
Latent & Emergent Dangers in Post-Hilbert Curve v. 1.0 Militarization of Government Policy

World oil supply is an important element of global economic policies. The Hilbert curve anticipating peak oil production acting with oil prices and supply and demand have substantially effect recent geopolitical structures. The development of fracking to a certain extent has blown up thee Hilbert curve and set a substantial future of reliance on oil as a primary fuel of global economic engines and taxation. Because of America’s historical reliance on that previously scarce commodity oil corporations have been an overly influential power in the U.S. political system. In Alaska for instance, Proposition 1 will decide of Sarah Palin’s progressive tax on oil corporations should be restored or if hefty tax cuts for big oil should remain.

Oil corporations and the military-industrial complex comprise a significant portion of the U.S. national economy. Because of the desire of that sector to take the Presidency in order to implement it’s favorite policies with sometimes costly to the taxpayer consequences it is worth considering what might happen if another oil exec sits in the White House or equally as bad, if the a Clinton legacy continues to warp the Democrat Party.

If an oily President is elected in 2016 it would not be as if a field grade military officer were elected to the Senate House or Presidency where civilians prefer to control the military rather than vice verse, instead an oily President would need to create policies favorable to oil corporate profits nationally and internationally and that would not be as simple as it might have been before the fracking of the Hilbert curve.

If national oil supply is regarded as an abstract value X and that of every nation on Earth designated X1,X2,X3… then it is notable that the quantity of oil of all 180 Xs each of which might be regarded as  variable Q1, Q2,Q3… Those values are changed significantly by fracking recovery of existing fields in relation to the political-economic policies as well as oil facts for each nation X.

An oily President traditionally needs to ascertain the Q for each X and determine what corporate interests are regarding supply and demand in relation to oil corporate profits. Oil corporation Supply (S) is contingent upon political relationship to each X and in some cases cartels of Xs. Sometimes war occurs to change X regimes in relation to its Q and protocol with corporate S.

The complexity arising because of fracking effects on Q and S make political relations more complex too. It is entirely possible for an American President to mistake the effects of a war to change the leadership of an X upon S, or the need to do so. Q may change at any time, yet as with diamonds too much supply drives down the value and profit. It is possible that wars to restrict supply may arise in the future as well as support for rebel movements that revolt against a national X leader too willing to increase Q and compete with S.

Neither oily President nor military industrialists seeking political leadership for the opportunity to increase or defend foreign Q for S will find stable, stationary targets to interact with. The variables of the X series will alter significantly and the values for Q locally and globally will change too. The change in global oil Supply-GS1 to plentiful the next 30 years will retard development of alternate, non-greenhouse gas emitting energy sources and change the existing paradigm for resource wars over oil supply and development. One hopes the U.S. electorate is able to persevere in an alternate energy development policy course free of the irrational influence of corporate oil.

National economic interests ought to be pursued independently of Q so that oil supply in the supply demand curve is set more by phenomenal X policies and taxation rather than on either GS1 or S rather than vice versa. When oily Presidential leadership confers political empowerment upon corporate oil to determine S and its value paradoxically the political stability and supply-demand curve might tend to serve to wreak creative destruction upon other potential rivals to power and energy domestically and internationally.


Looting, Cop Shop Problems, East St. Louis & Organized Crime

In order not to start this essay with a hard technical subject on a hard technical note I will mention another news story in the headlines-the importation of foreign dogs. Evidently there are vast puppy mills in China breeding teeming millions for export to the U.S.A. Tragically a quarter of those young pups die on the way to the U.S.A. where they might have led full lives growing to adulthood. Even so we may ask, are American dogs so decimated by poly chlorinated biphenyl’s, so effeminized by chemicals introduced to their precious bodily fluids through water, owners so brainwashed by federal judicial promotion of homosexuality that their fecundity levels have crashed low enough that scarcity of young American dogs requires foreign pup imports for pooch aficionados?


Of all the stupid stories of globalism that of importing puppies to the U.S.A. might be at the top of the list. If the cost of nationally produced American dogs is so high that it’s cheaper to send pups to the U.S.A. from China, citizens could benefit from selling there own mutts to the dog-hungry themselves. Probably the U.S.A. and even the U.N. ought to ban the commercial trade in dogs altogether and let every dingo have its day. Local evolution in dog varieties probably would be better and more variegated with strict international bans on the trafficking of dogs. If someone wants to adopt an international dog they should need to travel to that foreign mill and get if for-themselves.


Now to the Ferguson story of the month- One doesn’t want institutional terrorism defining the parameters of American existence. Liberty from tyranny and varieties of subtle social sedition are necessary requisites for the genius of economic invention to act freely within a democratic society. Mobs within or without government corrupt democracy and bring economic decay over time.

Community crime organizers have received much support from technology in recent decades. Flash mobs may be summoned with Twitter, global crime cartels might confer with Skype, international and local drug liaisons may be directed with cellular smart phones encrypted or not. Police summoned into dark, rainy nights to moderate ugly crowds replete with hidden weapons ought not respond with the equipment of Andy and Barney or naiveté of Fred Flintstone.

