Showing posts with label contemporary histor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contemporary histor. Show all posts


People have their own unique point of view

 That is sort of a paradigm of general relativity if one applies the principle to space-time, yet bear in mind that they may perceive different slices of reality and 'real objects' are two dimensional, massless objects embedded in the Higgs field with an apparent 3rd dimension, and people experience 'reality' from where they are at, which is never where someone else is located.

Solszhenitsyn in the Gulag of a communist Stalinist society was quite practical- that is the meaning of what he said was accurate politically speaking. The Gulag had two classes of inmates- common criminals and politcal prisoners like Alexander S. The myth of a communist Utopia had bitter relevance for political prisoners whom had incurred disfavor of the state. Matters of the heart- a will to be free and live in freedom, and the search for a perfect social order, were somewhat antithetical when the state sought to eliminate resistance or non-conformity in order to attain that Utopia of dreams.

Nature is 2-dimensional massless particles embedded in the Higgs Field that seem to have mass when they gain an additional dimension (3rd) being slowed in the feld Nature could have been created by an eternal God or perhaps even a very advanced A.I. created in another Universe created by God. In either casethe physics seem to be logical with uncertainty and indeterminismwithin determinism; for know we see through a glass darkly.

The Quran scrools for instance, of the Old Testament, cost the lives of those who wrote them. Legionaires slaughtered that community. None of the Bible canon was written by fiction authors. Scholarship and writing was so rigourous they missed not a jot or iota- and the same books seperated by hundreds of years were found not to have changed 1%.

Actually everything is perfect that isn't an imperfect copy of something else. Perfection is simply flawless imitation or performance of a standard. Things that are original are in-thmselves and for-themselves and cannot be imperfectsince there isn't anything or anyone original can be in meaningful comparison with. Otherwise one gets some sort of logical fallacy like post hoc ergo propter hoc except the original had no line of subsequents- those were grafted on.

Christopher Hitchens wrote- "“Faith is the surrender of the mind, it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other animals."

It’s a logically weird statement such as M=R and if R then not F, If M and F(M=A)/.It would be a pretty hocus pocus trick-a super-power to transform a human brain and heathy mind into that of a non-human all-of-a-sudden with a thought. It also begs the premise that R cannot equal F. It is a way of dehumanizing people something like Eichman might have preferred as he regarded Jews as sub-human especially or because of their faith.

People view the world from their own unique position

 That is sort of a paradigm of general relativity if one applies the principle to space-time, yet bear in mind that they may perceive different slices of reality and 'real objects' are two dimensional, massless objects embedded in the Higgs field with an apparent 3rd dimension, and people experience 'reality' from where they are at, which is never where someone else is located.


Like Genetically Engineered Produce Should Books Written by A.I. Require Labels

 Should books written by A.I. legally require labelling as such-as did G.M.O. corn for a time in order that people may know which books, opinions and ideas were written by humans and which not?

Reasons Why Wars Occur and misc.

 War is the default dumb remedy when intelligence is lacking from one side or the other or both in a conflict. To be part of the establishment some day youth as minions in a social structure with dumb self-seeking politicians must participate and die; and if they live they can share in whatever spoils arise.

Pain is a warning- a signal for when things are going wrong. Learning is good however and does not require the presence of pain to exist. People have said "no pain, no gain" and that differs from learning. Learning fills in knowledge of the unknown. One might enter a room for example and experience a new odor; a sweet perfume, and learn many things from it immediately. That learning won't be enhanced for instance if one were to run one's head into a wall to get pain and increase learning of the meaning of the perfume. Those who love learning may exprience pleasure in the process.

Love of Wisdom or alethea aka philosophy seeks the truth. It is not just about an inquiry into mechanics and cosmology. We know today that even matter is an emergent, secondary and apparent phenomenon of massless particles being entangled in the Higgs field so they seem to have a third dimension rather than just two like most massless particles. One of course might ask 'Why did God create the world and mankind?' and get John's answer that 'God so loved the orld that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life'. Plato and Plotinus believed in God-as did Socrates- fairly philosophical heavyweights to throw out. One might read all of modern philosophy and classic to discover that the truth is just God as three persons in one.

America's Plutocracy is on permanent vacation

 I wrote a reply to a “poet” hating on boomers with a litany of reasons they should cower before being destroyed violently in order to redistribute their wealth and fix all of the problems they’ve inflicted on the world. Yet it is an opportunity to describe some of the problems and potential solutions needed in the political climate of the United States.

The Offending Poem

The American democracy is effectively a plutocracy. The top 1% of national income earners took in more than 31% of the nation’s income in 2022. That one percent takes more of the national income than the entire middle class each year. That enables the 1% to be like apolitical sun with social class planets and business swirling around its gravitational center. Since capital increases faster than wages capital concentrates. Everything one does during a day for business increases the wealth of the rich through all of the technical means of transactions involving corporations. Corporate shares are largely owned by the 1%.

Historically political people make the same mistakes in pursuing personal advantage too far. Especially today with more than 7 billion people in the world and a Pandorra's box full of weapons of mass destruction with more being added every year (i.e. A.I.) political leaders and people really do need to work for an actual good society and economy rather than entirely indirectly.Yet they seldom do and things often end in a crash of civilization. As Toynbee pointed out of 23 past civilizations only two or three still existed in his day (he amended that to make just one-world civiliation, still existing).

There is one problem with the American plutocracy- the rich don’t really care about politics and in a sense no one is minding the store. The most rich concern themselves with keeping their wealth and accomplishing whatever projects they are working one. The day to day management through government of the national well being isn’t too much of a concern.

Democrats and Republicans both have drank the Cold War era kool-aid of capitalism and are mindless minions completely forgetting the history of relations between the rich and the working class before the cold war when loyal Americans took the side of capitalism vs communism and lost their grip on the tug of war rope between the rich and everyone else (largely the working class). With the appearance of the Second World War on the horizon F.D.R. was able to get the tax rate on the rich up to 90% where it stayed to make the middle class prosperous until the Reagan era  trend to have deficit spending via Lafferian supply-side economics and tax cuts for the rich to stimulate economic growth.

