
Obama's Racist Appeal & Donald Trump's Campaign

President Obama drew 95% of black voters in two elections because of his race yet none compared that to Wallacism or David Dukism. The U.S. economy grew at just a 1% annual rate and about 90% of the nation's income went to 10% of the people. More than 50 million Americans took just 1% of the income. Millions have been forced out of work to retire on federal programs. The public debt is greater than 19 trillion dollars and far too much U.S. production is offshore while the middle class and poor haven been levered into lower earnings over time. Donald Trump seems like the last American Presidential candidate.

Democracy requires secure boundaries and immigration control as much as sovereign power over all of its legal premises to be an actual democracy rather than just nominally appearing as one.

The republican bureaucratic infrastructure are working against a populist candidate far too strenuously to dissuade people from believing that they don't comprise part of a hybrid jackass-elephant Republicratic party. If the GOP sinks Trump they will probably sink their own party's future too. The U.S. political system seems rigged by the irresponsible and unaccountable.

Japanese Kill 333 Whales In Antarctic-They Should Compensate

Japanese killers of whales for science and food should actually do some sort of development of whale population recovery work around the world that is meaningful and that has definite goals for increasing whale numbers instead of just eating them with special sauces. Since scientific research is the nominal reason for their exemption from international bans on whaling, scientific work is what they owe to the world for depleting the numbers of wild animals with the largest brains and fewest numbers per capita in the known Universe.


What the Tao Is

The Tao are/is solid states of entanglement in the Higgs field and probablistic formations. The meaning of is, is not IS-except in troubled areas of Europe with too many terrorists as a percentage of refugees.

The Tao is another appearance created by God, as it is in-itself and for-others.

Cruz Sets Low-Life Lawyer on Campaign Road Bar High

A Cruz PAC Published a Naked Mrs. Trump Photo?

If that is a true report it is something of a new low in dirty politics. Plainly wives of candidates for Presidents are fair dinkum since Mrs. Clinton became a perennial candidate. Even so we don't want to see any naked pictures of Hillary. Senator Cruz has let his chauvinism show in putting wives in a reared position with kids and pets.

A pro-Cruz PAC tried to 'slut shame' Mrs. Trump reported the UK Daily Mail three days ago. Britain seems to want to pull the strings on the Presidency again. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3504746/Anti-Donald-Trump-ad-slut-shames-Melania-nude-photo-shoot-desperate-bid-Utah-s-Mormon-voters-Ted-Cruz.html

When Trump modestly retaliated it drew the wrath of Senator Cruz. Ted Cruz has lambasted Trump's posting of womano y womano pictures of his wife and that of Cruz as the act of a petty, small, sniveling 'New York bully' making him sound more like Barrack Obama imitating Sean Hannity than a Cuban-Canadian Texan big shot of Dallas-Ft. Worth-Austin oil politics. If Clintons and Bushes are aspirant American royal political dynasties that are models for more people with wives or other relatives running for office when term limits stop the primary bully, Mrs. Trump or a Mrs. Cruz are already potential candidates. Consider Michelle Obama- will she not be interested in running for the Senate or the Bully Pulpit some day? One can imagine Paul McCartney's song being a campaign theme when she takes the convention stage.

Cruz apparently has a mild case of Texan hatred of New Yorkers calling Trump a 'New York bully'...plainly the worst kind that Texans have feared since the civil war presumably. The entire issue may be a Bilderberger martinet boast for Ted Cruz tghey made up in the bowels of the pit...

Cruz used dueling challenge language in calling Trump 'a sniveling coward'. Since dueling isn't legal any more-even in Kentucky-the lawyer language sophisms are not impressive. Cruz is running a losing campaign and hence his PACs are seeking to get some kind of leverage rather like trying to get a leg up onto a sandworm though Trump is more the Paul Atreides figure and Cruz of the House Harkonen.

Naked photos of political candidates and their wives or student interns should not appear during the primary Presidential campaign. That sort of dirt should wait until after the election when the mainstream media needs to pump up its ratings or if terrorism reporting loses audience share. Some elites apparently want a Tom Clancy character in the White House, yet that is a little stale a priori. Clancy's Ghost Recon had more contemporary characters than Jack Ryan yet even that is not job relevant.

The Republican Party's greatest danger in trying to subvert the Trump Presidential bid is in fundamentally losing any remaining trust of Americans as the party seems to disdain the will of the people and wants to run candidates by decree of secret elites. It may really be time for the formation of a new national party in 2017.

With the U.S. economy growing at an annual rate of 1% and so many people forced out of the private sector and on to government programs, and with 90% of the national income going to the rich who are propped up with no or very low interest loans from the federal reserve to big banks the economy seems in danger of slipping into some sort of downward slope of interest to the global predator-opportunist sort of conspiracy persons of interest.

Trump may at least spice things up bit. Executive power rather than bureaucratic consensus may be needed if everything becomes all f'd up economically. It is challenging to imagine that anyone will have a good plan to deal with 19 trillion dollars of debt and a global economic trickle down to Americans dependent upon tightly regulated global finance and production that is not at all nationally independent. 


Muslims Have Attacked Europe Since 7th Century

Political analysis of the left is rather short-sighted; they believe the west is in some way responsible for the current attacks by ISIS and other Muslims on Europe in some way and are always trying to apologize and help undermine the west, or at least Christianity. The left had a career undermining Reagan era European missile deployments and etc, and so the establishment still needs to be at fault for the Muslim terror. Atheists will stipulate that all religion is to blame. Christians view the atheist leftist establishment as reprehensible in some respects for being so happy with sexual sin and destruction of the institution of marriage via perverse expansion. So the historical truth about Islam invading and continuing to attack Europe is conveniently set aside.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Muslim_conquests (see public domain wikipedia illustration following)

Map of expansion of Caliphate.svg

"Age of the Caliphs    Expansion under the Prophet Mohammad, 622-632    Expansion during the Patriarchal Caliphate, 632-661    Expansion during the Umayyad Caliphate, 661-750"

The Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe also became powerful tools for Muslim Expansion as the Mongols were converted to Islam. If they had selected Christianity it would be a different world today.

