
Clever Safe Businesses Should Be Allowed to Open?

I was considering how my blog could be an essential blog after listening to a fellow with a tire store bragging a bit about his responsibility as an essential public business in a radio commercial. Great responsibility goes to those businesses remaining open he commented. 

I must have ten or twenty readers of my few thousand posts each day so this must be an essential blog, or not. During this time some people still hate environmentalists. Some people prefer to be stupid about the decaying environment and are proud to swell with the historically maladapted way its always been done; normal enough I guess.

Google stopped paying anything about seven years back and I have never figured out how to fix whatever it is that needs to go in the html code so I could actually earn something. Hence I don't really care; I write because I write.

Yet businesses and educational facilities that can figure out really safe ways to transact business during the covid 19 era should be allowed to open. Non-standard innovations that are really clever and safe might be invented by some and perhaps imitated by others. There should be some kind of profit incentive to drive people to think about how to get things done in the shop without allowing a possibility of transmission of a virus. The advantage would be that the smart shop owners are open while the laggards remain unsafe and closed. Government agencies might want to consider how to get a quick inspection and release to open for the inventive.

The novel coronavirus reminds me a lot of Camus' book; The Plague or of some accounts of the bubonic plagues of 13th century Europe though of course, it is not as grim as that.

In that era doctors wore bird shaped masks with long beaks to avoid inhaling the plague. It was fleas that carried the virus however; maybe the pnuemonic plague is easier to get from breathing toxic air from the infected.
File:Beak doctor mask.jpg
image from-wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Beak_doctor_mask.jpg

It is still somewhat difficult for me to believe that medical people have a hard time adapting air pumps from Harbor Freight or wherever with regulators to intubation and respiration applications; in the 1950s Americans invented everything routinely, apparently now they think everything need be bought at a store and is disposable.


Covid 2nd wave Scenario/Public Debt etc

There is quite a bit of public commentary on how many weeks will be needed to isolate Americans in order to let the novel coronavirus pass over the nation “so it can open up and get back to work”. Instead of painting blood on their doors the people have horded toilet paper. The paradigm seems a little off to me, since it is not quite like waiting for the comet Halle Bopp to make a close pass to the sun and disappear on an outward bound course; the virus could reappear from Mexico or South America and elsewhere after it has been subdued in the U.S.A.

One passenger from Buenos Aries next September travelling to Chicago could re-infect the nation. A single illegal alien travelling north to work in Los Angeles, some stray business executive not showing symptoms arriving in Seattle from nation x could re-infect the nation for round two of national pandemic 2.0 Waiting ten weeks to “open” the nation after the “spread” is stopped and the virus disappears may be safer than waiting 3 weeks, yet the fundamental paradigm for biological vector proliferation seems off and inadequate. Economic reform to ecological economics that have good national firewalls and ordinary quarantine times for migrants and visitors should be requisite.

The United States might not be able to spend federal dollars like drunken sailors with trillions of dollars added to public debt every time a foreign bug enters the country from a leaky international security screen to prop up the national economy. The virus outbreak has been compared to war in support of massive federal spending, yet the debt of the Second World War was paid off just a couple of years after the conclusion of the war.

The present public debt has been compiling since the Reagan administration and no one in government will pay it off nor has a clue of how (tax the rich at 90%).  Zero interest loans to big banks enables the richest to mint five free e-dollars via loans for each one on deposit with real money repaid. In each crisis the rich get vastly richer and the public hopes for the little payment to buy food and do the laundry. Inevitably the Congress will call in time for cuts to services to the poor to help balance the federal budget. Broadcast media sycophants echo the general parameters albeit with two sided criticism and suppression of any alternative ideas.

The mass media search for wealth and power, audience share and control has largely displaced the marketplace of free ideas and advocacy that flourishes in a healthy democracy. Media are as pro and con fans of the rich and powerful rather than independent advocates of new ideas and different directions. They are followers rather than leaders and prop up anachronistic though rich establishment organizations. In the U.S.A. the media-political establishment relationship reminds me of that of the C.P.S.U. and its party organs with the most rich and political-media elite cliques enfeofed in power in comparison to politically passive proles.
In America 80% of the people own cars destroying the health of oceans and atmosphere for human purposes and are also invested in Wall Street; they are corporatists signed on to Mussolini-Hitler style corporatism quite unaware. Democrats are neo-liberals and Republicans the same more or less with more accent upon management interests. One party outwardly favors atheism, homosexuality and legal dope, abortions etc more than the other. Corporate leaderships favors godless worldliness without moral reservations. The lemming factor driving most toward mass disasters is explicit.