No question economic growth was stimulated with Neo-Keynsian deficit spending, pump priming. Unfortunately Democrats took that as a role model for permanent economic policy themselves. Tax cuts continued to appear until the present day and 31 trillion dollars of public debt compiled.

Politicians were loyal to tax cuts in practice including Democrats and President Obama. President Biden managed to squander a majority in both houses of congress without passing a major tax increase on the rich. Individuals stayed with the theory that tax cuts stimulated economic growth (in an environmental era when economic growth is recognized to often be harmful to the environment).

Corporatocracy is one theory about how the social fabric of the nation exists. People working for the corporate world need keep their heads down and political voices muzzled if they are to rise in the corporation or even to remain employed. Any sort of public political expressions counter to corporate advantage is reason for repression, demotion or removal. Corporate leaders care about tax cuts or paying no taxes at all- there is a dynamic tension between public government legislators to tax corporations enough (as well as the rich) and CEOs that want no taxes at all.

While Congress can’t even select a House Speaker there is not a clue or possibility of increasing taxes on the rich substantively. Congress instead fights about social issues and avoids the big, troubling economic issues. Democrats are globalists flooding the nation with cheap foreign labor ineligible to vote or work for legal, minimum wages for a generation and sure that the world will accept U.S. social values eventually. National debt doesn’t matter as wealthy Democrat Party leaders avoid tax increases they would need to pay too. It is all kind of a viscous cycle at the top that won’t be solved by a Biden vs Trump winner.

American workers are expected to help themselves and hence need to focus on their own economic interests. They don’t often take the time to read books on Corporatism or Economics like Piketty’s ‘Capitalism in the 21st century’. They aren’t minions; they do what is necessary to stay afloat and seem to be loyal capitalist or socialist supporting Americans.

 I support ecological economics (ref Ecological Economics Theory and Practice- Daly). It is wrong to throw an entire generation into a particular mode politically anyway-that’s quite prejudiced. It is logically wrong as well

There always was a lot of overlap of generations. World War Two veterans continued until fairly recently to exert a lot of influence politically. History evolves and presents a very imperfect body politic. Needless to say political violence is quite irrational and counter-productive. It is the way brute animals go about things in order to get a big pile for themselves.

Western civilization is a continuum that has merged into world civilization even including those of the east. There have been numerous conflicts in political leadership and goals internationally. The world does face many challenges politically today obviously and need do better. One of the problems is that political wisdom cannot be taught and passed on from generation to generation- people make the same mistakes as those that have gone before (a reason why faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a better idea with the sole system that actually does transcend human behavior and drives of thermodynamics and the inertial will to consume).

Since the early 1960s there was a rising generational awareness of the need to change the way humanity consumes the ecosphere as part of its economic method. That challenge to move economics to a new foundation continues today. Plainly political leadership has failed even to run candidates for for the Presidency that are even literate in ecological economics much less how to transition the nation to that system without causing mass social disruption and casualties.

Maybe you aren’t aware of some of the achievements humanity has made in overcoming pre-existing challenges the past half century. Changes in medicine that ended several mass global diseases that killed millions,, for a time ending the Cold War with the Soviet Union and Communist China, modern technology has liberated countless people from isolation and ignorance without access to mass media or communication.

The ideological and violence of the contest between free market capitalism and totalitarian communism was such an issue with a social force like gravity drawing much of humanity into it politically. People enjoy being fanatics and irrational without concern for other issues. Single minded focus is great if financed yet it is in the case of mass violence irrational. Finding intelligent course of political action is too much of a challenge for the simple sometimes,and that is not even rare or uncommon historically. Choosing to make intelligent, non-violent improvement in politics is what is preferred.

Instead of violence the most simple way to accomplish reform and halt the gross mass concentration of wealth is to increase the tax rate on the rich. It is not just the boomer generation that eschews tax increases- every generation able to vote has gone along with that. President Obama- not a boomer, signed off on tax cuts for the rich that would have expired if he had only let it and not twisted the arms of the Democrat Party in Congress to renew it.

Some people don’t understand economics at all well. Capital increases faster than wages of labor- hence wealth concentrates without adequate taxation and democracy becomes co-opted in favor of Plutocracy. Because of the war against communism people were very loyal to capitalism and did not recognize or rather forget the struggle the poor and working classes had to reign it in a little with taxes and social legislation. The depression of the 1930s brought FDR into office who wanted to tax the rich at a 100% rate but was satisfied with 90% during the Second World War. Gradually taxes were lowered and it stimulated economics. Presently the low tax rate makes wealth automatically compile. That urgently needs legislative correction. Even the Federal Reserve issuing trillions of interest free loans to big banks enabled the rich to in effect mint out five dollars themselves in loans for each dollar they had on deposit.

The great challenges of the world socially can be fixed with a little intelligent government. The great physical challenges to human survival require a lot of intelligent work; I refer of course to demographics and finite resources in the world, to global atmospheric heating and habitat loss along with mass extermination of species caused by human economic practices.

When people are not even aware of what the problems are or how to correct them they resort to violence. If remedies for mass social problems do exist that are not violent, and especially if violence is not capable of actually fixing problems (a basic premise of syllogistic logic is that the premises must add up to the conclusion for a proposition to be valid) it is sad when simple practical remedies that are lawful and available are ignored in preference of dysfunctional violence.

A Reply to A Generational Hater

Well, your writing is exceedingly polemical. I believe the historical analysis is quite poor and superficial. Besides I support ecological economics (ref Ecological Economics Theory and Practice- Daly). It is wrong to throw an entire generation into a particular mode politically anyway-that’s quite prejudiced. It is logically wrong as well.

