
The Only Dual U.S. & Soviet Chess Champion; Boris Gulko

Boris Gulko was a good and comparatively unknown chess player in the lore of the game. Champion of the Soviet Evil Empire and later of the U.S.A. he never reached his full potential- being beaten and repressed in the former Soviet Union. Evidently he had a winning record against Garry Kasparov after playing a total of eight games.

Good video...

An Evolving Ideal Corrupt Government

Governments are monopolistic. So are corporations if given a chance. Yet government within a nominal democratic environment needs to convey the impression that it governs with popular consent. With two large sectors of public organizations motivated to monopoly it was natural that they would merge to form ad hoc corporatism. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts is the most heavily invested in corporate shares on the court. It was no coincidence that he voted to force corporate Obamacare upon the people saddling them like mules.

An ideal corrupt government forms when two government dominating major parties share similar goals of concentrating wealth and worshiping false economic gods of a corporate capitalism founded on unsustainable resource exploitation. Large aloof government and corporate bureaucracies requiring allegiance to corrupt goals for career security are additional factors. Circumstantially the bad choice of free enterprise modality with networked corporate capitalism represses individual inventors and development of rational environmental economic goals and technology as well as government policy with ecospheric wisdom. Accelerated entropy is just one by-product as it needs to use a corrupt broadcast media tool of persuasion/brainwashing/deceit to bring the masses grown in idiot ideology like mushrooms kept in the dark and fed a lot of manure to accept the progressive redistribution of wealth and power from the poor and middle class to the rich. Presently 50% of the people of the U.S.A. have less than a half of 1% of the nation’s wealth.

Degrading and making powerless the U.S, general populace is a sustained policy of corrupt government. It is in a win-win situation regarding corruption though. If people were to revolt violently or through other means and get rid of the government the global corporate empire would have one less obstruction in their path. On the other hand, evolving a corrupt nation dedicated to building a new world order of corporatism with China thrown in to help regulate the proles works too. Win-Win.

The Robert’s court now is listening to the homosexual marriage oxymoron. If x marries x can they produce xy or x? If xy marries xy can they produce x or xy? X or xy with same cannot marry; they are progenitors of 0.

Those are idiot questions that only brainwashing Americans would give a yes answer to. After the homosexual marriage oxymoron issue the court may wait for another issue to reach it to decide the legal language question of if 11 year old girls that menstruate and have substantial tits are adults doesn’t it violates their human rights and repress them akin to slavery, not to give them equal rights with over-18 female bullies to not recognize them as adults.

Promulgating legal fictions are characteristic of corrupt governments rather than reinforcing a rectification of names; corporations are treated as individuals, political action committees may buy ads attacking political candidates in democratic elections without corrupting elections-corporate free speech and consolidation of power increase cannot be governed without undermining democracy.

The social evolution toward debasement evolves with corrupt government. There is nothing new about that in history. Toynbee recognized natural cycles in civilization with the Universal phase (globalism) being the zenith before the blast and the rise of darkness. It is interesting to an end of cycle phase of history in real time rather than in a book. American civilization as an independent national affair might be progressing fairly quickly to its death in historical terms. The end of the U.S.A. might simply be a matter of evolution into globalism within Plutocracy. A Pacific trade deal letting China have the same economic access as Americans to America might stabilize the global takeover. Someplace in this paragraph should be the comment of V.I. Lenin that ' capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with'. Americans can just work for globalists in corporatism that dominate economics and rely on neo-socialist Chinese production and demographics. One thing can be said with certainty; corrupt government sucks.


Chess Legends Battle of St. Louis-Kasparov Wins-Got More?

Former world champion and chess legend Garry Kasparov defeated Nigel Short-a former winner of the candidates tournament and challenger for the world title against Kasparov over the weekend in a series of great chess matches that were very instructive to casual chess players. In the rapid and blitz brief games even highly skilled GMs make mistakes that bring their play closer to something recognizable and useful to club chess players.

With rapid fire games the great GMs exhibit ensembles of game choices and responses without so much calculating thought going into each position that causes so many contemporary games against top rated GMs to be draws with highly technical unexciting end games. Kasparov is probably the best attacking player since Mikhail Tal (Fischer would have been more like Carlsen if he wasn't so far ahead of his time), and it is good to see him break through Short defenses and crash through his offenses in a style that club players might learn from. One would like to see many more such legends matches with one to one players competing for a $100,000 prize over ten games.

There are many that would like to see Kasparov-Nakamura, or Anand-So, Kramnik-Topolov, Karjakin-Kasparov etc. in unrated Legends format matches. Even present world champ Magnus Carlsen might be interesting to watch in eight blitz chess matches and two rapid with more opportunities to blunder. Realistically though people are watching to see if Carlsen can become the first player to reach a 3000 rating, and who will make the candidates tournament for the right to challenge Carlsen for the world championship in November 2016.

Free Operating Systems the Wave of the Future for Billions

Free open source computer operating systems such as Linux Mint and Ubuntu may be the wave of the future in a world with billions of economically poor people. Even in the United States half of the population have less than one-half of one percent of the nation's wealth and spending on software can be a challenge.

