
Donald Trump Did Business During Campaign- Why is That Unethical?

The Post and several other organizations are perennially (apparently) trying to throw dirt on the President. They must believe that doing business with Russia isn't ethically o.k. If it was legal though then why would that particular bit of business be considered not ethically o.k.? Bezos would probably never want Amazon.com to work in Russia. Perhaps Russians already use Ali Baba.

Sure Russia is the evil empire forever to Democrats and others that want to annex as much of the former Imperial Russian empire to Wall Street servers as possible. Democrats have changed their states to true blue states and made Putin's Russia the new evil empire to replace the former Soviet Evil Empire. The Republicans are the new red state reds (and watch out for pinko independents!). Not everyone wants to bite off America's nose to spite its face in a manner of speaking by amputating good Russian relations permanently. That is very costly.

Already more than 30% of U.S. energy production is foreign owned. America's policy of putting sanctions of Venezuela may result defaults that will make them unable to pay loans to Russia so that Russia will take over CITGO. American efforts to enact foreign policy aren't always or usually very well thought out or co-ordinated-takes too much work.

America should cut back any regular monthly outlays or payments of rent to foreign entities evil or not. Electrical and fuel consumption are two of the most obvious. Home produced alternative, off-grid energy is American energy. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars each month to foreign corporations mericans should produce their own electricity for home and even electric automobile fuel. Saudi Arabia owns the largest oil refinery on the U.S. Gulf coast. They don't even buy America light sweet crude oil-instead preferring the heavy crude from Brazil and Saudi.

Mr. Trump at least has the good sense to know that good business is good business and better than no business or bad business. Positive relations with Russia allow constructive engagement socially and economically and societies evolve over time to be more like those they trade with. Democrats could take comfort in knowing that if they send enough dope smoking, cocaine sniffing queers to Russia on business, that Russia will have its political immune system against that sort of thing corrupted. 

On second thought, maybe America shouldn't have much to do with Russia. Even so I don't think that trying to do business in that country last year was anything to make news. 

Sagan and Subsurface Moon Life- Geothermal Sanctuaries for Aliens

The former astronomer Carl Sagan published a scientific paper in 1961 on the possibility that life exists on the moon below the surface.  https://www.nap.edu/read/18476/chapter/5

Plainly the possibility that life could find a habitat amenable for existence in the warmer and sometimes cooler conditions below the surface can not be discounted.

Lunar subsurface temperatures may be as high as 32 degrees f in some locations. Subsurface temperatures on many solar system extra-terrestrial objects vary greatly from air or near-vacuum surface temperatures. Even on Earth, I have kept a gallon of water from freezing in minus zero temperatures simply by setting it on the ground and covering it with a a thick blanket; the heat rising from the Earths core provides enough heat to keep water liquid for a time.

Sagan's theory was that if life had existed at some point when conditions were favorable on e.t. object X, that when conditions gradually deteriorated for surface existence it may have migrated underground.

That makes me wonder if future Venus probes couldn't land and nifty drill themselves into the ground to avoid the 800 degree atmospheric temperature since it might be cooler a hundred feet below the surface. Below the surface it might be possible for computer hardware to survive. Then it could extend some sort of periscope to the surface to monitor things, as well as to release small drones on suicide missions.

I also wonder about using geothermal power, or more properly exothermal power, to power a number of project missions on Mars and elsewhere around the solar system. With electro-magnetic cannot becoming common, a cheap high-quality power supply on Mars and elsewhere could be used to send piles of exploration and supply shells through the atmosphere or space surrounding any world.

Another Cold Can of Empty (poem)

Machine sprayed shining, shapes
jumping with bar codes, like

little cat feet, snapping
over red hatch-cover, cylinders 

drained smooth like circles, never
again full from the start, packing

fizzy imprints of enterprise, painted
pixels of instants, nothing

deep nothingness given, volumes
specific space-time dilations, added

six pack’d end of days.


What Apple's Next After the Next Hardware Should Be

Steve Jobs developed better mouse traps, or a computer mouse, given a prototype by NEC (?). He continued to take existing hardware and dramatically improve it for consumers. Apple's strength was in hardware. 


Apple will of course have hidden product development projects. One that it should add to its list would be the paradigm of producing quantum-teleportation technology in consumer products. Physicist have been able to generate space to Earth quantum teleportation of quanta.Besides science fiction-fantasy ideas of sending monkeys to congress and beyond to a moon base,  there may be no practical consumer product ideas for quantum teleportation hardware applications.They probably exist a priori in a Platonic realism sort of way.


