisfy the covenant of works, hence the covenant of Grace appeared with the Lord.

Widget excerpt - philosophical science fiction (videos)


Trump Rally and Social Media Protest Organizing

Presidential candidate Donald Trump has experienced flash mob protest phenomena that is I suppose an inevitable outgrowth of the Twitter and Facebook social media mass organizational protest coordination of recent years. Special interest protest groups can plan disruptions at any targeted political meeting and get news coverage. Rival candidates will then exploit the action and blame the candidate for being victimized by political special interest attacks.

Chicago and St. Louis each had substantive crowd protests at Trump rallies. St. Louis has enjoyed a year of protests following the police shooting of a black giant youth walking in the middle of the road after a shoplifting mission who allegedly attacked a police in his car who had stopped to inquire what was up. Trump rallys are a good substitute for the St. Louis protests that have lost steam yet morphed into a black lives matter movement looking for any place to flash mob and protest. In Texas a police officer was shot and killed last week by a recently released felon that stole a gun from a house and waited for a police office to walk out of the station. Police lives matter too. In fact everyone's life matters.

I watched a youtube video of Muslim Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking out against that 'wicked woman' Hillary Clinton. Chicago has a lot of ethnic political organization these days and it is too easy to crank up a protest in that city. I tended to agree with Farrakhan about Clinton and Libya, even so his antipathy toward white people that demand to be 'bosses' seems a darker ethnic note that is an undercurrent to the 2016 Presidential campaign that is a racist demand that a non-white male be elected President.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu41CPQw0hg wicked woman

Donald Trump is the lightening rod for mobs of attacking racist, sexist, anti-capitalist, anti-God, anti-straight-even anti-United States political opposition. It is an interesting post-cold war evolution. Maybe it is easier to attack the U.S.A. from within rather than from without and dismantle everything it was.


Lawyer Is Not A Good Presidential Occupation Now

Lawyer Presidents early in the nation's history weren't so bad; 24 Presidents have been lawyers, yet in the 20th century they have tended, like V.I. Lenin (a lawyer) to be too inclined to do with the executive post whatever they like or think they can get away with.

Consider the four lawyer-President; F.D.R., Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama and RIchard Nixon. Those guys tended to think of the country's institutions as putty for them to mold. They did not respect the nation's institutions much-not even marriage.


Ted Cruz is running as a natural born Canadian-he thinks he can get away with it and has no respect for the one thing-being a native born American citizen-that prevents Vladimir Putin from running if he were to get U.S. citizenship. The nation revolted against imperialism and Cruz just lacks the sensitivity to comprehend.

Marco Rubio wants to raise the minimum retirement age for social security to 70; about the average life expectancy of black working men and the poor. Raising the minimum age for those with solid retirement income and savings would be reasonable since some of those live to 100, yert the poor just struggle to reach 65 and many don't make it. Why make those suffering working people go on probably without work since few hire older people and groveling sleeping in ditches or wherever from 55 to 70.

Businessmen, scientists, educators and generals make substantive changes when Presidents rather than just stuffing the rich or burning down the nation';s institutions and houses as the Clinton mortgage lending deregulation restructuring did eventually.


Why Not More Ideas for Easier Earth to Orbit Launches?

Since so many people are impatient with N.A.S.A. manned space Earth to orbit methods I thought I would add another concept on the topic.

I like electro-magnetic accelerators a lot. They can easily achieve orbital escape velocity. Originally developed for the S.D.I. rail gun they have been used by the Navy for artillery on ships and in the metal-storm pistol manufactured by an Australian. It would be a useful concept approach to put an e.m.a. aboard a very large edge-of-the-atmosphere balloon launch platform and lift an orbital capsule 'bullet' up to the rarefied air where it would then be fired through the tube and into space.
That would be stage one of the idea. The balloon itself might be a winged delta shape and have rockets in it to fire when the e.m.a. sends of the space capsule in an opposite direction from the balloon delta-wing platform. The platform-launchers should be fairly cheap and easy to reload with another capsule for launch.

Obviously there are a zillion varieties and permutations for the shape and composition of the high-altitude space-capsule lift and launching platform. The balloons could be collapsible and the very large delta/balloon object could glide down to Earth after use for reloading perhaps landing in the ocean near Cape Canaveral Florida.

Less atmosphere less friction for the manned or cargo bullets. I haven't time to write more about the idea presently.  


Wiping Clean Vulgar Primary Issues

Much ado has been made by the pristine Republican elite about the infrequently rough language of Donald Trump as if Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson would have turned scarlet at such language. In the stratosphere of Republican PACs with lots of spare money to throw on campaign spots probably from zero-interest Federal Reserve loans to banks than are thereafter free to mint four e-dollars in new loans out of thin air for each buck from the Fed borrowed rough language is seldom used. On Wall Street behind the scenes the elites have prayer breakfasts each day before skimming billions in high-speed trading. The elite Republicans for ZIllary PAC financiers may use unkind words themselves behind golden doors.

I personally wouldn't mind a million bucks in order to experience some of the selflessness of consolidating wealth. If Donald Trump can return some manufacturing opportunities from China or coordinate a new easy-access print on demand industry that could make timely things like Presidential candidate toilet tissue and delivery them to retail outlets innovators might be able to just dial-in an idea and get the product made with a percentage of the profits eventually deposited in a friendly bank account.

Sht-if enough candidates remain until April to have a semblance of competition three or five different a-wipes could be big sellers to millions.

Sure it is good to carefully select one's language and exist in a non-pressured way wherein one may offer an appearance of saintliness and composure to the public. In my opinion though that is not always possible. A good candidate with rough language now and then may have the redeeming quality of good policy for the public. If elected he may use a teleprompter and not ad hoc so much, if he decides to remain an American citizen and not return home to Canada to run there. A candidate sometimes needs not only to tone down the rough edges although that may be something a reality-TV era public likes, sometimes he needs to wait and see if he gets the Presidential nomination before choosing to denounce any spare citizenships in foreign nations he or she may have.

Free Will in Relation to Consciousness and Subconsciousness

Will is contingent upon consciousness. If one has consciousness one may choose to act or not. Some say conscious decisions to act are not ma...