
Matter, Energy and Original Sin

I was reading Louis Berkhof's 'Systematic Theology' recently and viewed hi chapter titled 'Man in the State of Sin'. Berkhof goes over the historical opinions of select theologians in regard to the origin of sin in-the-world. Berkhof's work is quite interesting and indirectly lends support to some very modern ideas.

The background for the theological controversy regarding original sin is quite interesting and largely beyond the scope of this blog note that I am making primarily for my own later use. Of course prior to the historical life of Jesus Christ there were several religious and philosophical ideas about the nature of matter, good and evil. Not all of those ideas made their way to ancient Israel or Athens to such an extent that they would become popular or well known. In the first and second centuries after the crucifixion when the disciple had passed on and scripture was being conserved and canonized theologians also began to address various points of doctrine that would actually require centuries to develop. One such point was that of original sin; was the fault in matter and somewhat predestined or did Adam simply make a voluntary choice to sin and thereby condemn everyone human ever after to bear the guilt of original sin?

The different points of view comprise something of a dialectic of opposites. Supporter of the fault is in matter and energy eventually became associated with gnosticism and Pelagianism while the Adam is entirely to blame school became associated with St. Augustine. There was a kind of in-between school that were known as semi-Pelagians.

I am interested in the point not only because of its historical and theological interest for-itself. I have given some though to the issue myself while considering modern creation theory in regard to the Biblical Genesis creation narrative. Adam seems to make his choice to sin before he is in the normal world with its thermodynamic and evolutionary processes that are the rule rather than the exception. That seemed very plain.

Berkhof seemed to believe that Karl Barth felt the Adamic temptation and fall happened in super-history, or what I believe is a greater, metaphysical situation that God created that transcended the material Universe, or even preceded it although like folded-space-time dimensions and membranes with shortcuts through them the idea of linear time progression of all things cannot necessarily be informative of before and after concerning space-time off super-history.

I also thought that the Garden scene of Adam and Eve occurred in a super-historical context and that as punishment for sin Adam and Eve were down-loaded into a thermodynamic ecosystem Universe suitable for sin as normal in matter. Therefor once Adam and Eve had sinned, all of humanity thereafter; their heirs and whomever else was created to populate the fallen world they were cast in to outside the Garden that was thereafter inaccessible and guarded by four cherubim (perhaps each assigned a space-time dimension to defend) would be born into a thermodynamic Universe where original sin of eating, sexting, dying and so are inescapable. An interesting point in Genesis is that the ante-Diluvian descendants of Adam and Eve do not have an instant normal mortal lifespan; there seem to be a gradual relativistic slowing merger into the normal Earth time-line.

My opinion then is somewhat more semi-Pelagian than purely Augustinian or Pelagian. I agree with Augustine that human nature is totally depraved because- because it coheres within the temporal Universe selected for its thermodynamic characteristics. In that fallen Universe the only way God might even notice people as anything besides being of the corrupt Universe context is if they have ate the body and blood of Christ spiritually so that God sees Christ rather than sin within them. I hesitate to use the term semi-Pelagian though for its historical definition that cannot provide the facts about the relationship between original sin and the space-time mass energy of the evolving material in the Higgs field that itself is probably embedded in some sort of a meta-field. I believe the fact is that interpreting the Bible and accurately understanding scriptural based theology may take more thousands of years to get a solid start upon because people just aren't that bright or necessarily informed by God about all things that they might be curious about upon their own schedule.

Augustine was right about many things theological, and quite an inspiration for believers. With a Calvinistic notion about pre-destination it is quite reasonable to accept Augustine's idea that mankind is totally depraved because Adam choose to disobey the will of God and that he used his own free will to make the choice and was therefor entirely to blame. Augustinian liberty with a Calvinist state of pre-destination where the bulk of the predestination is just God's prescience of what someone will choose is a reasonable precursor for the corrective action of God to thrust Adam and Eve into a fallen material world where evolving creatures input energy existentially to exist and grow and have a kind of cellular division to generate more like themselves sexually. Those creatures have original sin in the nature of the matter wherein they cohere, yet until they advance to a certain state of self-aware cognizance they also have primeval innocence in their ignorance of the difference between good and evil; animal versus man and the conscientiousness of a sentient being.

