
lulu blog Feb. closure-transfer material

On Working for Peace
Gary C Gibson in Gary Gibson' s Blog
Thursday 29 of January, 2009
Peace is the absence of conflict, yet thermodynamic processes of change are not holistically at peace until thermal equilibrium within a volume is reached. When the highest state of entropy is attained and energy levels flat-lined the Universe will have attained perfect peace. It will be a peace without sentient life however. The final cause of Universal peace is contained in the plans of the beginning. A D.N.A. code of physical design fulfills its actuality through perpetual change, and at last the intended is complete; what is my role in this as an I, me, or some other nomenclature of self-awareness?

Peace for human beings should refer perhaps more to the relationships between humanity at a material level. Strivings after power over other human beings or for the attainment through competition for scarce resource are historically usual. Until perhaps 300 years ago the majority of human societies were slave holding societies, while that has changed through a plethora of dynamic political alterations including frequent war and evolution, the evolution of political concepts and social relations is an ongoing project at best.

Biblically it is written that when mankind declares 'peace, peace!' then shalt there be war. Because human language is interpreted by each individual for themselves and applied within an individual worldline and assigned a value unique to each individual communication values for virtually any phrase or idea communicated vary. Subjective, personal epistemological contents about the world of social reality and for physical reality differ, invariable from one to another and across time and social distance. Political and economic values differ with perspectives built upon language and understanding values of a personal contingency. Conflict causality in human social arrangements differ for as many reasons as may be presented to potential communication intersocial relationships. Everyone has their own point of view including the rightness or wrongness of political union or disunion, of cohesion and freedom from group oppression, for the right to possess private property or the right for no one to own property. People in agreement about a substantial matter of political ideas may differ over the allocation of resources for the management of resources, consumption of resources and the direction resource management should take. Peace is perhaps a product of settled issues; the dark side of Mercury away from the blazing political heat of the other side, the empty village depopulated by Ebola or the plague. Peace may be the smoldering ruins of a dead society and the concentration camp's closure with flowers placed by mourners. Peace may be the forgetting of memories of the Condor Legion's predations. Peace may be freedom from oppression or even an inner tranquility disregarding hate for those that persecute or behead one-the perspective of the observer may define peace.

For some peace is the recession of corruption; the end of an evil political policy or actualization of a maladroit political urban and suburban public zoning design. The war upon the environment, the war upon the poor in the United States by globalists and the middle class, the failure to employ the long term unemployed in America with a million ways to say no to financial adequacy fore social equality as the decades role on past--these things may be a subjective equivalent of war to the persecuted and amusing trifles to the enfeofed in plush SUV seats and mass-produced quarter million dollar homes. What can an individual do to contribute to peace?

Read the Bible for life and support equal civil justice for all citizens, become a well educated designer of ideas and inventions, be vigilant in keeping personal abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs, love one's fellow citizen so far as that the golden rule is pragmatically extended to reach toward a just social environment that is healthy, non-exclusive and self-renewing ecologically.

Enable others to reach righteous goals when possible and judge not others harshly-be gentle as doves yet wise as serpents in comprehending why particular conflicts actually happen and apply intention to bring those to a just and righteous condition of peace when it is positioned to do so. Do not simply publicly posture in opposition to events that one benefits from unless the moral need to do so is compelling and there isn't a better way. Peace is a method that requires adaptability to a changing political and ecological environment, to a social reality with a variegated and unequal intellectual and educational endowment, to a non-static progress by trialectical and hextalectical evolution in fulfillment of an original will of creation.

Peace is a concept of transcending love related to infinite good-try to accomplish what is best, what is right, and pray.
Posted on Thursday 29 of January, 2009 [19:31:35 UTC]

A Sketch of Lenin's Rise to Power
Gary C Gibson in Gary Gibson' s Blog
Wednesday 28 of January, 2009
V.I. Lenin's 'rise to power' was a two-fold process; a rise in the communist party organization and a rise through revolution to take over power in Russia.

Lenin was a prolific writer and practical party organizer; yet as a writer he was still just a close second to Leon (The Pen) Trotsky. V.I. Lenin was a legitimate correspondence school lawyer certified to practice law in Romanov Russia.

