
Obama's Asian Fast-Tramp Authority Up for Vote Tomorrow

Greece and the Future of Post Cold War Western Civilization

Communists and Corporatists end up with totalitarian networks controlled by elites effectively dominating wealth and political power. This June a rare conjunction of corporate fruitiness will bum rush measures into law harmful to U.S. national interest if they can get away with it

In the aftermath of the Cold War the United States erred in electing a Bush, Clinton and Obama to leadership that in a spoilt tradition failed the art of statesmanship and leader of the free world. President Clinton divided Europe and Russia filching away the heart of historical Russia-the Ukraine, to corporatists in a punky little land-grab. Wall Street was given more deregulation and derivatives flooded global markets. The New World order paradigm of Bush, Clinton, Bush II and Obama viewed China and India as the great cheap labor pool and future consumer society that would concentrate wealth to a global plutonomy. Like most greed driven punks the instant gratification of power and leverage fueled with media control blinded them to the mal-effects upon the future of western civilization their policies would bring to bare.

The better policy development for western civilization was to unify Europe and Russia as a continental economic-social unit engaging with China from the west. The United States would have been a pivotal, critically located power mid-way between east and west in the New World able to moderate and engage both east and west as an honest broker respected in virtue of its independence and leading ecospheric economic practices of planetary ecological sustainability with simultaneous full employment, public solvency and citizen quality of life satisfaction. The greed driven post cold war Presidential foreign policy to divide Europe and Russia and invest in china in what President Obama called 'the Pacific century' builds up China and eventually India while marginalizing Europe and degrading the United States and Russia as wealth is relocated offshore and the infrastructure of the United States as well as its environment decays.

Defeatist Obama-Clinton-Bush policies also built up Muslim terror infrastructure abroad driving vast numbers of Muslims into Europe for various reasons including Obama-Bush stimulated wars in Muslim nations. Presidents Bush and Obama have trained more than a million Muslim warriors perhaps with the option of any soldier to take up the way of holy war against infidel Democrat and Republican party politics and non-renewable economics. Plainly jihad against high unemployment, vast public debt and decayed national infrastructure might have been considered too by more realpolitik branches of the Muslim military trained potential terrorists given a boost in jihad by U.S. administrations since the end of the cold war.

A western civilization that considers letting its floundering founding nation-Greece, go its own way and leave the Euro economic zone is a Europe divided. Greece should not be booted and sent to the tender mercies of narco-traffickers, arms dealers and Chinese investors. The European community has also extended sanctions on Russia another half year while the Chinese arrive in Washington D.C. to plan further joint agenda with America's political leadership. Those are fruits of the President's Asia-century foreign policy.

Wall Street and its corporate-government flunkies view America's population and that of china as just cheap exploitable labor to build up their wealth. The left view China as comrades in atheism and pragmatists for secular humanism where all can share dope and sensuality and eventually the wealthy can be taken down. it is more likely that the policy of preventing a more unified European-Russian economic block and supporting the China-pacific century will imbalance global economic, technological and ecospheric development and place the Chinese Communist party in too powerful of a position. that will have several bad consequences for western civilization.

Western civilization is about the rise of individual liberty. The Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest liberal reformer of human civil life who ever lived bring individual worth and equality of individuals before God to the fore of the human political and moral agenda. China developed oriental despotism and naturally adopted Marxism. With such a vast population superiority in numbers the power of a world economy leading China will assert its own historical cultural values while that of the west is being negated, and that is very dangerous for the future of world civilization.

Western civilization strengthened with a Unified Europe and Russia, with Greece becoming a center for ecological economic research and the United States being an independent and ideal example of spirituality and economic rationality within an environmental context is the right direction for the West to take in the post cold war environment. China contained and set as a global partner and equal of the Russia-Europe economic block presents better prospects for Africa and South America too than a Chinese hegemony over Wall Street with Indian sending millions of abroad to Latin America and conflicts with Muslim migrants and cultural centers globally.

The Moon might be an environment where remote control construction machines can experimental construct shelters for future human occupation. There should be an industry developed for constructing human villages on moons and planets of the solar system before any human arrives. That could make space colonization far easier than even settling of western frontiers was in times past. The United States needs good political leadership as well as good paint jobs.