The actual mechanics and time-line of God's interaction with and interpolation and extraction of Adam and Eve from super-history to history aren't presently known in concrete terms. That is an example of why I think it may require a few thousand years to accurately comprehend, God willing, more or less.

Demo Party Redistributionists and Automation

The contemporary Democrat Party seems to be primarily one of feminists, homosexual, non-white and alien redistributionists dedicated to the impoverishment and downward social mobility of white American men. That divisive policy does allow simple race,gender and perversion political identity without a need for rational and efficient economic or environmental theory. It is also a policy that makes it easy to divide and conquer the electorate for the benefit of a national and global plutocracy.

Since the 1960s era political theoretical foundation of democrat Party redistributionism hasn't had a need to change, and because its theoretical foundation is largely skin deep and against y chromosomes that aren't queer or non-white, the more accurate and acute politics of the 1960s era Democratic Party has eroded and faded away. In fact the most recent democrat party U.S. President signed off on making vast Bush II tax cuts permanent when he need have only done nothing to let them expire.

Democrat Party leadership fundamentally seeks after its own enrichment and serves to destroy the class of white middle and working class men that kept the distance between the most rich and the working class within a visible distance rather than light years apart. The 1% have learned to use the broadcast media and identity politics to use the historically less advantaged voters to destroy the class that had kept the nation more or less working as a democracy with a modicum of egalitarianism. Between automation, redistribution of work opportunities, machines and illegal aliens for heavy lifting the opportunities for white men has been under withering attack for decades. Democrat Party redistributionists have played into the hands of the plutocracy and worked for redistribution of economic opportunities unto themselves from the previously solid white male working and middle class. A better policy would have been to develop economic plans that bettered the life standards of all citizens instead of a redistribution party membership.

The nation cannot stabilize its middle and working classes with a continuing influx of illegal workers by the hundreds of thousands or millions annually. Neither can it have a sustainable and reformed environmental economic policy with a radical trans-border outsourcing of jobs with simultaneous import of cheap foreign labor. Increasing taxes on the most rich to keep control of select parameters of national political economy within the hands of elected officials is requisite to retake control of and pay down the national public debt while assuring the all citizens are alright economically when the economic reform to sustainable ecological economic methods transitions into being a national article of faith.

U.S. politics is bout morality and economics. Environment should be non-partisan and any right-thinking, rational citizens should know that the human and national populations cannot increase without bringing a coefficient of ecological and species decrease to the point of mass extinction. Each party member ought to work to innovate sustainable production methods that fully employ all citizens that require or desire employment. In the modern national political economy citizen social philosophy should regard ordinary people as something like workers that should have optimized tools for productivity-even while unemployed.


Synagogue Killings, Illegal Alien 5th Column and Dopey Democrats

Shooting people at religious devotionals is certainly barbaric. There are morons with left-over ideas inherited from the Nazis I would guess about getting rid of Jews. In old Europe Jews were fairly numerous and wealthy hence easy targets for nationalist propaganda directed usually from above. Whenever the Tsar had domestic political issue he would order a pogrom on Jews for diversion of public interest.

In the United State and the world today Jews are a statistical tiny minority of over-achievers. maybe the morons feel it useful to attack Jews because they feel inferior however in my opinion it is nothing more than plain stupidity generated by various neo-Nazi club ideas. Really it is very exceptionally stupid. 

Democrat party atheists of course hate all Judeo-Christian and Muslim Abrahamic religions and the idea that anyone would say that homosexuality and various other depravities are sin. So they tend to reinforce ideas about killing Jews and Christians as well as Muslims that didn't exist in prior centuries much. democrats are mostly exceptionally stupid too with ideas about ad hoc unionism that would replace democracy and civil liberties for individuals. their ideal utopia is fundamentally Animal farm with female, homosexual union bosses as the prime pig chauvinists.