The high tide of the Ottoman Empire expansion reached the 'gates of Vienna' after trashing Serbia for ages. It took the opportunity to join with the Kaiser's Germany to attack Europe in the First World War. Because of U.S. leadership Muslims after the cold war have found it possible to renew their attacks on Russia and Europe as well as the U.S.A. The Clinton administration left-leaning policies let Al Qaeda trainees learn on flight simulators how to crash into the W.T.C. and dust the Trump Tower in New York a year after they left office. Trump is running against a renewed attempt by the Clintons to take over Washington D.C.

Arnold Toynbee classified Islam as an arrested civilization. In brief, it was stopped militarily. Since the discovery of America in 1492 and the expulsion of the Moors from Granada Spain the same year  by the Cid the financial and comparative strength of the civilizations changed. Yet with the west's technology changing communications, transportation and finance, weapons and also attack on its own institutions such as marriage, nationalism, solvency and Christianity the Muslim world has taken the opportunity to refresh the ancient arrested attack upon the west. A leftist establishment prone to making apologies globally (Obama accomplished another one in Argentina the past 24 hours. The junta there was reprehensible, yet the U.S.A. did support the Brit invasion of the Malvinas that killed the prestige of the Argie army and led to its political downfall) finds itself responsible for the Muslim terrorism because of colonialism and poverty forced on Muslims.


Ignorance really can be a catalyst for decadence and political implosion.


Clinton-Bush-Obama Liberated C-4 for Terrorists to Attack Europe

During the 70s and 80s terrorism Kalashnikovs in airports and hijackings were the easiest methods of attacking civilians for Palestinians and other political missions. Khaddafi was suspected of supporting the Lockerbie blow-up of course yet generally there wasn't a surfeit of plastic explosives available from Western interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia. There probably will; be a generation of chasing after all of those tons of plastique lurking in North Africa that are so easy to send to Europe.

Trump Like Reagan is Populist the Stale Don't Like

Republican elites that can't get anything done are the best chance to defeat the populist Donald Trump this fall. They can't get over the fact that he isn't a product excreted by the regular bureaucratic machine onto the political plate.

The establishment hasn't had realistic economics since Ronald Reagan temporarily warped them to get out of the Carter post-Vietnam doldrums and the result is a generation of politicians with their heads up their a's pretending that deficits don't matter. At the least the people owning the debt-such as foreign governments rule. That's why I suppose, in part at least, the Clinton foundation goes all over the planet chasing contributions from rich.

Speaker Ryan would make a budget gutting the poor and concentrating wealth for the rich-yet even so he is clueless about ecological economics of a national refoundation that Trump might be goaded into supporting.

Ryan and the rest of the staid should get with it and stop obstructing energy. They too readily want to be on golden pond counting coin.



Why Zillary Is the U.S.A.'s Top Security Risk

Hillary Clinton's public persona is something like that of Richard Nixon after Bruce Jennerization. Her personal attorney Vince Foster committed suicide While the Clinton's were occupying the White House-at the time Hillary's diary had disappeared and it was being subpeona'd I seem to recall, and it appeared on the dining room table out of thin air eventually.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCiiB1_OGUE Vince Foster- Why the Suicide (video)

Hillary's foreign policy experience includes stimulating terrorist attacks all over the Middle East,kl Europe and even the U.S.A. Giving Libya away to ISIS and anarchy, creating lasting bad relations with Russia over the Ukraine that Bill Clinton filched from a very weak Boris Yeltsin, and building a protracted Syrian civil war that sent thousands of Muslims to Europe and Canada increasing the prospects for terrorism.

Hillary in the White House would be a recruiting poster for ISIS and Muslim jiphadists everywhere. She put classified State Department e-mails on a private email server; not exactly any sort of security awareness in that. Even a third of emails to the Congress have malware and spyware. Anyone Hillary trafficked with-say some Russian billionaire hosting a Clinton foundation dinner, would know her address and could have sent malware to it that in turn might get forwarded back to the State Department.

Thirty years of the Clinton dynasty is enough already. Did she also smike dope yet not inhale at Oxford with Bill? Was she recruited bite MI5 to be a future leaker? The Clinton royal affiliation seems wickedly harmful to U.S. Democracy.

Ben Carson for Trump's V.P.?

The fall Trump campaign would need a VP candidate that would bring in a lot of votes and that's probably Ben Carson. Al Gore lost for not picking Oprah as his partner instead taking a guy from a state with only minus 2 electoral votes where five people live.

Carson would bring an element of science to add to the business accent of the Trump administration. He seems a reliable conservative.

Muslim Nihilists Attack Europe Again (Belgium)

Europeans don't take their security very seriously. In the post-second World War era just large conventional armies were the issue-as well as rockets. It was a leftist paradise.


Europe did have a bunch of P.L.O. attacks in the Reagan era yet that was contained. Now Europe lets tens of thousands of Muslims arrive from the Middle East and delude themselves that all of the terrorists will show up on a computer someplace.

Islam is the arrested civilization and traditional rival of the west that has been a foe since the 7th century. leftist 'intellectuals' can't deal with that and would I suppose prefer to sacrifice a son to the Sultan or Caliphs harem if that establishment should recur.

Universal Basic Income Should be a Doge Priority

It might prevent a lot of crimes and costs of incarceration. It could replace unemployment compensation, food stamps, etc and enhance effici...