
An Organization's Charter is Its Dogma or Purpose

 Dogma virtually is organizational structure. It is accepted 'truth', policy and purpose. Cadre are programmed politically and act upon the policy without thinking. It happens in government a lot. There is serial and ossified praxis and organizational purpose- aka 'dogma', is also praxis. One has the dogma of Wal-mart if employed by them, or of the Democrat Party, Communist or Anarchist parties with their agenda. If working for an oil corporation one may be an unbeliever in global warming. If a Nazi one is a holocaust denier etc. Even secret organizations have dogma; the Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Skull and Bones and the Cult of Bullwinkle at the Moose Lodge.

Is dogma the cause of conflict? Sartre might have associated dogma with ossified praxis. That is the implicit nature of social organization; structure entails operating form and parameters. Saddam Hussein was a tyrant like Hobbes' leviathan. Hard to remove yet he needed to be gone. The Iraq war was deplorable in several respects. GW Bush said reconstruction would cost 50 billion and the actual cost was trillions. Radical Muslims and werewolves made the war after the war go on for years. 50,000 Iraqis were perishing under UN sanctions before the war and that needed to end. So it was either war or let Hussein go Scot free.

A sociology 101 course reveals some of the structural differences in social organization; for instance, the differences between patriarchal and matriarchal societies. Even so the concentration of wealth renders democracy somewhat moot, as plutonomy develops. Meanwhile mass media manipulates masses for the benefit of the rich, while national religious extremism in underdeveloped societies is a form of populism that rivals political power of elites. Palestine tends toward a patriarchy under organized crime more so than national democracy. The world is far more f'd up than is commonly realized, and Joe Biden does not remember being Vice President according to Special Counsel Hur.

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