There always was a lot of overlap of generations. World War Two veterans continued until fairly recently to exert a lot of influence politically. History evolves and presents a very imperfect body politic. Needless to say political violence is quite irrational and counter-productive. It is the way brute animals go about things in order to get a big pile for themselves.

Western civilization is a continuum that has merged into world civilization even including those of the east. There have been numerous conflicts in political leadership and goals internationally. The world does face many challenges politically today obviously and need do better. One of the problems is that political wisdom cannot be taught and passed on from generation to generation- people make the same mistakes as those that have gone before (a reason why faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a better idea with the sole system that actually does transcend human behavior and drives of thermodynamics and the inertial will to consume).

Since the early 1960s there was a rising generational awareness of the need to change the way humanity consumes the ecosphere as part of its economic method. That challenge to move economics to a new foundation continues today. Plainly political leadership has failed even to run candidates for for the Presidency that are even literate in ecological economics much less how to transition the nation to that system without causing mass social disruption and casualties.

Maybe you aren’t aware of some of the achievements humanity has made in overcoming pre-existing challenges the past half century. Changes in medicine that ended several mass global diseases that killed millions,, for a time ending the Cold War with the Soviet Union and Communist China, modern technology has liberated countless people from isolation and ignorance without access to mass media or communication.

The ideological and violence of the contest between free market capitalism and totalitarian communism was such an issue with a social force like gravity drawing much of humanity into it politically. People enjoy being fanatics and irrational without concern for other issues. Single minded focus is great if financed yet it is in the case of mass violence irrational. Finding intelligent course of political action is too much of a challenge for the simple sometimes,and that is not even rare or uncommon historically. Choosing to make intelligent, non-violent improvement in politics is what is preferred.

Instead of violence the most simple way to accomplish reform and halt the gross mass concentration of wealth is to increase the tax rate on the rich. It is not just the boomer generation that eschews tax increases- every generation able to vote has gone along with that. President Obama- not a boomer, signed off on tax cuts for the rich that would have expired if he had only let it and not twisted the arms of the Democrat Party in Congress to renew it.

Some people don’t understand economics at all well. Capital increases faster than wages of labor- hence wealth concentrates without adequate taxation and democracy becomes co-opted in favor of Plutocracy. Because of the war against communism people were very loyal to capitalism and did not recognize or rather forget the struggle the poor and working classes had to reign it in a little with taxes and social legislation. The depression of the 1930s brought FDR into office who wanted to tax the rich at a 100% rate but was satisfied with 90% during the Second World War. Gradually taxes were lowered and it stimulated economics. Presently the low tax rate makes wealth automatically compile. That urgently needs legislative correction. Even the Federal Reserve issuing trillions of interest free loans to big banks enabled the rich to in effect mint out five dollars themselves in loans for each dollar they had on deposit.

The great challenges of the world socially can be fixed with a little intelligent government. The great physical challenges to human survival require a lot of intelligent work; I refer of course to demographics and finite resources in the world, to global atmospheric heating and habitat loss along with mass extermination of species caused by human economic practices.

When people are not even aware of what the problems are or how to correct them they resort to violence. If remedies for mass social problems do exist that are not violent, and especially if violence is not capable of actually fixing problems (a basic premise of syllogistic logic is that the premises must add up to the conclusion for a proposition to be valid) it is sad when simple practical remedies that are lawful and available are ignored in preference of dysfunctional violence.


Nothing Profound (a poem)

In the darkness distance and weather
are close up
impenetrable forests
cloud cover

In the towers electricity flows
surging light through office spaces
interior warmth and management cold

In the moment when hope is less
than a thunderstorm
somewhere over the edge
the Lord watches over all

In the desert where bones lie in dust
the sage feeds rabbits its brush
snow blankets all together
except glass steel pinnacles
without any fuss

Around the clock wheels
organized humming issue products
temporarily running
human resources day and night
winding up with nothing

Messages from the Dead (poem)

There were so many that died
even the worst qualified achieved it
they took themselves to that ground
in numerous ways on a time-limited budget
doing back flips and twists in air
with a staged planetary clump of mass
where all things drawn together
took the living as well
to heaven
or hell

And the living saw the darkness
and knew it wasn’t good
with its story of nothingness, chill
thrilling edges merging subducted or crushed
the books were better
with messages from the dead
billions and trillions of lines
neatly composed paragraphs full of sentences
describing the substance of being
experiences and ideas of those gone before

Plainly the messages could have been valuable
to those that read and applied the best
content and knowledge to construct Utopia
upon the floating temporal island
so those that lived could be happier
unless considering perhaps, eternity waiting
like a tsunami on the horizon
growing larger in the shallows of aging
to roll into the bay with foggy, mystic cover
and those that saved their lives
lost them at last
and all things did pass.

Drogheda to Newgrange in the rain (poem)

Dogs of Killarney too well trained
restrained with a whistle
snarling like hungry beasts
about face like soldiers
what is lunch that man is mindful of it
Galway and Guiness go together
vintages, bottles, journeys to the Aran Islands
the sea shining to New York
beyond a hundred foot cliff
eroding with history

Innish Mor's stone fortress
Dún Aonghasa
saw the wars of crushes
space-time borders of gravity and belief
when one may find underneath rubble
pirate ship's
golden coins minted with thrift of imagination
not worth scripture written in runes

Drogheda to Newgrange in the rain
solstice again
light at the end of the tunnel
like an eternal recurrence
pre-historic spears with HIMARS
delivers war to Ukraine
torn by capitalists globally
Celts and St. Patrick
the Irish monks
couldn’t save

Usually the troubles
touring are manufactured with night
sometimes letting civilization go
to be crushed by oncoming traffic
without restraint
in sight of the train station
where Rosslare’s ships reach the world.

The Sight of Land (poem)

  Senseless drownings
why does the world spin away
with nightfall and sunrise
the castle on the hill

    A desert is gone
like hydrogen and twice oxygen joined
filled together with sands of compression
a heart metamorphosing to silence
with flowers of time

    Surfaces transform added waveforms
jellybowls sloshed to see
death is a pale horse
borderland of Riemann and Escher
exploded each moment of breath
in forgetfulness.


