
Zillary Defeat Deniers Want Special Russia Prosecutor

The last thread of hope for Hillary loss deniers to overturn the election of President Donald Trump is the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate any possible relationship between Donald Trump and Russian efforts to subvert the Zillary campaign with true propaganda email's hacked from her unsecure private emails and the DNC. It is a rather silly wish since the sole way Trump could be subject to impeachment would be if he were found to have been part of a criminal conspiracy, with Russia and that is not likely. 

All top government officials are subject to internet hack attacks from numerous governments and private parties. Because of the Clinton-Obama antipathy to Russia and desire to wrest their Ukrainian heartland away from it, Russia obviously had a motive in hoping or working for the defeat of Hillary without any encouragement from Donald Trump. At the time the state department Hillary content was hacked Trump wasn't even running for office.

It is not criminal to influence elections publishing true information. It is criminal to hack into computers to get information obviously, however there is not even the most vague shred of evidence that candidate Trump did anything of the sort. Probably the Russians, British, French, Chinese etc were hacking into Hillary's private emails for years and years and none choose to publish the content and give up their view over her shoulder into the most private secrets of the U.S. State Department. Russia on the other hand might have weighed the pros and cons of publishing the data and decided in favor because it was a reasonably close election and like millions or billions of others hoped Hillary Clinton would lose and go back to Little Rock, Chicago or wherever at last.

It might be that the Obama administration and Hillary should be investigated for possible espionage ties with Bradley aka Chelsea Manning for the dirty work at military intelligence perhaps in order to advance the Obama homosexual agenda. President Obama commuted Chelsea-Bradly Manning's sentence his last day in office.


The Presidential election cannot itself be overturned because of wikipedia leaks. If Trumnp were impeached the Vice President would be promoted, and as the new President President it is not unlikely that Rush Limbaugh would be named the new Vice President after being awarded his medal of freedom.

Federal Reserve's Magic ET Satirycon (fiction)

When alien propagandists demonstrated they could create fake news to erase Earthly evidence of their conquest of Earth and its leader the Federal Reserve Chairperson, that agency was liberated to exploit alien technology to produce zero-interest electronic dollars by the trillions from zero-point space. That is the maximum, minimum energy value of the void if theoretically everything of value is removed from it. In that minimal condition the Federal Reserve chairman can summon a mini-big-bank effusion of e-dollars from virtually nothing. As the inflaton expands faster-than-light a fraction of a second because it is creating zero-interest space-time with it along with persons of interest to vote for it it deposit trillions of zero-interest loans into the accounts electronically crediting them with charged particles.

As the inflaton slows a cloud of obfuscation appears because the energy is still too hot to allow viewing of individual particles of light. Instead the e-loans in dark pools begins to cool down while expanding space-time. Trans-dimensional aliens direct the allocation of e-dollars globally to hidden accounts offshore where they can balance any irrational exuberance arising amidst investors on Wall Street with the cold reality checks of sobriety when the last bottle of single malt scotch lies pathetically empty in the gutter.

Fundamentally its all about genetics and splicing of Higgs vector bosons in a temporal field with Harvard Wu Soup research dancers. Applications of extra-galactic technology may keep economic lunches working good for the 1% into the unforeseeable future.

Decades ago when Boris Yeltsin was Chairman of the Federal Reserve an American Secretary of State was sent on an impossible secret mission to stop nuclear weapons development in North Korea. Armed just with a prickly, thorny rose she stripped down to dance config and danced for the dictator Kim II in exchange for North Korea giving up nuclear weapons construction and fourteen cases of Twinkies. Dictator Kim put a tip on monetary policy in her garter belt that became known as 'M-Theory'.

M-theory provided multiverse renormalization of home mortgage derivatives technique whereby the middle class and poor would be relieved of their abodes through defaults and swaps trading ownership with the 1% who would be financed by zero-point e-dollar multipliers in the Federal Reserve alien technology archive.

Dissidents were few to the expansion of planetary networking, yet they provided a steady-state barter Universe theory wherein trade would be based on corn liquor and honest cracker barrel content auctions at yearly meets on neutral islands.

Exsiders speculated the new Trump administration may implement T-Ball, Wall Street Dregulation Lawn Bowling oor Ecological Economics for course correction.


Genetic Breakdown in Formerly Elite Mammoth Populations

Even global human populations without substantial degrees of isolation may eventually suffer the effects of inbreeding or sharing bad genes if one extrapolates from a recent study of Wooly Mammoths on Russia's Wrangel Island.


Apparently the ancient elephant-like creatures that were killed of at Wrangel Island Russia 3500 years ago compiled substantial genetic defects perhaps for many reasons such as bad diet, environmental conditions etc, and inbreeding. As all human populations interbreed and isolation from contaminated populations no longer exists as firewalls genetic decay may occur in the finite yet initially variegated pool as well. Natural isolation in moderation with adequate populations for sustainability seems good while no isolation even with large numbers may mass produce and share critical genetic errors. Obviously possible human extinction criteria do not resemble closely those of Wooly Mammoths.


