
Cruz Sets Low-Life Lawyer on Campaign Road Bar High

A Cruz PAC Published a Naked Mrs. Trump Photo?

If that is a true report it is something of a new low in dirty politics. Plainly wives of candidates for Presidents are fair dinkum since Mrs. Clinton became a perennial candidate. Even so we don't want to see any naked pictures of Hillary. Senator Cruz has let his chauvinism show in putting wives in a reared position with kids and pets.

A pro-Cruz PAC tried to 'slut shame' Mrs. Trump reported the UK Daily Mail three days ago. Britain seems to want to pull the strings on the Presidency again. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3504746/Anti-Donald-Trump-ad-slut-shames-Melania-nude-photo-shoot-desperate-bid-Utah-s-Mormon-voters-Ted-Cruz.html

When Trump modestly retaliated it drew the wrath of Senator Cruz. Ted Cruz has lambasted Trump's posting of womano y womano pictures of his wife and that of Cruz as the act of a petty, small, sniveling 'New York bully' making him sound more like Barrack Obama imitating Sean Hannity than a Cuban-Canadian Texan big shot of Dallas-Ft. Worth-Austin oil politics. If Clintons and Bushes are aspirant American royal political dynasties that are models for more people with wives or other relatives running for office when term limits stop the primary bully, Mrs. Trump or a Mrs. Cruz are already potential candidates. Consider Michelle Obama- will she not be interested in running for the Senate or the Bully Pulpit some day? One can imagine Paul McCartney's song being a campaign theme when she takes the convention stage.

Cruz apparently has a mild case of Texan hatred of New Yorkers calling Trump a 'New York bully'...plainly the worst kind that Texans have feared since the civil war presumably. The entire issue may be a Bilderberger martinet boast for Ted Cruz tghey made up in the bowels of the pit...

Cruz used dueling challenge language in calling Trump 'a sniveling coward'. Since dueling isn't legal any more-even in Kentucky-the lawyer language sophisms are not impressive. Cruz is running a losing campaign and hence his PACs are seeking to get some kind of leverage rather like trying to get a leg up onto a sandworm though Trump is more the Paul Atreides figure and Cruz of the House Harkonen.

Naked photos of political candidates and their wives or student interns should not appear during the primary Presidential campaign. That sort of dirt should wait until after the election when the mainstream media needs to pump up its ratings or if terrorism reporting loses audience share. Some elites apparently want a Tom Clancy character in the White House, yet that is a little stale a priori. Clancy's Ghost Recon had more contemporary characters than Jack Ryan yet even that is not job relevant.

The Republican Party's greatest danger in trying to subvert the Trump Presidential bid is in fundamentally losing any remaining trust of Americans as the party seems to disdain the will of the people and wants to run candidates by decree of secret elites. It may really be time for the formation of a new national party in 2017.

With the U.S. economy growing at an annual rate of 1% and so many people forced out of the private sector and on to government programs, and with 90% of the national income going to the rich who are propped up with no or very low interest loans from the federal reserve to big banks the economy seems in danger of slipping into some sort of downward slope of interest to the global predator-opportunist sort of conspiracy persons of interest.

Trump may at least spice things up bit. Executive power rather than bureaucratic consensus may be needed if everything becomes all f'd up economically. It is challenging to imagine that anyone will have a good plan to deal with 19 trillion dollars of debt and a global economic trickle down to Americans dependent upon tightly regulated global finance and production that is not at all nationally independent. 

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