Though it would be pragmatic to change toward sustainable and safe economics it is socially unrealistic to do so. Democrats advertise band aids for global warming that lack red blood cells of ecological economic principles and practices. They would wonder; doesn’t ecological economics mean recycling bottles and paper?

Even practical preparations for biological attack are lacking. With all of the robotic research couldn’t some few thousand upgradable robotic contagion nurses and heavy lifting robots be made to serve in dangerous areas when human workers are perishing? Wouldn’t self-driving electric powered ambulances spare a few drivers from contagion? Aren’t there many prep technologies that could be made and stored for emergencies that could be upgraded every decade or so?
Ecological economics would require vetting of business forms to examine their effect on the environment as positive or negative. Positive ones would be permitted to go ahead; negative ones failing the eco-zoning criteria would not. There would be good safety nets for workers when they were not employed. In effect the national workforce would become temporaries with their safety net maintained by the government rather than Wall Street.

Workers would have free public education, medical and basic income. Eco-zoning would apply to all structures with a goal of restoring the ecosphere to full function through remediation and construction with no net loss of biota.
With biological technology becoming so sophisticated and genetic engineering becoming commonplace for national security to depend upon the kindness of strangers isn’t a good policy. The idea that mass surveillance and a totalitarian information state will know a priori about any possible development of dangerous biological vectors is equally silly. Restoration of a social and environmental business ecosphere with natural firewalls to de frappe biological war vector should be an obvious policy direction to take. With the acidification of oceans, loss of bees, mass extinction in general and global atmospheric heating there may not be enough clues for political leaders to notice concerning the fragility of human existence and environment to be distracted from Wall Street profits.

Human civilization faces a challenge of the need for complete change of its historically aggregated physical structure from the type one kind of historical sprawl to one intentionally designed to adapt optimally to the world ecosphere. It is a great challenge for a civilization to change its basic structure and form for renewal and a challenge perhaps never met. It would be like asking Aztec civilization, or Inca, to rid itself of its structures and become Roman without pyramids and with arches and columns. Or it would be like asking Roman civilization to live upon water in a raft community, yet that is what is required of the United States as a world leader if humanity is to extend its generally peaceful occupancy upon the planet for a considerable period of time.

The era of exterminating wild life on real estate with border to border dead zone need end and thoughtful human living situations innovated that permit maximum personal liberty with security and minimal adverse ecospheric impact.


Spray-on Surgical Gloves Might Be Faster to Produce

Somewhere there must be a spray-on glove product, easy to remove, that would be suitable for emergency and medical service workers. Then vast tubs of goo could be made and shipped to those with dirty hands.

If Obamacare had not been designed to ream the rich and Wall Street, and was instead made to serve the poor and those that can't afford medical coverage, a better government operated expanded V.A. and poor people's clinic network with capacity for 30 million could have been developed able to process mass casualties or illness in a pinch.

Plainly the corporate emergency medical system is lacking. it isn't able with use-on-demand bed capacity able to increase quickly enough, and making a profit from pandemic emergency really should be part of the paradigm anyway. The public apparently isn't well led by either party on the topic.

A healthy government medical system fr the poor and veterans is plainly a necessary part of modern statecraft as pure corporatism is about profit and short term gains rather than empirical and historical reality.


Incorrect Eschatology Can Read Like a Novel

Christian pre-millennialists and Muslims share an incorrect interpretation of scripture concerning when and how the end times will present. Muslims believe that Jesus will return to help a Muslim mahdi wrap things up with war and death while pre-millennialists interpret scripture including the New Testament in such a way that is too familiar to Hollywood and writers with a transporter-rapture of Christian and an anti-Christ taking over the world with sundry cataclysms and Armageddon. That is apparently all wrong.

The end times of New Testament scripture generally referred to the horrific events of the first century A.D. the Lord said would occur. Jerusalem was destroyed with more than a million dead etc.  The new age that followed was the Christian era and long term increase of the faithful believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. That time of increase could go on for thousands of years except for the malfeasance of unsound environmentally rotten economic policies evolved from the past that are maladapted to a very populous world. No one knows when the Lord will actually return for a third time to really wrap things up (counting his appearance after crucifixion as his second coming). People must soberly wait and see.

