
Senator Kerry Has A 'Munich Moment' on Syrian Intervention

Secretary of State Kerry made N.P.R headlines again Saturday night detailing paradigm plans of attack on Syria's chemical war infrastructure. He made another bad analogy saying that this is a Munich moment such as occurred in 1936 with the appeasement of Hitler. President Assad of Syria doesn't seem likely to invade any foreign countries though as Nazi Germany did. It is the United State's President fomenting an attack on Syria spending weapons and quality military time costing possibly billions with dollars with e-dollars made real by Fed Chief Bernanke. With luck the U.S.A. won't experience the Reich's hyperinflation too.

It is challenging to find the language to describe America's traditionally ineffective, expensive and convoluted foreign policy as it applies to Syria. Below I will try to present the developing pattern of current policy. It is troubling that a government that cannot balance its own budget, design full employment or restore environmental health is the biggest fan of war. N.P.R. reported that Secretary Kerry spoke flawless French to the French and other Euros arguing for air attack. Very impressive-he looks French himself, yet in the language of his non-billionaire countrymen (generally) American English arguing for intervention he relies too much on historical clichés' using tunnel-vision logic on the Syrian conundrum.

If the Obama administration plans to enter the Twilight Zone in an attack on Syria consider that Nebuchanezzar II did long ago too Kicking the Assyrians out was a Biblical sort of political change for the region. Named for the god Nebu he trashed Ninevah in the 7th century B.C. and the Egyptian and Assyrian armies at the battle of Carchemish in 605 B.C.

In entering the historical fray and lining up for a possibly eschatological swing of things the Obama administration seems rash. Nebuchadnezzar IIhad a mission from God. It seems unlikely that the Obama administration has a call from that source.

It seems the U.S.A. works hard to develop worst-case investment in foreign conflict events. One would think that neo-cons are in the Obama camp along with the Harvard economic elite consolidating wealth. They require someone to blame first to attack later. War on the installment plan. What that doesn't do is implement proactive economic policy that could serving as a good example for ordinary people of the world.

The American government just is too narrow minded to lead in peace and prosperity in a positive social and economic direction. Instead it too commonly relies on getting ignorant and war for international relation problem solving. If the country targeted is not really too dangerous to us we can attack. If the nation is too dangerous or difficult to attack we let it go and let it develop nuclear weapons such as North Korea. That isn't a John Wayne at Guadalcanal sort of policymaking, neither is it a 'blessed are the peacemakers' approach. It is a blessed are the war makers for they shall have war policy of international relations. The Sunni have much of world oil supplies. Wall Street and Washington are drawn to that like moths to a light in the darkness of a swamp.

Well balanced international relations ought to start with a balanced U.S. national budget, elimination of vast public debt, full employment, stable population, high standard of living and a recovering ecosystem. We can take a lesson from John Lennon by changing his lyrics a little bit to understand the administration policy; War is the answer, you got to let it grow, you've got to let it show so we can keep playing those war games forever, making more wars out of those that have gone before... Shouldn't war crimes charges be filed in a war crimes venue instead of entry of the U.S.A. into a war it has been promoting for at least two years?

The Obama administration seems determined to advance the project of creating a facsimile of a Sunni caliphate from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Atlantic as soon as possible by bumping out the only non-Sunni nation besides Israel in the way Syria (with Lebanon a sort of a polysectarian society) for the present. Lebanon had the P.L.O. and Yassir Arafat living there eventually being forced to move to North Africa, before the Shi'a of Hezballah increased power. Al Qaeada cadre may find it easier to organize and travel through a Sunni caliphate.

If Syria becomes ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, the Shi'a nation that Washington D.C doesn't like, will be isolated and bereft of friendly non-Sunni power on its borders. Probably Washington insiders have calculated that ditching Assad and the Alawite will bring the Age of Aquarius to the south shore of the Mediterranean and help Europe adjust to Sunni power and influence. The French may need to learn to speak Arabic.

