
Joe Biden's Ukraine; The Next Afghanistan or Vietnam?

The United States has developed a record for engaging in protracted wars to accomplish a few general tactical political or economic objectives before withdrawing. Having invested lots (billions and billions) of cash, military equipment and advice in propping up one of the most corrupt governments in the world the Ukraine may be destined to become the next fiasco the U.S. Democrat Party has accomplished.

The Ukraine is Joe Biden's war. He is the haute chef of death. Precursor events for starting the conflict established by Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, President Biden was an 800 pound monkey in government agitating, arm-twisting and redistributing pentagon products to keep the conflict going. Most Americans would like the misbegotten war to end. Sharing far eastern Ukraine with its traditional owner-Russia, and restoring normal relations on both sides of the Dnipr River with large reconstruction projects accentuating the positives of sustainable economics would be of great value to the world.

Instead of the OSD (obsessive compulsive disorder) approach to international relations that demands every military contrivance possible in disorder to militarily force Russia to lose all of its historical lands in the Ukraine, a righteous President would stop flooding Ukraine with weapons that some believe is the trigger event to Armageddon and a destined New World Order of pervasive Neo-Paleolithic social anomie.

The west can survive if Russia owns the Crimea and far eastern Ukraine and even prosper with some sort of restoration of post-Cold War cooperation and normal economic relations with Russia. That would be better than the OCD approach that will present a sudden chill with a Ukraine left in chaos and Europe hating America for not rebuilding the Cold War with a new Iron Curtain to separate dangerous Cossack Huns of Russia seeking to devour Holland, Lithuania, Britain, Poland and Germany.


Replace G. Washington's name for Capitol with that of a Prior President?

 Some people are offended by places named for slavers or that exploit American aboriginals. The Kansas City chiefs offended quite a few people. The 49ers had a politically correct name alternatively, and were crushed in defeat. So much for linguistic justice.

The capitol named for a slave owner and district named for a felon and Indian slaver and killer also trouble some. Who can forget the worst massacre of Indians-Shoshone in US history (of course it pales in comparison to Latin American slaughter of Indians sometimes accidentally with viruses).

A neutral name for each-like Trump or Rumplestilskin is what others seek. Since there were 14 presidents before George Washington it would be easy to select another President’s name to replace him for the nation’s capitol. Mifflin and Hancock are a pair of likely candidates… Choose one for yourself here...  



Seahawks to Trade Smith and Draft Penix Jr?

 At age 34 Geno Smith isn’t the Seahawks QB of the future. They have the 16th draft choice in the first round of the 2024 NFL draft to select Michael Penix Jr for that.

Geno Smith could be traded to Minnesota or the Jets for a second round draft choice. Each team needs QB insurance; Smith is a good though not great QB and might take either team to the playoffs if their old Achilles repaired starters hobble to the sidelines

The Jets without Smith could be pathetic if Rogers is gone; a great defense is a terrible thing to waste.

  The Seahawks could resign and start Drew Lock for a year to see if he is a next level quarterback now. They could sign Jameis Winston for insurance while training Penix for a year. It is a shame to have the best receiving trio in football underutilized.  Winston has a rifle and it would be fun to see if three great receivers would cut his interceptions in half. Five-hundred yards passing in a game isn’t boring to watch.

The Question; Should One Fear Death

 If one has a new car with that new car smell and life is finally a bowl of chocolate covered cherries maybe one fears death since it might be cold and dirty. If one has toothache, hunger and pain in an amputated arm, is far in debt and can’t get a job perhaps death seems like a pleasure sometimes- especially if thinking about the quality of presidential candidates. Fear though is ineffective at preventing death, so why use it if one likes effective thought? I would guess that it can be used as a stimulus to remain alive when that isn’t easy.

They Don't Believe in Life After Death yet...

 Some to be certain would die to find out. Others trusting physics and the conservation of information (Shannon entropy) believe a mind and its information must be eternal- even outlasting the Higgs Field and grand reunification to singularity or a cold dead universe/multiverse. Still others trust in God…for all things created by God as spirit logically always exist for God regardless of material configurations of the temporal.