American Jews shouldn't feel especially put upon  with the recent synagogue slaughter. They have just join the victim's club that Christian Churches and Muslim Mosques have already experienced more than a few times. The proper response is simply to realize that the east has lots of neo-Nazi and loser lone turtles that will quickly shoot down believers in God when they can for sundry reasons. it is probably necessary to hire armed guards for services and to have video cameras film the streets outside. It might also be a good idea for members to have a members-only card that would be required to get inside a strong door. That's just the way it is in the modern world. people can travel globally to accomplish mayhem and a simple phone call from another continent can purchase a shooter. There is no longer an insular society with secure borders. Even now a column of illegal immigrants is marching toward the U.S. border intending to exploit Democrat Party sympathies for national defenselessness.

Central America is a great place with great potential that needs to have democracy, civil liberties, national and domestic secure and liberty and justice for all. That can be accomplished by purging the government of heartless killers, by taxing the rich and getting organized crime to take up the way of the cross and quit their thieving, murdering dopey ways; to become leaders of goodness instead of losers to the ways of decay and death.

Navigation Buoy Power Generator Note

Then concept of generating tidal current electricity with cylindrical navigation buoys that spin with one-direction current catching fans must have already been invented. In case it hasn't this is a note to jot down the idea. Like cylindrical wind generators navigation buoys that are stationary and cylindrical could spin in the current and since they are steel and weigh a lot, generate electricity even turning at a fairly low rate of speed. The short-one direction catching fan blades are all around the buoy below the waterline.


Resist Empathizing With Your Inner Ecocidal Maniac

The desire for ecoslaughter doesn't necessarily accompany every business development plan that annihilates green spaces and waterway health- those wanton, senseless acts of ecospheric destruction just happen without the ecoslaughterer giving it a thought. Yet there are political leaders that cannot claim to be innocent ecoslaughtering idiots. In fact some including many Democrats seeking after riches and big square houses plainly are ecocidal serial killers of the health of the world for living beings.

Slowly bthere is a change toward sustainable energy because it is cheaper than oil and gas. Yet global warming with fossil fuel exhaust and industrial CO2 pollution aren't the only problems for human beings. While unreformed, primitive capitalism values only cash, comfort and the transformation of the ecosphere into disposable consumer products, the reduction of species through habitat destruction includes dire consequences for humanity that even has micro-plastic in its personal waster product.


Not until space business develops complete sustainable ecospheres on moons and worlds that were lifeless would it be safe or reasonable to continue the destruction of the Earth's ecosphere. Obviously the Green Party in the U.S.A. flopped. The Democrats are simply trickster spoilers taking some green votes while motivated by sucking up to the most rich and cutting their taxes. Republicans live in Nieman-Marcus and regard the ecosphere as a place for field sports that can be eliminated without a trouble so long as the price is right. I am not optimistic that democracy can recover from the Obama tax cuts that through the entire game to the 1%.


Be Wary of October; National Roll-a-Drunk Month

October is a month where the prospects for decay present themselves like autumnal leaf colors. For those weak-minded souls seeking relief from financial stress under the influence of alcohol and drugs and without much going on in their brains concerning scholarship or social philosophy October may be enough stimuli to prompt aggressor attacks on drunks.

Bars, taverns and alcohol serving establishment congregate people of all kinds seeking to become a little bit temporarily crazy and stupid with booze. They are therefore likely places for predators to seek victims. The cliche' phrase roll-a-drunk may have developed following frequent, common attacks on inebriated persons stumbling out of eastern booze emporiums.

In a given year there are about 1000 felony aggravated assaults per million people in the U.S.A. October is likely to have a higher than average rate of assault. So if choosing to go to a bar to make yourself more vulnerable to aggressors than usual, and especially if you seem to be easy prey, think twice before becoming dumbed-down with alcohol inebriation.

There are a couple of bright spots in the pattern of felony assault incidence. Since 1990 the national rate has been cut in half. The bad news is that it began increasing during the Obama administration and the trend continues, although the rate of alien crimes has been cut in half during the Trump administration.


