
Hot Onomatopoeic Decimation of Decency in Obama/Nixoncare

Bureaucratic solutions to material issues may be dangerous to your health. Because the Obama administration with a Congressional majority for six years accomplished just three things-advancing queer marriage to subvert natural social health, permanent tax cuts for the rich, and forcing through the adaptive Nixon corporate health care plan (aka Obamacare) the nation’s economic situation became enswamped in the shadows of lender cornices of potential economic avalanches. The middle class has sought a way to pass the buck of health care costs to someone else.

Though summer 2015 may bring a couple of months with 300,000 minimum wage jobs created, that could be be like a false spring before the cascade of financial avalanche. An avalanche made of skyscraper of cards, foreign investments, public debt, concentrated wealth and environmental disaster. When the whip comes down from economic natural law the poor will lose health and dental care first while the middle class sympathizes with Hollywood smiles if at all.

When the Obama administration forced through national health care and tax cuts for the rich without balancing the Federal it was necessary to pay for the new program with increased federal debt and Treasury Department chicanery. Annual interest on public debt is approaching a trillion dollars.

The U.S. Federal Reserve was already buying up bad debt from the Federal Government that the administration got from big banks with bad derivatives and investing debt. Printing free loans to the Banks the banks could loan out 400% of those Federal gifts and buy up toxic home mortgages and stocks indirectly. Passing the buck results in two fundamental principles-the poor get comparatively poorer and government compiles more debt.

In Alaska- a state with fewer than a million people and a high average income, about 10 billion is spent each year on health care. With a state government revenue deficit of 3 billion dollars because of the drop in oil price per barrel Obamacare costs and the insurance mandate are creating problems. Like many middle class Americans that want a federal health cost subsidy greater than the cost of food stamps annually by several hundred percent Alaskans will seek to pass on the cost for health care to the Federal dent account so far as possible. Immediately though, cutting health care expenses for prisoners, the homeless and the poor would be prioritized because they have little political power. To cut health care costs for the incarcerated is the moral equivalent of torture-although without major organ failure it can’t be torture according to established U.S. Government policy (maybe nations that cane prisoners should just water-board them because that’s not torture?).

Very high quality health care is very expensive. Much of the health care that the poor, homeless and prisoners require is not. It would have been easy to expand the national V.A. hospital system to network with homeless clinics and the poor people’s clinics to provide services to the poor without involving the middle class at all and thus negate Obama-Nixon care.

It should also be possible to create a national clinic franchise co-op that provides a limited range of medical services to members that pay an annual membership fee with zero deductible. Private franchise treatment centers would provide the most common medical services required to members, and instead of buying normal medical service or skipping it altogether because of irregular or inadequate employment youth and the middle class would have a reasonably secure alternative to too expensive insurance. Youth should not be required to pay for Obamacare through buying insurance they don’t need to subsidize the middle class...even if those would be illegal alien youth made residents that could be taxed with Obamacare payments to corporate insurers.

President Obama innovated direct tax payments by citizens to private corporations with Obamacare yet did not fix the basic health cost issue; the increase in medical technology requires a physical rather than a bureaucratic remedy. A nation of paper pushers or keyboard data entryists tends to find paper or shuffling abstract dollar solutions instead of physical solutions to political challenges. If Nigers and Nigerians are morphological lexemes for black and blacks equiv to blanc and blancians for White and Whitians. It is easier for Federal bureaucrats to make the use of the word niger in the U.S.A. hate speech than to create full employment for black and white youth or explain why Niger is pronounced with a French accent these days yet not Nigeria.

When will the Mexican word 'Moo-hair' be added to the Federal lexicon of hate words with a crazed antonym of hate in transliteral, onomatopoeic reassignment? Plainly multilingualism enables hate speech for people of various languages using babelgabel words from others with homophones. Jap and Brit are terms of derision for enemies of antipathetic people when used hatefully in war or in presence of opfor political correctness minders. How long can it go on?

No one ever called the po-lease to complain about a cat meowing or about being attacked by a couple of cats or they would think he/she or it were a pussy. Likewise if a wild mule is serving to chase the wildcats out of the hen-house why slave it with a harness to the plow? How hateful can it be to expropriate medical services from physicians and nurses though they make more pay than ordinary Americans and make them slaves of corporations that would enslave Americans to buy insurance from-em?


Pre-Trib Lemma of Misunderstanding the Kingdom of God/Jesus Christ

 Pre-tribs with the expectation of doom politically and environmentally doen't work for a better society enough. Jesus was successful at establishing the kingdom of God within his generation however. One expects God to be successful at accomplishing his purpose-to grow a majoritarian Christian society over time saving as many humans as possible, and I believe that was his purpose (although He must be amused at any human efforts to understand things teleologically speaking.
Pre-Tribuation means pre-chaos,pre- catastrophe,pre-oppression,pre-persecution,pre-doom generally. Of course a rapture spices up the stew of doom.
A lemma in morphology is the headword of a lexime- with the same root in various forms. Pre-tribulationism is the headword of a cascade of end times expectations that are in error except as people can make them so by neglecting to work on positive ventures and hope for the worst.
What I mean about God being successful is more of a theological point about the omnipotence of God-that is God cannot be anything besides successful than in association with particular historical demographics. Reading Watson's 'Divinity' presently points about grace and humility are well-taken. One should have humility in learning about eschatological insights that a majority have not. People were preponderantly in error about end-times opinions in regard to a tribulation for most of history since the third century A.D. 

