
The Homosexual Agenda Leading To Government Apostasy

Partisan homosexual attacks upon marriage and laws supporting Christian and Jewish moral norms that bring state and federal government actions closer to the edge of official apostasy and godless atheist nihilism. In an age where Facebook secret clan pages are as common as the breath of Satanic doom that inspires an insider evil anti-spiritual empire to increase government apostasy is on the rise.

Government ought not compel Christians and Jews to perform evil, godless acts such as aid or abet homosexual marriages or be driven from business. That is a mark of the beast requirement that people be marked with if they want to economically survive. The evil ant-spiritual empire growth should be slowed, delayed, set-aside and eventually rolled back to hell in order to defend civil liberties of individual Americans to be free from state and federal economic terror.

Mankind are something like zombies; spiritual dead though walking upon the Earth. They can of course be cured with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the remedy-his body and blood being the only anti-zombie medical anti-dote to original sin. Most people being spiritual dead don't believe it. They are also of unbelief that a causal relationship exist for nations such as when they do egregious wickedness God may correct them. A Nazi Germany may suffer a Dresden firestorm, an invasive imperial Japan a nuclear Nagasaki or a Gay Marriage D.C. a Los Palmas landslide croquet mallet tsunami to devastate the U.S. Eastern seaboard or some sort of comparable disaster yet it can happen. Retaliation to set the loonies back onto the path of moral decency though perhaps yet unsaved within a zombie criterion has happened numerous times before in history.

Defending individual American civil rights means individuals rather than those of collectives, secret societies, government or corporations. Just because clannish communications in the Internet age of fracture allow massive secret political organizations and flash mobbing it does not mean that the U.S. Government should fall prey to the dark side of the force of civil defense and rule that matters of conscious are unconscionable for individuals-that they must kow tow to corruption or be proscribed and blacklisted out of business.

Laws of God still matter. The Ten Commandments are still in effect. The apostle Paul in the book of Romans plainly noted scriptural condemnation of homosexuality. At Sodom and Gomorrah a zombie mob with swollen groins pounded on Lot's door demanding angelic The zombies of the twin cities were vaporized and for looking back Lot's wife was reduced to minerals giving up her water as a pillar of salt.

Paul said that Christians are saved through grace-a monergistic rather than a synergistic method of salvation. Paul however understood the law well and agreed with the Lord that it was still in effect. People often misunderstood it then, and they misunderstand it still-even while some are given over entirely to a carnal mind in flowing as godless atheist vessels of dishonor.

There were probably several concurrent reasons for giving the Jews laws to live by rightly in relation to God. Throughout the Old Testament we read of mankind's moral and theonomous failures to pass the requirements of perfection; some notably worse than others. Old Testament laws were given to let people know that they all had sin and needed a savior's grace to save them. None could adhere to all of the law, be sinless and acceptable to God-after all they had original sin.

Jesus quoted speaking at the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5-said; 'Do not think that I came to abolish the law, but to fulfill. For truly I say unto you, but until heaven and Earth pass away, not a jot or title of the law shall pass away until all be accomplished. Whoever then annuls the least of these commandments shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven...for I say unto you unless your righteousness passes that of the scribes and Pharisees you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.'

The laws showed the need for a savior, the Lord Jesus is the savior providing a vicarious sinless condition to those of faith, through his sacrifice on the cross. People of faith are part of the kingdom of God in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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