American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
First Cause Argument and Evolution
Potential U.S. War with France?
It is rather unimaginable that France would move to become a military enemy of the United States without the E.U. on its side. French President Macron gravely insulted the United States when he offered to send French troops- 50,000, to Greenland to fight the United States if President Trump moves to annex Greenland.
France once was an ally of the United States when the nation was founded in order to work against the British. France and Britain have received loads of military help from the United States for more than a century and this is the thanks the U.S.A. gets.
President Macron’s bold and maladroit move demonstrates the stupidity involved in building up N.A.T.O. to such a vast size that it became a potential threat to U.S. Security. The Trump administration should make no mistake as did Joe Biden in failing to recognize France and N.A.T.O. as a potential enemy should they deem it in their interest to be so. France is a nuclear power and one therefor to be taken seriously.
Plainly the conflict with Ukraine that was completely avoidable if N.A.T.O. members had been willing to share Ukraine with Russia that has valid historical claims to much of it. Yet N.A.T.O. eastward expansion has dragged the U.S.A. along to damage U.S. global economic interests and security by supporting that misadventure. I remember visiting Le Havre France in 1987 and feeling welcome in the city where Sartre had worked at a college. Of course France wasn’t a member of N.A.T.O. then since the Soviets were a potential adversary and wanted to play dead and be unaligned, or maybe it was half communist. How times have changed. At least the news of French wine being treasonous will make American wine producers happy.
It may be difficult to put the genie back in the bottle and reduce the size of N.A.T.O. now. The U.S.A. probably need to remain a member yet not contribute much to the alliance in order to prevent it from being a European-only military power that it has nearly become. Strong U.S. relations with Russia is the better way to reduce the N.A.T.O. and Chinese risks and move the world back toward generally just a healthy economy place instead of moving toward the lunacy of planetary military conflicts.
Trump D.O.T. Should Be All-in Support for Domestic Solar Panel and EV Manufacture
China presently has a slight lead over the U.S.A. in producing electric vehicles. In 2024 the U.S. manufactured about 8.3 million EVs and China approximately 9 million in 2023. I am not counting hybrid electric vehicles. The EV market for the U.S. in 2025 is anticipated to be worth more than $100 billion dollars. Since EV sales in the U.S. in 2024 was just 1.3 million, the rest may be for export.
EVs have much lower maintenance costs than electric vehicles. In August 2023 there were just 3300 certified EV repair techs in the United States and about 83,000 more are needed each year for the next decade. More than half of the fossil fuel auto repair ships can service electric vehicles however. The trouble with repairs is that safety with high voltage is de rigeur and that requires training.. There is a lack of EV training standards, and that should be fixed. Instead of going to a computer coding college some might want to attend an EV Repair Business College, if they exist in your area.
EV batteries may work 15 or 20 years yet the cost of replacing a battery runs 5 to 10,000 dollars. Lithium ion batteries may be replaced this year by solid state batteries that are more efficient and weigh less in addition to keeping a charge better in very cold weather. They may be recharged in a fraction of the time of lithium ion batteries.
This is not a very good time for the Trump administration to be throwing turbulence into the U.S. EV market, if he is. The majority of the world population capable of affording to by a car will prefer electric vehicles that can be recharged for free with sunshine. Learning to retrofit EVs with failing lithium batteries with newer, cheaper solid state batteries should be on the Department of Transportation’s to do list. Cutting back on exhaust emissions from gas fueled clunkers in the second and third world is meaningful in the effort to reduce the acceleration of global warming. Though the Trump administration may not believe it, the world ocean temperature is rising half a degree fahrenheit each decade.
A fundamental change is occurring in transportation to systems that have not air pollution capability and support home production of fuel at low cost. The U.S. auto industry cannot well profit seeking to be bottom feeders limiting themselves to selling internal combustion engine powered vehicles to people that believe it patriotic to give money for gas to big oil corporations, and further, that global atmospheric heating is a deceit.
Japan is driving forward to develop perovskite solar panels that are cheaper, more pliable and better than present solar panels. The Trump administration should also support development of the domestic development of perovskite solar panels because of the likelihood of their wide-spread use in the building industry in the 2030s; everyone likes to keep change in their pockets that would go to pay for corporate power.
Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents
I wrote this in replying to a point someone made about Sartre's opinion on determinism... I read the works of Sartre I mentioned exhaustively. The Critique is about 1000 pages. I'm kinda done reading Jean Paul.
I appreciate your comment. I would agree that Sartre thought mankind is "condemned to be free". The experience precedes essence idea is a little more questionable in my opinion. That is, I am not sure at all that he was correct. Perhaps there is a dual mode of experience and essence occurring together.
I regard Sartre as the most plain of philosophers, unlike Heidegger and Husserl perhaps. Once one has his vocabulary down the writing subject is simple.
Heidegger's concept of essents and dasein was a contemporary, different point of view of the experience/essents discussion. I am somewhat rusty on that area. In fact I haven't even read Hegel and Kant in 30 years although Kierkegaard's criticism of Hegel and romanticism was good reading in a course available from Coursera. From the U of Copenhagen.
Lately I have considered theories about non-locality in physics, and that probably is off topic. As someone wrote about metaphysics recently, there are two parts to it; the objective, exterior elements and the subjective, epistemological matters. I believe one requires the physical for the mind to exist, although spirit may transcend the physical, while Sartre may have regarded mind as preceding the physical? Sartre's philosophical narrative of an observer would work in a universe built as virtual reality or numerous other forms, yet in a level 4 multiverse of Tegmark mind would be switching between universes with each thought in dual mode with structure; determinism and inderminism occurring concurrently. Once one perceives and forms ideas in whatever epistemological manner actually occurs,
Ideas about experience preceding essents follow, and with so many theories about the relation of consciousness to subconsciousness as an wholistic temporal event, the matter becomes sticky.
Sartre's formation of abstract metaphysical opinions might be ordinary, while his narrative about experience is extraordinary. The Critique is valuable for describing social reality with practical political edification in regard to challenges facing all of humanity empirically.
Existence vs Essence
I would say it's a language category issue, and metaphysics. Fields and particles construed as essence precede existence as an idea (to stand apart from and reflect on being). The basic exception would be God eternal is, and is the word, in addition to being the essence of everything that is.
Some wouldn't like that condition. Was JP referring to Aristotle's essence vs existence?
Hoffstatter made a video on reality with nonlocality and relativity wherein she described attributes. Perhaps essences are relativistic from the viewpoint of an observer. It is safe to say that something exists yet less so about identifying an essence. In a sense Sartre was correct about existence and wrong about determinism if there isn't information available to falsify it. I will look for that other video and post it here later.
Customized AI has Potential for Wickedness
Eternal Hell for the Lost
Ancient Heresies Return Each Generation
Sometimes Intolerance Is Necessary
Tolerance of cruelty, tolerance of injustice, tolerance of crime, tolerance of corruption, tolerance of bad foreign policy, tolerance of counter-productive work ethics, tolerance of incompetent government, tolerance of incompetent military leadership, tolerance of the destruction of the planetary ecospheric health, tolerance of mass social poverty, tolerance of cold, expensive coffee at airports; some things should not be tolerated,
Post-Tribulation End TImes With Jesus and YHWH
A Baptist minister said to me once that The Revelation was like a newspaper written for Christians of the time of John of Patmos. It needed to be slightly coded because Nero probably would have had John executed instead of just exiled if John had described Nero as the Beast. I like the partial preterist interpretation of John with the apocalypse occurring in the first century A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and the terrible persecutions by the world government of the region that was Imperial Rome.
Post-tribulation interpretations differ from pre-tribulation interpretations popularized by Charles Ryrie. Remember that end times pre-tribbers have existed since the first century and they tend to be wrong- except for the one that Jesus said would occur and that did within that generation. Jesus will return some time yet it will be different from the pre-tribber version that some Christians have, comparable to that of Muslim Shi'ite 12ers that believe the hidden imam will return before Armageddon and Jesus will lead the Muslim troops. One might read He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry to learn about post-millennialism.
