
Progress Tripartite Flat Tax to Assault Wealth Gap

Old billionaires and millionaires swell the average income of the elderly over all. Most of the young don't accumulate their first million until after age 35, and so of us of course never achieve that milestone.


These sorts of headlines highlight congressional inability to employ right reasoning on making a nation work properly. The elderly are of course inclusive of the most wealthy, so the figures are quite inflated. neither do the statistics show the relationship of youth who are heirs to the wealthy. If Americans accept stupidity as their norm they shall have stupid government in default structured to reinforce the rich who will concentrate wealthy and provide pablum through their media to the masses.

A progressive flat tax would help to remedy the problem of increasing concentration of wealth and power in the U.S.A. Those earning more than 200,000 annually should be taxed a flat 70%. The middle class should pay a flat 20% and the poor a flat 1%. political decisions to reallocate public capital should be through legislative programs rather than through variable tax rates.

Though numerous legislative corrections to the U.S. political system are required to bring the nation to continual full employment, minimum guaranteed income and comprehensive medical coverage for all citizens and legal residents including securing the borders against illegal immigration, the most challenging and yet obvious task immediately available is to restore social security, medicare and medicaid as social safety nets with means tests requisite for using the public programs.

A nation that is as daft on public policy as the United States destroys its share of the ecosphere, incurs vast public debts, keeps college graduates underemployed, spends profligately on ill managed foreign wars, decays its moral constitution, allows wealth to be concentrated and so forth.

Public health for the poor at no cost is required for Americans of all ages. No program for a free public health service for the poor and all veterans now exists, and Americans through insurance, H.M.O.'s and other programs will continue to send their money abroad to foreign health service providers-completely idiotic non-pragmatic policies that Presidents as recently as Eisenhower and F.D.R. would have recognized and rejected for profligacy.

The Poetic Truth Value of Sets ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

Sets of members bracketed
like seasons cover the expanse
of ideas that shimmer as reasons
congruent with space-time chance

One or more element satisfies each true predication
in membership as literal values
non-contradictory with circumstance logical use and structure of words
placed in object language as signs

Where words fade away as abstract reps
descriptions of real things valid till past
relativity and time erase place-time's meaning

Set theoretic descriptions reduce
unto a solitary dreamer's dreaming
of empty sets corresponding to no one
about a universe with God's instructions

When enough of particles and procedures
claiming that for every A there is at least one Z
something one finds in a set of alphabetized construction elements
with numbers in standing cliff-waves
crumbling in timed talus slopes
refutation of properties of temporality
valued as negations of temporal order
bring new sets elemental descriptions
with beautiful attributes
up to this present
as falsehoods of errant descriptions
serve no more to silhouette truth
when a social reality of nothing
with transcending, inerrant truth wasn't possible
the Lord, Father and Holy Spirit arise
as transcending object language in-themselves...the eternal, necessary Truth.


EuroZone/Greek Economic Crisis Saga…

EuroZone/Greek Economic Crisis Saga… is a sign on disintegrated management structure overall in the evolving effort to nationalize Euopean society. Europe is beset by many extralateral issues from beyond its borders from illegal immigration to terrorism, pollution and a non-renewable economic structure of course, and Greece has problems of losing its ethnic identity as its people move to London in search of good jobs.

Protracted Greek public debt issues appended more intrigue and pathos onto the post cold war western economic malaise. Overcoming the bunk inducing irrational exuberance of the 1990s by piling up debt instead of slowly building a new sustainable economic infrastructure the current crisis exemplifies the non-systems analytical ad hoc management style so useful to quant profit taking from a distance. Reform is required to stabilize European economic progress.

Additional economic operations feedback loops should be elucidated to reinforce full Eurozone employment where it lags behind. Greece would benefit from Eurozone high tech construction and energy development investment as well as sustainable agriculture experimentation if a Europool Tech Fund existed as a feedback mechanism to kick in and flow finance and support to member states with high unemployment and debt issues. Eurozone economic policy must be more than old style financial management such that other, substantial cultural development is included as well.