American media and politicians cannot just segregate house repainting and drive white painters out and replace them with Hispanics and Negroes claiming that only a Klan repaints homes in the U.S.A. as if the public were complete idiots. White painters and Hispanic painters as well as Negroes can paint homes side by side with the peace and harmony that paint brushes yet not airless sprayers bring to American homes. What kind of monster thinks that home painting brings pain to the poor and downtrodden with dessicated, sun warped exterior boards rather than joy and security when high quality primer soaks deeply into the cracks of the tired, disheveled boards with extruding nails crying out 'paint me, paint me! What kind of heartless, spiritual dead monster would turn brother painter against brother painter and American against American creating racial strife and division along house repainting free enterprise lines? What inhuman political predator in high office could not realize the happiness a new interior paint job can bring with designer colors to a depressing, lightless, tenement that hasn't seen a drop of paint since the Truman administration?

Historically, painters are the worst paid and underemployed of the building trades. They are seasonally often out of work. In Russian painters had most of the year unemployed searching for a crust of bread in the frozen north. Just government painters and insiders of the Gubernia in Petersburg had guaranteed opportunities to inhale deeply toxic paint fumes of interior jobs.

In the U.S.A. painters generally have no unions. Right to work states and vast numbers of illegal aliens have undermined painter's wages. Corporate and banking corruption that busted the housing boom also wrenched painter's job prospects. There are painters that do not earn enough from rare house painting jobs they can find when riding a bike, homeless around the nation sleeping with fire ants outside, to qualify for a social security earning year even if they pay income tax. Those painters may look at the shiny government offices on a hill where pampered for life politicians look down upon the riff raff without sympathy and hope they are replaced by human beings. What kind of pampered sadists would mock poor painters as klan people as if they (the klan) had any kind of a work ethic. The klan are more like politicians in air-conditioned offices that sleep on fluffy mattresses at night after drinking champagne and dancing with one hand free in the high life.

America may have its Marie Antoinettes and Louis XIV politicians that urge small, personal free enterprise painting be crushed so the poor can only work for corporations if they aren't blacklisted. maybe evading corporate tyranny or government tyranny isn't possible, yet there may be one politician that isn't down and dirt-bag, spiritually dead un American racial segragator starting with painters. Even so there are Satanic politicians that would totalize the work possibilities of the U.S.A. in order to brainwash and subjugate every soul with mandatory indoctrination in abomination before destruction. While Americans are distracted with clever fake segregation decoys the rich of Government are fast tramping deals to outsource jobs and in-source permanent comparative downward mobility.

Western civilization should boldly go forth to restore Russia's homeland security on the Ukraine's eastern littoral of the Dnieper, end sanctions on Russia and move with a purpose toward ending the schism in the west and bringing the vitality of Russia and Europe to a new Eurasian continental development. The 21st century should not just be an Asian century with a President that grew up in a Muslim nation with a kind of despot leader dividing Europe and Russia (that followed the Clinton-British imperial lead from the British imperial political neurosis) moving with fast tramp trade authority to get treaties before a nuclear option empowered congress for passage before anyone can read it to see what's in it.

In 2016 the nation may give republicans control of not only both houses of congress, but of the Presidency too. They are trying to find a configuration in government that works. In control of democrats or divided it has been ineffective the past few years. the logical evolution to try is that of electing a republican President with a republican congress to swiftly enact his policy in a time of put up or shut up.

If the Republican just make speeches when in power do nothing, or if the republicans increase debt, foreign wars, division in Europe, raise unemployment or destroy the environment they will be hated by the left and cast out in 2020. In the meanwhile a third party may rise with nationalist, and ecospheric restoration goals. it is possible that a Western Civilization Party unifying green and mean fighting machine priorities could arise and remain free from hostile media takeover by the rich, yet optimism about any sort of real political improvement in the United States is invariably inflated. Since the end of the cold war it is usually the worst that develops as the worst greed of the worst spoilt politicians possibility rises like scum to the top.


Greece Owes Euro Payment; Whats the Cost of 50,000 Refugees a Month?

If Greece is having trouble producing a couple of million dollars to pay the EC, it should be considered that refugees from Obama's War in Syria sends maybe 50,000 people fleeing from troublesome death threats, weapons explosions, starvation and other challenges to serenity northward to Greece. Greece has to pay for what is really a European problem and a failure of the Obama administration to take responsibility for the consequences of its policy of ousting Syria's President years ago, and of support for building an insurrection that stimulated ISIS. Maybe Greece's debt repayment should be set aside until they no longer need to pay for so many refugees to Europe from Syria.