Microsoft windows is an old proprietary operating systems best suited for first-world home establishments and desktop computers plugged in all of the time with external security products working on it that slow down computer processing speed. Microsoft has historically charged a lot for their new operating systems-first world prices, adding quite a bit to the cost of PCs. With cheaper tablet computers and with Google and other trying to bring free wireless to the world's poor billions free operating systems have a much better distro (distribution) prospect than costly, proprietary OS's like MS Windows.

MS windows has always been an uneasy fit for smaller web-book computers that are often shut on and off or hibernated. The same issues may cohere within tablet computers. Some users spend most of their computer use time simply engaging with windows to make it work while with open source systems there is little down time once one is familiar with it.

There are no replacement costs for open source systems if one is locked out of the computer. It is free and easy to replace the OS with a reinstall and without a product code or registration number while alternatively MS Windows is costly to replace if one hasn't got a registration key code that may have been lost.

Windows today seems for many like a retardation factor over time. Its proprietary immune system is forever clashing with all of the external programs that interact to use it. A strong operating system immune protocol is not necessarily a bad thing. Compared with open source OS's where it is challenging to hide malware and innumerable programmers work to keep the OS working sharing corrections to deficiency that may arise, the proprietary OS in mass use has vulnerabilities to specialized attack that it must solve itself-fewer programmers would be working for proprietary systems than for free open source systems paradoxically, part-time perhaps. One wonders if it is safer to store proprietary material in proprietary systems than in open source OS's?

For some the Windows OS never gets better and always requires time consuming shut down updates and so forth. Free open source operating systems implicitly give a sales advantage (e.g. Android) over platforms with costly, slow MS windows. Limited distribution designer proprietary OS's with special features obviously present a special appeal to some users comparable perhaps to expensive muscle car-SUVs made by Rolls Royce, if such exist for elites versus low-cost electric powered wheel-motor electro-magnetic platforms for the masses running along power lines planted in the highway..

Like the broadcast media that was new in their day decades ago that has since evolved to become a cancer upon democracy, MS Windows is an old technological and software paradigm that may struggle to adapt to the modern world. One trusts that the creative, imitative genius of Bill Gates will influence the company to imitate the free platform features of open source operating systems and find a new model for generating revenue with a free operating system itself. Maybe it could even find a way to pay users for using MS Windows in a new OS revolution.

On Confederate Ancestry of American Blacks

Popular racial profiling in the media generates countless stories of whites with hidden black ancestors or of whites with ancestors that owned slaves. A recent report was on the actor Ben Affleck's family slave owning history. Most know that the Carters of Georgia were a great slave owning plantation family that got out of that business fairly early. Where are the stories of American blacks of mixed blood that have ancestors that fought for the confederacy?

Even before the civil war black slave owners were having sex with black slaves and reproducing mixed blood slaves. In Hugh Hefner black bunny heaven the southern aristocracy had an ad hoc harem of unlimited scale. Their mixed blood black slave children had ancestors that fought for the confederacy.

Instead of southern aristocrat gentlemen spending their time viewing private black on black fighting to the death as in Jango in Chains, the aristocrats probably spent their days and nights in love shacks copulating with hundreds of women each year. While a southern slave owning gentleman might breed 10-15 progeny with his respectable white woman, the majority of his offspring likelier were colored.

With the generations of interbreeding in America before and after the war there may be a large number of colored blacks that had ancestors fighting under the supervision of General Robert E. Lee and President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis. Millions of white Americans only immigrated to the United States after the end of the civil war, and haven't relatives that weren't in the war on either side, except perhaps later through intermarriage with descendants of actual southern warriors among the seven million citizens of the Confederacy.


Bruce Jenner, Psychology vs Genetics, Chinese DNA Morphing

Bruce Jenner seems to represent the relationship of psychological to physiology  in the issue about sex reassignment. Obviously a healthy male there is apparently nothing besides his mind and psychology that would lead him to rejection of his implicit sexual characteristics. Perhaps he is seeking more fame and social stroking as he fades as a male athlete, maybe living in Hollywood is simply bad for healthy human thought with a special emphasis upon sin; its hard to know although he has an ABC interview scheduled while the Supreme Court is working on the Homosexual 'Marriage 'issue. One would think the timing is not entirely coincidental.

Ought psychological correction for Jenner type problems be given equal weight with the Doctor mutilation sort of approach? If people believe that body should bee adapted to mind and perhaps brainwashing maybe they will also support potential for testing D.N.A. for health and sex characteristics and support genetic repair of fetuses in order that they would not have physical issues requiring sex reassignment issues. Yet if there is no problem physically, and it is simply mental, isn't it a better idea to discover what is wrong with the individual? With so many actual unhealthy people on Earth is it right to spend so much on sex reassignment surgery for psychological purposes?

Helicopter Rapture Evacuees?

 It does occur to one that the promise was that Abraham's descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky-not as few as Americans escaping by helicopter rapture from Saigon in 1975. It is not the kingdom of the devil that is increasing, rather it is the kingdom of God. Christ doesn't need a rematch to defeat the devil-he defeated that foe the first time.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...