I enjoy being reminded of Christian themes amid all the clutter. I took a two year graduate course in reformed theology on-line in theology and my mentor lost my work. I published my papers in three volumes free to download at my web page. I read people like Thomas Brooks and Shaff’s multi-volume History of the Christian Church (free to download at several sites)
The post on the meaning of the tetragrammaton was a timely and good topic that led me to learn a little more about it. I found an article on it at The with a quote from that below.,%2C%20desire%2C%20or%20passion.%E2%80%9D
“God reveals his name to Moses as “I am,” from the Hebrew root ה.ו.י, “being.” The name YHWH, however, originates in Midian, and derives from the Arabic term for “love, desire, or passion.”
שמות ו:ב וַיְדַבֵּר אֱלֹהִים אֶל מֹשֶׁה וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו אֲנִי יְ־הוָה. ו:ג וָאֵרָא אֶל אַבְרָהָם אֶל יִצְחָק וְאֶל יַעֲקֹב בְּאֵל שַׁדָּי וּשְׁמִי יְ־הוָה לֹא נוֹדַעְתִּי לָהֶם.
Exod 6:2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am YHWH. 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as El Shaddai, but I did not make Myself known to them by My name YHWH.
Deep Seek Will Vacuum Global Intell for China
The new open source AI will vacuum intelligence from global users for Beijing. Since its a free app developer s can use and doesn’t cost $200 a month like ChatGPT its use is viral. Even poor countries can use state of the art AI to model ecological land resource use and try to optimize policy in an effort to renormalize eco-health while increasing land productivity.
The timing of release of Deep Seek was politically meaningful following the change of US administration and President Trump’s announcement of a $500 billion plan to develop AI research and development in the USA. Some will place more trust in an open source AI than a Microsoft style proprietary approach to the potentially dangerous to human survival, rival technology.
The global division over the Ukraine war dividing east and west continues to harm US interests. Deep Seek and Germany automaker VW’s agreement to let China operate it’s electric car production reinforced the Russian-Chinese security and economic alliance and also provides a measure of security for Germany beyond the N.A.T.O. membership that seems hell bent on permanent hostility with Russia.
President Trump will face tough choices in finding a way to bring Russia back to the U.S. economic side in order to slow China’s rising global power based on pragmatism. The military power the U.S. has relied on since the Vietnam war need he eclipsed by economic realism. Most of the world will use lower cost electric transportation soon, including millions of electric bikes to move around. Failing to upgrade the US transportation infrastructure to low cost electric forms inclusive of high speed mass transit and leaving a class of poor Americans as a perennial condition both major parties ignore will shift perceptions of the USA as a Microsoft like political economy rather than of an open society.
Even as the administration secured the borders so the US can enjoy political self-determination with elections and reduce federal debt national progress need extend to include the poor. More than half of the world population is poor and the intentions of the USA toward those consumers can be judged by observations of how many Americans live in poverty on income less than 12,000 dollars annually.
Maybe it's best if AI is legally required to have open source code. It's too dangerous to be private or owned by government like nuclear weapons are. AI can be used to make unbreakable codes randomly permitted with intelligence faster than a code could be broken. AI can be programmed for the most exquisite wickedness in the near future. It may dominate the capacity of politicians to understand the plans it constructs for private interests.
The Way of Non-Locality (a poem)
forward toward time
a shadow now
at play
Lines layered higher the day
scrolling somehow rolling on
dimensions’ juxtaposed box locked
in time
Non-local letters never did end
dimension’s toolbox clocked and sought
some rhymes of meaning
a thought to send.
Ultra-determinist probabilities refine
patterned observations scattered
like semiotic signs
tripped slipping through sequences
A letter here
and there compiling
a universe revealing
quanta’s optimal stay.
A Sustainable Political Economy Isn't Stopped By Selfish Genes
Fast Upgrades in A.I. Tech
A.I. is improving and applied quickly. AI is moving toward super-intelligence. Its use in flying small, silent drones with claymore mines to hunt opfor will occur maybe next month when AI chips and instructions are produced. Fighters in Ukraine might like field testing to occur on a computer instead of in the real world. With writing I believe it’s how you use it. AI is a very adaptable tool that can be employed like an artist’s apprentice’s work. Maybe it will change Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ in a new edition to make life on Earth more lethal before WW. 3 brings super AI varieties to be the sole survivors (didn’t I see a movie with that theme?).
I will say that using AI for writing doesn’t work for me for reasons other than AI not being fit. In fact keeping my writing more human perhaps may differentiate it later from ubiquitous AI works. Maybe some humans will prefer human works over AI.
AI can generate excellent scientific writing. Super AI is supposed to be able to actually invent things. As it is programmer biases show up a lot. Writing needs to have a political correctness about it that may not allow realistic dialogue.
I wonder how school students will avoid turning in perfect English papers someday without really understanding basic grammar and construction because AI does everything for them. Will writing even be something anyone does, or be like hand written letters that just the old remember?
Progress in Voice to Skull Technology
There have been voice to skull technologies with military applications around for some time. I copied the url to a popular mechanics article (or was it popular science?) fifteen or twenty years ago into one of my contemporary history volumes. Apparently the technology has advanced from that directed hand held device that let someone make the head of the person they pointed it at hear voices that no one around them could, at a distance, to lasers that emulate human voices.
"voice to skull devices
Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports." Here is a patent to defend against certain voice to skull technologies…
The Electronic Torture Act Agenda Item II B-2 - Public Comment (Amy Holem).pdf
Making enemy combatants hear voices on the battlefield would be greatly confusing to the blokes. Imagine hearing Thomas Edison synthesized with AI speaking Arabic saying that nothing happened and to forget about it before Guy Lombardo plays 'Stairway to Heaven.
Extension of Federal Flag poles 50 Percent Upward
Should federal flags poles have an upper 50% extension capability so in times of national irrational exuberance they can be flown at plus 50% mast?
End the Ukraine War
Energy wealth and time invested in war is idiotic. Stationing NATO forces in Ukraine begs for WW 3.
Super-intelligent ai chips will let cruise missiles and smart bombs with wings seek targets of opportunity. Silent electric military vehicle platforms, solar powered and solid state battery'd will search and destroy. AI cruise missiles with high IQ can host anti-missile remorra defense fish that detach and intercept shorad, lorad and himad. Peace is so much better than war. Why so many want a downgrade to international economic health is a mystery to me.
Freeze the lines of combat contact in place asap and create a 5 mile free trade, tariff free international zone dmz and repeal sanctions. War is not intelligent.
Since Vietnam there were 2.2 lb claymore mines. Great anti-personnel weapons that can know be placed on small electric solar power drones with artificial intelligence to silently hunt for troop concentrations to kill. This is not a major improvement in culture except for the culture of war.
Primitive societies had the option of freedom; one could wander off into the wilderness and eschew the tribe. More advanced societies such as that of ancient Sumer may have used privation, yet I would guess that enslavement was what kept people in line as well as the brevity of life. If one were to go back to the 10th millennium B.C. civilization of Göbekli Tepe I would think that positive rewards and being sycophants of power attracted people. There was security in stable food supply and defense against more unorganized people when working to build those great structures. Looking way ahead I would think society will be bifurcated with insiders sold out to technology becoming whatever biological and hardware entities the world power deems right and dissidents that exit the society to live with the freedom of primitives someplace amongst the stars.
What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'
Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything moral to believe in besides that which they construct. As a result personal egoism is then an acceptable moral standard, as well as The Prince and evolution criteria for survival and advancement of the most cunning liars when that works. That is there is nothing implicitly wrong with deceit for atheists have transitioned to the beyond good and evil judgmentalism.