In the meantime, especially during the novel coronavirus 19 mileau, it is a good time to establish a priesthood of believers church structure with Christians meeting in small egalitarian groups sharing liturgical duties with a standardized, Biblically correct structure. Maybe eight people is enough, sitting around a few card tables with safe distancing. A network of priesthood of believers church groups could be maintained after the conclusion of covid 19.

One other point about wrong hermeneutics; People commonly misunderstand the book of Genesis. God creates time and is himself atemporal and unbound by strictures or dimensions of space and time. If God evolved the world in six days that comprised for Earthers billions of years; if the world is 4 billion years old, the meaning of end times itself could be quite a few more than one would expect in the context of a thriller novel. The actual meaning of the end of the age, besides the end of the Old Testament covenant way of salvation of obeying the law of Moses strictly as all that was provided (when Jesus provided a new way that was more difficult to flunk) can have several meanings- even several thousands years starting with the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord.


Surfing the Bubble

The precipitous drop of Wall Street averages during the novel corona virus era is a reminder that the stock market has been over-valued since the end of the cold war. It was a bubble investors surfed that collapsed with a little prick of foreign imported virus. Where the fall stops and stabilizes is hard to say. My guess is somewhere around 15,000. Full disclosure; I have nothing invested in it. 

Bubbles form in economics and investment markets. Investors ride the bubbles that sometimes seem like Chinese puzzle boxes with the core box size hidden somewhere within others. One bubble collapses and another grows within. Investors may bubble jump or exploit quantum super-positioning that allows a quick redistribution of location from a novel collapsing bubble to an inner membrane that is more stable and expanding. 

U.S. economics is based on non-sustainable, disposable ad hoc technical structures rather than the true farming of a century past. Lightning bolts of invention and innovations dump items to the market with legions of hands-on applicators on the payroll. Form and crop position factors, human crop factors, bring allegiance to methods as ends-in-themselves, such as automobiles. With the closure of automobile production lines presently, the opportunity to keep the closed forever, perhaps repurposing them to support electrical mass transit and local drone l.e.m. passenger cart intermodal links, arises as a start on transitioning the nation to an ecological economic new foundation.

 The primary obstacle to changing the bubble structure of U.S. economics is just the people. About three of four Americans are invested in the stock market and own at least one automobile. I don’t, and would seek ways to continue to not own one. When the bubbles of global warming and mass extinction break I can at least look at my fellow citizens and think; good job people.

People just aren’t going to change and expect government socialism for the middle and upper classes to bail them out whenever a bubble bursts. They want to call government supporting their businesses conservatism or neo-liberalism, as in recent times it has. Actually it is corporatism such as Hitler used. Macro-economics shakedowns happen periodically and usually result in concentrating wealth  with lesser businesses driven under networked power. The very poor and homeless are generally left out of the benefits of the bubble political economy. Corona virus 19 is the latest example. 

 In Oregon I found shelves in retailers had plenty of isopropyl alcohol. In the state of Washington retailers’ shelves were empty. Apparently panic hording wiped out the supply. Isopropyl alcohol-especially 59% alcohol is very useful for ordinary hygiene for campers, hikers and homeless people; it can replace showers completely for weeks, except for hair washing of course. It would be a courtesy if retailers limited individual sale of isopropyl alcohol to just two in order to leave some supply for homeless hygiene maybe an executive order should be implemented to make it so.


Democrats Candidates Apparently Hate Free Medicare B,D for the Elderly

Democrat Presidential candidates ignore the easy slam dunk of getting free Medicare Plan B and D for the poor elderly that can’t afford it. Speaker Pelosi would say; ‘what’s that?’ so far as getting the most vulnerable to Covid 19 real medical care. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will talk about pie-in-the-sky and ignore the practical and affordable at the debate. Maybe they just want the elderly that don't really need Medicare to survive the scythe.

Covid 19 might not go away soon so it would be useful to have an intelligent redesign response to adapt the economy to continue functioning with younger and middle aged workers at the core who apparently can contract the virus with less than lethal effect.

