
Libya; Development of the P.L.A.

We must wonder at the formation of a populist revolution before a guerilla army could be put together in Libya. This seems an era of non-violent revolution with support from the U.S. administration and the U.N., with the caveat that if the dictator doesn't give up the U.S. may accomplish the coup de grace with a flock of cruise missiles at the dictator ion order to spare civilian lives.

A humanitarian intervention of relief may be the sort of thing that the Nobel Peace Prize komiteh awarded President Obama the prize for on credit. Yet there are a myriad of potential ground war trails the potential civil war could take. Some lucky Libyan revolutionaries may have the chance to shoot stingers at jet aircraft or even just .50 cal machine guns (in most civilian milieus a criminal offense)-that can be better than goose hunting I would guess.

Tripoli and various military bases for attack on rebel cities would be on the exterior lines and far away. As rebels become more organized and discover more weapons caches formerly owned by the Dictator they may become a well-organized militia able to swat incoming jets from the sky perhaps lining them up as they fly low over the desert.

Cell phones and advance hidden scouts may call the Sam launcher guy in the minaret to alert incoming hostiles. Long desert supply lines may make the Dictator vulnerable to forces without fuel or whatever. More military officers may defect to the rebel cause in order to have job security in The New Libyan Order. These are trying times for Americans to watch from abroad as they love liberty and equal rights so much-nearly as much as football and good paying jobs.

Probably the Obama administration should continue to do nothing to interfere with the natural social readjustment of power in Libya-well maybe send some pork ribs via parachute or containers of Gatorade to rebel held cities. Crackers and peanut butter is better than nothing, and helps keep the fighting spirit together.

Maybe Sect of State Clinton could deliver some loads of Gideon's Bible's to besieged Libyan rebel held cities to lift the spirits of the lost. I suppose rebels will seek for some way to destroy Tripoli’s electric power supply, and the United States has no obligation to help repair that while the Dictator is still not on trial for the Lockerbie bombing of the Pan Am flight so many years ago as was revealed recently.

Iran/U.S.A. Disparate Simultaneous World Views in Geopolitical Space-Time

Reading through another book after completing ‘The Balkan Wars’ I expect to discover more evidence of human political folly, well, one can always go to the other planet I suppose where things are more regularly Utopian in nature.

A Utopian development of the planet Mars may develop in the future, yet some historians believe that another Serbian-Kosovo conflict may occur first following the depopulation of Kosovo of Serbs pervasively since the N.A.T.O. intervention. The topic of the Islamic Revolution of The Ayatollah Ruhallah Khomeini unto the present day of Iranian President Ahmadinejab continues illustrating the talking past each other feature of political relationships. Each side is attempting to exert its political goals, and of course the assertion of universal goals allows a transcending of domestic political issues nicely consolidating things for politicians.

Is the United States of America in its new era of moral and ecological depravity truly the Great Satan or is that just an Iranian polemical label used to declare a moral jihad? Did Iran actually declare war upon the United States with the Embassy hostage taking in 1979 and continue it through a series of low level; terrorist skirmishes including a number of proxy agents?

Philosophically one may view political weltanschauungs of a pluralistic context as more common in the tech communication era. America as an ambassador of atheism and decay may be a natural progression from its dependence upon a mature national industrial and technological infrastructure. The United States is also a puppet of Great Britain’s need to have a world without financial borders able to replace its lost colonial empire. A decadent United States with so many Toynbean end-of cycle signs is simpler to manipulate away from rational ecospheric and moral conservativism.

Without the monochromatic political world views of the non-technological communications era that allowed the Balkan nations to have sufficient opportunity for political privacy that real violent revolutionary militias could form to oppose empires such as the Ottoman, Hapsburg, French or Russian now and then, the Iranian-American dialectical political evolutions tends to follow a more bellicose and assertive shouting match format with little progress toward a better ecospheric economic evolution of values. Several alternatives ways of looking at the world exist in each nation of course, some more sober than others.