India too- that developed independence when the immanent prospect of a vast Muslim-Hindu war prompted the war-weary Brits to exit may find bilateral relations with Pakistan more challenging if a Sunni Caliphate ruled by Wahhabi royals develops simplifying empirical power flow iterations for terrorists.

It is good to know that the Obama administration's drive to boot Assad and other non-Sunni  sectarian governments from power in North Africa and the Middle East say the Syrian wr must conclude through  a negotiated political settlement such as worked for the U.S.A. in Vietnam. The Paris peace talks were very cool. Everyone spoke French- Ho Chi Minh worked in Paris as a waiter in youth. A Sunni Caliphate will bring terrorists together under one orthodox Islamic political hegemony. Salifist and Wahhabist drifts toward intolerance of Christians and Jews and tourism in Saudi Arabia could evolve in different directions. The end of the Assad regime must bring visions of new market sales throughput and sugar plum fairies to the White House and Wall Street.

The homosexual elite of Boston seem like the administration's special advisors comparable to neocons lobbying the Bush II White House. President Obama's evolution of leadership may have a paradigm expecting Saudi Arabia's military to tolerate homosexual marriage and allow women to enter the ministry of the Koran to former mujahideen and mufsidoon that will repent their intolerance and lapses into use of hate speech. In a race to the top education program for Muslims of the Caliphate national policy usually regarded as decadence could be thought of as progress along with vast national debt requiring only broadcast media conditioning of the masses for making things hunkie dorrie.

Bombing Syria to bring peace and war-bucks to defense contractors is a giant leap for big brother government. As it is unlikely that a bombing mission will remove all Syrian chemical weapons-even a few gallons could kill many thousands used carefully, and only a Syrian capability of using chemical weapons against a conventional military force attacking in large numbers might be done though its unlikely that any large conventional military force besides the United States might attack Syria, the object of ending the threat of chemical attacks on civilians in Syria doesn't seem like a mission that can accomplished with a bombing 'to degrade the ability of the Syrian government to wage chemical war'. Since a basic rule of war is like that of a syllogism, or dictum de omni-the premises must add up to the conclusion, the logic of the administration seems faulty.

What seems lost in the hurricane of war planning activity by the administration is that vote by the Senate and House to support a quick affordable chastisement of Assad's military or to demure. Evidently the vote was just make-work for a Congress that hasn't anything better to do anyway. To keep them in practice in case they need to pass meaningful legislation one day when they least expect it is an executive responsibility. A good example of selective law enforcement upgrade by the President-just get the congress to waste time on resolutions to-be-ignored as well as laws.


Fuzzy Logic in Chess Patterns and Politics

Fuzzy logic instead of incomplete, precise logic seems generally a good idea sometimes. I guess it's comparable to describing atoms moving around in clusters as molecules instead of writing up quarks and everything-too much math for the circumstances. Not even tablet computers do that yet. Maybe there is a photo app for chess pattern choices that's in the public domain?

Kingscrusher made a  video example of using patterns instead of just calculation analyzing a game between Magnus Carlsen and Luke McShane.

In  general pattern analysis is used by good historians yet these days not too much in politics and macro-economics with any good effect. Good political leaderships needs to look at the movement of the woods and the health of the forest as well as individual trees.

Philosophy of Language-Video;The Impressionist Teleology of a Language

Gary C. Gibson reads a philosophy of language essay in his philosophy blog about words. Voice-over video of S.E. Alaska the context is existential analysis in reference to absolute truth (The Lord Jesus Christ) as well as the impressionist teleology of a language-Universe where words are pointillist, statistical configurations of meaning.


Senate Democrat Foreign Relations Comm. Vote For Starting (Limited) War

Just three Republicans voted for a military attack on Syria in the vote by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. They were Senators Flake, McCain and Corker. The largely partisan vote had loads of hawkish Democrats voting to roll the dice on expanding the conflict and chaos in Syria. Those Democrats were Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Sens.  Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) , Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Christopher Coons (D-Del.), Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.) and Richard Durbin (D-Ill.). 