Self-Driving Homeless Shelters

 Reading an informative article in the L.A. Times on homeless people living in cars and parking in safe, dedicated lots I was prompted tp consider ways that might possibly improve the delivery of shelters to homeless aged individuals that comprise nearly half of those living in cars in L.A. Why not develop electric, solar-powered vehicles that are self driving and designed as overnight sleeping quarters?

The sleeping cars could be made to recharge overnight in safe parking lots with security after picking up thier users for the night.

Concerning the True Shape of the Universe(s?); Different Opinions than the Standard Model

 An interesting story about cosmology having an incorrect vision of the shape and nature of the Universe, re: Mr. Subhajit Waugh. Going back to basics concerning general relativity gravity theory and quantum mechanics and applying them in different ways than the standard model is reasonable enough. In my opinion gravity is the key to understanding quantum theory deeper as discovering how mass attracts other mass is contingent on deeper insight into what space-time is and how various fields like the HIggs entangle massless particles into becoming mass.

Go ahead- elect Jim Jordan Speaker of the House

 Republicans used to be regarded as being the competent party. Presently they seem to have a case of the ass- a sickness heretofore commonly afflicting Democrats. They should elect Jim Jordan Speaker- he isn’t Denny Hastert and is a good enough, credible representative able to lead that party through the challenging times. 

The fifty-five recalcitrant Republican Representatives that say thay won’t vote for Jordan and prefer keeping the party in dysfunction, chaos and temporal pathos ought to realize that the Speaker need not be perfect; he or she need be functional, pragmatic yet with a vague sense of Utopianism out there in the mist apparent even in the fog of war. 

The nation needs to elect good politicians now and then and Jordan probably is one. Look what happened when Romans had a series of bad political leaders- they lost ground and eventually fell. Jim Jordan may be the best Speaker since Tip O'Neil and the fifty-five would be waiting for Godot to arrive. Jordan may be a good Christian fellow who didn’t drink Democrat Kool-aid regarding Russian collusion that they may find unforgivable- who knows?


Nikki Haley says "sick people should be eliminated"

 Nikki Haley- who is running for the office of President makes utterances commensurate for Nazis. Joesph Mengele and Adolph Eichmann would have been entirely sympathetic with her idea that "sick people should be eliminated". She was using the term most recently in describing Hamas agents murdering children in Israel. It is true that murder is wrong and especially that of children, yet it is true as well that one should not conflate the idea of health and behavior and that politicians sought to be free to label human beings as sick and then kill them.

“This is sick, and we have to treat sick people the way they deserve to be treated and eliminate them,” -Nikki Haley

Perhaps Nikki Haley is an ignorant idiot who does not comprehend that the majority of U.S. citizens technically are sick. About 50% qualify for diagnosis with a mental disorder according to statistic of the last few years and old people haven't a monopoly on ill health or sickness. Euthanasia has been an issue from time to time and many Republican voters are the elderly who are not much comforted when a Republican candidate says that the sick should be eliminated.

The Nazis sought to build a pure and healthy race without the 'sickness' of those they regarded as inferior beings. Nickki Haley's ideas fit into the NAZI ethic quite well although it may not be what she intended. It is entirely possible that she, like so many Democrats is ignorant of world history, of European history, of German history and ironically how the Jews were slaughtered by Nazis as captives because of being regarded as sick, inferior and troubling problems. It was also convenient for Germany to expropriate Jewish financial resources; what better excuse need be made to take what belongs to others and to marginalize them unto death if they can be labeled 'sick'.

It would be much better for Presidential candidate to eschew ambiguous terms that can have very vicious double meanings. Political behavior may be stupid, and human behavior including murder may be wrong; sometimes courts find individuals brought before them to be incapable of making rational judgments sufficient to allow them to know what they do. It is important not to criminalize sickness or deem sickness worthy of death. Not only is it inconsistent rhetoric for a doctor of politics, it threatens democracy and the security of individual liberty. If politicians merely need label opponents in war or peace sick to justify eliminating them for being a member of a class worthy of death democracy is a complete sham.

Israel should receive U.S. support to defend itself against a region that hates Jews and hates Israel for existing as a nation. Politicians generally remember the holocaust and the history of European pogroms purging Jews. Israel was recreated to provide a secure place for Jews to live. It was not created through colonization. After the first world war terminated the Ottoman Empire's control over the middle east the Balfour agreement let the Jews have a homeland in their ancestral land. Neither has Israel apartheid; instead it is like unto an American Indian reservation made to let a minority race have a place to exist at rather than being extirpated through attrition scattered around a larger population. Jews like American Indians can live elsewhere than their reservation of course. There are fewer than 14 million Jews on Earth. 

Muslims sympathizing with Nazis wanted to eliminate Jews entirely in the Levant. Former Ambassador and Governor Haley shouldn't Tramp on sensibilities or appear to reinforce a fascist ethos for it does the nation no good at all.


Trump on his way to Fulton County Jail ( video)

 Interesting questions that specialists in relevant legal matters could answer; could Donald Trump sue Fulton County prosecutors for frivolous charges regarding the 2020 Presidential election if their case collapses easily or if a Federal Appeals Court overturned a possible conviction on all 18 charges?

Should there be some sort of Federal oversight of charges concerning federal elections- maybe a Minority Report Prepeals Court, before state courts hear cases in order to checkmate specious, politically motivated charges in one move before a tedious 130 move court marathon moves its way through courts and media during an election cycle?  Do state charges against a political candidate a priori interfere with elections and should that be legal and acceptable social and political conduct?