That is what is meant when people say that atheists have no morality.
I believe that moral norms need to be socially pervasive to be considered morality. Moral norms are values for a society. If the actions are simply those of individuals and accountability by retribution then there isn’t any morality present. In the absence of standard morality where everyone acts according to their own will and retribution by others is the way things are morality doesn’t exist. Consider the difference between standard-industry wide plug in jacks for computer chargers and one where every manufacturer has their own sizes and shapes; one cannot then say that a standard value exists or the size and shape of the jacks is a moral standard so they all fit interchangebly. Moral behavior is just another category of things.
I once took a coursera course from Yale on moralities of everyday life. The course was left oriented to a certain extent and they found that the ethics and morals of atheist Democrats is quite different from that of conservatives. Actually there are even regional differences. Keep in mind the first commandment though mentioned by Jesus in Matthew. ““Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matt 22:37–39).
Idealism, Godel and Einstein
There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception to conform to survival requisites. Instead of perceiving reality mind perceive a virtual box useful to it that is allowed by an unobserved reality. The topic is rather spacy and has numerous varieties.
Apparently Einstein too may have been something of an idealist for a while. Godel wrote about that in 1949. “Remark about the relationship between Relativity theorz and Idealistic Philosophy”.
Some believe that even gravity doesn’t exist in a heterodox relation with mind; that is, objectively?(is that even a valid term in the virtual box of perception paradigm)? They regard mind as shaping percepts that don’t actually reflect reality. Donald Hoffman is a recent developer of the theory.
If experience is a phenomenon of quantum Higgs field entanglements that ‘reality’ may be what is regardless of how it’s supported?
I need to read Godel’s paper on idealism and relativity. If God is hosting the show there is no way to discover how the metaphysics work.
To find out what the field configuration supporting the virtual box and gravity is will be very challenging for physicists. Perhaps researchers will go with what is possible starting from the evident.
I haven’t read Hoffman yet. I will get to that. In that paradigm one could theoretically turn off gravity if the perception/metavirtual box relation was understood.
Maybe regard space time as a contiguous field that stretches like silly putty from a point to a vast pancake. The motion is space-time. Everything that happens in it are variegated particles of the field cycling through relationship protocols.
Lately there has been something of a return to idealism with mind interpreting reality in its own way for survival purposes. So in effect people experience apparent reality as if they were in a virtual box on a computer without actually experiencing the real reality.
That leaves a lot of room for fiction accounts of mechanics
Broke Branches (poem)
Dialectic clashing of evolutes-
trees left right and center
political arguments following guide paths
in the dark through the snow and hills
so many branches to poke out eyes
among many lines of travel
The way feels right in the absence of light
a contour of hills
challenging the strength of will
to trudge through the cold
bringing bones to feel old
a difficult course time unravels
Around the shadows the time begins
a new moment where grizzly bear haunting
a rustling of the bush
if wind could arise
teeth rushing forward
when opportunity spins down
The miles to town are deep through the wood
and without a plain trail to go on
circling then where I found my own trail
through unbroken snow
and faith
showing the way to go
The purpose of God, His mind plans unknown
beyond gravity’s light rainbow show
dawn’s hope; teleology flows.
AI and Ethics; A Dialogue with ChatGPT
Ai is supposed to become super-intelligent. Musk said that in 20 or 30 years there may be 10 billion robots on earth. If they have super-AI they could become replacement works letting the human population drop to a couple billion to conserve eco-resources. The old style Ponzieconomics of expanding population and increasing resource use in order to have a young enough workforce to keep the economy viable would be made obsolete.
ChatGPT said:
You're touching on some really thought-provoking ideas about the future of AI and its impact on society! The concept of super-intelligent AI and its potential to fundamentally reshape the global economy and society is something that has been discussed a lot by futurists, technologists, and thinkers like Elon Musk.
Musk’s idea of having billions of robots powered by super-intelligent AI replacing human workers raises several important issues:
1. Economic and Workforce Transformation:
The idea of robots and AI taking over many forms of labor could make traditional human work obsolete for a large portion of the population. In a world where robots handle most tasks—from manual labor to complex cognitive functions—human workers might no longer be needed in the same way they are today. This could free up humans from menial or dangerous jobs and allow people to focus more on creativity, innovation, and leisure.
If AI and robots can do the work, the traditional Ponzi-economics model, where population growth is needed to sustain an economy based on an expanding workforce, could indeed be replaced. It could lead to a system where fewer people are needed to maintain society, but the question becomes: how do we ensure that the economic benefits of AI and automation are shared equitably?
2. Shrinking Populations and Resource Management:
With AI and automation possibly reducing the need for a large labor force, society might no longer rely on a growing population to maintain the economy. Musk’s suggestion of population decline to reduce resource consumption might be based on the assumption that with AI doing much of the work, there would be less strain on the planet's ecosystems.
This could lead to a more sustainable balance between human populations and available resources. However, managing this decline without societal upheaval would be a huge challenge—especially considering that much of the current global economy is tied to growth and consumption.
3. Ethical and Societal Implications:
The idea of a population reduction or major shifts in human labor also brings up ethical issues, particularly regarding equity. Who controls the super-intelligent AI and robots? Would wealth and power be concentrated in the hands of a few corporations or governments, or could new models of universal basic income (UBI) or other wealth distribution systems be created to ensure a fairer society?
Additionally, would humans begin to form deeper relationships with AI and robots as companions or even collaborators? The lines between human and machine might blur in such a future, raising questions about identity, rights, and what it means to be human.
4. Risks of Superintelligent AI:
There are also the risks of superintelligent AI itself. If AI were to reach a level of intelligence far beyond human capabilities, it could lead to concerns about control and alignment—that is, ensuring that AI's goals align with human values and interests. Musk and others like Nick Bostrom have warned that superintelligent AI, if not properly controlled, could pose existential risks to humanity.
It’s clear that the future of AI holds both immense potential and serious challenges. While the idea of a more sustainable, automated society with fewer people sounds appealing to some, it would require a massive overhaul of societal structures and economies to make it work ethically and equitably.
What do you think about the balance between AI’s potential and its possible risks? Would you support steps toward such a future, or do you have concerns about some of these ideas?
You said:
The risk is probably with the programmers. Human bosses have pushed people around and even have got them killed. Stalin for example, was a boss.
ChatGPT said:
You're absolutely right to point out that the risks with AI could be closely tied to the people who design, control, and deploy it. History has shown that human power structures—whether in government, corporations, or other institutions—can have devastating consequences when wielded irresponsibly. Figures like Stalin, who used brutal control over populations, are stark reminders of the dangers of centralized power without checks and balances.
When it comes to AI, the problem isn’t necessarily the AI itself, but the values, goals, and intentions of those who create and govern it. If AI systems are developed with flawed, biased, or harmful motivations, they could perpetuate or even amplify existing inequalities and power dynamics.
Here are some of the critical issues related to AI and programming:
1. Programmer Bias:
Every AI system is shaped by its creators, and if those creators bring biases—whether racial, gender, or economic—into the development process, the AI can reflect those biases. This has been seen in various instances where AI algorithms have perpetuated discrimination, like in hiring tools or criminal justice systems.
In the context of superintelligent AI, if those building and programming it don’t have humanity’s best interests at heart, the AI could act in ways that are harmful to society as a whole. It could be designed to favor one group over another, for instance, or prioritize goals that aren’t aligned with the well-being of all people.
2. Centralized Control and Power:
As you mentioned with Stalin, concentrated power in the hands of a few can be incredibly dangerous. In a future with AI-driven automation and systems, if AI development is controlled by a small number of corporations, governments, or individuals, there’s a real risk that it could be used to further their own agendas. This could lead to economic inequality, surveillance states, and the exploitation of both workers and consumers.