The party of the minority (the Bolshevik Party) was to the farthest left and jockied for political power with several other Russian revolutionary political parties including those of the cadets and the Menshevik (party of the majority). When the Romanov dynasty fell after the incompetent prosecution of the war of defense against Germany of August 1914 and an interim government formed the Bolsheviks would have nothing to do with it. Lenin was an exile to western Europe and Germany.

The Bolshevik Party was not certain of the way to form a communist party. Trotsky had one theory and Lenin another-Stalin at this time was a remote small-timer who would not exert much influence until after the 1917 revolution.

Trotsky supported power to the Soviets or workers organizations. A Soviet revolution at Kronstaadt brought a successful yet aborted revolutionary start. Lenin theorized much about the proper timing of revolutionary movements and interpreted political events in search of vulnerabilities much as a fullback might exploit weaknesses in an opponents defensive line. Lenin saw his moment during the height of the first world war.

The Germany imperial government had become entangled in a two front war. Crown Prince Ruprecht the brilliant war designer was stalemated in the west from the Alps through to France and Flander's fields. On the eastern front a complete victory was deferred because of the pressing need for troops on the west where British General Haig was fighting a war of attrition. The Crown Prince amidst others probably recognized the value of Lenin in subverting the Russian Government-they arranged to move him in a sealed train across Germany to Russia where the final push for Bolshevik revolt could develop. Lenin after swiftly achieving his toppling, nearly bloodless victory would sign a peace treaty with Germany-the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; bringing an end to the war with Germany in return for giving up the Ukraine and other considerations to Germany.

Crown Prince Ruprecht would then began his final offensive in France that expanded the front 100 miles into allied territory yet the Germany manpower shortages could not hold the line and recently arrived American forces mopped up and rolled back the German Wehrmacht. Lenin was beginning the recovery of Russia from a war economy and setting the foundation for a communist society.

As a domestic political leader Lenin was a much fairer hand than Stalin on the reigns of power. In 1921 Lenin abandoned state ownership of much of the economy because it was failing to meet survival production requirements of the people. An economic history of the Soviet Union shows that the changed to a mixed-ownership economy improved Soviet output while the policy was in place. The policy would be quickly rescinded by Stalin following the death of Lenin.

Kulaks were considered a class enemy-they were small scale farmers that suffered from mass deportation and death in the 1930's, yet when they were still permitted to be productive for themselves for a time they increased food production and outperformed Soviet collective farms.

Lenin's death following a succession of strokes has been historical suspect. Some believe that he was poisoned by Stalin-the best political intriguer of the Bolsheviks. A famous photo of the Bolshevik varsity leaders taken early after the revolution had nor surviving members shortly after the takeover of Stalin. While a brilliant revolutionary, pragmatist planner and adaptive socialist leader willing to promote popular interests through compromise with capitalist principles when need arose V.I. Lenin was evidently unaware of the deeper human social currents of original sin, organizational and individual will to power and the force such innate human traits would exert to overcome even the consummate communist revolutionary-himself.

As Lenin compromised the dogmatic communist doctrine existing before the revolution in order to find bread for the newly liberated from imperial power people to eat, back-benchers like Stalin designed his doom in order to advance a hypothetical, Phoenix-like Russia under a benevolent dictator to a will-o-the-wisp equality in government repression. Lenin's day in the sun was short but sweet, and his downfall equally brief.
Posted on Wednesday 28 of January, 2009 [20:29:27 UTC]

21st Century Poetry & It's Relevance
Gary C Gibson in Gary Gibson' s Blog
Wednesday 28 of January, 2009
Time may be a psychological concept thought St. Augustine. The cosmological ideas of physics may benefit from a parallax of points of view as might poetry provide another, more direct means for expressing ideas.

Poetry is non-conventional regarding prose forms of writing that have more set rules of grammar and syntax. The forms of versification may remain the same once discovered and exploited by farmers of poems for several decades or centuries. When over-used the fertility of the land may decline and the poetry suffer a decline with weakening rhymes and ideas dying unfulfilled upon the vines.

It shouldn't be intemperately argued that poetry is a viticulture creating Bacchic nectar that when imbibed does intoxicate people with a mirthful oblivion of care in rapture of creation. The sun may shine in Kansas City and Omaha alike in the 20th and the 21st centuries yet the landscape changes. Poets cannot write with such peace and joy poems of natural happiness over the splendorous nature of God such as might Walt Whitman even in more remote times from the exhaust fumes of progress and defoliant dreams for indoor developers trading shag carpet futures for the Persian rugs of fossil fueled crude below the middle east. Poetry never dies or fades away, it becomes promised to youthful hearts as dreams that were never realized, as hopes that will be discovered anew in another generation and another century.