After Killing the Peace Dividend; what next

 The old joke about what one should do if they hit a lawyer jogging with their car (back up and do it again) could be well-applied to lawyer Presidents of the Democrat Party running over the peace at the end of Cold War 1.0. That is run over the peace to kill it and future peace dividends to make sure that peace is well and truly dead. If fighting and winning a war does more harm to the victor and makes his position less secure than making peace before the war, a belligerent should consider choosing the path of peace. Democrats should have considered making a peace settlement with Russia over Eastern Ukraine and Crimea rather than financing a war with Ukrainian proxies.

One may compare historical trends to weather. Some people prefer censorship of news bad to them, even news of bad weather. Weather though, like political relations doesn’t change just because one sticks one’s head up their ass so they don’t see it. Thus I write about the real political changes and some consequences likely to follow the Democrat Party’s obsession with making Ukraine an independent state affiliated with the west, through military conflict with Russia. I prefer to be on the accurate side of describing history in progress.

Shouldn’t one expect the U.S. Government to be trustworthy or honest in its efforts to keep the world peaceful? When the spokespersons of the U.S. Government seem inflexibly propagandist in expressions about Russia and Ukraine that is challenging to believe they have good character or good faith. They should at minimum be capable of expressing the opposition force point of view or rationale in regard to the conflict in order to logically react to the Russian position. I will provide and example of what the U.S. Government might say in order to seem honest...

State Department Spokesman; “We understand that Russia feels that President Clinton in effect stole Ukraine from historical when Russia was weak and effectively helpless after the end of the Soviet Union and wants it back- we just don’t give a fuck. We have plenty of money, guns, lawyers and Ukrainians to throw into the fray. We have friendly propaganda media that support our side of the battle willing to repeat our assertion that Russia is the unprovoked aggressor- and that’s just the way it is.”

The U.S. Government and N.A.T.O. positioned themselves like chess players with the white pieces against Russian defenders playing black during the post-Cold war era. White played a positional game gradually strengthening its position in former East Block countries with additions to N.A.T.O. followed by increasing sanctions on Russia after Russia took Crimea. White played like Anatole Karpov with 24 inch pythons tightening all over the board. With the ascension of historical Russian adversary Joe Biden to the White House, Russian President Vlad Putin choose to use the normal blitz chess strategy of attacking on the opponent’s half of the board instead of moving his own pieces around in some kind of positional play that loses without sorties from interior lines in some kind of ultra-modern tactic. Maybe it is comparable to Israel’s pre-emptive attack in the Yom Kippur war while Egypt was mobilizing its forces for a first strike. The initial long, inadequately supported Russian drive to Kiev where armored columns became bogged down and ran out of fuel seems to have been a bold, early checkmate effort that failed.

Even so black pieces remain in what was White’s half of the board (Eastern Ukraine) and seem set for some sort of defense against the highly publicized white counter-attack. It might be a mistake though to anticipate that the black pieces will abandon the traditional blitz chess plan of attacking on their opponents side of the board with a king hunt leading to checkmate. Russians are pretty good chess players and not usually easy knockouts.

It may be that the U.S.A. and N.A.T.O. wins its proxy war against Russia. Post-war would the U.S.A. expect a situation like it encountered in post-war Iraq where it eliminated most of the leaders of Saddam Hussein’s Baath party? Would that mean eliminating the Russia United Party? Is regime change an implicit part of the game plan of the west although they have not said so publicly? Would the U.S.A. be content in erecting a new Iron Curtain against Russia until it can foment a revolution in Russia that works? Maybe I should write on this subject in five years to learn how things worked out.

It should be a priority to the west that the world polity be not divided to the level of war. If in order to keep the world economy buzzing peacefully and humming along with modernization and ecological restoration in Eurasia that Russia have it south-western lands that were taken from it by the communists initially, restored to it, and that the Ukraine is shared between Russia and a pro-western government on the west bank of the Dnepr then that should have been the project that U.S. leadership worked on. Pursuing war rather than peace was a mistake from the start. It was a mistake that U.S. leadership seems incapable of finding even a smidgen of willingness to correct.

With the basic international policy direction toward eliminating tariffs on trans-boundary business (as in the E.U. and N.A.F.T.A. nations) building a new Iron Curtain dividing capitalism east and west is plainly a regressive policy. If Russia owned the Crimean Peninsula and its present Eastern Ukrainian holdings and peace established, sanctions ended and free trade restored within a decade the distinction of who owns the land would pale in significance in comparison to the prosperity and liberty for travel. For the west to develop a policy that results in the worst future scenario with a divided East and West without any sort of ideological economic foundation as it had with communism seems insane with the caveat that a nuclear conflict would be worse.

Following the political original sin of separating Russia from Crimea and the Ukraine during President Clinton’s (a Democrat lawyer) term of office, the Democrat Party has pursued a narrow legalistic line toward Russia. The original sin created a ripe condition for the rise of Russian sentiment to recover its lost land as it developed as a post-Soviet nation. Democrat president’s were confident of their legal right to defend Ukraine. Law I should point out is based on force. Military power is the juice that makes law effective at the international level if one wishes to assert a legal paradigm between nations rather than political common sense and statesmanship.

Democrat lawyer President since Clinton have also pursued a legalistic approach toward Russia (Obama and Biden) entirely disregarding statesmanship and common sense. So what is the cost to the United States for tripling down on force-based U.S. law toward Russia and its will to retake its lost Ukrainian land?

The peace dividend that to President Clinton may have been the opportunity o redistribute parts of the former Soviet Union to the west in the absence of a military backed governance capability of the former Warsaw pact nations was to Wall Street the opportunity to invest around the world including China and the former Soviet Union from an advantaged position. The united States, the west and even the east may have believed a new era with less military expenses would follow. Greater world security could arise without a Cold War and nuclear, biological and chemical threats. Only a few of those conditions developed, as for example, nuclear weapons proliferation seems to have increase rather than decreased.

