
Intelligent Design vs. Natural Fluke (with a Video)

Intelligent Design vs Natural Philosophy Today

The construction, composition and arrangement of the Universe is such that it is not inconsistent with intelligent design. On the other hand there isn't anything evident in the Universe that doesn't appear to belong here like some sort of artifact from an intelligent designer. One might want a hyper-dimensional custom signature of God to appear in the great empty spaces between galaxies now and then crossing through space-time transcendently with a note attached that says 'I paid for and approved this Universe'. Without that votaries of science as a natural religion to support the idea of a godless Universe argues without direct contradiction.

The complexity and marvelous structure of the Universe makes it appear that life is a necessary and inevitable structure that had to form in the historical line of processes that followed the first appearance of mass and energy. The chemical elements and physical forces are so fine-tuned that life would not have been possible if they were a little different. Thus the dialectical helix supporting D.N.A. with its intricate process came into being after stars were formed, exploded yield new elements, and planets coalesced under gravity within dust clouds in the void. The processes were pre-determined and inherent in the beginning. The beginning pre-determined the end. For Christians God is alpha and omega. Life seems a necessary product of the existence of Universe. That supports points for intelligent design of the Universe as a whole.

The obvious complex structure of life and the process that allowed it to emerge from energy and matter over time for some manifests intelligent design. Paley's ontological argument about a found watch and its complexity allowing inference of an intelligent designer is comparable. Scientific atheists discard what is called the anthropic principle with the explanation that if life were to appear at all as a result of simple natural processes it necessarily would seem to be designed.

For one Universe to appear that is so complex and functions so well that it generated intelligent life when there are many physical constants that could have been different that would not have produced life in a Universe is greatly against the odds of fluke occurrence. There are two fundamental alternative explanations for the Universe being the way it is (fine-tuned for life ) that hypothetically occur before the start of this Universe. They are used to explain why the existence of the Universe should not be regarded as having occurred against extremely high odds and its perfection for life as rare..

One is that this Universe exists along with an infinite number of other Universes and at least one had to have perfect conditions for life; humanity happens to be lucky ones in such a Universe (the cosmic jackpot). This is a variation of the given an infinite amount of monkeys at typewriters at least one would type by random chance the collected works of Shakespeare.

The second is a similar though darker explanation; this Universe is one that reached birth from a nearly infinite number of aborted Universes;- and only Universes that could have life can reach full term because there is some sort of powerful mind-field pre-existing Universes that draws intelligent life unto itself. It is as callous about screening out and aborting life as planned parenthood.

Jesus Christ took the sins of the elect upon himself and imputed his righteousness upon them as well. Christians of course have faith in Jesus Christ. The saved or elect have righteousness and sin at the simultaneously; Simul justus et peccator . Christians are saved through the grace of God, the Lord Jesus Christ and work of the Holy Spirit. Christians also rely on the truth of scripture- sola scriptura. Therefore they believe God created the Universe because the Bible tells them so.

Philosophers and philosophically inclined theologians may inquire into how God created or scheduled the Universe to appear. It is also possible to examine the Bible and how it is to be interpreted or understood, I wrote a book named God, Cosmology and Nothingness (free to download for the present) that has my best try at that. It is faith however; blind faith in Jesus Christ, in which Christians place their hope. God is good.


Issues of Contemporary Theology (video)

Thomas Jefferson; Racist and Prophet of Civil Religion

The founders were not all in agreement with today’s happy news approach to race and immigration.


An article from a 1995 issue of Atlantic magazine relates that Calhoun's 1830s articles on Nullification were inspired from the writing of Thomas Jefferson. Resolutions in Kentucky were written by Thomas Jefferson apparently. Nullification was the principle that states had a right to nullify any corrupt laws passed by the federal government. Today of course with a monopoly on nuclear power, surveillance gathering high ground and domination of broadcast media synergy the power of the federal government is irresistible, except of course for nature and economics that correct all imbalances eventually.

It is surprising that Jefferson wrote that ""Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them." (from his autobiography).

Timothy McVeigh, one of the Oklahoma City bombers, claimed Thomas Jefferson as an inspiration; McVeigh had a famous quote from Jefferson on his shirt when arrested that said' The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Jefferson sought legislation in 1776 that would have prevented increase of Virginia's negro population. Apparently he also sought to increase penalties for miscegenation with white women. The Virginia legislature rejected Jefferson's radical proposals.

Following the Haitian revolution and slaughter of white people Jefferson's antipathetic ideas about non-European populations evidently increased. History is interesting to read; it may be presented from numerous points of view, like the need for fossil fuel engines.


Evolution of Muslim Theocracy in America

For those with an interest in general history the evolution of social changes is interesting to observe in real time; as the gradual progression of change has so many many historical examples for comparison. Presently the way the U.S. Government leads, along with its vital 'ally' , England, through foreign and domestic policy to support an evolution from a state of Christianity and a modicum of grace toward godless atheism and social decay toward mass Muslim immigration with the necessary following evolution toward theocracy is the best show to watch the next few decades.
Administrators evidently have no idea about what Islam is nor how stirring up the blooding pot of Middle East war leads more to refugees and casualties, hate and issues instead of peace or stability. Canada plans to import 25,000 Syrians who will have relatives and cell phones and easy U.S. travel with the majority being Muslim and that will be a Northern support for the evolution of Muslim hegemony. The left believe its necessary to stablish any immigrants as they will vote against conservatives and merge as atheists eventually. That is a short sighted viewpoint.


Democrat Items for the CDC's To Do List

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has said the Democrats will pass the budget bill if a rider is attached directing the CDC to research the cause of gun violence. That is not the only item on the CDC's to do list. Here are the additional items now published for reasons of humor.