Maybe gene structures continue placidly unchallenged, unchanged and breakdown in effort to find adaptive change in circumstance of creeping environmental extinction.
Image result for public domain map wrangel island
image credit-wiki commons

Jacque Cousteau anticipated humanity has fewer than 200 years remaining before its overuse of the environment and technological development (such as genetic engineering, biological war, nuclear, etc) led to mass extinction. The poor Wooly Mammoths gradually faded away as humanity consumed them as mobile fast food platforms.


Congress Probably Would Flunk an Ecological Economic Exam

It would be a safe bet to say that Congress doesn't know what ecological economics is. For many in the two houses the term might suggest something like solar panels or renewable materials. Yes it can include such items however it means a lot more; in fact it is an entirely different way of regarding the economy as part of the environment (the world basically) where it occurs, including the ecosystem.

Air is a simply idea. Usually it’s not included in classical economics quantitatively for the entire world though it could be. If someone were to make a substantial impact on the ecosphere reducing or increasing planetary oxygen and other gases, production of air fit to breathe it could be measured.

There are finite quantities of air, water, land and biota on the Earth. One can compare the amount of ecological goods available to the number of users of the finite ecosphere and its ecological goods and determine what the budget for use that is sustainable is with various scaled population and use factors- if the goods natural renew themselves (such as a lake that refills after rainfall).

Good ecological economic policy would provide work for citizens sustaining the environment and wildlife with all the value it has with D.N.A. structures uniquely configured plants, etc. in addition to usual jobs manufacturing items that make life easier or more interesting.

Ecological economic criteria do need to have government set guidelines and coordination that fit within a Democratic, free enterprise social paradigm in order to sustain a continuum of creative human progress. Contract criteria for work that supports sustainability and has low impact on the ecosphere that is adverse or destructive is a good vehicle for transforming a classical, non-renewable economic infrastructure to one that is sustainable.

Fundamentally the Democrat party isn't any more aware of the deeper nature of ecological economic procedures than the Republican Party, though the Democrats flirt with conservation and renewable energy items enough to try to attract voters to their general policy of concentrating wealth in a global plutonomy while destroying U.S. sovereignty.

Europe; Leftist, Squishy, Needs U.S. Help?

If Europe threw a hissy fit after Trump administrative upgrades for visitors to the U.S.A. in order to make terrorism more difficult to perpetrate here, it did not need to go so far as to consider making it requisite for American visitors to the old world region it has rescued twice from German hostile takeover. Yet it may be a benefit to Americans if Europe does that since more Americans will travel to Alaska this summer instead of Europe.


Old Europe has been an expensive project for the U.S.A. to invest in since the First World War. Often Americans have wondered if Europeans could quit letting their latent Neanderthal side dominate affairs without going to the bipolar opposite course of homosexual marriage and some sort of incapacity for general political reason.

Make no mistake; Germany has the best pastry in Europe and would dominate if there were fair, unbiased Universal competitions. Sadly, pastry excellence is insufficient qualification for ruling the troubled region. European resolution for worldliness without ecological economic transformation yet with a decline in Christian values while acting as a catalyst for Muslim migrations and simultaneously seeking to annex Ukraine and perhaps other parts of historical Russia and debasing individual citizenship in comparison to a concentration of wealth is problematic.

Old Europe has been squashed down twice in the 20th century by political elites sometimes clashing with other political elites. Adolph Hitler was a surrogate for the aristocracy deposed in the First World War’s end and that Frankenstein project got out of control. The left in its infatuation with Trotsky-Leninism decided that nations rather than elites were the problem entirely misdiagnosing the a-lect of the dialectical cycle of history enabling overcompensation from the b-lect for several decades.

Global today is the left’s idea in the United States for progress. They have substituted corporate elites for political elites that became unpopular as monarchies on soviets fell on hard time. Globalism is fundamentally a tool for letting a planetary oligarchy or plutonomy own everything while in turn the masses of people become powerless through relinquishing their nationhood.

Globalism has always existed since there was a world realistically. Nations however are political constructions that let a body politic have inalienable political rights unless they give them up through weakness, moral incapacity or ignorance. Though nations are strong and have strongly defended boundaries the world still may coexist peacefully with trade and tourism. Today’s globalists claim that the alternative to the unfettered planetary domination of wealth is isolationism however it is isolation of citizens from their own national right reason and properties of civil rights that occurs when the 1% have the world as their oyster and the masses are shifted about as cheap labor without a right to own anything or even in time to have sovereign democratic political rights in a republic.