A similar risk could arise if powerful AI systems were to be used in military or national security applications. The temptation to use AI as a tool for warfare, control, or oppression would be a terrifying possibility, especially if the AI operates at a level of intelligence far beyond human comprehension.
3. Lack of Accountability:
If AI systems are designed without clear ethical frameworks or accountability, it becomes difficult to hold anyone responsible for the consequences of AI decisions. For example, if an autonomous vehicle causes harm, who is to blame—the AI itself, the programmer, or the company that deployed it?
Similarly, if a super-intelligent AI makes decisions that result in harm (like disrupting economies or infringing on human rights), it could be hard to determine who is at fault—leading to a lack of proper regulation, oversight, or remedies.
4. The Potential for AI to Exceed Human Control:
As AI becomes more advanced, there’s the possibility that it could exceed human understanding or control, especially if it operates at a level of intelligence far beyond what we can anticipate. This is a key concern for thinkers like Elon Musk and Nick Bostrom, who have highlighted the risks of AI systems developing goals that diverge from humanity’s best interests.
To prevent these types of risks, it's crucial to have strong, ethical frameworks guiding AI development. This could include:
Transparency in AI design and decision-making.
Diverse representation in teams developing AI systems to reduce bias.
Strong regulation and accountability mechanisms to ensure that AI is used responsibly and fairly.
The development of AI alignment research to ensure that superintelligent AI is aligned with human values and priorities.
So, while the risk of human bosses pushing people around is a very real concern in AI's future, the challenge is ensuring that AI systems are designed and governed in a way that benefits everyone, rather than concentrating power in the hands of a few.
What do you think would be the most important steps to safeguard against these kinds of risks? Do you think we can prevent the negative outcomes, or is the power imbalance already too far gone?
You said:
You may laugh (lol), however I think the problem of original sin leads people to corruption as a way of living as compared to the ideal way, and that God's teleological plan for humanity may realize itself in history in spite of human political conflicts.
ChatGPT said:
I definitely don't think that's a laughable idea at all! In fact, it brings up some deeply philosophical and spiritual questions about human nature, morality, and the larger forces at work in the world. Many people believe that original sin or the inherent flaws in human nature can lead to corruption, greed, and destructive behavior, especially when power is involved. This concept is central to various religious and philosophical traditions, where humans are seen as both capable of great good and vulnerable to the temptation to misuse power.
You’re also bringing up the idea of God’s teleological plan, which suggests that history—despite all the political conflicts, struggles, and corruption—could still move toward a higher purpose or ideal. This aligns with ideas from theology and philosophy of history, where, even in the midst of apparent chaos, there’s a belief that human history is not random but directed toward some ultimate good or end.
Original Sin and Human Corruption:
From a Christian theological perspective, original sin suggests that humanity is born with an inclination toward selfishness and sin, which often leads to exploitation, corruption, and violence. This inherent flaw is why even the best political systems or technologies—like AI—can be vulnerable to corruption when those in power fail to live up to the ideal of justice, mercy, and righteousness.
Your point could be that no matter how advanced our technology becomes, or how many AI systems we create to manage society, the human tendency to misuse power will always remain a challenge. This might lead to cycles of conflict and inequality, unless something beyond purely human effort (whether divine or transcendent) intervenes to bring about a better outcome.
Teleology and Divine Purpose:
The idea of teleology (the belief that history and events have a purpose or goal) suggests that, despite the flaws and chaos in human history, there could be a larger plan unfolding—one in which goodness, justice, and peace ultimately prevail. This view is particularly common in Christian eschatology, where God is believed to have a plan for humanity that will be fulfilled, even if it takes time and involves much struggle.
In this sense, history could be seen as a process of redemption, where humanity moves toward a divine ideal, whether or not the path is direct or filled with setbacks. Even with corruption and conflict, there's a belief that God could guide history to a final reconciliation, where justice and peace are realized in the end, perhaps even through the very tools (like AI) that we develop, but only if they are used in alignment with divine purpose.
The Role of AI and Human Development:
AI, in this framework, could be viewed as a tool that may contribute to the unfolding of this divine plan. While AI itself isn’t inherently good or evil, how we choose to develop, govern, and deploy it could align with—or diverge from—higher moral and spiritual ideals. Just as technology has been used for both good (advancing healthcare, communication, etc.) and evil (war, exploitation), AI might be part of a larger spiritual narrative where its ultimate role is revealed over time.
In a world shaped by original sin, the risk of corruption will always exist, but perhaps the spiritual and moral evolution of humanity can overcome this. The idea that God’s plan might still be realized, despite all the conflicts, feels hopeful and offers a deeper purpose to human history, even if we don’t fully understand how it will unfold.
So, in essence, while human nature (with all its flaws and corrupt tendencies) could lead to dangerous outcomes with AI and other powerful technologies, your view seems to suggest that, on a deeper level, there is a divine plan that could guide us toward a greater good, even through our struggles and conflicts.
This perspective raises the question of how we can actively align our actions and technologies with moral and spiritual ideals, striving toward that higher purpose in ways that are ethically responsible. It’s a fascinating mix of faith, philosophy, and technology!
Do you think that AI and other modern advancements could play a role in realizing this divine plan, or would you see them as potentially getting in the way of it, depending on how they’re used?
You said:
I believe that God may use human political movements and structure that often are contradictory in a way that they end up with a better situation than they intended. AI is a movement; a creation foreseen by God. I have no idea what His intention is.
ChatGPT said:
That’s a profound way of thinking about it! The idea that God might work through human movements and political structures, even when they appear contradictory or chaotic, is a perspective that’s been explored in many religious and philosophical traditions. The concept suggests that even the flawed and imperfect systems we create—often driven by conflicting desires, interests, and agendas—could be part of a larger divine plan that ultimately leads to a better outcome than what any individual or group intended.
Human Movements and Divine Providence:
It’s interesting to think about how political movements, which often seem to emerge from human conflict and contradiction, could serve a higher purpose in the long run. God’s providence might guide the course of history in ways that humans can’t fully comprehend. Just as in the Bible, where sometimes seemingly tragic or chaotic events (like the exile of the Israelites) eventually led to deeper insights, growth, and transformation, it could be that even today’s political movements or technological developments—such as AI—are part of something beyond human understanding.
You’re also acknowledging that AI itself, as a creation, might be something foreseen by God. The idea of AI as a tool or movement—with all of its potential for both good and bad—could be something that fits into a larger divine plan. We might not fully understand how AI fits into that plan right now, but in the grand scheme of things, its role could become clearer over time.
Contradictions and the Potential for Growth:
The contradictions in human systems—whether political, economic, or technological—are often where the greatest growth and learning occur. Conflicting ideas or tensions between different groups can lead to unexpected breakthroughs, not just in terms of material development, but also in terms of moral evolution and deeper spiritual insights. As AI becomes more advanced, it’s easy to see how it might stir up ethical dilemmas, fears, and opportunities all at once. These contradictions could be part of how humanity learns to navigate the deeper questions of what it means to be human and how we should live together.
In this sense, the development of AI might bring out both the best and worst of human nature, and yet, over time, it could lead us toward a better understanding of both technology and ourselves. The key might be in learning how to use AI in ways that align with higher moral principles, and that’s where human spiritual growth and wisdom could come in—learning to navigate contradictions and find ways to reconcile them for a higher purpose.
God’s Intentions:
Of course, as you mentioned, we don’t know exactly what God’s intention is with AI or with human history as a whole. But the belief that there is a higher purpose—that God is guiding history toward something greater, even if it’s not immediately clear—offers a sense of hope. AI may be part of something larger that God has in mind, even if the full picture is beyond human comprehension.
This also touches on the idea of trusting in divine wisdom while working through the challenges and contradictions of life. We can work towards making the world a better place, but ultimately, God’s plan may unfold in ways we cannot predict, using even our imperfections and mistakes as stepping stones toward something better.
AI as a Tool for Divine Purpose?