Opportunity costs to the United States for ending the Cold War should have prompted the Democrat lawyer-presidents to consider statesmanship templates for adjudicating the Russia-Ukraine issue in addition to narrow legalism in a system wherein the United States Government as the principle nuclear weapons stakeholder of N.A.T.O. was in a position of being the Supreme Political Court and Chief Executive as well. The legal advantage blinders of Democrat lawyer Presidents through every kind of sanction and punishment on Russia that it could since the reconquista of the Crimean Peninsula. The process followed by the Democrat Part’s belligerence toward Russia with false accusation against former President Trump that he colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election from the female Democrat lawyer presidential contender Hillary Clinton left Russia with little reason to believe that the newly elected Democrat party lawyer President Joe Biden would be anything besides hostile and determined to add more sanctions upon and isolation of Russia internationally so far as it could. Because of continuing U.S. weapons build-up in Ukraine and addition of new members of N.A.TO. The Russian point of view concerning its prospects for retaking Ukraine may have been that the situation would only worsen if it waited. The election of Joe Biden to the White House in 2020 prompted the invasion of Ukraine in 2021 after Joe Biden was sworn in to office.

The decision to make Russia a lasting enemy seems to have been a strategic mistake for the United States during a time when it experienced several international challenges as well as domestic. Instead of Russia being a good free trade partner working cooperatively with the United States on numerous fronts from anti-terrorism to ecological health restoration, global warming fighting etc a new divided Eurasia likely to follow the end of a war settled through military force.

The U.S. Federal Reserve issues loans to big banks owned by the rich at very agreeable interest rates that are sometimes zero. For every dollar deposited electronically in big bank that bank for the rich can loan out four more abstract dollars appearing from nothing- virtual currency that need be repaid to the bank with real dollars, while the big bank need just repay one dollar to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve in effect issues free money to the rich so they can buy up the planet’s resources and invest in foreign nations to get in on the ground floor. Dividing East and West along the Ukraine border changes the balances concerning full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Today the President says he won’t negotiate on the issue of raising the nation’s debt ceiling and ability to borrow by selling i.o.u.’s to the Federal Reserve (who issues virtual dollars made from nothing to buy the i.o.u. paper). President Biden wants no limit public debt and borrowing so he can finance the Ukraine war and fund a government that can’t sustain itself through tax revenues since it cut the taxes on rich to low, low levels. There can be severe consequences to all of the bungled policy choices that first affect the poor and lower middle class adversely as the advantaged seek to make them pay for the bad policy.

The Democrat Party floods the nation with cheap foreign, illegal labor to keep wages down for the working class. The poor and middle class buy their goods at Wal-mart stocked with cheap manufactured in China goods. Good jobs were outsourced to new Chinese factories as the U.S.A. became a service economy convenient to the rich globalists running the show through Democrat party mouthpieces and of course blue blood Republicans loyal to the dollar as if it were an opioid. Fentanyl and food stamps have become the new opioids for the masses.

Instead of a world with suppressed terrorism an increase of terrorism may occur. Rather than establishing efficient trans-continental high speed transportation such as with hyper-tubes, or very fast and efficient Eurasian to North American very high speed and low pollution ground cargo hyper-tubes no progress will occur that requires Russian participation. China will be the benefiting nation.

Already the world’s largest economic power, China’s preferred nation status with Russia will synergize its growth with low cost Russian natural resources unwelcome in the west. China will also have the best position to invest in Russian development and would be capable of helping the Russian economy grow during the era of continuing western sanction against Russia that probably will continue indefinitely. A new Cold War will follow the end of the hot Russian-Ukraine conflict, if it can even be peaceably settled without use of nuclear weapons.

Strategically the United States Government has selected policy toward Russia and Ukraine that weakened U.S. national security and economic prospects. It is not unlikely that the Chinese Juan will replace the U.S. dollar as the preferred global currency within a decade or two as the Chinese economy continues a well balanced increase without compiling vast public debt during a time when the United States has low taxes on the rich concentrating wealth internationally while the domestic economy is financed with vast public debt. Military costs required to keep up with an arms race with Russia and China to force the legal will of the Democrat Party instead of peaceful statesmanship with rational expectations and real politicks concerning international power is consistent with the evolution of the Democrat party into one that uses law like play dough to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate it to whatever extent it can to have its way with political affairs.


Edges of a Universe (poem)


Edges of the world true weigh
quanta traced even now
time would flow one direction
just four dimensions sum how

Quanta clump space time gravy
where wavy spots entangle
maybe thoughts are only real
when God doth seals life angles

Forms flow in space-time tensors
gravity cores inward too
logic’s sphere with enigma
crunching chord feet fall through

World without end
amen, amen.

The Hillbilly and the Super-Presidency; on the shore of world war three

  (Warning-This post has a sprinkling of common descriptive language)

With the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement I was prompted to reflect on the more than 30 years that have passed since the end of Cold War 1.0 The title of this too brief essay was inspired by James Billington’s book The Icon and the Ax; a book I read on assignment in one of my college courses about the history of Russia.  

It is amazing to me that so much time has passed since the Soviet Union began the draw-down of troops- a quarter million from East Germany in December 1988 that was the beginning of the end of hostilities between the U.S.A. and Soviet Russia. Ronald Reagan had a month remaining in office. Since the trust built up with Russia was culminating in a new era of peace it was appropriate that the more than token end to the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe- nations retaken at the cost of 20 million Russian and other Soviet state lives from Nazi Germany- started during President Reagan’s final month in office.

During the Bush administration the carry-over of Reagan’s policies continued. After an initial hesitation President G.H.W. Bush recognized that Reagan’s goal of eliminating nuclear weapons was correct. Nom one in the Reagan administration besides the President believed ending the cold war and eliminating nuclear weapons was possible though a groundswell of ending the hostilities and normalizing bi-lateral relations surged during 1982-1988. I recall one joke told by a drill sergeant then that had an American embassy guard with binoculars in Moscow looking across the distance toward a female Soviet soldier watch him with binoculars. The punch line of the joke was the sign language the American soldier made to the Soviet that said; “I want to fuck you until your eyes pop out”. People of the era worked for peace and war together with the victory finally going to peace.