Matthew 16:28 refers I think to the establishment of the kingdom of God-like Microsoft's rise after getting Gary Kildall's software-like an ion engine it can be a slow build and like the stock market have fluxes in numbers. Pre-tribs should not be regarded as being successful though wrong unless one wants to say that simply being Christian contributes to Christian evangelization and life generally even though a particular eschatological viewpoint is in error. Watson writes about providence and grace, and providence of God is provided for everyone good and bad,saved or not. The way God constructs history with pre-deterministic elements is a deep topic; issues for the Divine Tech Department rather than anything I might write here presently.

Saving Federal Expenses

When Senator McConnell and President Obama host official dinners in the future they should apply standard austerity guidelines and cater food from McDonald's limiting choices to the robust double cheeseburger from the dollar menu. That excellent foodstuff could be supplemented with ranch dressing flavored potato chips that make an acceptable salad substitute when garnished with ketchup. beverage selection would be liberal with a choice of tap-water with or without an ice cube.

Federal motorcade should be with a custom fleet of American built electric vehicles. For security the task force could be surrounded with a cloud of invisible solar and fuel-cell powered stealth drones with lasers and guided missile able to swiftly dispatch political opponents reaching so far into their bag-o-tricks as to perpetrate terrorist attacks.

Five days a month all Federal office buildings should be open just half a day. A free sack lunch would be provided to employees as they leave so adequate compensation for lost time is achieved.


A Personal Library Recommendation- 'Body of Divinity'

Thomas Watson's 'Divinity' is a beautiful text for systematic theology. I think Watson's method does more and less than conform to; "Systematic theology focuses on a particular doctrine and demonstrates it from the text". Watson's expository writing uses copious Biblical citations, yet it isn't to propound a particular doctrine. Instead his purpose is simply to illuminate the gospel and the meaning of scripture Old and New Testaments. One could write a paper on Watson's Systematic Theology, yet it is a systematic theology a posteriori rather than by design or intention. I don't think that Watson intended too much to write a systematic theology at all. The hundreds of sermons on the Bible and what can be known/inferred of God just compiled as a sum-over-history of the main points of what may be an implicit theology of the Bible...if Theologian A writes his best theological abstract of the Bible, and theologian B and C...Z write their's, isn't there still an inherent Biblical theology that can be found and that all of the theologians are trying to encapsulate? Perhaps that would be comparable to dozens of dialects and accents of one language.

Watson's book was written about 400 years ago. It has a few physics concepts that are obsolete, yet that will happen to most of the physics ideas held now eventually. The word of God remains the same however.


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Alaska Legislature Flares Gas Again

How many decades has the legislature flared gas on building a gas pipeline in order to channel pork to consultant friends or get kickbacks from the oiled? This most recent flare up appears more of the same. The difference is that with gas prices dropping due to fracking and plentiful national supply the credibility of building a pipeline through Canada is non-existent. The best policy would be for the state to withdraw from the Alaska-Exxon LNG Canadian Jobs Bill directly.

Careful analysis of a chess game situation indicates the correct way to respond to a challenge from the opponent. Building a gas pipeline with state of Alaska economic leadership requires careful economic analysis. Building a pipeline in Alaska is requisite for any state participation for a number of strong reasons. For one any pipeline in Canada places the Alaska product at the mercy of the Queen's minions-are Alaskan politicians so tame as to want to be subjects to a foreign power and pay for it themselves?

For state politicians to let Exxon and big oil make them a cat's paw with promises so far that the state provides subsidies is awesomely stupid. Consider empirical economic facts concerning Alaska and China as the probable long-term export market with its world-leading contribution to global warming from greenhouse gases-mainly coal fired power plants that may be replaced quicker with natural gas plants until hydrogen fuel cells, solar, wind and fusion power sources arrive along with superconductors and additional new technology. The state legislature should just focus on getting an in-state pipeline from the slope to Cook Inlet built within three years.

Though the state cannot get anything done in three years-its a nice political dream.  


Republicans vs the Underverse Again in 2016

Since Ronald Reagan the United States has had three consecutive Presidents (not counting the transitional 41) representing development of an Underverse Party. The Underverse has few moral reservations beyond personal or class egoism. International political or economic competence aren't required for the job. Nephews, brothers, spouses and sons of are favored Presidential nominees. The poor may always be trimmed to bring the federal budget into balance, while contracts and weapons to kill foreigners can enhance the corporate and government class portfolio. Cheap illegal labor can be imported...etc.

It is remarkable how few politicians seem to have any sense of how to work for the general good of society rather than simply narrow partisan if not special interests. Working against party enemies seems the purpose of modern political activity. The concept of objective and independent reasoning about what is required to make the nation and population flourish within a health and security ecosphere is nearly non-existent.

