
Joe Biden's Ukraine; The Next Afghanistan or Vietnam?

The United States has developed a record for engaging in protracted wars to accomplish a few general tactical political or economic objectives before withdrawing. Having invested lots (billions and billions) of cash, military equipment and advice in propping up one of the most corrupt governments in the world the Ukraine may be destined to become the next fiasco the U.S. Democrat Party has accomplished.

The Ukraine is Joe Biden's war. He is the haute chef of death. Precursor events for starting the conflict established by Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, President Biden was an 800 pound monkey in government agitating, arm-twisting and redistributing pentagon products to keep the conflict going. Most Americans would like the misbegotten war to end. Sharing far eastern Ukraine with its traditional owner-Russia, and restoring normal relations on both sides of the Dnipr River with large reconstruction projects accentuating the positives of sustainable economics would be of great value to the world.

Instead of the OSD (obsessive compulsive disorder) approach to international relations that demands every military contrivance possible in disorder to militarily force Russia to lose all of its historical lands in the Ukraine, a righteous President would stop flooding Ukraine with weapons that some believe is the trigger event to Armageddon and a destined New World Order of pervasive Neo-Paleolithic social anomie.

The west can survive if Russia owns the Crimea and far eastern Ukraine and even prosper with some sort of restoration of post-Cold War cooperation and normal economic relations with Russia. That would be better than the OCD approach that will present a sudden chill with a Ukraine left in chaos and Europe hating America for not rebuilding the Cold War with a new Iron Curtain to separate dangerous Cossack Huns of Russia seeking to devour Holland, Lithuania, Britain, Poland and Germany.

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