
U.S. Supreme Court and the Banality of Evil

The Supreme Court leftists today personify the banality of evil. They have transformed the judiciary into a nation of politics rather than a nation of laws. Abortion, homosexual marriage, legal dope, forced corporate health-care; those are evil policies.

Adolph Eichmann ruled the Nazi death camps as mundanely as injustice Roberts and the left injustices rule America's abortion archipelago. Hannah Arendt's description of Adolf Eichmann is apropos for Harry Reid and the U.S. Supreme Court too. They act as an anti-Christian clave of little Eichmanns reinforced bite broadcast media, video gaming and motion picture rackets to build an evil sluzhba.

U.S. Supreme Court injustices interpret the constitution as a political rorschach paper expressing whatever politics global elites desire. Dred Scott, Homo marriage, abortion; sufficient unto the day are evil decisions thereof.

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