President G.H.W. Bush faced numerous challenges in presiding during the time of troubles in the former Soviet Union. To oversea its  breakup and reformation into a new political and economic system was extremely challenging. G.H.W. Bush however was Phi Beta Kappa ion economics and possibly the most experienced international and real politick hand the U.S.A. had. If he had been re-elected in 1992 it is probable that he would have recognized the need to allow Russia to include the Crimean Peninsula and at least Eastern Ukraine within its national territory. Unfortunately the United States elected an Arkansas hillbilly swollen an Oxford Rhodes scholar appointment that converted the hillbilly into a left leaning historically illiterate sophisticate anglophile with a pro-British, superficial, legalistic, predatory carpet bagging disposition to the White House. He took as much land as he could from Russia for the west not  realizing the problems with that were so extreme that it determined the course of the future toward another Cold War followed by the present hot war in Ukraine.

The contrast between Bill Clinton and G.H.W. is rather stark. The difference in education and experience notable. A former C.I.A. chief during the Cold War, G.H.W. seemed to be content to let the former Soviet Union go through its own self-organization. He was slow to intervene in the Balkan conflict while Bill Clinton was not. Bill Clinton was non-interventionist in the 1994 Rwanda Civil war and genocide. G.H.W. seemed to tolerate or support the Orthodox Christian Serbian position while Bill Clinton sent cruise missiles to the Orthodox to reinforce Muslim self-defense against Serbs. Clinton’s pro-Muslim policies led to Wahhabist expansion globally and Al Qa’eda’s attacks on the U.S.A.

Self-organization of broken communist empires is challenging to manage. There is no super-Presidency  to oversee the organization like some benevolent philosopher king might- that would need to wait until Boris Yeltsin rewrote the Soviet Constitution to make it suitable for Russia and that was amended several times later to make the President of the Russian President a Super-President able to oversea the development of reorganizing internal national political structures while defending the nation against external threats. That leads me to yet another topic that I will digress upon briefly.

The Biden administration and its sycophantic broadcast media frequently declares President Putin an autocrat. President Putin and his supports somewhat accurately declare the western allies of Ukraine and Ukraine’s military fascist. That should be unpacked a little here.

Since the 20th century when governments developed the technical capability of creating mass surveillance states and organizing global war with aircraft, missiles and satellites, governments could relate to citizens and opponents with a more nuanced and dignified approach than in the 19th century. In the 19th century governments could not single out individuals from belligerent populations well. The United States never even had an income tax before the civil war when Lincoln created one to finance the war and later let it lapse into non-existence. Andrew Jackson needed to expel the Cherokee from S.E. America because they were as it were a guerrilla sheltering civil populace. Back in the day governments had crude tools and poor policing. Basic relations with hostile populations were more or less limited to war, extermination, slavery or deportation. In the 20th century governments could do better than that.

Andrew Jackson’s south were slave states. The Cherokee made bad slaves on their home turf. The slavers were economic elites that wanted land and slaves. That was an era when most of the population were illiterates. Much news was simply popular opinion and the sources of much of that tended to flow downward. Popular southern culture reporting incidents of hostile encounters with Indians would have made it difficult to have a general lack of bias against Indians. Creating a reservation for the Cherokee out west was a humanitarian new option more or less that avoid continuing conflict, massacres and such for both sides. People lacked even party-line telephones to organize civil affairs a bit better. Mass political actions and specialized pork barrel legislation was more common.

  When the Roman Republic went to war it appointed a dictator for a year to manage the conflict and draft the materials and personnel required for war fighting. Romans would bring out the fasces- something that were like a pair of clubs perhaps, and present them before the public to the Dictator who was selected by the senate. The origin of the word fascist is from that. Fascist came to mean just dictatorship with ruthless means even though for the Roman Republic is was nothing more than a declaration of war when and a foreign enemy was an immanent threat to peace with a leader appointed to sort it out.

In the 20th century the word fascist was drawn from Roman history to apply to the Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini. The early 20th century was a time when evolution theory was drawing scientists, doctors and politicians with complete support from the rich to the idea that some humans were naturally superior to others and that they should rule or even exterminate inferior races. It had universal appeal to a significant portion of the human race since it provide pseudo scientific support for moral wars that dehumanized economic and politically inconvenient peoples.

Mussolini was a broadcast journalist yet apparently had a PhD in economics. I may be wrong about that. Even so he invented the economic system named corporatism where corporations and government work together as partners to govern society for the benefit of elites and their inferior subjects probably regarded as incapable of governing themselves. They were not supporters of democracy.

Russians call the west fascists because the Clinton administration’s leverage of Ukraine and Crimea away from Russia when a very weak leader without a constitution or military capable of resisting was in charge of something named the Community of Independent States (C.I.S.) resembles the history of Russia losing the Ukraine to German fascists. Many Ukrainians supported the fascist side in W.W. II. The west also has an economic system something like that of Nazi Germany. It had corporatism. Corporations today are moving toward replacing nations globally to a limited extent that is sufficient to bring people to describe corporatism or corporatocracy appearing in their countries (see the Stanford Encyclopedia to learn the difference). National leaders sometimes seem to be flunkies of the rich.

The Biden administration calls Putin an Autocrat because they don’t understand history well. Neither do they comprehend the Russian constitution that makes the presidency a Super-presidency to deal with internal governmental development and to manage against foreign threats. Since the first Cold War was followed by a break inn the continuity of trust between Russia and the United States that had ended the Cold War 1.0 when Bill Clinton defeated G.H.W. Bush in 1992, and Russia had it western lands snatched by N.A.T.O. members led by the Democrat Bill Clinton and followed by successive waves of sanctions applied to Russia ever since, especially when Democrat Presidents were in office, the election of the Biden administration in 2020 prompted Russia to launch a war to retake the lost land. Plainly no legal remedies were available to Russia.

