With the rise of the Internet a million flowers of secret societies using global communications bloomed. Even political parties changed form from purely public to semi-private. Like an iceberg where just a small fraction is visible above the surface the bulk of the communication may be visible only to the members admitted to the private realm of communication. One can only imagine the streams of queer community organizing and collusion transmitted to support homosexual activity empowerment and expropriation of marriage become one of the dominating political issues of the era in the U.S.A. That may be an international dark pool for-itself.
Public radio in Alaska has always had something of a cultist aspect to it. It covers a vast state twice the size of Texas with Delaware left over populated by fewer than a million people and exercises a vast, retarding political, economic and social effect as so many ignorant volunteers and mercenary pros from the 48 states are given mass communications microphone exclusive access to the masses with stars and images of Mussolini in their eyes not to mention payola. Development of alternative, modern, democratic means of mass communication with radio is crushed. Tip of the iceberg resource domination swells keep things stupid as the hidden larger player exploit disposable (so far as they are concerned) social and environmental reality. Post-millennialists would not view Earth reality as disposable nor social reality either as a healthy continuum must exist to allow the kingdom of God to increase.
It would be far cheaper to create a unified weather-radio and emergency broadcasting automatic system across the state perhaps combining local transmitters with local wireless Internet routers and even heated public use space geodesic domes pre-fabbed in insulated aluminum packages somewhere so the public in rural villages could use the Internet with their smart phones for free while staying warm, vast expenses go into keeping the bad music and distant national radio programs with shows like ‘Wait, wait, don’t tell me’ on the air.
Radio broadcasters exploiting opportunities for control retard and hinder reasonable economic activity in the state that exceed the parameters of insider power domination through displacement if nothing else. Public radio is a non-democratic cult that could be replaced with innumerable better, cheaper means to enhance public communications to individuals and the masses locally and nationally; and it should be. It would be practical to combine weather and emergency broadcasting automated stations with Internet podcast broadcasts of locally registered communications senders sharing frequency slices. Google plans to launch 4G transmitting balloons around the globe to bring Internet coverage to everyone with a 4G smart phone. I would guess the coverage area may include rural Alaska. Free internet with a 4G card for a web-book would be an improvement for remote hiking.
Even so, this is an age of fracture where much of the public communications furthers wise guy rave demotic speech with the knowledge that below the surface there are alternative communications Universes experienced only by members of the communications collective. Bluetooth very short range supplemental phone communications have provided a practical upgrade for espionage 'dead-drops' of messages in Starbucks and other crowded places (i.e. a city bus or subway) where spies can transact business communications without sharing to cell phone towers or seeming to be talking to one another.
With Pretty Good Privacy and other high-end encryption programs it is even possibly to lock out the N.S.A. encryption algorithms of the key to decrypting messages are sent securely off line through some means. I suppose one can use a Bluetooth meeting brush for a PGP decryption key exchange now and then and then use the encrypted data securely taking the message off-line to a cold computer before deciphering the communique of course. One can only imagine the bulk of secret business, political and media communications on-going like hidden underground rivers of sedulous avaricious glomming.
It is not necessarily criminal to exploit modern secret communications and blacklisting networks. So long as one does not conspire to commit crimes to is lawful to talk about in private what it is no longer possible to talk about openly-especially since there is such extreme broadcast media bias supporting leftist depravity and concentration of wealth simultaneously. Philosophers would of course tend to disdain such secret societies since they are somewhat existentially introverted, and Christians might be well advised to avoid such concerns because correct Christian practices should be done openly and since there presently isn’t a functioning ecclesiastical priesthood of believers structure there is a lot of room for improvement in that need to be done publicly.
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