Poetry is also for the poor. It is the kernel of creativity sewn to build the novel. It is a seedling set to begin the actualization of the potential form of the creator-the Aristotelian soul preknown by the author's life at the beginning, like Aristotle's form of the soul written into the genetic code as a final cause at conception. Some poor Haitian may discover a hydroponic reason for cultivating tanked mini-farms of verbose nutrients unbreakable by dictators of thought and unshakable by theocrats and atheists of rot-ideas that grow in an over-used environment and preserve life with a humanitarian containment within the spirit. Poems can be simple in any era and flow or desiccate, die and be reborn like any kind of common hope.

One Perspective

If i see you through a glass darkly today
it is because the One set an infinite sequence of changes
in motion such as are drifting beyond
my moment and yours in the Universe
receive catcalls from higher ups
echoes from the caverns of evil minds
tossed like grenades out of the mouths
placed into the perennial circle of foes

Yesterday walking along the river
i found a pair of shoes from a book
with a class segregated shopping village

Tourists of the planet spend
the non-renewable biosphere warped in purple glass
medicine bottles changed by a desert sun
one percent for inventive and one percent for art
the remainder mass producing cloned mechanical mitosis

A newspaper photographer lived a worm's eye view perspective
each celebrity snapped for qualo-Chessybloids
Napoleon became nine feet tall as did Dostoevsky's underground clerk
with the worst piano guy politician brought to a firing squad at last
control sought an off switch
all the worlds troubles and temptations broadcast live for profit
as the rest starved though they lost the legal decision about that

Persons of interest and disinterest alike
all became warped in the field of value and reproduction
potential unit pricing
a poor soul might choose to preach to animals
while an economically separate drive-up business pulpit
let with stage props resounds
Cheshire cat smiles for cameras with 360 degree shiny teeth all around
that is the impression that sticks in memory from H-wood to the Tower
window shutter chimes 7 chordate of rainbows
notes and floating teleprompters
a drunk watches under the stage unwinding
observing footlights and fashioned sculpted marvels
watching performers and sotto voce chat certainly remarked
tete a tete

Like dimensional emanations from the edge
deep footprints in the snow
I have circled before.
Posted on Wednesday 28 of January, 2009 [19:44:18 UTC]


Obama Ill-Prepared to Switch to Renewable Economy

Government terorism on the masses or upon particular dissidents is an historical tradition that perhaps made inroads into the United States with broadcast technology. For some political parties 'hate speech' is anything the party elite finds disagreeable, and it must be repressed through quick slander especially simple with the right alzheim-rave elocutions through the media.

The right role of a democratic government is to set the parameters in which macro-economic trends in capitalized corporations may function rather than to serve as accomplices to globaliasm. Globalism is a kind of sedition that is aided and abetted by the globally owned corporate broadcast media. Democracy that allows corporate interests to select the economic development are corrupting the value of both capitalism and democracy and moving toward state unification with corporate interests to repress the democratic and egalitarian interests of the nation.

The federal government lacks the tools of reason and good judgment required to move the nation toward an independent, self-sustaining and renewable economy. The government lacks the will to halt the illegal immigration and mass movements of people tot the United States that should be halted at 300 million; this continent does not need more of the surplus population of other continents or regions of the North American continent.

The federal government is a corporate sycophant of wealthy, vested capitalized corporate interests leading the people of the united States in to the chains of global and the build up to a global apocalyptic war over scare resource. The ecology of each continent is taking a beating with increasing population and the federal government is quite irresponsible in defending the United States from the ravaging fire of increasing planetary consumption.

The economy of the United States in recent years since the end of the cold war has become a burgeoning debtor nation with an irrational economic policy of globalism that essentially amounts to little more than trading independence and security for raw comfort and safety of over-large homes and over-large SUV's. The irrational concept that increased consumption done under the over-arching banner of capitalism will naturally select the best economic development course for the nation has taken hold. The federal government is incapable of reasoning in about the philosophical criteria of capitalism sufficiently to understand its right workings in the modern era with democratic supervision. That failure dooms the development of the United States to an anarchic drift through a challenging modern era.