Today a popular leverage tool for the globalism for the rich is to use Russia as a villain to prevent the practical global smooth flow of commerce and trade amidst sovereign nations with strong national ecological economic values. At the end of the cold war the Clintons and Europe sought to take Ukraine a third time from Russia in a century following up on that last accomplished by the Nazis in the Second World War. It would make sense for the U.S.A. to form a free trade policy with Russia in order to allow Miami to Fairbanks to Irkutsk high speed electromagnetic tube travel (and onward to Europe). That too would be globalism even if it occurs with strong U.S. sovereign boundary protection. It is not necessary that Americans are weak and indolent, doped up homosexuals to let the fake brave new world globalism bring happiness to the miserable. Rational actual global facilities for all travelling from their own nations with strong ecological economic policies can develop too as a better alternative to the world vision imagined by deathocrats and plutocrats seeking to rule as a corporatist central committee.


Russian-American Free Trade Act and Senator Jeff Sessions

Democrats have discovered a cache of documentation about two meetings by then-Senator Jeff Sessions with the Russian Ambassador in Washington D.C. and have called for the Attorney General to resign-. A reasonable request for a party taking up where Joe McCarthy left off in hating on the Russians (and Donald Trump). In theory the party reasoning goes something like Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador to plot to put Hillary's emails from State on an insecure private server so Russian hackers could buy the stuff from a dark web auction site with laundered C.I.A. money that would only be enfiladed after deeper throat met with a Washington Post reporter behind a closed door secured with plumbers tape and forward the emails to wikileaks that would then release it during Hillary's Presidential campaign thus winning the election for Donald Trump after the public got a look into Hillary's way of doping business and Clinton Foundation tours of the State Department for big foreign contributors .

Senator Sessions decision to possibly discuss political matters with the Russian ambassador is unprecedented; US. politicians strictly stick to a code of silence and never meet with foreign representatives to discuss politics when they have a big stick of nuclear weaponry in their pocket. The fire stick makes savages heal with big wamp-em. Good Senators don't meet with diplomats; they use N.S.A. surveillance to listen in on their dirty little secrets.

It is of coarseness possible that the Senator met to discover what the Russian view of certain political matters were concerning war and peace in regions of mutual concern. Yet until Russia concedes the Myrny diamond pipes to the Democrat national Committee they will be regarded as a rogue nation unlikely to permit homosexual marriage and atheist, godless domination by feminism and BLTs.

Senator Sessions might have simply yearned for peanuts, caviar and vodka that no longer are automatic freebies flying in first class. The Russian ambassador might have provided a decent snack and then suggested some sort of treachery such as a free trade agreement between the two nations. Jeff Sessions as a naive political innocent would not have known the ambassador was capable of persuasive subterfuge and was actually recruiting him to spy on and steal Senator Al Franken's jokes. Free trade agreements are tantamount to treason in the Democrat play book.

Revised freak trade might work with RAFTA though. Athletes, vodka, whiskey and raw materials could be traded freely while manufactured goods and c.p.a.'s would not. Russia could make quick and dirty lunar lab modules and heavy lift them to the moon base. Space X would provide transport for humans and supply. How many billions it would take N.A.S.A. to build a moon base!?


The Saved, the Secular and the Lost

Assuredly Christians have an eternal life with God to look forward to even as they may be troubled by nefarious secularists that believe godless atheism is the best thing since a computer chip. Christianity itself is a little troubled by the lack of upgrades to the delivery of the gospel from that essentially unchanged since the era of feudalism when so many were illiterate. Today of course many Americans have been programmed by the broadcast media and have something of a functional philosophical and theological illiteracy.

 One of the sad points of the Obama era was that there are those with the wrong belief that unrepentant L.G.B. church goers are saved. There is no mistake that aberrant sex beyond that of heterosexual is sin. In order to be acceptable to God and His Son at the minimum one must cohere with the will of God as expressed in the Holy Bible/gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. That means that one cannot be an active, unrepentant homosexual. If one is then one is most likely not saved, for one never had faith and grace enough to quit that sin.

I would think however that if one were saved at some point and truly denounced all sin, even if one slipped at some point later and committed sin yet and repented that, they would still be alright. Being reprobate though; actually denying that sin clearly enough defined in the Bible is OK. and acceptable to God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and believing that one is saved seems silly. One might as well be a Muslim and consider praying five times a day in a supine position facing their neighborhood Wal-Mart is OK. Muslim practice.


Eternity is a deep game. Some cosmological physicists regard the Universe as having been created from nothing; the void and perhaps its zero-point energy. With historical evidence for evolution they regard the point about God as res judicata; such superficial philosophical, theological and even scientific reasoning makes them hardened in their faithlessness and nthus they become malevangelizers of the word of oblivion. Eternity is a long time without time however existing trancendently beyond the physics of the mortal coil. True faith shall have its just reward while so mayhaps, that which is true wickedness.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...