Managing the reconstruction of post-Cold War 1.0 Russia required a little political wisdom. The Soviet Unions ability to free itself from communism and liberate the occupied countries of Eastern Europe taken during the Second World War was incredibly accomplished with little bloodshed. President Gorbachev was mentored by Yuri Adropov the former KGB leader. President Gorbachev was on vacation at Andropov's Crimean home when arrested during the Russian post-Cold War civil War. President Yeltsin of course captured the Russian congress in Moscow during the rebellion of communists unhappy with the way things had gone. His tanks were able to drive supportive military defenders away and the coup was ended. The entire affair seems to have been lain upon a foundation of collusion to end communism and move Russia to the west and the capitalism that had so attracted it. Coke and Levis and Rock and Roll weren’t the least of those features attractive to popular Russian culture.

  Bill Clinton seemed to regard the former Soviet Union as an opportunity to grab land and place stakes on land claims as far east as possible. As the foremost leader of the Western alliance and Oxford lawyer with zero ideas about Russian history concerning Ukraine he made a deal with Boris Yeltsin to leave Russia with a rump state bereft of Ukraine and Crimea. Mr. Yeltsin was in no position militarily to dispute that. Mr. Clinton and subsequent Democrat Presidents would thereafter stress the phrase rule-of-law over Russian aggression and attempts to restore the land of the Soviet Union to Russian efforts to recover its lost land. The end of the Cold War should not have been regarded as a chance to see the lost empire lands like those of a frontier were the first to place stakes could claim ownership- that was a strategic mistake made by a hillbilly President of the United States.

I should say that I like Arkansas. I had some great barbecued goat there. Little Rock reminds me a little of Bath England. It is mild and soft. The Roman baths at Bath are a real marvel since they are about 2000 years old and still have inviting blue water in them amid the decaying, crumbled columns and structure. It is like something out of the future that was sent back to 200 AD. and then began to age to assume its present position. Really marvelous engineering. Anyway, President Clinton’s home state is nice yet still regarded with Kentucky as a hillbilly state of there is one in the U.S.A. I doubt if Bill read much Russian history while prepping for law school. On his return from Oxford he was elected governor of Arkansas and then on to the Presidency. He learned much yet it was inappropriate for managing the Cold War. Blow jobs in Little Rock and in the White House, lawsuits and fast deals, White Water rapids and British Thermal Units. A quick lie before Congress under oath “to protect his family”. Impeachment. The course of a sophisticated hillbilly. 

A wild and crazy light-hearted President who partied in the White House liked by Democrats yet lacked political wisdom like President Obama and Biden and unable to recognize a significant historical mistake. At one White House Party his guest President Boris Yeltsin was spotted running drunk around the White House lawn in his underpants. Rule of law is two dimensional and politics three-dimensional. During a period without rule of law as during the dissolution and reorganization of an empire wisdom is required more than a theoretical assertion and extension of a legal system from abroad. There are no legal systems on Earth that cover how a dissolving nations must be reorganized or what form its government must take. If there were that would be a pretense of the dominant global power and once more simply a will to exercise power by the most powerful through force rather than law.

  President G.H.W. Bush of course had no chance to win the 1992 election. The media never liked him and said he had put his manhood in a blind trust. The billionaire Ross Perot ran against him in the primary as did the journalist Pat Buchanan. Buchanan adds implied that G.H.W. had wild behind the scenes secret society parties with homosexuality and perhaps something like the Bohemian Grove. G.H.W.’s press secretary Marlin Fitzwater was vaguely referenced as providing blow jobs to Mr. Bush as a kind of rich man’s tool. After President Bush left office the Florida Marlins baseball team was created and one the World Series in its expansion year- a never before or since event. That seemed similar to the Nobel Prize going to someone named Bloebull the year Bill Clinton's relation with Monica was revealed. It is as if news managers like to obfuscate inconvenient truths.

President Clinton’s historical error has swelled with additions built upon it to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war. M.A.D. policy no more seems a problem. What me worry? Could become the new national motto imprinted in the dollar.


King Canute; A.I. at Large (the poem)


King Canute  A.I.
rolled back tide
without words
plugged it into the sky
a don’t-try-this-at-home contest
super-conducting notion
judged and rated
oxygen hydrogen quotient
detonated oceans

Gulls overhead
strove to rise higher
becoming charred cinder bits
world exploding fire
no one remained
to award a lonely golden prize.


Wuhan Lab Source of Covid 19 Leak Timing Helps President's Anti-China Narrative

 The timing on the leaked federal assessment that Covid 19 originated from a Wuhan China research lab is such that it supports Biden Administration efforts to develop hostility toward China. The Biden administration and Democrat lawyers tend to use every available means to act against their political opponents. Having used up most of its non-nuclear options against Russia it has ramped up its actions toward China. Though Democrats excoriated the Trump administration for suggesting that the Chines lab was the most likely source of the leak it has changed its tune when the Wuhan lab story would support its present objectives.

It is of course possible that Covid 19 did originate in the Wuhan biological research facility, and most likely did, yet nothing has changed since Feb or March 2020 to prove that. What has changed is the Biden administration full scale support for the Ukraine war against Russian forces in the midst of their reconquista of lost Ukrainian real estate. The administration is concerned that China may supply weapons to Russia as it does to Ukraine and would like to form a better world opinion against China with I would think, the hope that China will feel hurt by various nations believing it would allow Covid 19 to escape from one of its many biological research facilities.

Of course millions have perished from Covid 19 and a million more perhaps were injured or killed in Ukraine. Human beings being what they are it was likely that some time some lab someplace would have a serious biological accident. If computers with A.I. handled the deadly pathogens they too would probably have a leaky day or wrong though iterations that led it to believe the leak was the right thing to do.

Politicians find reasons to escalate wars as the right thing to do too- even when they put little work into thinking of alternatives lines of development than protracted war. If you build it they will come applies to other things than building sports stadiums. It applies to biological research facilities and nuclear weapons programs as well. It is then that the possibility of something going wrong some day increase in probability.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...