1) Discover why politicians get rich after election to the U.S. House and Senate

2)  Find the root cause for the french donation of a giant female with a torch after defeat in the 1974 Franco-Prussian war

3) Because of rising income inequality the middle class are no longer the majority; why? 

4) Is the bi-partisan policy of giving trillions of zero interest loans and such to banks a rational economic policy? Can inflation develop with so much cash and national public debt? Is it really a good economic idea policy for the government to spend more than it has in revenue?

5) Will Elvis return with a new and renewable green cheese from the Orion (warrior) constellation?

6) Are gangs discriminatory against people of different races?

7) Would a guaranteed minimum income eliminate gun  ?

8) Are guns the final chapter in the invention of cheap tools to harm others?

9)  Will quantum computing advance sufficiently in time to stop global warming?


Trump is Right; Ryan Wrong on revisionist view of immigration history)

Donald Trump's political proposal to halt all Muslim immigration to the U.S.A. is solid and consistent with precedence of mainstream U.S. history. When in prior times foreign ideologies inimical to vital security interests of the nation endemic to a foreign population presented a threat to the fundamental values of the U.S.A. the government acted to halt or strongly reduce immigration of the those with malevolent ideologies to America. That includes ideological theocrats bowing to a foreign city five times daily. I will not even mention Thomas Jefferson's ideas about admitting Caribbean nations to the union. Politicians may have their heads where the sun don't shine on the issue and that is snafu.

Many politicians have said they would ban immigrants from hostile nations or perhaps those with chaos and war created by U.S. administration efforts to force regime change upon them thereafter stimulating civil conflicts and continuing chaos. Iraq, Syria and Libya might be included in those. Politician's assumptions that Muslim nations mirror western nation's organizational premises are wrong. Muslim nations tend to seek one world order themselves without the divisions of nationalism rather like John Leninismists or Trotskyite communists.

Most of the Middle east nations-states structures were forced upon the indigenous people by a victorious west over Axis powers including Turkey. Pan Arabism during the Nasser era leading up the the 1967 six day war with Israel is not unlike the union aspirations of Issis to restore a Caliphate such as existed historically with the Ummayad and Abassid dynasties. The problem is Islam; not particular national-boundary lines and citizenship in regard to Islam. Political square pegs in round holes by the blind D.C. leadership strike recurrently like a hop-headed Zarathustra-McGoo that skimmed a few thin, large-print graphic novels of history thence to act as Fausts with the confident power of delusional scholarship corrupting the U.S.A.

A virtual ban on communist immigration to the U.S.A. during the 1950s is an example too obvious to need to mention. Islam is a theocratic political system itself. It is a political as well as a religious ideology comparable to communist-atheism. Islam has forsaken its theocratic constitution only as a result of foreign conquest from the west.

Turkey had its military revolt only after the Sublime Porte was beaten by the west. Though Lebanon was part of Syria before the end of the Ottoman empire, it was with the partition by the allies of the Middle East that compelled neo-democratic systems upon Muslims in the region.

Some in the U.S. government are dumb enough to believe that Islam has a natural secular and democratic balance with clerics comparable to that of a declining U.S. clergy in relation to the state, and that is, well, too wrong dudes. Muslims vary naturally between authoritarianism tending to secularism and theocracy. That historical tendency is not one that can be changed by a naïve and ignorant American political leadership class of over-promoted materialists risen to their level of incompetence.

The United States also banned Shinto religious policy with worship of the Emperor (not Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton) during the MacArthur period of Japanese occupation. Debathification was compelled upon Iraq during the Bremmer administration albeit with disastrous results. Paradoxically while atheism is a religion in-itself, the U.S. government tolerates and even promotes its values these days, and tends to invest in communist-atheist nations and even support immigration.

It is easy to find examples of limits on immigration quotas from particular nations during times when a given population presented excessive danger to the security of the United States and its constitutional values. Immigrants from Eastern Europe were nearly stopped after the ideology of anarchism and neo-communism became widespread. Perhaps that was an historical mistake considering the potential value of Eastern Europeans as productive people, however we shall never know what that alternate history would have been. As it was the nation suffered little from the rise of anarchism with the exception perhaps of Chicago that remained something of an anarchist training ground.

Not until the Second World War did the nation again need to restrict immigration from particular populations. Those from axis powers were curtailed. Chinese immigration has been tightly regulated ay various points in U.S. history, especially during the Maoist years.

It is interesting that so many Republicans in leadership posts such as Speaker Ryan are absolutely clueless about real U.S. history and values of prior generations. They espouse a revisionist, sanitized version of history as naturally as my posts looked after censorship and deletion at Helium.com circa 2010.

The U.S.A. hasn't got buns of steel such that it cannot be harmed from adverse mass migrations. Maybe House Speakers cannot suffer from a good ass-kicking, yet ordinary mortals can, and so, they take defensive measures against that occurrence rather than basking in a Catherine the Great-Potemkin revisionist view of sanitized U.S. history. Neither are sweet sounds of rhetoric in front of a microphone necessarily consistent with real national security interests.

Odious attacks from Republican leadership on Donald Trump ought to stop; Trump at least has a backbone., and says what he thinks. In your heart, you know he's right. Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are the choices of the New World Order crowd presumably. Nearly anyone else, yet especially Donald Trump, would be a better selection.

U.S. Legislature passes 'Every Child Suks Seed' Bill

A news story mentioned Senators Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray in conjunction with an early childhood education bill to replace President Bush's 'no leftist child behind' with an Obama-era homosexual marriage friendly training update. The House and Senate have passed something named 'Every Child Suks Seed'.

The suckcess of the government childhood training agenda may depend on what the meaning of is, is in the New World Order.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...