
Trump Rally and Social Media Protest Organizing

Presidential candidate Donald Trump has experienced flash mob protest phenomena that is I suppose an inevitable outgrowth of the Twitter and Facebook social media mass organizational protest coordination of recent years. Special interest protest groups can plan disruptions at any targeted political meeting and get news coverage. Rival candidates will then exploit the action and blame the candidate for being victimized by political special interest attacks.

Chicago and St. Louis each had substantive crowd protests at Trump rallies. St. Louis has enjoyed a year of protests following the police shooting of a black giant youth walking in the middle of the road after a shoplifting mission who allegedly attacked a police in his car who had stopped to inquire what was up. Trump rallys are a good substitute for the St. Louis protests that have lost steam yet morphed into a black lives matter movement looking for any place to flash mob and protest. In Texas a police officer was shot and killed last week by a recently released felon that stole a gun from a house and waited for a police office to walk out of the station. Police lives matter too. In fact everyone's life matters.

I watched a youtube video of Muslim Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking out against that 'wicked woman' Hillary Clinton. Chicago has a lot of ethnic political organization these days and it is too easy to crank up a protest in that city. I tended to agree with Farrakhan about Clinton and Libya, even so his antipathy toward white people that demand to be 'bosses' seems a darker ethnic note that is an undercurrent to the 2016 Presidential campaign that is a racist demand that a non-white male be elected President.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu41CPQw0hg wicked woman

Donald Trump is the lightening rod for mobs of attacking racist, sexist, anti-capitalist, anti-God, anti-straight-even anti-United States political opposition. It is an interesting post-cold war evolution. Maybe it is easier to attack the U.S.A. from within rather than from without and dismantle everything it was.

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