The United States like a weak alcoholic has become incapable of getting off dependence on the bottle of fossil fuels. Since President Carter’s day the U.S.A. has sought in vain to move on to fuels besides gasoline imported from Saudi Arabia. President Amahdinejab realized that Muhammad was successful at defeating civilizations from a position in the center of world commerce. Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia is again at the center of world civilization and commerce of oil, while the United States is a morally corrupted advocate of atheism and homosexual marriages fighting to get a spot at the spigot of middle eastern oil to fuel its century old internal combustion engine dependent lifestyle. Plainly wars such as those of ‘revolutionary’ North Africa play into the plans of Islamic extremists. President Amadinejab may have already sent a letter to President Obama asking him to convert to Islam, as The Ayatollah Khomeini did to President Gorbachev, and as Mohammad did to the Byzantine Emperor.

Over a century ago there were no machines able to provide power for mass personal transportation through the American wilderness-then came the internal combustion engine. That first industrial technology remains America’s contemporary techno-transport power. The nation’s seduction to automotive hedonism has sated their appetite for transportation advance. The reliance on internal combustion engines and fossil fuels has made America seem like a nation of swine waiting to be slopped with cheap fossil fuels. Accordingly the U.S.A. has failed to advance to stage 2 or even stage 3 transportation modalities that use no fossil fuel and that do not harm the ecosphere of the nation.

In 1988 the U.S. Navy sank most of the effective Iranian Navy in the Persian Gulf, yet earlier President Reagan had withdrawn American Marines from Lebanon after 247 were killed by a Shiite suicide bomber. The mission of the United States in Beirut evidently was to protect Palestinians--President Regan might have realized that the mission was morally wrong for American and withdrew. Political purposes count as much as the means of accomplishing them.

Some view U.S. Democracy with a bifurcation between old style morality and Godliness and new style immorality and atheism. Democracy may be regarded as a fig leaf for atheist imperial hegemony at home and abroad. Ecocide may be a consequence of old style classical economics of The New World Order while alternatively, The Islamic Republic may seek to lead a recrudescent Islamic Global Empire for itself. Protracted U.S. military deployments to Islamic nations will increase the Islamisation of American service personnel and bring more of the creed of Mecca to the United States legally and illegally over-the border.

I tend to believe that the better U.S. policy would be to assert an ecospheric economics with zero illegal immigration and restore a moral, fully employed America. An ecosphere friendly, low entropy high quality economic policy could serve as a good example to developing nations. Admiral Mullins, Secdef Gates and President Obama seem to have a goal of making atheist homosexuality the military mission of the U.S.A. though. It is an effort to rejoin Pangaea that King Canute would have marveled upon.

Apocalpse Scheduled for Hubble Space Telescope

With the Hubble Space Telescope, human sight has boldly gone where no human vision has gone before. The views of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field series brought visions of galaxies created when the universe was less than a billion years old. N.A.S.A. plans to order the space telescope to activate a small steering rocket in a few years, enter the Earth’s upper atmosphere and burn up in a bright ball of friction flame because U.S. bureaucrats have run out of ideas of anything more useful to do with the brilliant relic of an era of excellence besides ordering it to self-destruct.

The disposable American political ethos has tragically and profligately scheduled the apocalypse for the Hubble Space Telescope. Even though it will be comparatively less modern than the newer James Webb infrared super-giant space telescope scheduled to go up soon the Hubble still would be valuable for a variety of presently unknown future applications.

What can be done with the Hubble; auction it on E-Bay so a private space firm can buy it and move it to some orbital location and perhaps repair it one day? Move it to a stationary orbit Mars? Some use for space materials other than burning them up in the Earth’s atmosphere should become a normal policy- maybe the Hubble could be used to make ice cream or serve as a dog house at a future moon base. Enable the Hubble to make a soft landing on the moon or just send it until on a slow journey around Jupiter until future space farers reclaim it for use-nothing can be as wasteful as just burning it to ashes.

Recurrent Cycle of Evolutionary Capitalism

A recurring cycle of capital concentration in historical evolution is the fundamental post hunter-gathering economic practice of mankind. For reasons of brevity I shall refrain from citing countless historical examples of the point from ancient Rome, to monarchy, feudalism and so forth. From an egalitarian apportionment of natural wealth competition drives the concentration of wealth and power that upon reaching stagnation at the highest feasible form of concentration is broken up with violent revolution to resume the cycle from a new egalitarian foundation.