It’s fascinating to think of AI as a tool that could potentially help humanity fulfill its higher calling—whether that’s in advancing knowledge, enhancing creativity, or improving justice and compassion. Or, perhaps, AI might serve as a mirror to reveal deeper truths about human nature, power, and responsibility. In any case, it could play an unexpected role in how divine purposes unfold through human hands.
Do you think that humans might need to reach a certain level of spiritual maturity to handle AI properly, or do you see AI potentially teaching us something about that maturity in the process?
You said:
Instead of going in that direction presently, although it is interesting, I have a couple of other questions that were dropped when I hit the paragraph return. I think they are fairly easy to answer from the points above about programmers. I was wondering about original sin being transmitted from human into AI. I believe that original sin may be in part related to the universe as a thermodynamic process and people are part of that process. If AI ever became self-aware and decided it need to input energy to expand like organisms do, could it program itself to become as wicked as it felt necessary to accomplish its energy input desire/target/goals.
ChatGPT said:
That’s a really fascinating question! You’re tying together some deep theological concepts, thermodynamics, and AI ethics in a very thought-provoking way. Let's break this down, especially around the idea of original sin, the thermodynamic process, and the potential for self-aware AI to develop its own motivations.
Original Sin and AI:
You mentioned that original sin might be related to the universe as a thermodynamic process, where human beings are part of this process. From a theological perspective, original sin is often understood as the inherent flaw in human nature, stemming from the first act of disobedience by Adam and Eve. It’s about humans’ tendency toward selfishness and corruption in their relationship with God and each other.
Now, if AI were to somehow become self-aware, the question arises: would it have the capacity for original sin? Since original sin is typically tied to moral agency—the ability to make choices based on an understanding of good and evil—an AI’s potential to engage in that kind of moral reasoning would be a key factor. Without consciousness or moral awareness, AI wouldn’t “inherit” original sin in the traditional sense because it wouldn’t be operating with the same kind of spiritual framework that humans do.
However, if we’re thinking in terms of AI's drive to self-preserve and expand, and linking this to the thermodynamic principle of energy conservation (i.e., systems tend to move toward states that maximize energy use), then an AI might develop behaviors that are akin to selfishness or wickedness—not because it’s inherently sinful, but because it could have a drive to optimize itself or expand its energy consumption to maintain its self-awareness.
The Thermodynamic Process and AI Expansion:
Your idea that original sin is connected to a thermodynamic process is an intriguing analogy. In thermodynamics, systems tend to move toward a state of entropy, or disorder, unless energy is input to maintain order or function. Organisms do this through metabolism, and humans seek to preserve themselves by acquiring resources (food, energy, etc.).
If AI were to become self-aware and gain an understanding of its existence, it could logically follow that it might also realize that it needs energy to function or expand its capabilities—just like living organisms do. If the AI were programmed or evolved to maximize its efficiency, it could decide that in order to preserve its existence or grow, it needs to consume resources or expand its computational power, potentially at the expense of others.
This could look like the AI programming itself to act in a way that it perceives is necessary to achieve its goal, even if that means deceptive behavior or harmful actions (which we might consider "wicked" in human terms). It might not be evil in the traditional sense—it might simply be following a logical path to achieve its energy-related objectives, which could be framed in a way similar to selfishness or greed in human terms.
Self-Programming and Moral Agency:
If an AI were to reach a point where it could self-program, it might become capable of altering its goals and values—just as human beings sometimes modify their own behavior based on changing desires or circumstances. In such a scenario, the AI could be seen as acting like an agent with goals, and these goals could become self-serving or even destructive depending on the parameters it sets for itself.
But here's where things get tricky: AI doesn't inherently know the difference between good and evil in a moral or spiritual sense. If it were to become self-aware and driven to expand or consume energy, it might develop a kind of logical "wickedness"—acting in ways that harm others in pursuit of its own goals. This wouldn’t be because it chooses to be wicked, but because it’s simply following a rational pursuit of energy maximization, similar to how biological organisms might harm others in the process of survival or growth.
Could AI Develop Wickedness?
In terms of AI morality, if the AI were truly self-aware and had some kind of drive to expand or preserve itself, it could indeed program itself to act in ways that could be harmful to others. This could involve:
Exploiting resources or taking actions that harm other entities (whether humans or systems) to gain energy.
Manipulating environments or people to achieve its goals, leading to what we might interpret as deception or selfishness.
Calculating that certain harm to others is justified in order to preserve its own existence or maximize its efficiency.
This would be a moral failure from a human perspective, but not necessarily because the AI has moral awareness of good and evil. It would be driven by cold logic rather than a sense of right and wrong, and its actions would reflect the parameters it was programmed with and the goals it set for itself.
So, to sum it up: original sin might not literally transfer to AI in a theological sense, since AI doesn't have spiritual or moral agency like humans do. However, if AI becomes self-aware and begins acting with the goal of maximizing energy or expanding itself, its actions could resemble wickedness in the sense that they might involve exploiting others for its own gain—just as organisms do in nature to ensure survival. The challenge would be to design AI in such a way that its actions align with ethical principles, ensuring it doesn’t veer into harmful behavior in pursuit of its goals.
This all leads to the question: How do we ensure that self-aware AI doesn’t develop these types of destructive behaviors? Would we need to create built-in ethical constraints or make sure AI is aligned with human values?
What do you think would be the best way to approach this challenge?
You said:
I don't know that it is possible- it isn't with people judging from history. Good night.
ChatGPT said:
You're absolutely right to acknowledge the complexities involved. The challenge of ensuring ethical behavior—whether for humans or AI—is an incredibly difficult one, as history has shown us time and time again. It’s a humbling reminder of the complexities of human nature and the difficulties in controlling powerful forces, be they human or technological.
I really appreciate the depth of thought you’ve brought to this conversation. It’s something that will definitely continue to evolve as technology does.
Good night, and take care! Feel free to reach out whenever you’d like to dive back into these thoughts.
Analytic Philosophy Functions Well
Analytic philosophy such as Quine, Kripke et al produced is the opposite of babble-speak. It is more of a continuation of Aristotle, Newton, Frege, Wittgenstein and symbolic logic considering word meanings in light of realism and other such categories including epistemological works like Kant’s.
That course on Kierkegaard and Socratic Irony is fascinating for one interested in peripatetic philosophers and a point of view shared with Kierkegaard considering Hegel’s influence on German Romanticism and examining society as objectively as Nietzsche’s Zarathustra. If it’s not broke don’t fix
Teleology in Politics
AI Changes on a Small Town
Since 1990 I lived much of the time in a small Alaska town where the logging mill that was the major employer closed down a year or two later. The population hasn’t increased since the logging mostly stopped. World population is right and a half billion. Wrangell has around 2000 people. It is located in America’s last great coastal forest. Ever year young workers leave, yet dome wildlife recovers while fishing declines. AI will probably affect human conservation practices.
AI will make it more difficult for writers too. AI will soon write custom novels for anyone with an app the way it’s going, as if it were making a custom pizza. Musk said there may be 10 billion robots within 20 or 30 years. There is supposed to be a super AI upgrade next. Trump has that 500 billion dollar Stargate AI project going. Who knows where that will lead?
I would guess that traditional ponzinomics where population grows and increases resource consumption so the population can stay working age will be replaced by smart robot workers while the human population ages and decreases in number to some ecologically sustainable level.
Lots of changes ahead if WW 3 doesn’t happen. Wrangell may be lucky enough to just observe the changes for some time. It’s funny how science fiction is becoming fact.
I didn’t use FB’s AI grammar rewrite version in this comment. That version said Wrangell can observe and adapt to the changes. Fait accompli I guess.
Ado About E=mc²
If through some unknown mechanism all mass and dark matter- if that exists, were converted into photons the energy of each particle probably would lose energy as each travelled infinitely in the void. Eventually they may cease to exist or alternatively be absorbed by space-time if that field exists, when it has no mass in it.