Evidently with the war scheduled to wind down in Afghanistan for the U.S. military in 2014 the Democrats are looking for another place to beginning spending billions of dollars for war. Consistent with Obama policy of enriching the rich on Wall Street in order to concentrate wealth and develop a better, more effective global plutocracy, increasing the public debt and letting the plutocracy pull the strings on federal budget priorities can be serviced through foreign wars that don't produce much of benefit to Americans.

When the U.S. electorate is a sycophant of a government effectively bought and paid for by the Plutocracy the military can be exploited as a tool for implementing plutocratic global policy objectives. Secretary of State (Heinz) Kerry could not possibly even seek war crimes charges against the Assad regime instead of U.S. vigilante action, because that might not bring a regime change sought by his Plutocrat confreres.


Language Philosophy; Truth, Falsehood, Half-Truths and Statistical Strings

Words are like statistics; symbols in sounds and scratches in order conveying impressions and meaning to-others and for-one-self. A good post-modern for the philosophy of language and truth values context still has room for the existence of truth phenomenally though letters, phonemes, morphemes, and larger language structures are regarded as statistical structures with appearances in discrete orders conveying phenomenally associated meaning.

If language is like a realm of statistical, existential tools for data transfer it's values for users are comparable to statistics and data used by scientists in order to describe experience, perception and functions of systems. Also as in science data values have meaning in relation to the construction where they occur. The meanings vary in relation to the context of the application.

The value of language isn't found within an implicit truth or falsehood of words but in the art of their use and construction. The Lord Jesus Christ may be the Truth-in-itself yet that can't be said of anything else. While liars will not inherit the kingdom of God implicitly failing to understand the Truth in their unbelief, in the secular world there isn't a Platonic truth-in-itself that can be perceived or not inherently in word-objects.

Each user of language is a word artist experiencing a vast impressionist four-dimensional lexicon that is malleable and particularized with the user's own values and understanding. Yet like a scientist the user of language need be always aware that his or her use of language is their own responsibility and for-themselves they must determine the use and value of words as true or false in relation to suppositions given about them. A scientist needs to test and verity data and test the criterion of use of the data and so must language users have an implicit skepticism about the validity of words. At the least, words can be used in non-unique contexts with different values, can be interpreted by differing users with differing meaning and inevitably remain a phenomenal tool for the art of communication.

Words have no inherent capacity for harm. Words may be used harmfully yet generally one of two conditions needs to prevail for that to occur. One is the intent of some real individual to do harm to another or others; in that case it is the bad will that is the cause of harm and the words simply a device for getting that done.  The second source of harm done through words is just misunderstanding by the user interpreting word meaning.

For an example if a paragraph has description of how to deploy a lifeboat and escape global warming and one that reads the instruction in a second language misinterpreting the instructions thinking it says to scuttle the boat instead of launch it, following the instructions would result in harm.

Jean Paul Sartre wrote a tome named The Critique of Dialectical Reason in which he elaborated upon a theme in Being and Nothingness where the social dialectic of interaction among factory workers was considered from the point of view of several individuals experiencing the existential context. Language too is a social dialectic to which each individual has the ability to say No to anything. Mumbo Jumbo, god of the Congo may put a hoo-do on you, yet it is the ill will and actions rather than words that do the harm.

It was the executioners of Auschwitz and the ill will of Joseph Mengele and others that did the harm rather than simply the words. Words without substantive action attached to them in some way tend to be less even than meaningless symbols. An ancient untranslated text has meaning only because of it's potential for translation and value about the culture it was produced in. Otherwise except for being an enigma it would be merely an interesting object of art even one without potential for meaningful translation generated perhaps randomly by a computer.

Users of language are recognized with a utilitarian valuation for the accuracy and meaning content value as well as for the tone and method of delivery such as one might associate with singers. Language generators with accuracy and less dissimulation than the norm are of more practical value for many and preferred in several contexts by language receivers and generators.

A language universe of words as statistical units with the potential for infinite variety of group formation and meaning values may be something like a sunrise that can be viewed by billions of people a little differently from one another with or without similar filters, points of view or space-time facts. In language however each sunrise is constructed by the language users albeit with much presumptive text and structure inserted by convention. For human beings though, the language use is always live and subjective.