With the simultaneous progress of human knowledge and technology subsequent cycles of capital concentration resume at a higher level of foundational wealth than previous beginnings. Through history several economic and social analysts have viewed selective stages of the recurrent capital cycles of evolution and have advanced theories about how a ‘fair’ redistribution of wealth might be made. Karl Marx was such an historical figure, who did not recognize, like so many others, that the evolutionary advance of capital concentration cannot be arrested at any particular point and continue to function as a progressive economy. Like the evolution of mass and energy in space time through thermodynamic stages of entropy, economics in capital evolution cannot be stopped.

What can be done to moderate evolutionary capitalism to serve the basic interest of a society is to try to limit the concentration of wealth in order to promote the egalitarian and competitive benefits of complete social participation with meaningful opportunities for ingenuity, invention and private capital concentration. A democratic society cognizant of failures of individuals pervasively to accumulate capital for-themselves should limit the size of corporate employment and attempt to perpetuate a revitalization of individual capital resources for all citizens.

The United States is just one example of a nation in a stage of capital concentration concentrating wealth for trans-national corporations. Concurrently U.S. Government policy fails to create a Mexican border barrier equivalent to a natural barrier effective enough that it cannot be illegal crossed.As the world population and transportation efficiency increases toward 9 billion souls dozens of millions of illegal global migrants enter the U.S.A. to create surplus labor and keep wages down for the working class while wealth is concentrated for corporate rulers of the nation. U.S. cycles of simultaneous concentration of wealth and national political decay provide a glimpse of the future conditions that may precipitate a violent revolutionary transition to stage one of the egalitarian distribution of wealth that evolves toward an eventual concentration of wealth.

The United States began with a violent revolutionary redistribution of wealth and power in destroying British rule over the nation. Natural resources were abundant permitting an egalitarian basis for general capital non-concentration lasting nearly 175 years before the concentration of wealth reached a networking stage that has continued its pace of acceleration. As the population density of the U.S.A. increases the quantity of non-renewable an renewable natural resources per individual decreases. Accelerating global immigration over an ineffectively defended southern border increases the pace of political social inequality with a large internal and external proletariat demanding cultural change.

Instead of being an island of ecospheric rationality and restoration with an exemplary static population size and a continuum of low entropy, full employment economic methodology dampening the cycle of evolutionary capitalism from its terminal, singularity phase the United States has thrown reason to the winds and gone along with the historical drafting force of the cycle of evolutionary capitalism. Karl Mark argued for arrested development at the lowest level of concentrated wealth possible that has the implicit effect of preventing competition and progress, while pure capitalists tend to argue in favor of the cycle of wealth concentration either without comprehending or caring that it inevitably leads to violent social destruction without the interpolation of intelligent design of economic reform.

Hippocampus issues nerve cell growth (brain cells)

New nerve cells in the brain were discovered to grow not only in lab rats, but in human beings too. Sciencenews.org reported on January 29, 2011 pages 23-25 on the phenomenon.


New nerve cells in the brain grow in the Hippocampus area. That stimulates some notions of humanities in Florida stimulating ecological reasoning growth in political circles perhaps as legislation limits boaters from speeding along the Indian River with counter-rotating props. Actually though, some particular food groups help brain cell regrowth besides making new connections between existing brain cells. At least its food for thought.

Fish, omega 3 fatty acids, vegetables, herbs and fruit—these are good brain foods evidently.

Happy American Legal Services © 2011 Gibson-fiction

In order to cut the federal budget, the U.S. Supreme Court was replaced recently by an intelligent super computer named HAL. Simultaneously the state of Alaska built a super-size prison near Goose Creek with beds for 1500 prisoners-some legislators were grousing about the size and expense. Enlightened minds realized that the spaces could be filled more quickly with more efficient justice-and thuse entered the era of super-computer, super-swift justice.

favorable points for HAL...