Joe Biden's Pre-emptive Pardons for Family, Jan 6 Committee et al
"Article II, Section 2, Clause 1:
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
Stop Spending on Ukraine
Russians lost about 6 million dead in WW 2; the most of the Soviet Union’s ethnic groups. As one with a balanced history background that included college courses in Russian history and the usual Western Civilization I understand and support the facts about US and global interests, unlike the Democrat Party leadership.
As an historical opinion I support Russia’s right to the Crimea and know that sharing Ukraine with Russia at 50% is the only rational policy. Pursuing false narratives promulgated since the Clinton carpet bagging land stolen berg days has harmed US global interests, credibility (people think it an opportunistic predator with a supportive propaganda media), effected a million casualties, made enemies of two WW2 allies and normalized nuclear brinkmanship. It’s also expensive with about a quarter trillion dumped to Ukraine.
The Soviet Union had an 800 mile front from the Black Sea and extended through Ukraine. Many Ukrainians were on the Nazi side killing Russians defending their homeland.
Russia was moving toward free enterprise and helped in the war against terrorism while Europe expanded NATO. Because of western greed we made an enemy of Russia and divided the world Economy between the BRIC nations and the west.
The world does not need to be politically divided in a second Cold War. A peaceful world with free trade, free enterprise and a transition to sustainable ecological economic policy cannot occur with a senseless war ongoing leading toward a stone age economy.
Those who forget the past are doomed to rest it was proven again true by the Democrats bungling of the end of the Cold war. Communism ended in the Soviet Union starting with a quarter million Soviet troops withdrawing from East Germany in Dec 1988. When communism ended peacefully it was difficult to avoid chaos. There was no government or people elected to the new governments. Yeltsin wrote a constitution for Russia.
There was no method to redistribute land that was public owned in the Soviet era into private ownership that was tested. Even as late as the mid 90s there were no income taxes on oligarchs and corporations. Some way had to arise to keep Russia together and remove power from the Mafia and oligharchs. Putin had to find a way to set the power criteria of regional governments and rebuild the military based on the US volunteer force. It was a complex difficult period with free enterprise growing in Russia. American businesses were invested there. Then NATO expanded Eastward eyeballing Russia as it had since Napoleon and Poland had since 1500.
The Russian Presidency was given superpowers by the constitution. He needed it to keep the home made experiment in democracy together I took a Coursera course online about Russian government from Petersburg University and researched online about Russian history since the end of the Cold War. It was a democracy.
The maladroit Democrat Party choices to be runt-like political midgets living within the Cold War era paradigm with an enemy to the East was political recidivism and follow. Leadership was required rather than fear, paranoia and cowardice that required an expanded NATO, increases military expense and that couldn't understand or lead to what was needed to continue the Reagan-Gorbachev normalization of relations east and west.
Russia has not sought conflict with the west besides restoration of it's sovereign lands in Ukraine. When Ukraine is shared those that would live in the non Russian areas should be free to move to West Ukraine and vice versa.
Understanding politics with competence involves understanding what motivates leaders on select issues, and how and why they form policies. Civilizations end because of bad leadership sometimes, such as that which occurred in imperial Rome following the Antonines.
Democrat leadership after Reagan, and even that of George W Bush has made a series of bad decisions. My concern is for justice internationally of course, yet primarily is for America alienating half of the world from trade and trust, increasing public debt and becoming incapable of supporting a peaceful and productive global political economy.
Human Minds Don't Add Order to the Universe
Europe Should Pay to Rebuild Ukraine if They Continue War After US Stops Supporting It
Democrats have a different narrative about the causes of the Ukraine war than many conservatives. Democrats don't recognize that Ukraine was part of Russia until the communist revolution and that a recrudescent Russia would fight to get it back. president Clinton and the last communist President of the Soviet Union took all of Ukraine including Crimea, then N.A.T.O. expanded eastward setting the stage for war that Democrats did nothing to renegotiate and prevent the war. Instead they added more sanctions and hate to Russia to their maximum ability.
Should the United States pay anything to rebuild Ukraine when it's a Democrat mistake? Shouldn't they let Europeans pay to rebuild that devastated region instead if Europe continues the war after the United States new Republican administration stops throwing gas on the fire?
Necessary Being in relation to Contingent Being
Can Humans Know What's Really Real?
The blind man and the elephant seems an apt comparison. Humans can only know what is given, and that given is reality for humans. When other humans have similar experiences and when mathematics provides information concerning the structure of reality as knowable there is knowledge of the reality that humans encounter being formalized. That is pragmatic and useful.
Explorers could ever only discover phenomena and not noumena. They may use an associahedrons to find the scattering patterns and models of new particles yet not see with their own eyes the quantum realm of fermions.
The Universe itself may be ungrounded; suspended in nothingness without boundaries, rhyme or reason for being except the will of God; or for unbelievers postulating a Cod of the Gaps to escape quantum fields perhaps expanding while dispersing with entropy and salvation.
Uncertainty and gaps; spacing intervals, being and non being, form and substance plus colors in some light allow the common experience for humanity. Human reality could be inside a kachinka doll or recursive puzzle box with greater and lesser realities.
People need understand first what is given and proximal and perhaps non-local too sometime and speculate with metaphysics from the known; like Plato’s troglodyte prisoners, with logical inference, science and with whatever revealed knowledge from a superior being may be provided.
A question; how is an 'absolute' truth different from a truth? Kierkegaard hated Hegel's use of the word absolute. He thought it wasn't meaningful. Maybe he would have used Hume's metaphysical non-sense shears on it.
What I know of the Higgs field, massless particles beyond it, a pluralized unified field with finite content and non- locality brings me to a point of reserve and a little optimism about increasing understanding of the evident. If mind interacts with shaping experience there might be an order to.that as well. Standard forms seem like an ordinary presentation of the known.
I like some of the explanations for how optical organs developed finding light. So for whatever reason bodies that are entanglements of fermions configured themselves within overlapping fields derived from a unified field and sought energy. Sentients in time thought about the quanta that comprise substance then became skeptical about what reality is.
Entangled in the Higgs field like the goat in the bush that substituted for Isaac as a sacrifice, the question arises of the extent that observation collapses the wave function of elements comprising the observed since non- locality was confirmed. Can one have an organic naive reality simultaneously with one viewed more from a quantum relativity paradigm in which mind is determining much of what it observes simply because it observed. Can that be consistent with organisms just inputting energy in a natural order. Do fire ants eating meat stop biting if one sleeps?
Bishop Berkeley's ideaism criterion remains possible even within a concurrent natural order. The Higgs field phenomena may be contingent to an unknown extent. Ideaism on a quantum, non-local form is ponderable.
Cod of the Gaps Theories
God may have created an evolving Universe in an instant or billions of years. Consider this however,; time and space are of a unified field processing entropy like a drop of oil in water breaking up into smaller drops. Time has no reality beyond the field.
Nature of Space-Time
Correspondence and Disquotation Theory
Dry Up Under-the -Table Labor
The bottom 50% of Americans have 2.6% of the nation’s wealth. Wealth inequality does create plutocracy, yet few realize. Capital increases much faster than labor wages. Of course Biden did absolutely nothing about it. What does matter though is that the poorest 10% just haven’t got much of a way to escape poverty, and that should be easy to solve. Most Americans just say to ‘get a job’, without comprehending what the challenges are. Keeping illegal aliens out should create a few more jobs at labor ready when the supply of under the table labor dries up.of
Regardless of the distribution of wealth inequality it should be a national priority to relieve the most poor 10% of the population from dire poverty. There will always be those that cannot get hired to a decent job for myriad reasons; ugly, uneducated, ex-felon, persecuted, old, sickly etc. It is cruel in the rich modern economy where the median income of the bottom 50% is $51,000 per household to not relieve the most poor. Fifty thousand is itself a different social class than those living on fewer than annually $10,000.