Adam Smith believed that capitalism could best serve the interests of democracy in the allocation and supply of resources that it produced within government specified criteria rather than without. The England of his day and today does have an elite that looks after the interests of the nation sufficiently to prevent anarchic and feudalistic tion of a purely capitalist led government. The Unite states require a rational definition of criteria as well for capital production to exist within, and then for capitalism to find a way to make a profit.

Imagine if the U.S. Government let capitalists determine and supply whatever military equipment it believed the nation should have that best produced corporate profit? That is the fundamental circumstance in the civilian sector of the economy today. What a nation trades for internationally is important. Government must set functioning parameters in which capitalist endeavors can function to meet public needs rather than vice versa. The United States may concatenate its globalism by trading for a proverbial mess of potage (actual a Shakespearian mess of pottage). Just trading to produce globalist profits in no way guarantees that the United States will have a better standard of living, and especially will it not guarantee that global capitalism will best select the most efficient ecological adaptation for the people of the United States in to a renewable or highly efficient renewable economic structure. The Obama administration is ill-prepared for the transformation in to a renewable economy with liberty and justice for all and instead is set to attempt to pump new life in to the old non-disposable economy that the Bush administration kept on life support through dubious means beyond its time.

Can a fossil fueled Neanderthal-like culture change? Does anything change an established culture founded on a particular trophic order besides catastrophe or collapse? Will established powers ever do more than repress change if they can't exploit it?

The federal government's new tools' of adding public debt by a trillion or so could be used to fix' the U.S. economy is applied rationally, unfortunately it wasn't and isn't. Americans can take heart though in Speaker Pelosi's insinuation that if Detroit automakers meet select criteria by March 15th there will be an endless flow of money'.

In some areas of the fossil fueled world private race tracks and airstrips are built for the executives of fossil fuel industry and their heirs to amuse themselves. Consider the logic of an established hierarchy of inherited wealth or power and its resemblance to that of a royal structure. The vast collection of heirs in America bought in to the stock market generally, and that establishment generally overcomes any individual initiatives to change anything. Neither do the heirs have the intellects of the founders usually and they will thus give away their nation in order to keep up their lavish lifestyles oft-times. If inherited wealth were taxed at a 75% rate over one million dollars that would stimulate business and pay off the U.S. federal debt over time. Yet the upper classes will probably te as they usually do in history and destroy the civilization.

The American economy has had a downward trend for real income of all except the top 25% for the last 30 years. The long-range global supply of cheap labor that quadrupled at the end of the cold war has provided the overwhelming advantage to concentrated wealth. They invest in China where labor is far cheaper and build that economy while 'parting out' the United States. American economic prospects are 'handled' by the corporate broadcast media through obfuscating and time consuming diversions. The United States is transformed gradually in to just another average second world platform for global rulers with a pacified population. The present economic troubles most notably demonstrated the incompetence and unwillingness of congress to manage national economic affairs in the real interest of the people of the United States.

A renaissance of high-tech and ecological business creativity is needed along with secure borders free of illegal worker immigration to react to the challenge from the global supply of cheap labor to the prosperity of American workers. The U.S. service sector and financial sector cannot rationally compensate for the loss of real material productivity overseas and to Mexico. Free trade is a good thing yet so is Democratic governance that supports economic policy in the interests of all of the citizens instead of just a global few. Adam Smiths political criterion for capital advantage at allocating supply was within a national paradigm-Great Britain in his day. Capitalism is intended to serve the citizens of a nation best instead of the best interests of capitalists. The United States government should support economic development that actually prospers all Americans as directly as possible instead of the global class of concentrated wealth capitalists that believe a global 'trickle down' policy would work best for the people of the United States as an apologetic for what is actually an expansive greed actualized through governance run amok.

The federal government has all of the tools it needs to correct the economy before next April first except for intelligence, courage and integrity. They must be willing to withstand the withering propaganda fire of the incorrigibly corporatism supporting broadcast media and global capital interests to break free of globalist control. The economy needs not only an ecologically renewable underlying principle, it needs to have an actual; citizen circumstance awareness system that makes sure that no s are left out of the national prosperity-and a number of modern means exist that could be directed to assure the employment of the underemployed through priorities and incentives. There are even college graduates and veterans in the United States that earn less than 7000 dollars year after year I suppose through social natural selection for deletion, and it seems quite unreasonable to prolong the misery for them and continuously reinforce the comfortable probably amused even through this trying winter.