Kerry & Hegel Want Punitive Preemptive Missile Attack on 'Pandora's Box' in Syria

Secretary of State Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hegel have argued further for military assault on the government forces of President Assad of Syria saying that to fail to do so would open Pandora's box (of chemical weapons, biological and nuclear weapons and so forth). One could infer thus that to attack Pandora's box will release the contents in an incinerated and contained form somewhat analogous to the Fukushima Nuclear plant containment efforts. Inn that case freezing the dirt with advanced technology placed underground will work best beside just dumping the excess radiation into the ocean that is a kind of building up global Pandora's box.


I am still considering the 'red line in the sand' that was crossed in Syria by the use of chemical weapons two weeks ago. One makes a red line I suppose with chalk, blood or red tide-its a little bit of an English as a second language sort of language use that American diplomats like when not using cool military jargon like 'force delivery packages'. Setting out a goal like red lines in the sand for terrorists to meet that want to draw the U.S.A. into the conflict is probably like announcing an exit date from Afghanistan enabling Taliban to better coordinate terror activities on their planner's calandars, yet at least its a nice color selection for exteriors.

Maybe if the Obama administration had said if x number opf civilians are killed with chemical weapons we will launch 100 cruise missile at 1 million dollars each at Syrian units we don't think support our Middle East agenda it would have been a better deterrent. Since the first deterrent didn't work, if it was the Assad forces that delivered the fatal Sarin nerve agent to a presumably Sunni populace killing 1500, it is not certain that the conditioned response punishment will be an effective deterrent.

The administration in Washington D.C. has yet to say why the chemical attack on Syrian Sunni civilians-if that's what they were, was militarily useful. Did it help win the battle against the rebels or was it an emotional sort of thing in an inhuman war with rebels sponsored in part by Washington D.C. for the past two years?

Sectarian vs. Government Issues in Syria, Washington D.C., Oregon

Senator McCain in arguing this morning on N.P.R. for a substantial military intervention in Syria cited President Obama's advocacy of regime change two years ago (not referring to the 2012 election in D.C.) as a reason for war. Because U.S. Presidents are not held to the standard of papal infallibility  (the Catholic Church vacated that position in self long ago) it is o.k. for them to be wrong or to change their minds occasionally. The precedent of being in agreement with something one has said before, as a rationale for war isn't terribly persuasive.

One wonders if the punish Syria extra-judicially movement has considered the problem of intervening in a religious, sectarian war in behalf of the Sunni? Repeatedly Sect. Kerry has cited the moral evil of waging chemical war on 'one's own people'. War upon anyone is bad enough, yet who are 'one's people in the case of sectarianism in Syria?

Fundamentally the Shi'a-Alawite vs. Sunni is the heart of the problem. If the U.S. acts decisively in behalf of the rebels it is acting to reduce the Shi'a of Syria. Iran is the heart of the Shi'a today though Ali was killed in Iraq. The historian Arnold Toynbee remarked that religious wars are the worst and most protracted in that people will fight on and on in defense of their faith. It requires overwhelming assault to defeat popular religion, as occurred in Oregon recently at a commercial bakery because of the homosexual hostile takeover of the institution of marriage.

In working to purge Syria of the Shi'a-Alawite, and it does appear to that a purge would follow a Sunni rebel victory for their are no Shi'a mosques in the Palestinian territories and few or none in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in select Sunni nations, the Obama administration would be making a fundamental change in the future of the Muslim political world, one that is most likely ill-considered in Washington D.C.

Because the Obama administration is radical and secularist on moral issue returning making changes such as developed in ancient Rome so much that Cicero took acerbic note one suspects that the drift toward perennial conflict with the Shi'a has something of a moral reform toward the decadent post-modernism that disinterpretors of the meaning of Darwinism to philosophy and religion purpose. If the U.S. Government were serious about getting along with the Iranian Shi'a it could have patched up the Khomeini revolution issues long ago.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...