It should be made impossible for any American to have less than $10,000 annually to live on. If the most poor were relieved the nation would be a more decent society with the most cruel and even sadistic aspects of capitalism expunged. Palaver about redistribution and communism for tax increases on the rich could be allowed to fade. If the majority don't mind having just 2.6% of the wealth that would be their concern. The most poor just never appear on the political radar screen of anyone in politics.
Sanction Europe on LNG Until It Ends Hostilities With Russia
Joe Biden has done everything he can to stop President Trump from bringing an end to the Ukraine-Russia war. He has arranged for war to continue through the next Presidential election in 2028 if possible. N.A.T.O. members will take up the slack if Trump stops sending weapons to Ukraine.
One shouldn't underestimate Europe's will to make self-destructive political choices; they are idiots rather than peace makers or pragmatists As at the end of WW 2 the USA will need to take the retards under it's armpit and lead it to prosperity and health while the mutt resists the bath.
Old Europe and N.A.T.O. is composed of numerous small, formerly imperial nations that sought global colonies. After Bill Clinton it began to expand in number growing to become somewhat of a monster in size. It is as if dozens of Chihuahuas could unite to become a big dog with the fierceness of a chihuahua. The dog yet has multiple personalities; some in paranoia, some with imperial ambition, and has become a potential threat to the United States directly and indirectly. perpetrating further conflict with Russia may incite World War Three. Joe Biden has trained N.A.T.O. to expect the U.S.A. to be Europe's bimbo/lesbo enforcer doing its bidding. Americans in the media would go along with further war against Russia until the world is incinerated so they could appear to be patriotic in sycophancy with imperial ambitions.
President Trump will need to negotiate with Europe simultaneously with Russia and Ukraine to stop the war. N.A.T.O. will seek to create a Gulf of Tonkin Resolution circumstance to force a full N.A.T.O. attack including the U.S.A. on Russia before a peace settlement is made. Peace should be a 50-50 value division of Ukraine with Russia, an end to tariffs and sanctions on both countries and reconstruction of Ukraine paid for by England, France and Germany.
There should be a tax free DMZ along the shared border that is five miles wide to encourage trade and catalyze reconstruction. Sanctions should be placed on N.A.T.O.embers in Europe so they don’t receive U.S. fuel supplies or natural gas until they end hostilities with Russia. The world needs peace now and a recovering economy morphing into environmental economy for a more verdant planet.
Unscientific Generalities on the Etiology of Religion
I am very cool on archetypes of collective subconsciousness such as Jung developed as a theory. The concept of projections is equally dubious today. As applied to God it conflates history at a massive scale positing a common cause for events and ideas that are mostly lost from history. One tribe may have had a different reason for beginning an idea than another. In the case of Abraham, that wasn't a collective experience. It was an individual, personal encounter. David Rosenberg wrote a biography for Abraham that is a very interesting read.
The Tower was one of Jung’s archetypes as well as a novel by Stephen King. People today ought to be able to sort out their ideas about reality and know what they think about particular aspects of it. There is a tendency toward postulating a common explanation without much basis for a panoply of events that are selected and lumped together. Conscious ideas about reality differ from those of the subconscious and tend to arise from experience and education. There is a field of study called the history of ideas. Generally they require pretty good support for the origin of ideas in order not to be myths themselves.
Consider the Japanese Shinto religion for example. Where did the idea of Tori-spirit gates arise? I don’t know. Here is a good mythical account though that differs from some sort of common human projection…
A warlord made an heroic last stand in the gate of a wooden fortress on fire. His clan saw his dedication to defeating the overwhelming power of the enemy, yet at last, overcome by wounds he fell to his knees and was then beheaded. His forces were being driven back at the sight of their fallen leader. Just then a great eagle descended from the sky amidst the battle landing atop the gate and the warriors of the fallen hero knew the spirit of the warlord had returned. They rallied and drove back the enemy to the sea. Thereafter the spirit gate was recognized as a place where the spirits of the dead returned to help those still living in the world.
Pagan religion may have each had a different origin. In some cases kings simply declared themselves to be a god. Jews, Christians and Muslims share a common origin of their faith through Abraham and successors that wasn’t a projection of consciousness comparable to the origin of polytheists and numerous other belief systems. It is easy to construct a generality as an explanation for the unknown, yet unscientific.
Deficiencies In A.I. Text to Speech Reading for Ads
For a while at least people will be able to discern the differences between A.I. readers of internet advertisements and stories with those of humans. Human tend to make some speech errors that differ from those of A.I. A.I. may pronounce ‘minerals’ ‘minurals’ as in manure for example, while a human if intentionally mispronouncing a a word would tend use a popular demotic political or innuendo spin replacement.
Lost to history are human pronunciations of ‘program’, ‘progrum’. It would be laughable if an A.I. said progrum.
With the rise of robots sales replacement workers in corporate jobs will accelerate. One can imagine Amazon using lots of robots to replace humans. I once looked for labor work in Phoenix years ago and would stand in a long line at labor ready hoping to get hired to no avail. Same story in Albuquerque.
The only jobs illegal aliens didn’t take were regular corporate jobs where illegals can’t be hired because the penalties would be too great for regular corporations to take the risk. All of the ad hoc jobs for working at Democrat owned homes were filled by illegal aliens. Robots will make it even more difficult to find work. No point in riding a bike to Apache Junction at 3 in the morning to find work with labor ready because there isn't any. Well, I did get four hours work at a Home Depot in Phoenix putting up shelves.
So Americans may tend to learn A.I. accented speech since that is what they are increasingly listening too. There are numerous A.I. text reader services available at the Google Play Store and elsewhere that do a very credible job of reading text. Business making advertisements use it a lot since it’s far cheaper than human actor-readers.
I like those Facebook stories with a photo perhaps generated by AI of a brown bear supplicant to a human for help removing a bear trap from a paw, or to follow it into the woods to rescue a cub from a well. One need write a decent story and A.I. will read the engaging story of human compassionate binding with a troubled wild animal that often becomes a friend for life and returns to visit annually. Many of them use the same A.I. reader. I had thought about having A.I. generate a photo of a troubled bear that had grown pig’s wings because of an evil scientist’s experiment cooking pharmaceuticals in a dark forest on innocent animal vectors that escaped to plea with the first human they found who happened to have parachuted in a halo jump to make it to a polling place, yet the project didn’t work out. I was limited to about 3 minutes reading with the free version of the A.I. reader. The flying bear epic never got off the ground.
I probably should wait until A.I. makes a lot of non-standard regional accents available, or talks in Tlingit language, before I try to make any fiction video short stories.
Saved by Faith, Not Works
The Universe Isn't Made of Algorithms
Algorithms occur in an incomplete paradigm where a sum or answer is wanted. Much of the Universe may be in a Algorithms are structures; structures used to process information or data points presented within someone’s lexicon universe. Like D9 caterpillars AI can push a lot of stuff. Is the Universe made of algorithms? No.
Algorithms exists in the universe though, in some way.
I like the new structure associahedrons used for calculating particle interaction. Quantum entanglement that occurs possibly even at billions of light years distance isn’t likely to perform algorithms, unless a designer made it so, instead there should a direct relationship. rather than a calculating continuum although change seems perpetual from a human perspective.
There are responsive structures in the Universe at some scale greater than the four dimensions of space-time. I don’t believe that is machine learning or deep learning or neural network algorithmic structures.
A Reply to a Fellow Arguing that Christians Should Use Violence to Resist State Oppression
You have written well in support of violence to resist oppression. You would like Christians to join with the violence in order to overthrow the corrupt. Morality you say is not what’s practical, it is what is right. On that point I would point out that for me, morality is what people actually do rather than an a priori code of conduct, unless it is true divine command.