Europool prosperity within a sustainable ecospheric recovery paradigm might rightly include Russia as well if it so desires. One can envision significant employment developing from a TGV line construction from Moscow to Warsaw, Berlin and Paris. More than applying slick paper-electron financial gimmicks to the Greek crisis, solid functioning direct investment to employ thousands in new research and development ventures that might benefit world living efforts in first and third world nations ought to be started. The Agora venture to relieve Greece fro debt and monetary malaise may occur with directed technological investment for an essential Eurozone regional Employment stabilization fund. Americans could benefit too from the example of an effective governing response-feedback mechanism for regional investment that stimulates local employment within green parameters as a normal duty of good governance. From housing to transport, in food production to water-making there should be a road of fields to put people to work in productively even if for the term of five years.

Alaska Governor Seeks to Invalidate Election That Saved Bristol Bay Alaska from One Sort of Eco-Doom

An election to ban development of extraction industries that may adversely impact Bristol Bay salmon streams approved the measure to the consternation of a global mining corporation seeking to start a vast open pit mine in the headwaters drainage of pristine Bristol Bay. The majority of the voters of the affected region voted in favor of banning development by a group including an Anglo-American mining corporation originating in South Africa’s past.

Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has directed his Attorney General to take steps to invalidate the vote throwing democracy under the train in preferring bondage to the dark forces of ecospheric doom.

The corporate world has many political monkeys on strings to do their bidding. The Alaska Governor-an honorable man-should cut himself free of the pulling the strings of strings of corporate control manipulating him effectively as Don Corleone might have in the corrupt days of yore. Governor Parnell ought to respect democracy and quit playing the bully abusing the electorate of Bristol Bay.

The effort to save Bristol Bay with a public vote had more than a year of hard work put into the election phase. The wealthy global extraction schemers must have believed the rural hicks would be a political pushover. They took out many radio ads in support of development yet didn’t say they had the state Governor in their pocket who would overturn the vote if they lost. It would have been fairer if Governor Parnell had said before the election that if the people didn’t vote the way he said that he would use the power of the state to annihilate the vote and eventually the living vitality of Bristol Bay. The opportunity cost of wasting one’s time when there isn’t a real chance to win can be high.

Two-Hundred fifty million years ago 90% of the life in the world ocean was exterminated probably by two high of level of carbonic acid. The construction of vast open pit mines in the head waters of Bristol Bay may accelerate the pooling of carbonic acid in the world ocean, as well as leaching potentially toxic heavy metals into streams and the Bay for several hundred or thousand years. Heavy metal pollutants can cause deformities and mutations in fish that survive toxic acid increases.

http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5it4MrJHRnVyKrKlGGgLHbvRMF2Sg?docId=ea112672ded54404aef360721d84f492 State Files Suit Over Pebble Mine Initiative
http://www.petroleumnews.com/pntruncate/623765611.shtml Sean parnell Meets in London with BP Execs


berengia and Illiquidity Risk Models

Illiquidity is a phenomena that occurs when uncertain arises in valuing material trade goods. Since trade goods have risen to include home mortgages as well as commerical buildings and much of everything else since the end of the cold war uncertainty in assigning correct values to articles is a serious risk.

Risk models are what are used by financial forecasters in determing the worthiness of making an investment in anything. Since values have a social relativism implicitly-the value of a widget or an appearance by a celebrity to speak at an event changes from day to day and in relation to the complete complex of compresence of the social trade ensemble of the day, risk modeling must have recursive uncertainty in-itself.

I was reading the new Scientific American (November 2010) and encountered several interresting articles including one upon risk modeling and its 2007-2008 Wall Street crash influence and found a report that the financial trade sector is still a black box-quite non-transparent. It is very difficult to speculate about what sort of business is going on. I believe about 44 trillion dollars of cash transaction occur on Earth each day however-so ran a blurb I read elesewhere. Obviously concatenated crashes are an implicit element of the modern global economy.

Ideally modern economies would revise away from the drift into dialectical transactions politically enabled by the computer communications era that seem to lead toward global concentration of wealth and power-with local manifestations of left-right politics acting as thesis-counterthesis engines to advances toward the Utopia of absolute power envisioned by meglomaniacs historically. Reforming capitalism seems tobe an impossibility though. Limiting the size of corproations to intermediate with just 10,000 employees, limiting the number of corproations anyone could buy into at three, recovering nationalism as a way for politically appropriate environmental and political recovery and management; even full employment as a cultural goal needs to be made a pragmatic cultural affair if the computerized impersonalization of the global totalization of economics is to be brokken up and firewalls installed.

