
Black Holes: The Critical Threshold for Conservation of Information

Can information be lost as bound particle pairs become separated beyond an event horizon of a black hole? Why not? Information is lost all the time-just ask an author that hit the delete key accidentally on a novel that wasn't backed up or someone that saw their cell phone drop into the Marianas Trench. Information is just data and just configurations of component elements (except for spirit) that may change form and evolve. It is no different if particle pairs become separated at an event horizon. Each particle is still a packet of energy in and remains so in some other form. New information is created that replaces the old. Virtual particles may find super-positions gaps to fill with extra energy among all-possible wordlines. image credit: Hubble S.T.I.

Inside a black hole event horizon it cannot be guaranteed that the usual laws of physics in the lower-gravity environment continue. Is it needful that the strong force exist under extreme gravity or that some other state of mass and energy does not arise that transcends space-time and the knowable manifestations of a Higgs field? Why not? Energy and information that slip inside an event horizon may be drafted into something entirely unknowable in the normal observable ecosystem of the Universe. There may be a different kind of quantum waveform collapse under extreme gravity where mass and energy are transformed into something new-someplace unrelated to normal space-time. A form where quantum transitions no longer exist with time and space, where locality and non-locality are surpassed.

One might not want to assume that standard particle-wave, quark or string structures continue to exist at every point within an event horizon. If there were significant structural changes to mass and energy within a black hole critical radius at some point comprising a phase change it is possible that the information could itself never leak out. It is also possible that time, if one regards time as change in mass relationships, ends within a black hole critical radius and that if it were possible for quantum leakage over a vast amount of time, that there would never be time correlation with the outside that would allow any sort of continuum reintegration of energy packets from inside.

If matter and energy going to a critical radius within a black hole has a phase transition and disappears entirely to elsewhere/elsewhen, it is not necessary that there would be any observable effects outside the black hole within the life of the Universe that passes at a different relative rate.

Consider that time may slow to nil in the most concentrated regions of gravity, and that the differential rate of relationships between massless particles and massive particles may change. Field characteristics of 'frozen' quanta may also change-as ice differs from water, with different forms of field energy and quantum superpositioning in the BH critical density field. Fun stuff to consider.

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