
Why Rand Paul & Other Presidential Candidates Will Miss Economic Reality Check

Rand Paul is the subject of much interest in the 2016 Presidential race because he has a different political philosophy with a large portion of libertarianism. Some economists are interested in what his approach might be to address the nation's pressing economic issues. Ron Paul and most candidates for the nation's highest office are unlikely to be anything other than usual classical economic followers because establishment corporate business has all of the money. The sort of candidates that get corporate campaign contributions cannot be for real change.


Ecological economics is a new style of economic method that to apply would require very highly educated and influential political reformers.


It is difficult to imagine a competent-in-ecological-economics politician with a nationalist bias able to understand national defense well with an egalitarian preference for a far smaller gap between the wealth of the rich and poor who could even get a serious run in Presidential primaries. Consider too the pace of change required to make a difference in national politics as leader of the decreasingly free world.

Venture capitalists want a traditional 3 to 5 year repayment plan from free enterprisers seeking financing. Presidential candidates required to have a 3 to 5 year plan to eliminate the public debt or just to balance the federal budget would be regarded as cranks or anarchists. Getting ecological economic competence in even a little would be even more challenging. Imagine getting ecological economic reform of the nation's economy done within 3 to 5 years! It's just not possible and yet that is what the nation needs.

To meet the decline of the planets ecological health and to promote a sustainable economy simultaneously requires a lot of intellect, education and political persuasiveness. One would prefer an individual to arise who respects individual rights and the free spirit of religiosity and run for office. Business as usual will inevitably prevail to recognize only one of their own stock. The United States tends to diminish its own economic development as globalists exploit it for their own interest of concentrating wealth. If a long term national drought takes hold, if global heating accelerates it may be that catastrophe will become the Occam's economic razor pressing change in a disaster context with less than rational remedies. that would not be good for anyone's business.

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