A final word; be careful about the sort of establishment you choose to go in to for the dumbing-down inebriation procedure. It should not be antipathetic toward your most outstanding vulnerability features such that criminals would find particularly attractive. Yet one should try to find time to enjoy the crispness of fall frosts and colors where global warming hasn't killed them or set them back to December. And watch the full Harvest moon without booze in the blood.


Crown Prince Royal Prerogative to Execute Heretic Journalism Subjects

A Saudi journalist employed by the leftist-corporatist Bezos organ Washington Post disappeared recently after being last seen entering the Saudi embassy in Turkey. The incident of the alleged killing of the journalist raises some interesting question besides the obvious whodunit sort.

Does a near absolute monarch or his crown prince heir apparent have the right to take the life of a politically inconvenient, antipathetic subject such as Mr. Khashoggi may have been? Was the journalist a sedulous tool of public media foreign policy objectives for the Middle East? Further, in the case of the Saudi monarchy that is also the keeper of the keys of Mecca and Wahhabist Sunni Islam, does the monarch or prince-heir apparent have the right to decree a left-leaning journalist heretical and have him executed as an offense to Islam? In my opinion the answer to each question is yes, conditionally speaking.



The condition is not the rightness of an execution so much as the power to execute. If a monarch has the real power to order executions and may do so privately or publicly the political rightness of the action is inherent in the power to do order such an action.     

People of the west since the Lord Jesus walked on the Earth have worked toward a different end and idea of moral and political right. It is in the basic equality of all people before God and of their inherent right for self-determination and equal representation under the lows that they make themselves together within democracy. There are two fundamental political forms; the first is that of social equality politically and legally while the other is an asymmetric political system with higher power of one group over another. The latter includes systems such as dictatorship, oligarchy, plutocracy, corporatism and in real application state social as well as communism with the dictatorship of the proletariat. Individual self-determination is as important as legal equality for a political system if it is avoid falling into the master-slave political systems that have prevailed for most of the history of mankind, and today that exists in Saudi Arabia.

The United States for quite some time has had rather poor Middle East polices except in regard to support for Israel and the Hashamite Kingdom. What it should do in regard to Saudi today is to not fall into the trap of side-switching whipsaws that generate civil conflicts. The Trump administration should recognize the traditional monarchical prerogatives and history with understanding rather than condemnation yet advocate openly for legal equality of all citizens and democracy, in addition to the installation and legal requirement that all new Saudi construction have exteriors covered with solar photon capturing and circuiting voltaic panels.

Economic evolution rather than whipsawing sabotage and irrational fast alliance changes are better approaches to international relations than support for irregular guerrilla groups. Presently a dead monarchy would mean a Sunni Saudi equivalent of the Shi'a fundamentalist regime of Iran governing transition replete with mass civilian casualties. It is strange to even be concerned about such extremes about a Saudi subject when there are lots of people killed for all manner of wrong reasons every day around the world. Original sin and the sin of homicide have not become so rare as to produce shock in observers of mass media reports.

 The Khashoggi conundrum is perhaps comparable to the situation of Iran during the Shah's time as an American ally when he sent his Savak secret police agents abroad to intimidate or eliminate Iranian dissidents and the left and media were aghast and incensed at it. The left supported the Iranian revolution and one of the first thing the Khomeaniists did in power was to liquidate the left and communists so far as they could. As the left and corporate media are dwelling upon the loss of a single journalist employed by the world's richest man's Washington Post leftist-corporatist organ they should recall what can happen when taking things too far and stimulating regime change instead of directed regime evolution.

One might wonder why laptop computers aren't built with electronic diagnostic and report alternate circuitry in case a hardware component breaks interrupting the electrical flow and preventing the computer from starting again. It would be simple to manufacture and would allow trustworthy use of old laptops that need be repaired by an expert or thrown out as it is-even when the part that needs replacement, if it could be known, costs just a few dollars. Politics is like that situation in some respects. People argue or urge actions without any idea of the consequences or even the nature of the problem and how it fits into the political stream as a component itself.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...