
Has Vlad the Elector Filled Brackets for November Madness Yet?

Some people are wondering if  Vlad the Elector has picked his rackets for the Novermber 2018 aka "Mid-term" election brackets yet. The odds against picking a perfect bucket of brackets are five billion Quintillion, however Vlad the Elector is said to pre-determine the outcome rather than just watching it.

Bettors don't know if Vlad selects all the way down to the level of municipal elections. It would not be wise to misunderestimate his capacity to pre-determine US elections; Santa knows whether or not each individual kid and adult has been naughty or nice spanning the globe so it might be simple and require nothing more than a dilitente with a vast center-winged Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii to pre-determine U.S. elections.

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