Part of the problem in Washington D.C. is the mass incompetence by prosperous people failing to comprehend necessary personal vital economic interests for people. An economic structure isn't a machine that needs a repair in accord with special formulas but is instead an ongoing phenomenology within a community-a national community. It is necessary for citizens to have the necessary things to live without pressure from the corrupt to submit to various social demands or be bumped off' economically. Those being said let’s consider two of the mental terminology used by the government and news media to describe some of the economic phenomenalities.

1) toxic assets'-this refers to real, constructed homes that have tremendous real value and can be used by anyone with half a wit for a net social profit. The government might have bought foreclosed homes from banks for whatever amount the bank lent out minus 25% and then super-insulated the homes, installed solar panels upon the roofs and maybe painted the exteriors with self-priming, lifetime solar photon converting to electron paint. The empty homes could have been used for a variety of publicly useful purposes. Instead the Bush administration lied to Congress about what it would do with the 750 billion dollars and instead of buying toxic assets' it provided money to banks and other special interests for loans or whatever.

2) 'under water' mortgages- The 12 or 13 million American homes with home mortgages far higher than the value of the home in the decline of housing values haven't experienced a flood-they are not under water'. Avarice and immodesty in building size made a lot of speculators of ordinary Americans. They believed that the United States might become a coast-to-coast er box palace with increasing home values and population in error. These homeowners could have been saved and still might benefit if they must be foreclosed through a reasonable federal intervention using elements of point number one.

3) 'bridge loans'-another name for kicking back loose money to global auto manufacturers to assure their long term repression of alternate means of conveyance and power rival vehicle start-ups.

4) 'bail-out'; the Congress serves as bail bondsman for corrupt banks with 'toxic assets' providing a trillion dollars in bail money to let the U.S. economy get out of jail free. Actually the money wasn't used for the purchase of 'toxic assets' but was given a different use by Secretary Paulson for more bank loans that would provide 'liquidity' for the flow of money possibly to secret foreign accounts in Paraguay or Switzerland along with bank mergers and happy meal Christmas bonus's.

The houses if foreclosed and vacated can be upgraded to be energy producers and perhaps electric vehicle recharging stations. The homes can be sold at low rates to veterans. Those foreclosed can qualify for special federal F.H.A. terms to purchase new homes at the value of homes in the present market. The primary point is to take up those vacant, valuable properties and transform the toxic assets' in to valuable tools to lever out the slack from the housing market. The total number of homes available could supply a number of existing federal, state and local housing needs including finding shelter space for the homeless people living in the United States. The number of uses for the toxic assets' is virtually limitless.

The Obama plans for reconstruction might well include a bambi economic factor that will send the money to the same old advantaged builders producing in effect kickbacks to the advantaged that is the usual. The United States needs a different economic foundation for transportation, energy and a reduced housing size with increased efficiency if it is to prosper in the changing global economic environment. Many of the globalists must be rather mirthful about the U.S. recession because they are investing in China and the downsizing of the American wage scale is a logical function of the 15% annual rate of economic growth in China that will drop to just 7.5% in the next year. As jobs are outsourced to China factories and businesses close in the United States. The Bush recession was a bridge loan' to refound the world economy for globalists upon China increasingly.'

In the Dallas area the mayor is salivating over the wish list from the Obama infrastructure plan with a 365 million dollar republican convention center and hotel at the top of the list. That is not a modest rescue of foreclosed homes, but instead a possible effort to provide a place for the Chinese Communist Party authorities to meet if they decide to build a Mao-mobile electric' car factory in the Dallas area one day. The Obama team needs to understand that the globalists are really corrupt and pushing ahead in their own ballooned direction until Armageddon happens even from the of the health of the oceans and the collapse of oxygen production from it (25% of the world total). The United States needs an electric car and monolithic dome concrete home infrastructure (headquarters in Italy Texas) instead of vast public building, sports stadiums and so forth. The same old privileged and corrupt, unintelligent leaders will push the same unchanging auto-culture with biggest square foot housing because they haven't a rational macro-environmental and nationalist economic paradigm.

The U.S. patent process is very slow and expensive to use for ordinary inventors and innovators. If I invented a new building product (this one may already exist) it would take more than a year to get a patent and bring it to market if I had thousands and thousands of dollars to spend gambling upon it. I hope this particular building application will be produced this winter so that I may have some new building to paint in the spring of 09.

