
Time for New Theories of Government?

The present form of world governments is at the least hundreds of years old. It is notable that technology and language change far more so than fundamental theory and structure of government though applications creep into hybrids. Capitalism implicitly has a theory that competition and evolution is best for finding the best products and services for consumers yet government have no competition. One would expect them to be loaded with bureaucracies and employment collectives. Especially with the troubles of the planet regarding mass extinctions of species and global warming, crowded social demographics etc. it would be worth the effort to invent completely new government structures that can work in a very technologically advanced era in comparison to the pre-electronic era when present governments were created.

Here are a few criteria for a new form of government; it should be an implicit function of every citizen. If a citizen can contribute to the public good he would receive compensation, while if a citizen consumes natural resources that is considered a debit overall, and each citizen would have a practical quantity for mass to add entropy to-such as would prevent ecological waste. Business activity also would be subjected to socially evaluative criteria to determine its environmental effect before it would be given a license to operate.

Fundamentally government would be made into a discrete, existential tool to let citizens move forward smoothly and meaningfully, while none would be elected or have permanent government employment


Triple 7

God does not play dice with the Universe. Noah lived 777 years; that proves it.


Cognitive Computing Era: When PCs Think 4 Ya

Semi-intelligent pcs may be able to think better in service of their owners than the human him or her self in the years ahead. What is one to think of that? 

For example, if one is without a job a pc might be able to work a better job search around the clock and matching up a prospective worker realistically with a prospective position-knowing something about the pc owner. A pc might be able to search for and put together best shopping deals and make a travelling salesman algorithm about getting it done that fits in with the schedule the pc manages. On a practical basis a pc might be smarter than the pc owner in the future, yet what if the pc is asked to decide who to vote for in an election? Would the pc snigger at the qualifications and capabilities of the human candidates in comparison to the tasks they should get done if elected?


N.A.T.O. & U.S. Need a Rational Plan for Syria

Russia is helping to defend the embattled Assad government, and that is a tough job in a rather crowded corridor. President Obama has stoked up the civil war in Syria for years unconcerned about the certainty of mass civilian casualties enough to withhold the rhetoric. A Russian overflight of Turkey-something of a traditional enemy of Russia as it has allied itself with German warriors before (in W.W. I) and as the Ottoman Empire brutalized Serbs and other Orthodox Christians, has shaken N.A.T.O. a little. The trouble is that the west hasn't has a rational approach to statescraft involving the traditional Muslim issue since the end of the cold war. That Muslim problem largely replaced the east-west cold war problem, yet the retarded want to continue viewing Russia as the foe.



The Muslim expansion problem isn't just about ISIS. It involves virtually every Muslim state including all of those of the Middle East. Russia has a large Muslim terror problem itself and cannot afford to be as aloof as Europe or the United States. They need realpolitik and defense.

The U.S. an European leadership seem happy enough to let the Syrian problem continue indefinitely because of bureaucratic lack of need to stop it. Yet Placing the Kurds in a nation of their own in Eastern Syria and reinforcing it with Russian air power and N.A.T.O, ground forces working together, while N.A.T.O. and the U.S. plus Russia reinforce the Assad regime Alawi coastal region is the quick, direct way to bring stability to the Middle East now. Turkey doesn't seem to like Kurds and treats them rather badly. Kurds helped liberate Iraq, and deserve a nation of their own-the peace conference at the conclusion of W.W.I cheated them of that...the problem needs rectification. Its something President Obama could accomplish if he cut his puppet strings. He could earn his Nobel prize.

Avoiding a Lebanese civil war is very important for long-range Middle Eastern stability. Keeping Russian, Kurdish, N.A.T.O. and Israeli interests secure are also important. Iraqi security requires that all oil fields be given to the ordinary citizens in a one time issue of public stock shares. Without common ownership of Iraq's oil civil conflicts to control it are largely unavoidable.


Obama Force Snuffs 19 at Kunduz Medical Clinic

U.S. military forces apparently bombed the main Doctors Without Borders trauma center in Kunduz Afghanistan for 30 minutes until no life remained within. In the effort to retake Kunduz for the Afghan Government Obama forces provided U.S. Air power to deliver a precise, surgical attack causing some collateral damage. Doctors Without Borders said they had called the U.S. Military and asked them to stop the attack, and had already informed the U.S. Military of the location numerous times, yet that was to no avail preventing death from above when Maxwell's silver hammer dropped upon their heads.

The Doctors Sans Frontiers organization said they will close the trauma center.

Age for Developing Historical Theories Over?

