
Why Zillary Is the U.S.A.'s Top Security Risk

Hillary Clinton's public persona is something like that of Richard Nixon after Bruce Jennerization. Her personal attorney Vince Foster committed suicide While the Clinton's were occupying the White House-at the time Hillary's diary had disappeared and it was being subpeona'd I seem to recall, and it appeared on the dining room table out of thin air eventually.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCiiB1_OGUE Vince Foster- Why the Suicide (video)

Hillary's foreign policy experience includes stimulating terrorist attacks all over the Middle East,kl Europe and even the U.S.A. Giving Libya away to ISIS and anarchy, creating lasting bad relations with Russia over the Ukraine that Bill Clinton filched from a very weak Boris Yeltsin, and building a protracted Syrian civil war that sent thousands of Muslims to Europe and Canada increasing the prospects for terrorism.

Hillary in the White House would be a recruiting poster for ISIS and Muslim jiphadists everywhere. She put classified State Department e-mails on a private email server; not exactly any sort of security awareness in that. Even a third of emails to the Congress have malware and spyware. Anyone Hillary trafficked with-say some Russian billionaire hosting a Clinton foundation dinner, would know her address and could have sent malware to it that in turn might get forwarded back to the State Department.

Thirty years of the Clinton dynasty is enough already. Did she also smike dope yet not inhale at Oxford with Bill? Was she recruited bite MI5 to be a future leaker? The Clinton royal affiliation seems wickedly harmful to U.S. Democracy.

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