
Two Health Comments

A comprehensive dental tool with artificial intelligence to drill and measure quantifying immediate tooth work such as enamel remaining, decay remaining, area requiring filling and so forth utilizing live imaging should be an interdisciplinary project that could be designed to increase dental services at low cost to the masses.

The device would be something like a boxer's mouth-guard vaguely, yet unlike it at all since it would have diamond micro drills and feedback sensors devices, filling measuring and packing devices and be controlled with artificial intelligence wired into some sort of live tooth imaging system.

With the most data and advanced technology that interdisciplinary designers can pack into the devices it might be possible to mass-produce dental correction (and cleaning) tools that could repair decayed teeth at very low cost.

With so much computer tech about a device that could repair teeth and cost less than $300 might let thousands of under-served villages get some basic tooth repair done, although probably not more advanced work such as extraction and root canals.

On another topic, low cost MR screening for the public would be a good brain health analysis tool for so many illnesses that may or may not affect the public from meth use, smoking, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, football and concussive head injuries etc. I wonder how many people would have a better idea of the actual state of health or not of their brain regarding area of loss, function and so forth and have an opportunity to act upon the information if they had a realistic idea about their own health status.

As it is with MR costs far to high for anyone besides the prosperous to consider casual MR health screening, very few use it comparatively and instead voodoo science at best lets people remain uniformed of their own health status. In theory diagnostic brain scanning should be as easy as blood pressure screening.

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