Hal was created with every legal case every brought before a court on Earth in it's memory, HAL cost less to operate annually than the entire federal judiciary.

Computational legal decisions personify the very latest in keen legal reasoning. Like the computer ubermench of Double Jeopardy able to consider every popular question and answer faster than human rivals, HAL too had a special reasoning program able to produce the quickest and most true judgents possible. HAL's motto engraved on its faceplates said it all;'No mercy, no frills legal decisions on the spot'.

No longer were tiresome court room delays made because of a lack of computational wisdom and electrical accuity. HAL not only cut to the chase, it anticipated the verdicts reading re-trial briefs required with anticipatory text. It's omnipresent television cameras knew of all national actions. No time- lost in appeals


Super-Clusters of Galaxies-Largest Structures in Universe

It is said that the largest structures of the Universe are super-clusters of galaxies. There seem to be about fifty of them in the observable area of the Universe which is about twenty-six billion light years across as viewed from the Earth. I ought to point out that the actually area of the Universe may be greater than the area of it that can be seen.


-photo credit Hubble Space Telescope Institute

The reason for that discrepancy is that light has a finite speed of travel, and that space-time itself is expanding away from the Earth in most directions. The earliest light that has been seen-the cosmic microwave background of the universe that long ago was very hot and now has cooled down to 3 degrees above absolute zero, was sent out when the Universe was about 300,000 years old according to physical evolutionary models run in reverse. Presently we live in approximately the year 13 billion, seven hundred million years after the inflation of the Universe from time equals zero (T=0) that is regarded as the proximal beginning.

Light has had thus just 13.7 billion years to travel, and that is also thought to be the size of the universe as a radius in light years from Earth.

Looking in space-telescopes like the Hubble S.T. astronomers can view formations of stellar material and nebulas of dust clouds lit up by waves of particles from burning and exploding stars in all their phases of life. There are more than half a dozen basic shapes of galaxies, and also galaxies themselves are drawn together through gravity to form clusters of galaxies and even super-clusters of galaxies.

If there are larger structures in the universe than galaxies that exist, no one knows of any today. Of course one might count space as a larger structure if nothingness is real, or maybe just dimensions as larger, or possibly even the mysterious missing matter and energy of the universe that are believed to exist and act as a sort of hidden gravity affecting galaxies and also as an anti-gravity phenomena pushing all of space-time outward. Actually there may be several larger structures than super-clusters of galaxies, yet as it is now, known are know to the human community on Earth.

Super-clusters of galaxies are fantastic things though. They are vast clumps of tens of millions of galaxies maybe, surrounding vast empty areas of space-time. Today researchers write that the clumps of super-clusters of galaxies around vast empty regions of space-time is a consequence of the initial distribution of mass and energy in the earliest moments of the life history of this Universe that is believed to have inflated like a space-time balloon faster than light for a fraction of a second then slowing down to expand at a sub-luminal pace.

The galactic super cluster our Milky Way Galaxy is located in is a pretty good one named “The Virgo Cluster’. A vast super cluster nearly 730 million light years in size is nearest our Virgo Cluster. It is called ‘The Wall’ or alternately ‘The Great Attractor’ and gives us something slid to ponder being nearly a tenth of the age of the universe itself in comparative expansion of light years in size.

Galactic super-clusters are sad to be connected by thin filament at least. We might one day be able to go on a faster than light journey around the Universe to visit these fifty galactic super-clusters without needing to cross through the deserts of empty space-segregating the essential portions. Without that spacing the superclusters might quickly collapse into a giant black hole prematurely bring an end to al life in the Universe.

Might we travel faster than light by travelling outside of the slid state physical realm f the Universe in which we live, perhaps via extra dimensional did shortcuts? Will we one day have the chance to advise any fellow creatures living in the Universe on important topic like how to live peacefully in dense populations, how to assure that all creatures are given equal opportunity for life’s essential needs, and how to conserve and sustain finite natural resources? Probably not, yet the super-clusters are still worth generations of study for their brilliant status as the largest structures of the visible Universe in which nearly every existing star is set.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...