
Department of Drudgery Blog

Betty Sue Ahkneeoh Klee worked in the humorless Department of Drudgery (motto-Comedy is fake news) processing contracts made to private capital ventures, yet he was moonlighting as a blog writer aspiring to earn more than his hourly wage so he could advance to full-time blogging. She had yet to receive a check from her accumulated blog earnings after a decade, having never float her blog-ship over the reef of  minimal earnings of $100 or payout into the vast natural ocean (except or hundreds of pollutants, sound, light , dirt, concrete, metal, plastic and temperature fluctuations) of potential proplits.

I visited Ahkneeoh Klee in the office one morning working as a messenger-clerk for the non-profit Creativity Corporation to return a signed contract on a research project on the phenomenon of the divergence of capital accumulation from the pace of economic growth over the past several centuries. Evidently someone in Drudgery Processing wanted to know how the funnel drawing the broad base of economic growth to concentrate upward into a narrow minority channel was regarded generally by the populace.

Betty Sue said; “Good to C you again Felix Stone. I read your blog when I can. I like it.”
 I replied; “Sure Betty Sue; likewise. I like your blog insights into Drudgery affairs. It helps me understand how The Department of Drudgery functions better. Good stuff!”

Betty Sue Ahkneeoh Klee confined sotto voce; “I overheard some executive types describing the new wage-slave conversion principle for the zero-savings and increasing rents policies of deathocrats. Skull and crossbones coordinators say that things are looking up. Public capital is being reduced. Private capital is unceasing and concentrating faster than any ordinary worker's wages and people have nowhere to go in dissent. They are being made into comfortable slaves with capital valuation like that of the ante-bellum era.”

Interesting Betty Sue. Will you blog that?”
No Felix, it might not clear the search engine burial bar. All the wrong institutional readers would view the piece and no one else.”

Yeah Betty Sue; I know how that works. There should be meritocratic search engines instead of the existing ones that promote material that reinforce corporate political preferences, yet that's old news. The Internet developed as a leftist and corporatist entity rather than an independent or conservative business. It directed politics toward the business and political philosophy of corporatism and global socialism repressing creativity, or expropriating the products of the creative, along the way.”

Even so Felix there is progress being made now creating f Utopian global state of slaves ruled by concentrated wealth. Publicly financed Tassy media idea-insemination studies show that political free expression is being downgraded through search engine custom designs quite effectively. Shela Queernzuhigher said to her main underling that media truth dispersants can be applied to any political start up that doesn't conform to one of the five known and permissible political philosophies that may be allowed to arise in public expressions. Those of course are socialism, fascism, democracy, monarchy and dictatorship. Though democracy is just an apologetic tool that exists only in appearance anymore- outwardly, nominally and symbolically since corporate controls who may run or be financed for campaigns. Shela warned her underling before she went out on field missions to apply liberal truth repellent containing at least 1% elite to keep the pricks of truth away.”

I thought about what Betty Sue said for a second; “Betty Sue, thanks for the data. I will remember that in case you disappear. The public media equivalent of La Cosa Nostra is a stalwort defender of the elite values and the hierarchical union order of elite insemination. I am sure that if you publish a blog post on the topic it will disappear into the sloppy, dank underground of the Internet where none beside the Corporate prop control investigators will view it.”

“Sa Felix, I know that. So that's why I've been studying the history of the Higgs field roller shade unfolding of the Universe...

 When the shade rolls out in four dimensions all of the birds in the harbor rise with it as myriad zero empty space perturbations affect the perfect calm of the field-shade. Uniform vibrations and waves across the field appear as particles then molecules, gravity and stars interact, and the word of God as produced a live audio-visual wave-train ocean of opportunity for free will to exist.

 Thus language and words evolve to express ideas that in complete concatenation and stored on data files in one quantum super-computer contain all of the ideas that all of humanity ever wrote down and put into the public spaces of the marketplace of ideas. Every though ever written-each creative expression that made it into text remains forever; so there is no worry. Fair and independent search engines can relocate any idea in the files.”

That civs a very optimistic idea Betty Sue. What about corporate natural selection eliminating ideas that don't maximize corporate proplits? Won't they be erased forever so the natural selection of the elite can continue to naturally evolve the concentration of wealth?”

Yes Felix, wickedness can happen. The elites could eliminate inconvenient ideas and repress non-corporate controlled creativity. Natural political evolution fundamentally evolves just two forms of governing social philosophy in the final analysis; dictatorship and democracy. Fascist, socialist, monarchical and oligarchic or plutocratic and corporate dictatorship each may be idea eliminativists while democracy reinforces and encourages free expression and individual properties of rights material and intellectual.”

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