
Why Vladimir Putin Is An Admirable Historical Figure

President Vladimir Putin is an admirable historical figure. Well, that settles that. Putin is comparable to the Tsar Boris Godunov who led Russia during a serious 'time of troubles in the latte 16th century

Boris Godunov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Godunov


Some presidential candidates such as Marco Rubio have criticized Donald Trump for saying Putin is an admirable guy, yet Trump is right. Of course Americans have made it a knee-jerk requisite patriotic necessity to have Russia as at least a sort-of foe since the cold war. It is difficult to teach an old dog new tricks and American politicians love to hate Russia or at least its leaders if they don't kiss hut of the U.S. government.

Putin has needed to keep Russia strong and rebuild it during its time of greatest weakness. defend Russia against the west seeking to take its historically Russian lands and threats from Muslims, terrorists and of course China, and deal with the the Russia mafia as well. There were more threats and a requirement to keep people from starving too. No American President since F.D.R. have faced a fraction of the challenges and overcome them without complete failure. Instead, given all the opportunity in the world and immense military power after the end of the cold war in january 1990 the United States has built its public debt to 20 trillion dollars, continued to mess up te environment and get engaged in protracted foreign conflicts directly and indirectly that were avoidable. They also let the world economy nearly crash with banking and mortgage horseshit through deregulation and political stupidity.

A somewhat Tsar-like President is not a good thing except in comparison to what might have been instead to take an idea from Churchill.

One hopes the U.S.A. evolves some competent leadership one day ad that Russia evolves a perfect democracy with a good environment however I think that may take some time.

Presidential Candidates May Make 'Phony' Campaign Promises

With the lawyers attacking Donald Trump in and out of the debates and establishment Republicans calling Donald Trump a 'fraud' and a 'phony' it is worth recalling that it is politicians themselves making the claims, and politicians habitually make phony and fraudulent campaign promises. The disingenuous insinuation of political veracity of the accusatory candidates makes for a chuckle.

Candidate Trump standing amidst two lawyers that are professional arguers and polemicists too in a sense enjoys an experience something like being attacked from two pit bulls while riding a bike with them biting at each foot, and Trump has the prospect of the Democrats lawyer team of the Clintons ahead. It is somewhat amazing to me that he can actually enjoy the challenge.

Yet as serious as are sins of commission in making false campaign promises are, equally bad are the sins of omissions such as candidate Obama made in concealing his willingness to legalize homosexual marriage. If he had made that known in 2008 it is doubtful that he would have been elected, and neither would Hillary Clinton have replaced Obama since she too supports the abomination.

I should explain that I have heard a couple of jokes recently. One is the perennial one of 'What is the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is heavy and the other a little lighter'. The other joke was on the radio. it was reported that a school board candidate believes President Obama was a homosexual prostitute in his 20's. In order to earn some extra cash I would guess. Yet I wonder where people gt that kind of idea or if it is just made up out of thin air.

Iit may be that most candidates are so daft rather than disingenuous that they have no idea about the potential for implementing policies that will cost unforseeen trillions. Such guesswork and blindness to national economic situations is considerable it seems.

I especially like the idea that the candidates other than Trump are competent on foreign policy. They may be able to tell Botswana from Argentina or Peru from Canada, yet they generally support incompetent Middle Eastern policy and Ukraine policy too that costs the nation a lot and Europe too in lost potential. None have solid Mexico policy that would stop all illegal immigration yet help develop Mexico quickly with a green and sustainable economic assistance and full employment policy. Instead they seem to prefer the decadent (literally) policy of corruption.


Romney Begins Werewolf Campaign Against Trump

Mitt Romney like his late fellow Massachusetts political cult leader Ted Kennedy who attacked Democrat front runner President Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election, appears to be trying to divide his party and let the opposition take the victory in the fall Presidential election. It seems an example of the Republicrat corporatist kickback network at work in Congress in recent times.

Romney was the elitist loser of the 2012 Presidential election and apparently cannot relinquish the spotlight. He may hope that someone will suggest he enter the race to save the party. His may be a back-door plan to run for President again on the cheap since the Cruz and Rubio campaigns aren't as popular as cold wet noodles with mildew and rotten tomato sauce.

Romney is expected to serve up some live escargot nuggets of political banality today in a speech claiming Trump is a fraud and a con artist. When the establishment convicts people without due process of law it is especially onerous to hear. Rubio should know better since he has a law degree. The law is generally a sufficient tool in high-profile cases to arrest perpetrators. When officials of the court convict by decree without resonates in fascist harmony. 


Why the Republican & Democrat Establishment Fears Donald Trump

The Republican and Democrat party establishments fear Donald Trump. Those parties are preponderantly insider special interest kickback collectives heavily invested in the globalist financial networks. Trump is largely self-financed and not sold out to favor-traders nearly so far as career politicians that haven't an original thought in their double-spaced and appropriately marginalized minds..

The United States today is something of a declining bureaucratic power servo unit to the ultra-rich. The party establishments seek preferred positions at the teats of financial power and look upon Trump who can afford to go buy milk at a store as a threat to the complex social hierarchy of fiscal sucking.

The 2008-2009 Federal and Federal Reserve financial bail-out of Wall Street cynched up Mussolini-Hitler's political hybrid invention of corporatism. It is not ultimately an efficient system as government theory corrupts free enterprise and political liberty.

I've invented a hybrid political philosophy myself based on ecological economics that remains free enterprise based yet has a guaranteed minimum income and low-entropy criteria for review of business developments. Corporations would also be limited to 5000 employees. The most rich could only have 300 times the wealth of the most poor. Civilizations needs to tighten up. Business that restored lost ecospheric health would be prioritized. A no-net loss of ecosphere policy would be applied to business zoning. Different value theories would replace the one with simple excess consumption and indifferent regard for social and environmental harm in order to get more hamburgers or cash than one could consume in millions of lifetimes.


A.I. Chess Coaches

I don't know if A.I. chess coaches already exist at any kind of advanced level-probably. I don't think they are available at Amazon.com for $19.95 yet. One wonders when the A.I. chess coach will appear with a variety of speech synthesizer voices to analyze one's chess games and provide instruction about the game. With databases of millions of chess games available I suppose, the coach could have the style of Morphy, Fischer and Lasker all in one, and council how to defeat the Carlsen or Kasparov style.

It is strange how tech evolves to make the game itself change.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...