It is challenging to find rationale for the appearance of flash mobs in the street as a first response to circumstances of potential excessive use of force by police before lawful, rational and objective means of civil government review are exhausted.

The killing of an 18 year old black male in East St. Louis by a police officer is another example of the 5 to 1 ratio of those killed by police to those police killed. Most of the people killed by police are felons. If Michael Brown of Ferguson had actually perpetrated an armed robbery that day of his death then he too was a felon though the police officer didn’t know that. That is one of the difficult points that few of the media have mentioned about police amid the calls for a kindler, gentler method of police work; the police are encountering people that may be dangerous felons who will try to kill them.

In the course of virtually any other sort of government work in the U.S.A. the worker does not have to interact blindly with a citizen not knowing if he or she is a dangerous felon that will seek to kill them rather than be taken in to custody. The felony edge in first-strike on the officer in order to escape is significant. For the police officer a slowness of response or an overly trusting nature could result in loss of their own life. That is why civilians ought to cooperate with police officers as if they understood the risk the police officer implicitly has in interacting with anyone.

Like other government and non-government workers policemen probably don’t prefer to be shoot or assaulted on the job, much less killed. Police unions and insurers alone might prefer that policemen remain inside armored vehicles during night mob gatherings rather than get out on the street in a line to confront angry mobs were stones, bricks and bullets might be thrown.

Military forces need to prepare for the next war rather than the last. Police forces to exist on the edge of tomorrow with technology used by citizens surging ahead along with media support to flank their capacity to defend a community from organized crime. A civil police force is a highly disciplined paramilitary unit with training in forensics, criminal organization systems analysis, infantry tactics, crowd control, investigation, apprehension, interpersonal hand to hand combat (in a time where youth may be revved up in wing chun, steroids, methamphetamines, gangsta rap, UBC, Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies) etc. Being a modern policeman is a challenging job. How many policemen encounter erratics from outside the community or within that do not even speak their own language?

The media sometimes believe that flash mobs are a civil rights affair and police a brutal bunch of Democrat Bull Connors throwbacks. Plainly police forces need to be racially inclusive rather than exclusive. Ferguson’s police force has only three blacks amid fifty-five officers. A minimum number of blacks ought to have been twenty since the community is preponderantly black. With such a stark racial line there is an inevitable social and racial antagonistic us/them relationship that develops macro-socially. That line should be effaced with the common knowledge that the police department is not racially exclusive of anyone and that the police work being done is for the security of the populous.

Police forces face a number of sophisticated technological challenges that will only increase in the decades ahead as the consumption of technology and sophistication of software builds a permanent condition of clear and present danger. It will be too simple to produce electronic machine guns operated by cute little robots with face recognition, or for international criminal organizers to infiltrate elements to stimulate politically explosive events. Volatility in mass economic structures accelerated with media p.r. events may induce cause-effect interpolations in order to shape things in an affirmative direction for any given criminal cause.

Plainly American citizens should pursue remedies other than the mob-in-the-street approach encouraged by media and demagogues to address perceived unfair political conditions. Politicians can set criteria for police departments that are quite under civilian control. One must wonder if most of the flash-mobs of East St. Louis are registered voters. One statistic said that something like 6% of Democrats actually voted in some recent election. Perhaps it is more fun and profitable in Ferguson to riot and loot than to vote.

If one were to do statistical research into police shooting of civilians in-depth the findings might be enlightening. I would guess that black policemen have about the same number of shootings as white. A black felon resisting arrest might not be happier about being arrested by a black officer than a white officer. A black officer probably cares about staying alive as much as a white officer and so might draw and shoot the suspect.

When last I examined the F.B.I. crime statistics during the Trayvon Martin incident as I recall there were about 50 policemen killed by felons annually, averaged in recent years. About 250 black felons were killed by policemen. It is worth remembering that T. Martin was not shot by a regular policeman as was Michael Brown who standing in the middle of the road for some unknown reason where a policeman found him before the fatal incident.

If the record of black on black killings of Chicago has any value for comparative analysis of police-civilian shootings it might be that black policemen would shoot blacks as readily as whites. In either case neither would be enthusiastic about shooting anyone because of the problems that follow if for no other reason. If hiring more black policemen brought an increase in the number of shootings of black felons and that brought a public call for the Andy & Barneyfication of police forces instead of better arrest procedures of deployment of better non-lethal weapons systems such as glue-guns and spring-loaded sticky capture nets the ability of police forces to deal with emergent globally-directed mob actions locally might be impinged.


Reactions to Michael Brown Death-Demilitarization

One wonders about the relevance of the issue of Michael Brown's death to demilitarization of U.S. police departments in the news. Michael Brown was evidently an armed robbery suspect perhaps stressed with contact by a police officer (who didn't know Brown had allegedly perpetrated a strong arm robber of a convenience store (not a pack of skittles, it was a box of cigars).

