
Room for Calvin Coolidge On Mt. Rushmore?

Maybe the next President to go on Mt. Rushmore should appear in the form of a vast solar-powered hologram with state-of the art storage batteries visible from three directions, and equal in stature to the existing Presidents. The project should have a Salvador Dalian super-realism aesthetic and of course, just one President could qualify for the honor; Calvin Coolidge.

Important Issues for the USA Now

Ecological economic reform combined with the reform of capitalism are the most important issue. A good, environmentally rational economy may not be the most popular political priority yet it is the most important for the well being of the nation.

Eliminating poverty through ecological economics implemented by intelligent politicians is quite challenging. Motivating Americans to become educated on real issues substantively is requisite.
I would be remiss in not saying that eternal life with Jesus Christ the Son of God is actually the true top priority for all people including Americans, yet for the purpose of political priorities I would say that a salient derivative of the Christian paradigm is getting a true post-millennial eschatology and a priesthood of believers ecclesia reform into general use are top priorities…letting that ‘the apocalypse is coming soon’ stuff fade out of the way. If the apocalypse appears it will be the fault of humans that are supposed to be building the kingdom of God, but aren’t.

A secure nation with strong borders is requisite for meaningful civil rights and equal protection of the law for all citizens. It is challenging to have meaningful, stable urban society with 320 million people and a horde of illegal aliens wandering about. To address particular social situations that cause people suffering in the U.S.A. it is necessary to have some actual social stability and a people solid enough to actually be available to have their challenges corrected by society if that is what they wish.

On PT Standards for the Army

After confirming that your health is good, develop your own running before enlisting. Run for time or distance yet not both to start with. Run for an hour a day and try to go farther each time. Find out what your ideal body weight is and stay with that. Work up to five miles, five days a week. and get the time down to under seven minute miles; not a blistering pace yet better than most young people these days. You should enjoy running…it’s one of the most enjoyable things one can do while the knees are good.
Push-ups are something you need to work on for the two months you are getting your running game together; work up to 50 push ups with a right-angle at the elbow and without touching your stomach on the ground. Get as close to the ground as you can before going back up. Drill sergeants will help you to increase the numbers.
Sit ups, if you are at ideal body weight, are easy. I could get 80 done in two minutes on the exams usually. That’s kind of fast paced. One doesn’t need to do that well, yet get at least 60 in two minutes before enlisting, and you are probably in better shape than your peers.
In theory the military physical fitness standards should be lower than your own. Then when you get up at 4 a.m. to do p.t. it’s the best time of the day…running a mile or two before dawn.

Carlsen-Caruana WC Chess Match 2018; The Nominal Appearance

The WC used to be 24 games, now it’s just twelve. That leaves open stall tactics, or rather, draw tactics like Sergei Karjakin used against MC in 2016. Draws can be used in a match the same way North Carolina basketball players stalled against national champion U.C.L.A. bringing the N.C.A.A. to order a play clock to count down time of possession, limiting the time of possession of a team without taking a shot.

Evidently a GM can plan what games to draw a priori and what games to use dynamic computer prep in to try to win. Try to win one or two and draw the remainder? Possibly there is some optimal computer game theory model that could formulate the best strategy they may use.

Toward the end of an appearance on the Dick Cavett Show, Robert James Fischer was asked a question by Dick; would Spassky draw every game if he could because if the match were drawn after 24 games he would retain the title, Fischer replied;” Yes, if I let him”.

Caruana seem to be playing well enough, yet so many top GMs seem to be underplaying; Wesley So, Levon Aronian etc. It is difficult to know if MC is really not so dominant as when he was 2885, or if he is shamming like a champ might to promote a contest and make it seem close and interesting to fans.

Some people expect MC to be the only human to join the chess engine plus 3000 ranks and Caruana to play as abstractly interesting games as in the 2014 Sinquefeld when he was unbeaten and won seven in a row. Who is shamming and who isn’t can’t be known until after the match. Caruana has a chance and so does the plan to send a cloud of small life seeking satellites to Alpha Centauri that would arrive in 30 or 40 years traveling at a quarter of the speed of light.year.

Undefeated Caruana Wins Sinquefield Cup by Three Points

Ted Cruz May Win Senate Race With Canadian-Mexican Vote

Texas Senator Ted Cruz's re-election race is very tight against the Democrat challenger O'Rourke. The Senator leads his odd party rival by just 1% in dubiously accurate voter survey polls. The race is interesting primarily because it is a test of Cruz's fellow Canadians loyalty to him or the odd party rival.

Ted Cruz may be able to count on Mexican-Texan voters to elect a fellow friend of Cuba rather than one with odd party allegiances. Mexican-Texans may not want to seem like socialists looking for a Democrat to ease their way as second class citizens led by the honorable Irish yet dubiously odd party candidate.

Cruz's Canadian citizen peers may vote his way if they are of the British side rather than the French.

Bloggers everywhere are following the intriguing race for a Senate seat that may swing the Senate this way or that, whipsawing bureaucrats around like ticker-tape in the winds of socialist-communist progression or plain Cuban-Mexican Canadian-American Texan common sense.


One Inaccuracy Two Blunders and Three Mistakes in 3M Blitz Chess

My opponent doubled the numbers except for equality in blunders- I played black.

Can AI Be Programmed to Find Best Uses of Eco-Resources on a Moon or Planet for Humans

If A.I. can be programmed to find the best and most efficient use of natural resources on a planet for human use and optimal survivability sustainability that would be useful. The Moon, Mars and Earth are obvious places to develop artificial intelligence programs to consider quantities, qualities, and synthetic recombinations of resources.

The questions of property ownership aside, since they tend to negate theoretical calculations concerning the optimal configurations of mass in a finite space, lifeless planets and moons that have known inventories of resources including gravity and mass convertible into energy, volume and surface area as well as minerals could well be examined by artificial intelligence to provide scenarios of the best possible uses comparable in some respects to the move calculations of chess engines yet also finding synthetic structures and combination-patterns for resources extraction over-time.  https://medium.com/applied-data-science/alphago-zero-explained-in-one-diagram-365f5abf67e0

One might innovate innumerable design scenarios from which to select a line of moon or planetary development or at least better understand the possible most-efficient and effective line paradigms for development.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...