The virus is said to perish in three days so keeping public libraries open for seven days and closing it for three should be a new norm. Many businesses and public spaces should have three day weekends to let the virus die.

Providing free internet connections to let the poor access the internet to apply for unemployment checks or social security would be helpful too. The prosperous have regular phone connections and an electrical outlet while the very poor often do not. Libraries should keep their wifi on even if the library itself closes.

Some usually crowded facilities could be kept in service with limited access and safe spacing criteria met with sign-up for appointment slots. Perhaps a way to create inexpensive yet effective ad hoc neo surgical masks could be made for users of public facilities, and idle workers could produce the improve masks. People aren’t required to be standardized and stupid, or should not.

If more ventilators are needed it should be possible to innovate some mass production tech to supply air to many lungs in large room. Scuba experts, air-line connection people, computer chip measuring volume programmers, input outflow etc shouldn't be a problem to put together. Mass octopus hookups with regular pressurized line people and physicians who know where to cut and splice, and what disposable connectors are need to keep air in and out of lungs.

Many of the elderly cannot afford Medicare plan B and so must forego medical visits to doctors to see if anything can be done about whatever ails them including Covid 19. Medicare is designed by the upper middle class and it is they whom are the primary beneficiaries of the cheap for them service.

Schools could use cheese-wheel transparent plastic temporary structures with the big cheese teacher at the hub; none of the student or teacher would be able to breather or infect others as all would enter and exit separately aft.

Innovating functioning, practical long-term structures is a better adaptive plan than to use mass economic closure without thinking about shutting the poor and elderly out.


Spread of Covid 19 Spending Reassures Neo-Liberals

News on the novel corona virus went viral. Spending is the remedy for everything with intelligent thought not needed or wanted generally, though with just one breath the gerontology of Presidential candidates could disappear along with the Senate; that’s something situationally, ethically speaking to consider. High quality breath mints need be found to combat the spread. The real reason Darth Vader wore the air filter was likely to be dark side of the force insight into the approaching monkey-bat-Chinese super-cold fish-marketed for death cold virus. Darth was no big dummy.


Newtria Chin-Dimple wrote the past feud years that V.A. and Community poor people’s clinics should unify and expand with new beds and transport structures added to create a vast center wing canard free public health care system for the poor for free instead of the paper-bureaucrat’s dream of Obamacare for everyone. Wall Street is the reliable go-to answer for everything; he was ignored.

Several states have let their school kids have a few weeks off in order to allow them to find more new and novel contacts to keep busy with in the neighborhood. Give teenagers time out of school because of the chance of catching something like a flu for them and they will auto-ground themselves at home wearing surgical masks. Schools are undisciplined environments without a chance of innovating secure from cold transmission structures with frequent temperature testing. Buying a play station for every school kid with Resident Evil games could train them at home without the mess of libraries and classrooms. President Trump might consider taking on an out of school apprentice in case the elder team is struck down in their prime.

The media has criticized President Trump for being slow to provide test kits and good responses to preventing spread of a super-cold virus; it is so easy to declare martial law and send the likely suspects to medical concentration camps in America after all. The virus has elicited news comments about the spread such as topsy-turvy, double or triple double whammy and hand washing advice ad nauseum. Just a year or two ago news reported that hand sanitizers don’t work- was that fake news?

 A Harvard economist suggested that the federal government send everyone a check right away to compensate for the virus. It need only have the treasury crank out dollars electronically via Federal Reserve loans to big banks that can loan five times that on deposit. Everyone at Harvard, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg need a federal check to spend down the dreaded disease. Nothing like scientific precision in federal spending and new debt to restore confidence in markets and their ability to invest in China.

If the U.S. government would just issue gift cards at Starbucks for everyone; perhaps for a thousand dollars so every threatened citizen-subject of Rhodes scholars and her majestic can buy ten or fifteen anti-virus prophylaxis coffees with four insulating feet of puffy, pouty, cloud-like whip crème on top under a sweet cherry the novel virus might reach a quick end. Federal spending is the key to defeating the enemy novel cold virus that normally would disappear on its own except for the spit in the beer can put in the freezer for storage that one infected worker thought might be worth something some day.

Next year or two everyone will have a vaccine for the novel Covid 19 virus  that will be free and easy to get waiting in line to attend the delayed N.B.A. championship series, Olympics and other games.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...