It is reported that as many as 25,000 terrorists are living in the U.S.A. today with more illegally and legally migrating over the border. The middle east is awash in explosives and bomb makers have already used cell phone detonators and perhaps downloaded apps from jihadi web sites to control the big bangs. One might anticipate that off the shelf family friendly open-source robots will evolve use as Muslim terror devices-perhaps as trigger men stationed at vulnerable locations. If it is unlikely that Canada is planning an invasion to recover Boston for Britain it is not certain that multi-national terrorists may not work with Mexican drug gangs to shoot up whatever city seems ripe and politically valuable.

The down side to police departments armed like a tank division run by Patton is that they may slay all local resistance to globalism or communist Chinese Corporate bosses across the sun-belt and Mid-west where subsidiaries are localized and primaries outsourced if the police are bought and paid for by billionaires or secret global cabals from the same Coconut Grove north of San Francisco the Illuminati hold conventions at. The N.S.A. may surveill police departments and record the conversations of officers planning to subvert the civil rights and freedoms of American citizens loyal to globalism and corporatism.

After days of riots and the grim visages from Ferguson a suburb in East St. Louis not to far from Cohokia-the site where archaeologists found great pyramids of the largest pre-Columbian civilization in North America that ever existed and where ruling dynasties sacrificed relatives of prior dynastic rulers in elegant ceremonial throat cuttings to assure a peaceful new government- the authorities have brought new peace giving up the name of the officer that shot the troubled yet formerly gentle giant with the hot cigars probably not on his person. This seems like a cultural problem-the kid existed in a deficient culture with low social goals, to much bad music lyrics and the hot August blight of poverty and inadequate bling for the buck. With protracted inadequate employment for laborers and a moving target of costly job training for jobs that don't really exist or were outsourced before graduation being a military killer or a cop is perhaps a better job prospect for American males that don't like Elton John music. If Brown could have avoided the dope and rap science leading to boosting cigars he would have lived someplace else I guess. If there was a priesthood of believers structure in churches instead of a hierarchical one people would be more involved and feel more like peers. Even decent theological minor pieces of systematic theology could be written by theologians for reading by ordinary Christians in small groups as part of a liturgy in a priesthood of believers service. Old Testament, New Testament and Systematic Theology readings-what opportunity!

Ukraine's Billionaire President Shells Civilians of Donetsk & Lugansk

Ukrainian billionaire President Petro Poroshenko's get tough policy with the Eastern Ukraine district of the former Russian homeland includes copious artillery shelling of independence-minded areas inclusive of places with civilians. Little western protest has arisen about the brutal Ukrainian tactics of pure violent aggression to slaughter opposition evidently. Some have thought those were Russian tactics of former eras, yet that is what one might expect from a military that is itself of a secessionist or irregular composition having since Ukraine was expropriated from Russia during the post-Soviet Yeltsin-Clinton confusion.


I hope Petroshenko doesn't launch mortars at Russian ethnics too, since the mortar shells are bad enough without the launchers being flung too perhaps from electric catapults as one might guess listening to broadcast media of recent conflicts.

Former Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer Wins Clippers for Corporatism

Continuing a tradition of Micorosoft CEOs taking other peoples property involuntarily relinquished (Bill Gates took Gary Kildal's CP/M (to DOS) operating system laundered through another company evidently in the time when copyright and patent laws for program code were murky with Gates making billions and billions and Kildal slumming as public television show co-host of The Computer Chronicles) former Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer has finally been given full legal approval to own the L.A. Clippers pro basketball team. That is the way corporate advantage works as people trash sorry old lawyers (maybe with Alzheimers) that weren't such nice people with properties better redistributed to the richest.


Donald Sterling used very politically incorrect speech in a private conversation, and that is cause enough to implement the corporate trickle-up rule. We deplore politically incorrect speech and the oppression of civil rights by fascists and other anti-democratic wise-guys, yet did Sterling fit that profile well enough for the trim? One wonders if the present CEO of Microsoft will eventually buy/comprar (use comprar if buy sounds somewhat queer) the Yankees? They had the champion home run hitter of the era before invention of steroids and the franchise may thus be a collector's item...


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Humans 69% Cause for Rapid Glacial Melting Study Finds

Human caused global warming is the responsible for 69% of the quick global melting of glaciers. That melting of the cryosphere in the mountains especially matters to people that depend on glaciers for river water downstream such aas live in India. When the Himalayan glaciers disappear people may get thirsty and temperate areas desertified in a warmer climate.



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Even so, there are global warming deniers...


Time as Quantum Waves (poem)

 If time existed in waves like matter
entangled as coherent light beams
journeying together
separable into colors of a rainbow

 Michelson-Morley inspired time interferometers
scattering time into patterns
measurable with energy instead of matter
producing results arising in undifferentiated singularity

 Would sort through time patterns
entangling probability with uncertainty
intervals of being and nothingness
subtracting time from where it had been determined before

 A field of time such as the Higgs field
with a universal wave containing all energies
extending values like space stretching through accelerations
time variables like red-shifted light speed.

 Temporal Cross Currents (free download science fiction novel)

Mr. Trump and the Retainer Paid to a Journalist

 So far as I have learned Donald Trump is on trial for 34 counts of paying a journalist not to publish bad news about him. Trump's attor...