Risk management's failures at systems analysis comprehensiveness was mentioned as an essential fault of the practice of mathematical modeling. If it is better to use volcanic magma flows to dike ut both sides of the Bering Sea in order to pump out the trapped water and restore the lost semi-continent of Berengia that once linked Siberia and Alaska to cool down Actic Ocean and reduce global warming it would not be a project the present political economy could contemplate in the U.S.A. Neither could it conserve the health of the Arctic Ocean, develop desalinized water producing saltwater evaporation-condensation canals in Texas to produce irrigation water or reverse the exemption to the Clean Water Act allowing fracking that was passed into law in 2004.

Risk management today is set poltiically to assure that only the present way of doing things and kicking back to the global network is reinforced. If modern urban skyscrapers are implicitly flimsy building at risk of reduction by military assault, no political capacity would exist to build reinforced hollow mountain ranges for society to live within instead-actually nothing that would reform the existing economic and social structure significantly and for the good seems possible.

Risk management principles applied to global warming would seem to indicate that the risk of failing to reform outweighs the harm risked economically by moving to new social-economic construction priorities. Logical risk assessment seems mostly trusted when the criteria are those necessary to produce chocolate cake.


Herman Cain to Counterattack Those 'Seeking to Destroy Him'

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has had some difficulties in prime-timing his candicy for President. With the Politico revelation of Cains history of two sexual harrassment settlements while he was CEO of the National Restaurant Association the public interest has increases in his background. Mr. Cain should not believe that those jourmalists investigating his background because he is a Presidential candidate are trying to destroy him or even his candidacy-the language seems somewhat paranoid or hyperbole at least.

Mr. Cain should have rightly revealed his historical liabilities for running for office himself as a complete disclosure at the start of his campaign instead of waiting for sexual harrassment settlements to be discovered by investigative reporters. He denies that he harrassed the two women at all now, yet that isn't a terribly convincing political tactic these days after so many other male politicians from John Edwards to Bill Clinton have done the same.


Mr. Cain also might realize that to deny the veracity of the harrassment charges requires falsification of the claims of the women-not a tactic likely to get female support at the polls. Some male workers might wished they were harrassed a little more sexually by nice looking female bosses, yet the opposite situation doesn't prevail at all, and male bosses and polticians need to take all of that sex harrassment training in the corproate world seriously and keep a high quality video-audio camera with them to record any potentially compromising situations that they might need impartial witness of.

Perhaps the corporate world gives out five figure settlements to women all the time, easily for sexual harrassment allegations since CEO's are such generous people at least with their own pay packages and golden parachutes. The public has a different opinion these days though about Wall Streets throwing the ordinary American worker under the busses if Corporatists can make a profit on it.


Scientists Will Try to Prove Existence of Faster Than Light Neutrinos Again

Particle physicists at CERN are rerunning an experiment that produced the unusual results( news released in September 2011) that neutrinos sent 720 or 730 kilometers away to a facility in Italy were arriving a little bit faster than light speed.

Using shorter pulses of neutrinos to offset potential measuring deformations on devices caused by local gravitational field variations (possibly) the results of the new series of tests will be released in a few weeks.

Two experimental projects based in Gran Sasso Italy are directly making observations upon the momentum (speed) and behavior (quality) of arriving neutrinos. OPERA is the group that discovered the superluminal arrival time, while ICARUS scientists have noticed that the neutrinos do not conform to a prediction by two Boston University physicists that the neutrinos traveling faster than light ought to give up some energy as do photons traveling through water where light speed is slower than in a vacuum.

I would think that particles traveling faster than light should have no mass at all; their pure energy might be converted into a dimensional field and be just information.

Glashow and Cohen of Boston U. seem to believe that if the neutrinos are traveling faster than light through a slow medium they should also give up some pairs of particles (energy). other theoretical physicists offer the opinion that the particles might travel a shorter distance through extra dimensional shortcuts (like flying through the Earth rather than over its surface to an opposite spot on the globe).




After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...