Strong angled connectors made of steel that would replace plywood gussets in the easy construction of barn shaped storage sheds could be a patentable building product idea that would get the do-it-yourselfers constructing some building products this winter. I haven't ever seen such pre-set products in the building supply shops although they must exist somewhere.

The strong angled connector would let one insert the ends of 2 by 4's in at the right angle for the wall and roof of the shed frame. A ten foot long by eight foot wide storage shed might need just eight frames over-all and a total of sixteen of the strong angled connectors in designs where the lower section leans in a little.

The right number of connectors at the correct angles for a particular design could be sold in packages for about 50 dollars and everyone could profit. Building a storage shed with a barn shaped roof would simply require cutting the ends of the two by fours (or two by sixes in a different package of strong angled connectors) at the angles plainly labeled/imprinted on the connectors and nailed to screwed together. The frames would be toe-nailed in to the floor stringers.

A barn-shaped storage shed is sort of an upside down boat design, so I would suggest that a gallon of fiberglass resin be purchased from Boater's World and rolled on to the planking' or plywood that is nailed on to the frames in order to waterproof it before painting and eventual roofing.

The American economy has had a downward trend for real income of all except the top 25% for the last 30 years. The long range global supply of cheap labor that quadrupled at the end of the cold war has provided the overwhelming advantage to concentrated wealth. They invest in China where labor is far cheaper and build that economy while 'parting out' the United States. American economic prospects are 'handled' by the corporate broadcast media through obfuscating and time consuming diversions. The United States is transformed gradually in to just another average second world platform for global rulers with a pacified population. The present economic troubles most notably demonstrated the incompetence and unwillingness of congress to manage national economic affairs in the real interest of the people of the United States.

A renaissance of high-tech and ecological business creativity is needed along with secure borders free of illegal worker immigration to react to the challenge from the global supply of cheap labor to the prosperity of American workers. The U.S. service sector and financial sector cannot rationally compensate for the loss of real material productivity overseas and to Mexico. Free trade is a good thing yet so is Democratic governance that supports economic policy in the interests of all of the citizens instead of just a global few. Adam Smiths political criterion for capital advantage at allocating supply was within a national paradigm-Great Britain in his day. Capitalism is intended to serve the citizens of a nation best instead of the best interests of capitalists. The United States government should support economic development that actually prospers all Americans as directly as possible instead of the global class of concentrated wealth capitalists that believe a global 'trickle down' policy would work best for the people of the United States as an apologetic for what is actually an expansive greed actualized through governance run amok.

The federal government has all of the tools it needs to correct the economy before next April first except for intelligence, courage and integrity. They must be willing to withstand the withering propaganda fire of the incorrigily corporatism supporting broadcast media and global capital interests to break free of globalist control. The economy needs not only an ecologically renewable underlying principle, it needs to have an actual; citizen circumstance awareness system that makes sure that no s are left out of the national prosperity-and a number of modern means exist that could be directed to assure the employment of the underemployed through priorities and incentives. There are even college graduates and veterans in the United States that earn less than 7000 dollars year after year I suppose through social natural selection for deletion, and it seems quite unreasonable to prolong the misery for them and continuously reinforce the comfortable probably amused even through this trying winter.

Part of the problem in Washington D.C. is the mass incompetence by prosperous people failing to comprehend necessary personal vital economic interests for people. An economic structure isn't a machine that needs a repair in accord with special formulas but is instead an ongoing phenomenology within a community-a national community. It is necessary for citizens to have the necessary things to live without pressure from the corrupt to submit to various social demands or be bumped off' economically. That being said let's consider two of the mental terminology used by the government and news media to describe some of the economic phenomenalities.

1) toxic assets'-this refers to real, constructed homes that have tremendous real value and can be used by anyone with half a wit for a net social profit. The government might have bought foreclosed homes from banks for whatever amount the bank lent out minus 25% and then super-insulated the homes, installed solar panels upon the roofs and maybe painted the exteriors with self-priming, lifetime solar photon converting to electron paint. The empty homes could have been used for a variety of publicly useful purposes. Instead the Bush administration lied to Congress about what it would do with the 750 billion dollars and instead of buying toxic assets' it provided money to banks and other special interests for loans or whatever.