Gannet Newspaper Arizona Republic Disses Arpaio’s Pardon

Sheriff Joe Arpaio defended the Republic from illegal immigration surging into the U.S.A. and his country as best he could. Sheriff Arapio was America's point man on practical national defense while the congress was kissing its own butts doing nothing. President Obama, the single day pardon record-holder for any president of the U.S.A., fundamentally supported amnesty for illegal aliens. Thus Arpaio following his conscience and belief in the security of the United States was bound to incur the wrath of the globalist evil empire and the President of the United States’ justice department and local judicial minions.

The Arizona Republic; a Gannet newspaper that supports most things leftist, globalist, homosexual and illegal alien entry in appearance if not substance, ‘slammed’ the Arpaio pardon.

At first I suspected the Arizona Republic was owned by Jeff Bezoz- the first or second richest man on Earth and a prime member of the global plutocracy. Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon.com. Discovery that it is a Gannet paper, rather than locally owned, was just as damning.

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz), an incumbent the President does not support for re-election, took a contrapositive stance, tweeting that, “I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take its course”.

President Obama granted nearly 1800 pardons and clemencies starting his first full year in office-2010.

One fellow, apparently reformed, pardoned in 2011, had been arrested 13 times, smuggled drugs and was convicted of conspiracy. Hundreds of the President Obama’s pardons and clemencies were for drug offenses. Notoriously the President pardoned Bradley-Chelsea Manning, for espionage. Sheriff Joe Arpaio was a career law enforcement agent who never quit following that calling.

One may argue that Sheriff Arpaio broke the law himself in not exactly implementing a court order to stop profiling drivers that looked like Hispanic illegal aliens. If illegal aliens don't have legal driver's licenses that would provide probable cause of course, even so the Obama administration went to great lengths to allow global corporate to flood the nation with illegal, cheap workers to replace American ad hoc union wage-labor value.

In the end, if Sheriff Arapio broke a legal court order-and that is not certain depending upon several other legal questions, he acted out civil disobedience to support a majority opinion that illegal aliens should not be given easy entry into the United States. In my opinion civil disobedience to reinforce a majority opinion has greater moral claim that civil disobedience to reinforce a minority opinion. The judiciary has forced many legal finding in recent years upon the U.S. public that went counter to popular opinion. In a democracy one must ask how far a majority should go to let a judiciary dictate to it the political and social development of the nation based on constitutional constructivism.



Hurricanes Harvey and Wilma; Times to Remember

One always remembers how they spent their last hurricane. Mine was Hurricane Wilma that I experienced from a tent camping in the palmettos in Stuart Florida. It was a storm to remember.

Wilma was the last major hurricane to hit the gulf coast apparently. I had bought a used sailboat at Stuart and journeyed there to fix it up. I camped in the palmettos being on a budget, in a $20 tent. It goes without saying that riding my bicycle out of the impact area of the storm was not practical.

The storm winds built up gradually for a few days before it arrived. That tended to increase subjective stress, and after the storm passed it only gradually decreased.

The storm itself was not so much. wind might have gusted to 160 yet 140 was the high sustained average. The palmettos filtered out much of the wind, and though the tent was knocked down and hit hard with dead palmetto branches there was no injury. That strong eye-wall wind experience lasted just a few minutes then calm arrived in the eye of the storm.

I rode my bicycle around while the eye brought calm looking at the damage. It was mostly near rootless palm tree blown down into the street and power line or street light damage. Telephone poles slumped over in the sandy soil.

It was perhaps the most dry hurricane that could have been. Though Harvey has more rain hitting Texas I hope their experience is as enjoyable as was mine.

Macron Threatens to Push Poland into the Baltic

President Macron of France raved about Poland's non-submission to the power of France and Germany recently threatening to push Poland to the margins of Europe. That takes a strong leader to move so much real estate, and that is President Macron.

Macron wants to get rid of cheap, legal migrant labor from the EU and to let only an illegal underclass of migrants work for below minimum wage as in California. That policy made California great, and it can make France great again as well.

Macron may have discovered that depravity-minded leaders must get one's economic hooks into nations that are slow to conform to domination of homosexual marriage laws, incipient domination by a flood of refugees from Africa and possibly France, and domination by global plutocrats.


Poland may be President Trump's best ally in Europe. Except for its inability to lead France in politics or unite with Russia to really give the lackadaisical EU military something to think about,  Poland has great  works and the best remaining family values in Europe. President Trump likes all that sort of thing.

Go Poland!

image credit : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_evolution_of_Poland#/media/File:Territorial-changes-of-Poland-1635-2009-small.gif

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...