
Free Operating Systems the Wave of the Future for Billions

Free open source computer operating systems such as Linux Mint and Ubuntu may be the wave of the future in a world with billions of economically poor people. Even in the United States half of the population have less than one-half of one percent of the nation's wealth and spending on software can be a challenge.

Microsoft windows is an old proprietary operating systems best suited for first-world home establishments and desktop computers plugged in all of the time with external security products working on it that slow down computer processing speed. Microsoft has historically charged a lot for their new operating systems-first world prices, adding quite a bit to the cost of PCs. With cheaper tablet computers and with Google and other trying to bring free wireless to the world's poor billions free operating systems have a much better distro (distribution) prospect than costly, proprietary OS's like MS Windows.

MS windows has always been an uneasy fit for smaller web-book computers that are often shut on and off or hibernated. The same issues may cohere within tablet computers. Some users spend most of their computer use time simply engaging with windows to make it work while with open source systems there is little down time once one is familiar with it.

There are no replacement costs for open source systems if one is locked out of the computer. It is free and easy to replace the OS with a reinstall and without a product code or registration number while alternatively MS Windows is costly to replace if one hasn't got a registration key code that may have been lost.

Windows today seems for many like a retardation factor over time. Its proprietary immune system is forever clashing with all of the external programs that interact to use it. A strong operating system immune protocol is not necessarily a bad thing. Compared with open source OS's where it is challenging to hide malware and innumerable programmers work to keep the OS working sharing corrections to deficiency that may arise, the proprietary OS in mass use has vulnerabilities to specialized attack that it must solve itself-fewer programmers would be working for proprietary systems than for free open source systems paradoxically, part-time perhaps. One wonders if it is safer to store proprietary material in proprietary systems than in open source OS's?

For some the Windows OS never gets better and always requires time consuming shut down updates and so forth. Free open source operating systems implicitly give a sales advantage (e.g. Android) over platforms with costly, slow MS windows. Limited distribution designer proprietary OS's with special features obviously present a special appeal to some users comparable perhaps to expensive muscle car-SUVs made by Rolls Royce, if such exist for elites versus low-cost electric powered wheel-motor electro-magnetic platforms for the masses running along power lines planted in the highway..

Like the broadcast media that was new in their day decades ago that has since evolved to become a cancer upon democracy, MS Windows is an old technological and software paradigm that may struggle to adapt to the modern world. One trusts that the creative, imitative genius of Bill Gates will influence the company to imitate the free platform features of open source operating systems and find a new model for generating revenue with a free operating system itself. Maybe it could even find a way to pay users for using MS Windows in a new OS revolution.

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