
Remedies Against Satan's Devices

In the present era of moral decay in the U.S.A. citizens faced with external challenges from Muslim terror/expansionism, global warming, species, habitat loss and internal challenges presented by atheists may be swamped by wickedness and wicked leaders. it is useful to recollect that the saints of prior generations were also challenged by Satan's devices.

Assuredly modern global communications have brought many to choose trendy swinging wise-guy social commo takeover lifestyles formerly common to criminals of bunk, socialist sophisms and capitalist expropriations instead of plain material production in farming, building, invention and manufacture. Church leadership has more in common today with elite, non-representative political parties wise guys that once were democratics or republicans than with an egalitarian priesthood of believers where all Christians participate as team players rather than as subscribed spectators at an opera.

God is good. Jesus Christ is the sole way for salvation and reconciliation/renormalization unto God. The Son of God is God.

Thomas Brooks (1608 – 1680 wrote a small book in the 17h century named; 'Remedies Against Satan's Devices'. This Easter Sunday it is worth considering again a few of the devices mentioned in Brooks; book that have brought so many to the brink of eternal ruin…

2. By painting sin with virtue's colors: For remedies, consider that
1) sin is never the less vile by being so painted
2) the more sin is so painted the more dangerous it is
3) we ought to look on sin with that eye with which within a few hours we shall see it
4) sin cost the life-blood of the Lord Jesus

3. By the extenuating and lessening of sin: For remedies, consider that
1) sin which men account small brings God's great wrath on men
2) the giving way to a less sin makes way for the committing of a greater
3) it is sad to stand with God for a trifle
4) often there is most danger in the smallest sins
5) the saints have chosen to suffer greatly rather than commit the least sin
6) the soul can never stand under the guilt and weight of sin when God sets it home
upon the soul
7) there is more evil in the least sin than in the greatest affliction

4. By showing to the soul the best men's sins and by hiding from the soul their virtues,
their sorrows, and their repentance: For remedies, consider that
1) the Spirit of God records not only the sins of the saints, but also their repentance
2) these saints did not make a trade of sin
3) though God does not disinherit his sinning people, He punishes them severely
4) God has two main ends in recording the falls of His saints

5. By presenting God to the soul as One made up all of mercy: For remedies, consider
1) It is the sorest of judgments to be left to sin upon any pretense whatever
2) God is as just as He is merciful
3) sins against mercy will bring the greatest and sorest judgments on men
4) though God's general mercy is over all His works, yet His special mercy is confined
to those that are divinely qualified
5) the saints now glorified regarded God's mercy as a most powerful argument
against, and not for, sin

6. By persuading the soul that repentance is easy and that therefore the soul need not
scruple about sinning: For remedies, consider that
1) repentance is a difficult work above our own power
2) repentance changes and converts the whole man from sin to God
3) repentance is a continued act
4) if repentance were easy, the lack of it would not strike millions with terror and
drive them to hell
5) to repent of sin is as great a mark of grace as not to sin
6) Satan now suggests that repentance is easy, but shortly he will drive his dupes to

despair by presenting it as the hardest work in the world”.-end excerpt Brooks

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