
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa's Racist Land Expropriation

South Africa's President and the ruling African National Congress have decided to go ahead and expropriate land from white farmers without compensation. The purely racist land redistribution may provide for short term advantages to Zulu and Bantu negroes, yet it may create a Zimbabwefication of the agricultural section of the nation leading to long range economic and political consequences as whites are marginalized and driven out.

One of the reason that South African apartheid was ended was because of general western support for political equality and democracy along non-rational lines. South Africa was something of a test case, with time be given to observe the outcome of the political sea change. President Ramaphosa in a sense is making a significant blunder in forcing a purely racist land redistribution for he confirms the belief of many that there was no reason to trust non-whites to respect abstract political civil rights, when plain racist advantage politics would follow in time.

Democracy is not just about voting. It is about ideas. A marketplace of ideas from which voters select the best to implement at the ballot box.  There were myriad alternative ways of bringing blacks into farming without crass complete expropriation.

One obvious method would have been simply to end land monopoly by one race exclusively; take 50% of land farms owned by whites and give that, with conditions, to black farmers. The farmers would pay fair market price for the land to the original land owners eventually from future crop sales. The original owners would provide assistance in crop productivity and profit until the land is paid off.

Corporatism may regard ideas as nothing more than products and repress rival ideas as if they were rival products from the Internet and other mass communications outlets that are privately owned. 

Purely racial politics essentially pursues the same lines for repression and redistribution. South Africa's land expropriation program is a turn toward the dark side of the force.  


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