2) 'under water' mortgages- The 12 or 13 million American homes with home mortgages far higher than the value of the home in the decline of housing values haven't experienced a flood-they are not under water'. Avarice and immodesty in building size made a lot of speculators of ordinary Americans. They believed that the United States might become a coast to coast er box palace with increasing home values and population in error. These homeowners could have been saved and still might benefit if they must be foreclosed through a reasonable federal intervention using elements of point number one.

3) 'bridge loans'-another name for kicking back loose money to global auto manufacturers to assure their long term repression of alternate means of conveyance and power rival vehicle start-ups.

4) 'bail-out'; the Congress serves as bail bondsman for corrupt banks with 'toxic assets' providing a trillion dollars in bail money to let the U.S. economy get out of jail free. Actually the money wasn't used for the purchase of 'toxic assets' but was given a different use by Secretary Paulson for more bank loans that would provide 'liquidity' for the flow of money possibly to secret foreign accounts in Paraguay or Switzerland along with bank mergers and happy meal Christmas bonus's.

The houses if foreclosed and vacated can be upgraded to be energy producers and perhaps electric vehicle recharging stations. The homes can be sold at low rates to veterans. Those foreclosed can qualify for special federal F.H.A. terms to purchase new homes at the value of homes in the present market. The primary point is to take up those vacant, valuable properties and transform the toxic assets' in to valuable tools to lever out the slack from the housing market. The total number of homes available could supply a number of existing federal, state and local housing needs including finding shelter space for the homeless people living in the United States. The number of uses for the toxic assets' is virtually limitless.

The Obama plans for reconstruction might well include a bambi economic factor that will send the money to the same old advantaged builders producing in effect kick backs to the advantaged that is the usual. The United States needs a different economic foundation for transportation, energy and a reduced housing size with increased efficiency if it is to prosper in the changing global economic environment. Many of the globalists must be rather mirthful about the U.S. recession because they are investing in China and the downsizing of the American wage scale is a logical function of the 15% annual rate of economic growth in China that will drop to just 7.5% in the next year. As jobs are outsourced to China factories and businesses close in the United States. The Bush recession was a bridge loan' to refound the world economy for globalists upon China increasingly.'

In the Dallas area the mayor is salivating over the wish list from the Obama infrastructure plan with a 365 million dollar republican convention center and hotel at the top of the list. That is not a modest rescue of foreclosed homes, but instead a possible effort to provide a place for the Chinese Communist Party authorities to meet if they decide to build a Mao-mobile electric' car factory in the Dallas area one day. The Obama team needs to understand that the globalists are really corrupt and pushing ahead in their own ballooned direction until Armageddon happens even from the of the health of the oceans and the collapse of oxygen production from it (25% of the world total). The United States needs an electric car and monolithic dome concrete home infrastructure (headquarters in Italy Texas) instead of vast public building, sports stadiums and so forth. The same old privileged and corrupt, unintelligent leaders will push the same unchanging auto-culture with biggest square foot housing because they haven't a rational macro-environmental and nationalist economic paradigm.

The U.S. patent process is very slow and expensive to use for ordinary inventors and innovators. If I invented a new building product (this one may already exist) it would take more than a year to get a patent and bring it to market if I had thousands and thousands of dollars to spend gambling upon it. I hope this particular building application will be produced this winter so that I may have some new building to paint in the spring of 09.

Strong angled connectors made of steel that would replace plywood gussets in the easy construction of barn shaped storage sheds could be a patentable building product idea that would get the do-it-yourselfers constructing some building products this winter. I haven't ever seen such pre-set products in the building supply shops although they must exist somewhere.

The strong angled connector would let one insert the ends of 2 by 4's in at the right angle for the wall and roof of the shed frame. A ten foot long by eight foot wide storage shed might need just eight frames over-all and a total of sixteen of the strong angled connectors in designs where the lower section leans in a little.

The right number of connectors at the correct angles for a particular design could be sold in packages for about 50 dollars and everyone could profit. Building a storage shed with a barn shaped roof would simply require cutting the ends of the two by fours (or two by sixes in a different package of strong angled connectors) at the angles plainly labeled/imprinted on the connectors and nailed to screwed together. The frames would be toe-nailed in to the floor stringers.

A barn-shaped storage shed is sort of an upside down boat design, so I would suggest that a gallon of fiberglass resin be purchased from Boater's World and rolled on to the planking' or plywood that is nailed on to the frames in order to waterproof it before painting and eventual roofing.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...