
Black Racism Dialectic Against Trump Isn't Helpful

After eight years of a black President it would have been too much to expect that black leaders would accept business as usual with the election of a white President. For whatever reason black leaders have been vociferous in their attacks on President Donald Trump since January 2017. Black Lives Matter riots and the NFL knee taking during the national anthem were two of the lightening rods for restive black existential expressions of hatred of white America and white traditions. Race relations might have been improved a little better by a transition to a new President without the acrimony and hatred of black leaders for the new President.

President Trump isn't perfect yet he is the President and doing the best he can for the people of the United States. The nation does not benefit by fielding a permanent intifadah against the U.S, chief executive. Democracy benefits from a tripartite balance of powers that is not improved with negating one of the branches. A permanent bureaucratic morass is the default government style that really isn't to excellent for anything or anyone.


There will be another President some day and the history of racial attack for several years is not a good one to have for the next era. Allowing democracy to work is important, even more so than unelected expressions of power.

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