Plastic Whales (poem)


Parts per billion
words worth wisdom shatter as icicles on asphalt
dripping tar-balls and chemicals
nano-plastic content
spilt oil for
baleen filters
a whale steers through sound cones
keeping islands between it and
dendrites in confusion
discovered by fish finders

Plinking with sonar guidance
crashing into the leader
a hull gouges grooves across darkness
resurfaces survival values
in Thanatos’ caustic pollutants-
insults to epidermis
alienated and homeless
starving with the salmon faded
taken by mid-ocean drift nets
memories netted
death in cold water

The color of the water
a vast city’s sewer soup
affluence to oceans
drugs flushed to cetacea
received the swimmers
a rainbow of arterial additives
with motors distracting echoes
ripples in gray matter.


The Von Biden Plan to Build a New Iron Curtain for Europe

 Democrat Party President Joe Biden is building the new Iron Country dividing the economies of east and west in order to prosecute a violent proxy war with Russia over Ukraine. His policy to fail to recognize legitimate historical Russian claims to the Crimea and Ukraine and to annex it onto Europe and N.A.T.O. at best will lead to a lasting adverse relationship with Russia and a situation for Europe comparable to that of North and South Korea. I experienced nearly a half century of cold war from youth and am of the opinion that swingy, corrupt and virtually insane Democrat Party preferences to restart it are exceptionally harmful to U.S. National security, to a unified world economic order and to efforts to restore the human caused world environmental decay with global heating. President Biden is incompetent and dangerous. He is even more so because Democrats seem willing to re-elect him and continue the war with Russia via Ukraine.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have intelligent, skillful, competent, productive leadership in the White House for a change? Leadership that brings peace now, restores the environment so far as he or she can, creates full employment, reduces public debt as is basically smarter than the average Democrat?

All that is required to end the conflict in Ukraine is for POTUS to recognize Russian ownership of the Crimea and the areas of far Eastern Ukraine that border Russia. European security is not enhanced with creation of a permanent state of hostility even if the conflict ends up as ‘successfully’ as the Korean war. European fear of Russia seems to flow from the political top down; Russia was never an economic threat to Europe with its comparatively small population and economy. With a free enterprise based economy Russia had let in a plethora of western corporations to do business before that changed with 8 years of the Obama administration and the election of Joe Biden to the White House.

Russian leadership wanted peace and prosperity shared with the west. President Putin has shown interest in repairing environmental damages globally. He was a partner in the war against terrorism. He also had to rebuild his nation from the ground up bureaucratically, forming a tax policy (and the war may help with that) and a military modeled on that of the U.S. volunteer force. His final task was to restore historical Russian lands and reverse the ignominious theft by Bill Clinton and that last leader of Communist Russia of historically Russian property in Ukraine. He Baltic Republics, Poland and England were never a part of the reconquista plan and desire for Russia. Russians aren’t stupid and they never sought World War Three or to conquer historically free nations of Western Europe. To pretend anything else in order to support the Ukraine war with Russia is dishonest, cowardly or incompetent to the point of insanity.

President Biden has built up a monster of a political situation for the United States that could melt like winter snow if Donald Trump is re-elected to the Presidency. Yet Democrats hate the idea of Russia owning Ukraine and will attack Mr. Trump and the Republican Party with as much hatred as they have for Russia; they absolutely do not want peace and a renormalized world economy that isn’t divided for some reason. Maybe Europe taking natural gas deliver from Russia rather than the U.S.A. was reason enough to foment political relations leading to Russia’s decision to go to war rather than trust Joe Biden. Now Europe gets natural gas from the United States and elsewhere. Perhaps the prospect of arms sales for war for a few generations was enticing enough to throw away peace and bury the key in a location more hidden than Golem’s ring of power. That ring of war should have been destroyed, not the ring of peace that should be in existence today, and could with righteous leadership with the fearful leadership of political runts taken out of the game.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...