It's not as if I think that Greece shouldn't improve its economy and that Germany isn't right in wishing that Greece had more solar power and border security, if they have that opinion. As part of the EC Greece may have youth flight to better job prospects and problems of an economy that is somewhat retro and perhaps saturated seasonally with tourists undermining a sense of community and responsibility.

Perhaps the Parthenon should be renamed for some billionaire willing to be a corporate sponsor for a three years. It could be called The Warren Buffet Parthenon or The Bill Gates Parthenon perhaps. Maybe there is a Russian billionaire willing to sponsor the Parthenon as some sort of a green economics theoretical research center for awhile. Greece could use some change.

Degenerative Social Effect of Music Lyrics

Plato would have banned all musicians from a society, yet some music seems good for the soul. Even so one must wonder about the degenerative social effects of males listening to popular music lyrics designed to be heard by women. The long term effects of rock and roll music lyrics designed for women along with illegal drug use may have some sort of feminizing impact on the American psyche and grease the skids for judicial activist foisting of homo marriage on the states. In many work facilities male workers are required to listen to musical agents of socialization even such as 'everyone has a devil inside'. I saw an Army Sgt. listening to such a song long ago on a radio like a dumb animal conditioned for Satanic taking.

Perhaps that isn't so however. One might believe that black hip hop culture arises in southern states to continue the practice of not appearing rural or servile amidst the ancestral white slave-owning culture, and that is reasonable enough although it does provide fertile ground for hispanic illegal migrants without slave ancestors happy to form the underground economy doing work that blacks are reluctant to. Such a theory may be incorrect. It might be easier to test the social effects of effeminizing lyrics on males in a controlled research study environment. I wonder if such a study was been made.

Edicting of Nantes and Relious Selections in Politics & Nations

 Evidently the French are reenacting Napolean's defeat at Waterloo. Its a society for creative anachronism sort of event. People do not think about how feudalism controlled society including religion in Europe as much as they ought to. After the edict of Nantes kings choose the religion a state would have. Individual liberty from political power was difficult regardless of the social organization it flowed through. Spiritual thought differs from political, secular interests more than a little, in its true form, although one might not want to preclude all political events from being teleological actualization tools of God. The edict of Nantes and its religious tolerance was later revoked by Louis XIV (a rather swishy image below). In "30 states a head of state must belong to a certain religion" (or vice versa?)... http://www.pewresearch.org/.../in-30-countries-heads-of.../ With so many Muslim heads of state required to be Muslim, there is something of a standing Muslim political-religious pressure toward militancy and Muslim law. Such a political tree sends its nuts to many nations hoping to take root. The left does not view things that way and seeks to disarm Americans and repress religion to create a faggy little state useful to Wal Street.


World Chess Rankings; Tactics

Casual chess players wonder about the jockeying for positions in the present professional super-GM chess tournaments leading to the next Candidate's tournament. Magnus Carlsen is still the world's number one ranked player yet in live chess his ranking has dropped 20 points. Carlsen is experiencing something of a slump during the Norway 2015 Super-Tournament  losing a few games. Fabiano Caruana who was won seven in a row at last year's Sinquefeld has also dropped a more than 40 points from his second-highest-ever rating.  With the candidate's tournament to determine who will play Carlsen in the World Championship in 2016 not being held until January 2016 there are some tactics that be be a factor in immediate wins and losses, world rankings and standings. Does Carlsen have much reason to show anything new the rest of the year to his potential challengers?

Another chess Grandmaster of very high rank Levon Aronian has dropped about 40 points since the last candidates tourney. There may be a lesson in being a very high second ranked player before the candidate's tournament; all the other players pay especially attention to you and it is difficult to win the tournament (unless you are Magnus Carlsen). So Caruana and others may be conserving their play once they have already earned a place in the candidates' for 2016. Carauana and American Hikara Nakamura have already won places in the 2016 Candidates with wins in the FIDE Grand Prix series this year.


It is very difficult to say who will make it to the Candidates Tournament besides those already qualified. Vishy Anand, former World Champion has an auto-slot for winning last time. There are a few open invites for high ranking players and Americans hope that Wesley So is selected; So and others that might go because of high world chess ratings need to keep their scores as high as possible.

China's Wei Yi is at this stage seemingly another Magnus Carlsen. At age 16 he is already a Super GM and it is theoretically possible that he could surge in rankings and be at the Candidate's Tournament too. At about 2730 he would need to rise another 70 points the rest of the year to have much of a chance. The top ten in World Chess rankings will probably win spots and Yi is presently 29th ranked. One wonders if Yi will be the first player to reach 3000. Carlsen fell just 15 points short of that.

