
Iran Nuclear Deal Somewhat 'Flaky'

In political life as in the wild kingdom of computer programming, algorithmic competence is proportionately related to the accuracy of boundary parameters the iterations are intended to address. An example would be that if Iran already has nuclear weapons then the ongoing talks to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons would be somewhat flaky.

Of course Iranian agents visited Kazakhstan in the 90s to shop for surplus Soviet weapons grade highly enriched Uranium 238 and for quite a while plutonium was kept in an unguarded warehouse outside Moscow on shelves that any could back a pick-up to and one would imagine buy a load and drive away with an accomplice able to pick the single padlock on the door. Even so, even if Iran quietly bought some of the prime Soviet fissile materials and there is no telling how or where that era's stuff may have gone (one would think the Saudis bought some of that surplus being able to afford a spare million or two now and then), the stuff is buried in the desert where only a highly placed possibly retired general and his political controller would know-those guys don't need to inform the next administration of what went on before any more than President Clinton and his councillor Sandy Berger said everything to the G.W. Bush administration or why Berger was caught after the term was up stealing classified material from a secure government facility.

The Clinton administration did sign a deal with nuke develop for food with paramount Dictator Kim of course and that mooning of jom guaranteed the North Korean development of nuclear weapons. Iran is better situated in the Obama deal being allowed to keep more than 6000 centrifuge to continue enriching uranium. It reminds me of a still to make moonshine a little. revenuers never caught on to just increasing the legitimate business opportunities for moonshiners with a promise that they slow down their illegal distilleries-it might have worked.

Nevertheless the United States should show some sort of good faith gesture toward Iran unrelated to the nuclear problem. That nuclear problem with Pakistan loaded with dispersed nukes at undisclosed locations, Saudi and North Korea with nukes and hidden caches of plutonium and highly enriched uranium likely to exist is something the world may need to accept as the way things are for a while. Being on better terms with Iran such that people are free to travel there and do business is a better way to reduce tensions and increase trust a little even between Iran and Israel.

Maybe biological weapons are a bigger emerging problem with all of the technology and skill increasing that might enable advanced bio-designer weapons to cull targeted enemies to the scientists and their political leash-holders. There are Muslims fanatics stupid enough to use them if or when they are provided it seems. Maybe as an apology for the 1953 coup against Mossadegh that ended Iranian democracy the U.S. government  could buy a copy of my book 'Novilistricka Factors' for every Iranian citizen to show they care.

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