
Resist Empathizing With Your Inner Ecocidal Maniac

The desire for ecoslaughter doesn't necessarily accompany every business development plan that annihilates green spaces and waterway health- those wanton, senseless acts of ecospheric destruction just happen without the ecoslaughterer giving it a thought. Yet there are political leaders that cannot claim to be innocent ecoslaughtering idiots. In fact some including many Democrats seeking after riches and big square houses plainly are ecocidal serial killers of the health of the world for living beings.

Slowly bthere is a change toward sustainable energy because it is cheaper than oil and gas. Yet global warming with fossil fuel exhaust and industrial CO2 pollution aren't the only problems for human beings. While unreformed, primitive capitalism values only cash, comfort and the transformation of the ecosphere into disposable consumer products, the reduction of species through habitat destruction includes dire consequences for humanity that even has micro-plastic in its personal waster product.


Not until space business develops complete sustainable ecospheres on moons and worlds that were lifeless would it be safe or reasonable to continue the destruction of the Earth's ecosphere. Obviously the Green Party in the U.S.A. flopped. The Democrats are simply trickster spoilers taking some green votes while motivated by sucking up to the most rich and cutting their taxes. Republicans live in Nieman-Marcus and regard the ecosphere as a place for field sports that can be eliminated without a trouble so long as the price is right. I am not optimistic that democracy can recover from the Obama tax cuts that through the entire game to the 1%.

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