Multiculturalism and The Violence of Integration

President Obama's immediate left-wing disarmament reaction to the killing of Christians at church in Charleston exemplified the simplistic attitude toward violence of the Clinton-Obama tangent. Instead of noting the fact that multiculturalism and integration drives conflicts and killings the response of the left is to disarm the populace and put them in civil chains.

President Obama has said that of the world's civilized or post-industrialized nations the United States has the highest murder and gun violence rate and that eventually something needs to be done about that. Fundamentally his analysis is dead wrong. The United States has the most free and open society with the most numerous people on Earth with a reasonably high standard of living, although the wealth is concentrated and 1% own something like half the wealth and 50% share less than one-half of 1% of the wealth. I suppose Mr. Roof (what did the dog say when asked what covers a tree?) of scythe the Christians notoriety belongs in the poor-class. The primary cause for violence anywhere besides domestic strife is multi-cultural transformations and economic insecurity.

When I was walking into a store yesterday an automobile drove in through plate glass windows and the wall about ten feet away to come to a stop. The shaken driver got out and said the accelerator stuck. She probably had trouble with multicultural auto design and got a shoe and the accelerator mixed up with the brake-easy to do when multicultural snafu fail to install motion-sensing tech solid object ahead auto-brake features.

If one briefly considers nations such as have low crime and violence rates they are those with low levels of multiculturalism such as japan, Britain, China and some European nations. Multiculturalism brings violence such as the Muslim train bombing in Spain that drove the country to accept queer marriage, Muslim violence in China, Muslim killing of French journalists, and Muslim beheading of Jewish journalists and American journalists. Multiculturalism is the source of conflict in the U.S.A. today as descendants of African slaves experience violence from a descendants of a former oppressor class with economic insecurity because of multi-cultural illegal alien immigration to take up all the easy labor jobs of the Carolinas (I was riding a bike around S. Carolina looking for a job once when five illegal Mexicans appeared with painting tools from a project for a white home owner. Being a painter I could see the competition).

Certainly people need to work to live peacefully together, yet racial groups do not hire other racial groups except as cheap labor generally, and the upper classes support multiculturalism in order to get cheap labor-its not a new thing anywhere. It is the perennial human struggle of exploiters versus exploited and of all the hapless idiots on both sides of the line.

The United States has a fairly constant 14-15,000 murders annually now. There has been little change during the Obama years. It was more violent during the Vietnam and integration era when there were about 20,000 murders annually. The innocence was lost in 1960 when slightly fewer than 10,000 people were murdered. its the way it goes. The remedy io job security for a certain percent, and environmental security will keep the rate from rising in the future I would think. Yet compared to America's involvement in foreign wars and stimulating foreign conflicts where hundreds of thousands die the loss of life is not so horrific.



Janet Yeltsin Boots Smart Alek Hamilton; & To Place Fem Founder on Ten-Spot

I have often thought Betsy Ross deserved the ten dollar bill feature photo slot and Alexander Hamilton should be moved to the label of a bottle of Jamaican rum. Fed Chef Yelin is giving Hammy what he deserves. Real power has its privileges.

All of the Feds bills have feature individuals that founded the nation or kept it together in the case of Lincoln-a dubious choice for being there with the founders yet because of his possibly Indian ancestry he deserves right of place. In a way though restricting face-bills to just founders was exclusive-everyone knows who the founders were but is Crispus Attucks on even the dollar?Crispus Attucks.jpg

It is females that are being considered though for the tenner. So I will consider more females as Vanity Fair considerations may be relevant.  Plainly it might be a better idea to sell the face-place of honor on bills for a billion a year to those that can afford it. Would Donald Trump or Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or Bill Clinton pay a billion to get their face on a ten-spot for a year's issue of currency?

That issue aside, Sacajawea is perhaps the sole female realistically qualified to be on the bill as a builder of the American Republic for leading Lewis and Clarke's expedition to the Promised Land, before it was all polluted and ugly from deforestation and auto exhaust etc. There is a credible report that the expedition saw a salmon in Montana or Idaho as impossible to believe as it is.

If no one remembers Susan B. Anthony it may be because she represented a special interest. Formerly to qualify one needed to represent the interests of all Americans directly rather than just a portion. Picky, picky, picky- Dwight Eisenhower probably deserves an honorable mention though he was only Supreme Allied Commander. One might want to increase the range of women eligible for the ten dollar bill to include movie stars and country western singers like Dolly Parton or Jane Fonda.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...