
Muslims Have Attacked Europe Since 7th Century

Political analysis of the left is rather short-sighted; they believe the west is in some way responsible for the current attacks by ISIS and other Muslims on Europe in some way and are always trying to apologize and help undermine the west, or at least Christianity. The left had a career undermining Reagan era European missile deployments and etc, and so the establishment still needs to be at fault for the Muslim terror. Atheists will stipulate that all religion is to blame. Christians view the atheist leftist establishment as reprehensible in some respects for being so happy with sexual sin and destruction of the institution of marriage via perverse expansion. So the historical truth about Islam invading and continuing to attack Europe is conveniently set aside.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Muslim_conquests (see public domain wikipedia illustration following)

Map of expansion of Caliphate.svg

"Age of the Caliphs    Expansion under the Prophet Mohammad, 622-632    Expansion during the Patriarchal Caliphate, 632-661    Expansion during the Umayyad Caliphate, 661-750"

The Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe also became powerful tools for Muslim Expansion as the Mongols were converted to Islam. If they had selected Christianity it would be a different world today.

The high tide of the Ottoman Empire expansion reached the 'gates of Vienna' after trashing Serbia for ages. It took the opportunity to join with the Kaiser's Germany to attack Europe in the First World War. Because of U.S. leadership Muslims after the cold war have found it possible to renew their attacks on Russia and Europe as well as the U.S.A. The Clinton administration left-leaning policies let Al Qaeda trainees learn on flight simulators how to crash into the W.T.C. and dust the Trump Tower in New York a year after they left office. Trump is running against a renewed attempt by the Clintons to take over Washington D.C.

Arnold Toynbee classified Islam as an arrested civilization. In brief, it was stopped militarily. Since the discovery of America in 1492 and the expulsion of the Moors from Granada Spain the same year  by the Cid the financial and comparative strength of the civilizations changed. Yet with the west's technology changing communications, transportation and finance, weapons and also attack on its own institutions such as marriage, nationalism, solvency and Christianity the Muslim world has taken the opportunity to refresh the ancient arrested attack upon the west. A leftist establishment prone to making apologies globally (Obama accomplished another one in Argentina the past 24 hours. The junta there was reprehensible, yet the U.S.A. did support the Brit invasion of the Malvinas that killed the prestige of the Argie army and led to its political downfall) finds itself responsible for the Muslim terrorism because of colonialism and poverty forced on Muslims.


Ignorance really can be a catalyst for decadence and political implosion.

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