
Border Patrol Has Hot Dirty, Thankless Job Chasing Fugitives

The United States is presently the best place on Earth for criminals from other nations to go to seek refuge. If they can steal enough from their own nation and make it to Mexico to cross illegally into the United States they find a welcome refuge from the Democrat Party- and even sanctuary cities to succor them. Foreign criminals that stay in the shadows can live in the U.S.A. for decades without concern of apprehension if they keep their criminal activities in the sanctuary nation to a minimum. Without any sort of documentation needed the illegal immigrant criminal has a new lease on life.

At a Gold Cup soccer match between the U.S.A. and Mexico in Chicago at Soldier field 85% of the fans supported Mexico. They were loyal to Mexico the foreign government; maybe they were illegal aliens. They cursed the Americans in mass chants at opportune times called the Americans faggots in the Mexican lingo. Thank you for that President Obama.


The border patrol gets a lot of abuse from Democrats that hate them and their work defending the borders of the United States against illegal entry, drug traffickers, human traffickers and the scum of the Earth that hate doing anything legally regarding entry to the United States. The border patrol is accused of hate for not loving the sometimes abusive fugitives they apprehend. Sometimes the dangerous illegals are armed. They are at any rate a never-ending opposition force waging a war upon the border patrol in a sense.

The border patrol cadre is being treated as were Vietnam veterans returning home by Democrats. AOC is something like the new Jane Fonda although she is not alone. The primary difference is that the border patrol isn't fighting a foreign war, they are defending the United States directly.


Border patrol agents may have to wrestle down the world's most active, aggressive trespassers. In one recent mass arrest 100 fugitives from all over the planet including Africa were caught. Some of those people are dangerous. A few have knives or guns, some know martial arts or carry disease. Stopping them isn't a wondrous task. It is not as if they are pampered U.S. Representatives having smoke blown up their ass by the left-wing media.


Because illegal aliens  are not planned in the U.S. federal budget; that is their numbers vary, it is difficult to plan reception and processing facilities for those caught in advance. Senator Booker would catch and release the illegals at best guaranteeing they won't be returned to their own country. It would be better to find a few closed military bases capable of sheltering a half million illegal aliens if necessary and truck them there until they could be processed by on-site legal authorities for adjudication.

Of course the conspiracy theorists would say that the camps are being developed to put lawful citizen dissidents in by an Orwellian state. That urban legend would be supported by the 5th column democrats that would flood the nation with countless millions of illegal aliens to undermine and marginalize the ordinary working class republicans that experience displacement from the presence of millions of illegals as well as to provide cheap labor for Democrat home owners. The minimum wage might be $50 an hour if there were no illegal workers in the U.S.A. They are a real lever to keep the minimum wage low low while the luxury tax for signing Kevin Durant to a max contract extension would have been 400 million dollars for Golden State. There is a large difference between the political class and the poor worker class.


Einstein's Pantheism in Relation to Original Sin and Consequentialism

Einstein was something of a scientific pantheist in his idea of how God is. I cannot see a relationship between any sort of pantheism and utilitarianism or the popular current version of it named consequentialism. Pantheism is a religious belief or idea about the nature or being of God, and utilitarianism is an ethical system useful to a limited extent in making choices for political policy notably. 

Bentham and Mill were advocates of utilitarianism. It has nothing at all to do with one's religious beliefs or even deontology following one's religious ontology. Utilitarianism approximates what democratic governments generally might want to follow in pursuing the good of the people accentuated on the majority. One problem with it is the problem in defining or deciding what the good is in a particular circumstance; Plato's republic had guardians making those choices for people as they were supposed to be smarter and better educated.

I am just not a pantheist, though I find the Harris-Yale approach regarding utilitarianism incorrect. I actually believe in God for a number of reasons, rather than the idea that matter in its solid state form in the Universe is God at all. There is a difference between God created everything and God is everything that involves protocols. Actually I am a Christian and also believe in original sin. In my opinion the fall and original sin are the problem of entropy and thermodynamics. Organic beings input energy- often eating other living things- that accounts for the original sin-nature of mankind- The devil tricked Eve into biting the fruit and the original sin got rolling. Human governance is different than utilitarian ethics. I like the approach of fixing particular problems commonly faced yet letting people run their own lives with security. 

 It is interesting that some write as if election follows human determination of faith with retro-causality. One need disambiguate the logical incompatibility. Humans tend to want to believe they have free will and the spirit of God will enable them to be saved if they in some way have faith. I think for logical consistency, with God's omnipotence, one ought to believe God predestined everything. The question that should be rightfully asked is how may total predestination and contingent free will be compatible. Some people find it troubling to believe that God has pre-determined everything; I don't. Aleoretic elements (the process of chance in creation) in theology don't work well for me.

What is Thought

Thoughts are kept in the brain's neurons- conscious thought uses certain cognitive percept modes all the time, interprets them etc. There is depth in the brain. More neurons than stars in the galaxy (100 billion neurons, 99.999 billion stars) and capacity to store thoughts. Subconscious recalls thought as needed. Some thoughts are elicited form the nature and use of thoughts. Thoughts are comparable to chemical coded structures/ comparable to computer storage of data with better processing.

Conscious thought keeps just one verbal stream present at a time, so old thoughts fade out and are stored subconsciously, in the brain.

Is There a Slaughter of Innocents in the U.S.A?

Who are the innocents? The United States goes to great length to protect innocents with law enforcement. Never in human history have so many babies been treated so well, and youth too. Laws to protect women are promulgated so much as to fill legal libraries. I wonder what innocents are being slaughtered?

