
Mitt-n-Drang, Space Invaders, Kolob; Aliens vs Legal Immigrants

While President Obama is making history throwing in the towel on behalf of the U.S.A. to Cuba on the West's final cold war battle to Fidel 'Last Laugh' and Raul Castro, the Cuban Utopian ideal future Muslim, homosexual communist Democrat Party model society has taken the limelight away from the campaign issue of how America is a nation of invaders with Bernie Sanders most recently denouncing Donald Trump's 'xenophobia' for not loving Xenos.

In other words,Xenos, Sanders feels, should be loved as French and Poles loved Werhmacht invaders of 1939 and as Jews of Israel should welcome Arab illegal invaders now. If Israel would just quit defending its borders the Muslims around it would arrive to welcome Jews back to death camps and the age of Aqueerius would descend on Israel with the Caliphate soon purging that.

National boundaries are not meaningful to Dopocrats-their will to power is meaningful instead. How Schopenhauerian. Zillary Clinton helped get rid of Libya's border sovereignty and government and look where it is today-ripe for plutocommunism.

America is not a nation of illegal invaders. When Cabot and Hudson were discovering North America and when the Puritans arrived there was no national government. In the absence of a national government European immigrants arrived here legally. Kidnapped Africans made slaves arrived here legally too. It is nearly impossible for a kidnap victim taken in slavery and transported anywhere to be also charged with the crime of illegal invasion. Immigrants to the future United States were not illegals; those would be contemporary foreign invaders getting under the legal system and laws of at least nominal democracy.
The Pope also believes invaders should be loved and thus he may not have understood why the Falklanders didn't love the Argie invasion of the Malvinas during the dictatorship era. There is a subtle difference between illegal invasion across national borders in large numbers by civilians or military if needed and legal immigration in accord with the laws of the receiving masses of humanity nation.

Space invasions from the planet Kolob probably aren't first in the thought of the Canadian candidate for President anticipating victory in the Utah primary Tuesday with Mitt Rom Drang's endorsement of his candidacy though he is the third candidate Rom Drang has endorsed in three weeks. Gov. Nicki Haley and others that endorsed Florida's version of Lindsey Graham, Senator Marco Rubio, may be looking to Kolob too for space invasions to change the demographics of the U.S.A. (Kolob is famous for its zesty barbecue sauce manufactures). Canadian invaders are not to be encouraged. Legal Canadian immigrants like Senator Ted Cruz are to be tolerated and evern given a pathway to citizenship though discouraged from running for the office of President. One hopes that whiloe Cruz is in Utah that he Senator Hatch and Mitt Romney will sing 'Born in Mexico' and 'Born in Canaduh' for youtube to celebrate national diversity and pluralism of nations.

For those that don't understand the storm and drang of space invasions of illegal invaders vs legal immigrants I will explain a little following.

Illegal invaders violate Kant's categorical imperative of not doing anything that you wouldn't make a universal law applicable to everyone. If all nations were to get rid of border sovereign control it would be impossible to tax anyone or even afford government. There could be no national governments that would work and rather quickly there would be one global dictatorship running things by decree and force. Democracy would be dead. That is the Soviet-Cuban-Marxist-Leninist ideal you would have thought the President of Indonesia would have called for when calling for Muslims to unite a few weeks ago if he thought Muslims should be united politically in some form of Obaman plutocommunism.

Democracy requires tight border sovereignty to meaningfully decide and implement its political will. Foreign invaders simply move in illegally and take over de facto or at least subvert the established order. The rich tend to support mass illegal invasion and call it immigration. Mass foreign invaders may provide cheap labor and destroy the effective political power of the poor and middle class.

The planet Pahko Va is in the next solar system over from the Kolab star system and eponymous planet. It has been ruined by drug fiends, fossil fuel vehicular pollution, communist homosexuality in government and cheap labor from zillions of foreign invaders from you know where. It is wrong for political puntits to be looking to support foreign invasion of the United States just because puntits and politicians are mostly millionaires with foreign investments seeking favors from aliens.

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