
Why Not More Ideas for Easier Earth to Orbit Launches?

Since so many people are impatient with N.A.S.A. manned space Earth to orbit methods I thought I would add another concept on the topic.

I like electro-magnetic accelerators a lot. They can easily achieve orbital escape velocity. Originally developed for the S.D.I. rail gun they have been used by the Navy for artillery on ships and in the metal-storm pistol manufactured by an Australian. It would be a useful concept approach to put an e.m.a. aboard a very large edge-of-the-atmosphere balloon launch platform and lift an orbital capsule 'bullet' up to the rarefied air where it would then be fired through the tube and into space.
That would be stage one of the idea. The balloon itself might be a winged delta shape and have rockets in it to fire when the e.m.a. sends of the space capsule in an opposite direction from the balloon delta-wing platform. The platform-launchers should be fairly cheap and easy to reload with another capsule for launch.

Obviously there are a zillion varieties and permutations for the shape and composition of the high-altitude space-capsule lift and launching platform. The balloons could be collapsible and the very large delta/balloon object could glide down to Earth after use for reloading perhaps landing in the ocean near Cape Canaveral Florida.

Less atmosphere less friction for the manned or cargo bullets. I haven't time to write more about the idea presently.  

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