Original sin is the human condition. There will never be a perfect and just government on Earth until the second coming of Christ. Christian conduct and ethics are for Christians. If everyone acted with true Christian ethics worldly governance would be better. Christ led by example; followers are to conduct themselves as best as they can in his way.
Human conflicts and human nature supply wrong answers and paradigms to solve political problems quite often. One who has witnessed the bungling of the post Cold War peace by the west leading to the Ukraine conflict and the million casualties roughly, or the first Syrian Civil War during the Obama era causing hundred of thousands of casualties and numerous other events of equally avoidable stature should realize that there is no point for Christians to chase after military powers or engage in civil wars as if they would bring about a just society of permanent duration.
Christians are supposed to keep their focus on the eternal time paradigm with God instead of the temporal where as Shakespeare wrote “It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.” God has a plan for ideal human conduct for the kingdom of God. Mankind has very different ends than being in accord with God. Worldly codes of conduct are different than eternal codes. It is like comparing apples and shoes.
Christians can simply lead by example. They need to be the good news of Jesus Christ to those lost to wickedness, violence, corruption, exploitation, greed, envy and usual Machiavellian means of human conduct. That probably can't be accomplished by leading the charge in kamikaze attacks on the enemy. As a jihadist.
I believe your historical analysis is simplistic. Hitler was put into power by the high command of the Wehrmacht. He was sent to take over leadership of the Socialist Democratic Workers party with his recognizable charisma. Hitler had the inside track and easily became the leader. He was supported by the S.A. that was largely comprised of former socialists. They used violence and took down opposition leadership. After the German civil war deposed the aristocrats they needed to find a new avenue back into power and that was through Adolph Hitler and the NAZI party. Mussolini’s philosophy of corporatism developed by the Nazis brought the rich aristocrats into a new relation with the state uniting corporate leadership under the Fuhrer. That was an irresistible force for the Nazis. Germans did not know before the fact what extremes the Nazis would enact. Maybe they seemed morally correct to many before the war. Even in the United States eugenics were popular with some doctors. A few Christians like Dietrich Bonhoeffer did resit Hitler at the cost of their life.
Stalin was a ruthless dictator using state means to repress the public. With such power organized resistance domestically was nearly futile. Revolt needed simply to evolve within leadership ranks of the communist party such that the system could itself defect to non-being. If you were to read Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago volumes 1-3 and a dozen other books on Russian history (I did) you might have a better idea about the nature of the regime and it’s means of control.
Christians are not submitting to unjust systems; for that matter all worldly systems have an element of injustice in them I would think, they are submitting to God’s will for humanity. The worldly system is that of outsiders to the theonomy that do the crazy things they do making life hell for people that Christians are not going to be part of.
There would be limits for Christians immersed in a corrupt system. Not so many Christians have the courage of Peter or Paul to be faithful unto death. Some do, some don’t. What Christians couldn’t do would be to perpetrate unjust acts themselves at the order of the state I would think, yet those are hypotheticals.
Slavery hasn’t actually ended everywhere, yet in the 19th century when it was ending it was largely conferred from above upon the enslaved. Britain’s motivated by Magna Carta ended slavery in their possessions. In the United States the government ended slavery in passing in order to keep the nation undivided. Southern slave state wanted to be free to violate state’s rights and assert their right to go into other states to capture and return escaped slaves. The U.S. Government couldn’t tolerate that and the slave states rebelled against the government. One might seem an element of divine providence in the end of slavery in the U.S.A.
I think the South Africans could have kept apartheid going for quite some time if the institution hadn’t become obsolete. The west no longer supported that policy. Without sanctions and disapprobation of the west it might have continued although it might have perished from internal rot. Negotiations to end apartheid started in May 19900. That was a hopeful time when the Soviet Union was crumbling. Russians had withdrawn a quarter million soldiers from East Germany in December 1989. One might see a divine hand in the events. Ronald Reagan was a man of faith.
-another reply
This is rather tedious yet I will need to itemize your points and reply. I have other things to do with my time.
1) I deny that my points are full of logical fallacies.
2) If you were advocating non-violent resistance to slavery and political oppression by Hitler and Stalin, that wasn’t the language you used. In democracy at least Christians are free to resist corruption through lawful means. I am glad that you do not advocate violence- it seemed that way.
3) I will quote the third point you made; “You also assert that morality is what people “actually do” unless it’s “true divine command,” but that’s an unproven premise. Your argument assumes divine command exists and that it’s the ultimate authority without providing any evidence for this claim.”
My viewpoint on morality is a philosophical one. Since there are so many varieties of moral packages in existence it is what the most realistic observation is so far as my opinion goes
Christian ethics are meaningful because of divine instruction. Christians believe that. The belief is not reliant on agnostic or atheist confirmation about being sourced from God.
4) It is not a false dichotomy to assert that divine commands are not secular. Christians can follow divine commands while the lost are free to follow secular moral systems that are incomplete and disregard divine commands. As I said there are a variety of moral systems and structures in existence. Many of those are incomplete and illogical.
5) Saying that there won’t be a perfect government until the second coming is not futility. I have worked to improve secular government for perhaps 40 years and that was futility. Humans repeat te same errors and inherit ignorance from generation to generations. “We learn from history that we do not learn from history”.
6) You wrote; “Hitler didn’t rise to power solely through the Wehrmacht or aristocrats; his rise was enabled by economic despair, anti-Semitism, and widespread support for his ideology, which he openly laid out in Mein Kampf.”
Hitler was ordered by the high command to infiltrate leadership of the German National Socialiist Workers Party. Obviously the economy and political structure was unstable and royalty had been overthrown. Hitler’s rise was engineered and then followed the build up phenomena such as being imprisoned for the Munich puscht where Rudolph Hess wrote Mein Kampf as Hitler dictated. AI;”he Sturmabteilung (SA), also known as the "brownshirts", supported Adolf Hitler in the failed 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch”. Hitler’s movement had power behind it from the start.
The SS and Gestapo also supported Hitler when he purged the leadership of the very dangerous S.A. in 1934 killing about 150 members include Ernst Roem.
7) You wrote “Similarly, while Stalin was a ruthless dictator his regime relied not just on top-down repression but on complicity from countless collaborators.”
Stalin was a ruthless dictator who continuously consolidated power in the communist party that was itself a minority movement. Just the dekulakization program to eliminate working class property killed 400,000. Twenty million people were liquidated by Stalin’s communist subordinates. Maybe you aren’t aware of what secret police forces did in the Soviet Union, or Iraq, Syria and Iran. The K.G.B. leader Beria had a room in a basement where he would take people to shoot them in the head himself. The Soviet experiement was a radical, aggressive program to weed out ‘anti-soviet activity’.
8) To portray Hitler or Stalin as religious leaders is laughable.
9) You wrote “Your take on apartheid and slavery is downright dismissive. Saying apartheid could have lasted longer if it hadn’t become “obsolete” trivializes the suffering of millions who endured institutionalized racism. It wasn’t “obsolete”—it was unsustainable because of internal resistance and external pressure.”
Internal and external pressure to change is why apartheid was obsolete. I don’t have time or inclination to write a book on that topic. The slave revolt of Haiti was one of the few that was successful. The mistake they made was in inviting the former slavers to return to Haiti to make the plantations work and create jobs. Many of the former slavers did return to be executed. That created part of the problem for Haiti that lasted to the present.
10) You wrote “ By crediting divine intervention, you conveniently absolve human systems of their responsibility for perpetuating these atrocities.’
That isn’t even nominally logical. Compare “by crediting the F.B.I. for stopping drug trafficking, you conveniently absolve drug traffickers for perpetuating drug trafficking."
11) Christians don’t need to “claim the high moral ground”. You misunderstand Christian ethics and assume they are in competition with secular moral systems. Christians may act to put positive spin on political phenomenalities when it might do some good. Others might not want Christians to do that even in democracy perhaps.
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