
Romney Begins Werewolf Campaign Against Trump

Mitt Romney like his late fellow Massachusetts political cult leader Ted Kennedy who attacked Democrat front runner President Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election, appears to be trying to divide his party and let the opposition take the victory in the fall Presidential election. It seems an example of the Republicrat corporatist kickback network at work in Congress in recent times.

Romney was the elitist loser of the 2012 Presidential election and apparently cannot relinquish the spotlight. He may hope that someone will suggest he enter the race to save the party. His may be a back-door plan to run for President again on the cheap since the Cruz and Rubio campaigns aren't as popular as cold wet noodles with mildew and rotten tomato sauce.

Romney is expected to serve up some live escargot nuggets of political banality today in a speech claiming Trump is a fraud and a con artist. When the establishment convicts people without due process of law it is especially onerous to hear. Rubio should know better since he has a law degree. The law is generally a sufficient tool in high-profile cases to arrest perpetrators. When officials of the court convict by decree without resonates in fascist harmony. 

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