
Wiping Clean Vulgar Primary Issues

Much ado has been made by the pristine Republican elite about the infrequently rough language of Donald Trump as if Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson would have turned scarlet at such language. In the stratosphere of Republican PACs with lots of spare money to throw on campaign spots probably from zero-interest Federal Reserve loans to banks than are thereafter free to mint four e-dollars in new loans out of thin air for each buck from the Fed borrowed rough language is seldom used. On Wall Street behind the scenes the elites have prayer breakfasts each day before skimming billions in high-speed trading. The elite Republicans for ZIllary PAC financiers may use unkind words themselves behind golden doors.

I personally wouldn't mind a million bucks in order to experience some of the selflessness of consolidating wealth. If Donald Trump can return some manufacturing opportunities from China or coordinate a new easy-access print on demand industry that could make timely things like Presidential candidate toilet tissue and delivery them to retail outlets innovators might be able to just dial-in an idea and get the product made with a percentage of the profits eventually deposited in a friendly bank account.

Sht-if enough candidates remain until April to have a semblance of competition three or five different a-wipes could be big sellers to millions.

Sure it is good to carefully select one's language and exist in a non-pressured way wherein one may offer an appearance of saintliness and composure to the public. In my opinion though that is not always possible. A good candidate with rough language now and then may have the redeeming quality of good policy for the public. If elected he may use a teleprompter and not ad hoc so much, if he decides to remain an American citizen and not return home to Canada to run there. A candidate sometimes needs not only to tone down the rough edges although that may be something a reality-TV era public likes, sometimes he needs to wait and see if he gets the Presidential nomination before choosing to denounce any spare citizenships in foreign nations he or she may have.

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