
Two Christian Topics

 People often aren't well informed about Celtic Christianity including Patrick and Columba. Some don't even know the Venerable Bede of Lindisfarne (not a Celt I think). Its all interesting history- Christians prior to the reformation were still Christians even if their clergy was in error about some things as at present. Without a priesthood of believers attending church is a little like being a subscribed spectator at the opera although the 'mass' spirituality reaches out to the audience whom helpfully over-tithe commercial career Christians instructing 2nd class flock Christians in errors concerning pre-tribulation end times etc.

 Justin Martyr was an interesting guy-he actually studied philosophy with Stoic and Peripatetic philosophers and was able to interpret John's writing of the logos or word of God within Parmenides-Plato's tradition as Ladd pointed out (the later point). Martyr may have been a link unto moderns such as Hegel with his concept of God evolving history (equivalent to being in coherent space-time infused with God's purpose). Plotinus later developed the thought of Martyr I suppose-not just with Ammonius Saccas as an influence. The ancient world had a lot of intellectual activity.

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