Youth and the intellectually challenged may work for the pecuniary remunerative enhancement of social credit accounts of course. political leaderships should have some sort of larger vision though about matters such as value theory, the place of the environment in the world and enough political philosophy to get beyond cold war era theory.

Achieving the election of a race, gender or perversion preferred candidate is no substitute for political competence. While party interests may rise the ship of state may subside. The danger is that with the rise of an Underverse platform it may be exported and forced on other nations. The international relations incompetence of U.S. administrations of since the 20th century turned should never be misunderestimated.

Before the Spanish American war swelled Presidents and Congress the U.S.A. never had been in a foreign war of significance (not counting the counter-Mexican invasion). After that the clever British induced America to get involved in a continental European war twice and a cold war ensued. During the Bolshevik revolution the U.S.A. even sent 2000 soldiers to Russia to support the white army at war against the red army. U.S. Presidents are fundamentally idiots looking out more for British rather than national interests disregarded George Washington's farewell address comments entirely.

Consider U.S. history with Iran and Iraq. Iranian history is one with three or four parts of society holding power one at a time. The least powerful element was that of ordinary people. Military supporting royals or theocrats could rule yet the ordinary people aspired for democracy. When they finally achieved that in 1953 the U.S. led coup to get rid of the Prime Minister and restore a monarch gutted democratic aspiration. Then after decades of repressive aristocratic rule supported by the U.S. Government the left supported Khomeini to get rid of the monarch and SAVAK-the secret police. So once again the United States was involved on both sides of anti-democratic power struggle in Iran-is it any wonder that many  Iranians regard the U.S.A. as the great Satan-especially the Underverse party with homosexual marriage and abortion?

The British had invested in exploiting Iranian resources for quite a while and were peeved when the Iranians expropriated 'their' oil fields. Since then the United States has again been involved in a fairly unreasoned effort to follow up on a neo-colonial state's relationships that went bad. That occurred in Vietnam too with the French being that former colonial power.

With Iraq formerly being under British rule after the first world war it was inevitable I suppose that after the cold war ended Iran and Iraq would be incited to have a bloody war. Eventually of course the United States got involve and spent trillions of dollars rebuilding Iraq rather stupidly-it was supposed t cost just 50 billion dollars. Iraq was not a Germany or japan willing to join the western fold after defeat. Instead the principal of Islam asserted itself and a decade of civil conflict in Iraq enhanced by the Obama administration stimulating Arab Spring conflicts leading to attack upon the Syrian and Libyan governments has brought protracted conflict and the proliferation of Middle East sourced terrorism.

The Middle East seems to be a dog fighting political ecosystem that in the absence of the big dog of direct American power fights against its own for scraps of power and privilege. One must be somewhat naive to think that Iraqis will soon well govern themselves civilly with democracy and that it won't require the big dog to kick any challengers.

Thus one could even wonder if the efficient policy might not be to let all the conflicting parties kill one another without material support from the U.S.A. and then napalm the winners. Christians can't follow such policies of course, yet such circumstances might never occur if American Presidents were good leaders environmentally, politically and comprehended modern things such as full employment, secure borders, career employment security and space colonization in a green way.

Plainly a moral restoration needs to occur in the U.S.A. However with the wedding of Republican corporatists to the Underverse possibly ahead if Justices Cagney, Ginsberg et al vote for homo marriage, it would be challenging to bring that about.


Replacing Barbaric Abortion With Fetal Exfiltration (a theoretical paradigm)

Thomas Hobbes' financial success with biodegradable shampoo bar soap so gentle on hair enabled him to bring an end to the murder of the unborn-a savage, primitive procedure developed in the United States that enabled women to flush their responsible for pregnancy and moral integrity along with their conscience. Thom Hobbes agreed with Watson-'Quamdiu vivet crescitlife is never done growing.Hobbes's love for the female gender motivated his quest for a medical procedure to exfiltrate unwanted fetuses instead of murdering them with barbaric osterization or suction. He was successful in the enterprise.

Hobbes found a pioneering surgical inventor that created an efficient way of exfiltrating a fetus and relocating it to a micro-microbiological storage vessel. His appeal to women to give up the barbaric, unconscionable slaughter of the innocents was made easier with evidence that the unborn could be made to learn chess-and much more with in utero signaling input. To murder thinking beings-even physically humble beings-made even the heartless think twice about killing someone that was somewhat of a sentient peer.

Hobbes was able to save hundreds of thousands of unborn humans in his cryo-containers sent to a long-term cryo-storage facility deep in a lunar crater with a constant near absolute zero temperature where they would wait to repopulate Eartha or a comparable human-friendly environment if the unthinkable disaster of complete eco-collapse decimated the world. Occasionally there were couples seeking children of their own that were given permission to adopt a fetus.

Hal had been the prototype for fetal chess instruction, and was the first to be placed in an Eartha orbiting defense pod. His infantile mind was able to discern regular from anomalous synthetic waveform arrivals and sort through possible attacks upon the world's computational architecture with the objective immunity of pure bioware for-itself and for-others.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...