In history infanticide has been fairly common. Society has progressed over the millennia from the Roman era where deformed infants were tossed into the public garbage piles and to England with exploited child labor laws in factories that raised the minimum working age to the present where spanking is mostly illegal in schools.

 If the slaughtered innocents are those abortions made by the millions I would say that is a consequence of prosperity and empowerment of women. It is usually a female choice. Perhaps it requires faithlessness too.

China had strict abortion laws and they lacked many of the mal-attributes the United States has concerning sin (although they were atheist). IMO conflating sex issues with other violence such as murder is probably a mistake. Drugs, alcohol, gangs and poverty are likely the most common causal factors for the 17,000 annual homicides. Another factor is social anomie and chaos from mass illegal immigration. California is the murder capitol of the USA by far with the most illegal immigrants and lax law enforcement. 

I knew a doctor that informed me that some mammal species have spontaneous abortions when over-population happens. The world is very populated, and zero population growth has been a social virtue in some circles since the early 1960s. Because of Darwinianism that has been reinforced with mass loss and degradation of faith. Faithless people in an over-populated world with an ineffective ecclesiastical structure better suited to the pre-literate era experiencing prosperity, birth control and mass socialization by media haven't a godly, monogamous village society to live in. Women too much choose to avoid the 'mistake' of having kids. It is a complex situation not addressed by church or state, the media or many scholars with wholistic competence.

It is interesting to consider Augustine's theology of original sin, and that mankind is totally depraved in regards to God's perfection. Without pre-destination of the elect none could be saved for they are born in sin, and perhaps, condemned since conception- unless they were the elect. Pre-destination or election- God's work and the Holy Spirit-is what enables faith and regeneration. Faith and regeneration seem to be time-delayed in appearance for an individual usually, in conformity to God's schedule and will for each individual. The elect are saved and regenerated with faith as the Holy Spirit actualizes unto the soul.

 It is interesting that some write as if election follows human determination of faith with retro-causality. One need disambiguate the logical incompatibility. Humans tend to want to believe they have free will and the spirit of God will enable them to be saved if they in some way have faith. I think for logical consistency, with God's omnipotence, one ought to believe God predestined everything. The question that should be rightfully asked is how may total predestination and contingent free will be compatible. Some people find it troubling to believe that God has pre-determined everything; I don't. Aleoretic elements (the process of chance in creation) in theology don't work well for me.

Infinite Speed and Black Hole Terminal Velocity

A simple blog entry on infinite speed. People speculate that infinite speed may mean no time elapses in transit between point a and point b (regardless of the distance). That seems something like quantum superposition at all possible locations of wave-particles.

So it is interesting to speculate that black holes with event horizons that have material swirling about them near the speed of light have a terminal velocity of light speed instead of accelerating to infinite speed. In the general theory of relativity there are infinities spatially, yet not infinities of speed. That seems like an inconsistency. One might wonder if  super-position of mass that reached an infinite rotational velocity would occur and if it would be dimensions that are super-positioned as well as scale in 4-dimensional space-time.

Speed is relative of course, so gravitational infinities of black holes with a rotational velocity spin approaching infinity may seem like nothing at all-especially if it were something like a black hole at time=0. Alternatively infinite rotational velocity might entail centrifugal force outwardly to strip content from a black hole before it has overall infinite gravitational power in-itself.

New Robot Dog Could Police Battlefield

A new robot dog made in Boston could serve to retrieve body parts from battlefields as well as dragging wounded soldiers back to safety. The robot dogs might serve as medal-of-honor task implements from rescues of the wounded to storming machine gun tests or tossing a grenade through an enemy pillbox window.

There Isn't an Economic System of Pure Capitalism

Capital is material or intellectual property. Capital is materialism in a sense- pure materialism and exclusive possession/use of matter. Adding an ‘ism’ suffix to capital does make it sound like something other than what it is. Yet capital-ism is nothing more than individuals and collectives going about acquiring capital.

There isn’t an exclusive method, procedure or system for acquiring capital such that it deserves to have an ism all of its own. Without any government existing, without any markets, a frontiersman may acquire capital with hunting and curing meat for the winter, for example. Building a cabin is capital acquisition.

Innumerable ways to allow individuals government facility for building capital (with equal opportunity) may be constructed, invented etc. A system where large banks and networks develop exclusive advantages to own capital in a society is just one bad method amidst zillions of potential systems that people might invent or field as a fundamental template for free market transactions, use of capital etc.

Pure or impure capitalism is thus something of a wrong idea about mankind’s relation to capital. The ownership of capital was a great debate between socialism and people of the free societies that thought of themselves as capitalists. Neither side was too bright regarding political and economic philosophy.

A good example of the destruction of ‘pure capitalism’- capitalism without government intervention- was the government interventions in 2008–2009 to bail out banks and the most rich. Even large automakers were propped up by President Obama instead of being allowed to fail through bankruptcy and liquidation as would occur in ‘pure’ capitalism.

Keeping fossil fuel automakers alive undoubtedly hurt Tesla’s opportunity to become the dominant American automaker with a nation buying Teslas as if they were Model T Fords in the electric field.  One day a national electric field may allow motorless ‘cars’ to shuttle about on superconducting lines.

Pure capitalism does not exist once government intervenes to ossify a system of protectionism for the most rich and advantaged players. Then democracy and free markets are ossified and made to serve the most rich without any semblance of an egalitarian economic allocation of resources remaining in existence.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...