Developing theories in the social science in parallel to those of science emerged early in the human social history of ideas. Ancient man having ate of the tree of knowledge inquired into the nature of everything and asked how it worked, and why? Historians also developed that characteristic. famous Historians like Toynbee, Spencer and others developed theories that explained cycles in human history-such idea even made it into science fiction with Isaac Asimov's Seldon Plan in 'The Foundation' trilogy. The age of developing macro-historical causal theories may be over now.

This is an era where micro-history and macro-introspection has supplanted viewing the world over-all with detachment for the purpose of analysis, except perhaps as cold scientific objectivity regards society with a sociopath's eye. In what has been called the age of fracture modern technology and the smallness of the globe have made historical theories of mass human behavior with recurrent cycles seem quaint; obsolete. In live real time, reality TV drones with optics and dark pool computer generated quantitative trading cyclical history seems absurd-as do any long cycles in nature such as those scrubbing CO2 from the atmosphere.

The demise of historical theory ended a grand trend that could be said, rather inaccurately, to have started with the philosopher G.W.F. Hegel's epic 'Phenomenology of Mind'. Hegel brought secular history into a theistic evolution. Inspired by the paradigmatic structure of the Bible where God's teleology has a purpose for human existence extending through history, Hegel's viewpoint might be construed as being a sort of first cousin of post-millennialism wherein God's plan to grow a majoritarian Christian society through time following the tribulation of the first century and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus established on the foundation of the Lord's securing of the kingdom of God for mankind of faith to enter. In Hegel's post-millennialism God is realizing himself in history and the German state of his day was the highest realization yet attained by mankind.

Hegel did not preclude other societies of the day from being of equal standing in regard to comparative theistic realization; it was simply that Hegel had himself become aware of the post-millennial advance and teleology of God, so he therefore appropriately viewed that state of knowledge as of the first spiritual rank among mortals. Philosophers and historians have almost never viewed Hegel's philosophy as being post-millennialism, yet to me now it seems to be purely so, rather than theistic evolution detached from a scriptural context. After all, Hegel was writing in post-Lutheran Germany.

Hegel's Phenomenology infused with post-millennialism was learned by Karl Marx and converted into pure secular material evolution devoid of spirit. Following the end of the cold war American Presidential administrations led away from spirituality toward materialism with rash military engagements, reallocation of world political order so far as they could to benefit Wall Street investors, and whole-hearted support from Hollywood for an immoral new world order beyond good and evil as a synthetic version of corporatist atheism borrowing much of the Marxist premises of social equality in spiritless meaninglessness. If Karl Marx could be transmogrified into a Libertarian corporatist he would fit well in modern American society as a broadcast journalist.

If modern America was too willing to throw out macro-historical analysis and dispose of objective reason in line with Dewian principles of the relativity of truth theory so far as to negate it, along with reality as a subjective experience solely without an objective for-itself status, it was ready to accept science and elite opinion and paradigms in there stead.

In the 18th century scientific and historical theory were not so far apart as they latter developed. It was reasonable to create hypothesis about mass social behavior as it was about gravity. In a contemporary litigious era where expert and fine, mathematically precise opinion can be proven or defended but historical generality cannot, there is a natural de-emphasis upon general social and historical theory, however that does not preclude the possibility of the formation of accurate historical or social generalities.

While Aristotle might be regarded as the first extra-scriptural writer of historical cycle theory in his treatise Politics, in an era where democracy still breaks down through lack of mass democratic participation with intelligence and determination to maintain democracy in health, it is a reciprocal fact that too few discern the applicability of the doctrine to the present time.


Brit Immigrant Harper-Mercer Killed 10 at Umqua CC-Why?

Christopher Harper-Mercer (the shooter at Umqua CC) was a British immigrant as a youth.The dual citizenship and inherent ex-pat status may have formed complexities for his reasoning. I think the cultural disconnect helped shape his ideas, and all of the changes in Oregon and DC also morphed the social environment. When I was in the Oregon Army Guard in 1982 this sort of thing wasn't a part of cultural history-it started with the Clinton era.


A 26 year old from Oregon growing up in the 90s and 00's was likely to encounter an awful lot of bad underground trash lyrics in music. radio Satan (informal) from Sacramento was an influence too. Social conditioning was rather degenerate. Much illegal immigration has saturated Oregon since the 80's. It is a place where some young white guys can feel marginalized and perhaps jealous of the loss of a beautiful land in an unrealistic way. With a dual citizenship tie to Britain it is not unlikely that a latent colonial supremist sentiment for his tribe incentivized his thought.

Shooting up a school is unthinkable though. yet Columbine and the slaughter at Eugene were punk trend apparently aging a little in the Obama years. To a certain extent every life has an element of trimish punk about it, it is just that some people deal better with the anomie aspects better than others.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...