One wonders if omicron will make people immune to lethal strains of covid. Covid defeating itself could be a good development.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Quantitative Earth System Easing (Keys)
With the failure of creative imagination and scale as well as finance lately in Congress; namely the Biden/Pelosi BBB plan, a new green infrastructure plan of a Spartan yet forward thinking nature need be added to the roster of tries of the continuing, dwindling days of Democrat-led House, senate and Presidency. A legacy of zero-green global warming legislation is likely to be regarded as unacceptable to intelligent voters...
Democrats may need to trust in the adaptability of Democracy to raise taxes on the rich and the plutocrat class of Americans without becoming socialist. Democracy can and should support directed free enterprising favoring global and national ecological economic synergy rather than conflict or war. Planetary ecological economics include the moon and items like the new Webb Space telescope beyond that would benefit from service investments in an increasing moon base budget in a Keys bill for long-term development.
The Keys bill could be limited to three trillion dollars of initial spending with half of that directed immediately toward phasing out fossil fuel pollution and bringing as many homeowners as possible to off-grid solar power energy production. A national environmental reclamation project could receive continuing support and investments from future administrations trying to modernize national energy and environmental infrastructure; probably through taxing the rich. The bill would include a Mexican border desalination canal that through evaporation and collected roof-over-canal condensation made millions of gallons of fresh water for drinking, farming and transforming the American Southwest into a verdant, greenbelt defrapping ground solar heating in the process.
The Eisenhower administration stated construction of great reclamation projects in the west that changed land use. Farming in the state of Washington greatly expanded with the new Grand Coulee dam. Eisenhower also started the federal interstate highway system that changed the way Americans get around the nation. A new era of federal reclamation projects could start that build on well-known technologies, science and engineering to create vast fresh water making, hydrogen gas via electrolysis and liquid hydrogen cooled super-conducting power lines in pipelines.
The United States today has a lack of intelligent political will that could adapt to the challenges to democracy and viable ecology including atmospheric heating that arise. Not one percent of Americans are philosophers or political philosophers and perhaps few of the latter have really thought about the nature of political systems and political economy to the point of comparing and contrasting them. Instead people rely on old off-the-shelf theories like Marxism and unrefined capitalism as default substitutes for their own thinking. Ordinary people pursue narrow self interests and allow that the policy is good universally leasing unfortunately to plutocracy, aristocracy and several structures the founders revolted against in their will to have egalitarian nationalism without superior social classes. The alternative to capitalism in the simpleton’s viewpoint is socialism or communism- collectivism against repressive minority rule. Such a paradigm is a consequence of an absence of intelligent political philosophy reinforced by censorship of social media in communist and capitalist societies; oppressive minorities invariably find ways to repress dissent and the expression of non-conformist ideas (ideas not conforming to those of the repressive minority). The lack of intelligent political philosophy reinforces plutocracy and common living from paycheck to paycheck with the material paycheck and common use of fossil fuel vehicles and expansion of existing physical infrastructure regarded as solid and rational ways of political economy. If energy and paychecks are generated by a satanic troll in the infernal regions of hell burning coal that is o.k.
Democrats went over to the dark side of the environmental force when the Obama administration twisted the party’s arms to make Bush tax cuts on the rich permanent. Only Republicans are worse at environmental management and couldn’t care less about it since it is an externality to corporate profit. Republicans probably will take over Congress because of the Biden administration failure to get a pure green energy bill passed.
Republican are so bad at running able Presidential candidates Vice President Harris could win the 2024 Presidential race on the foundation of a robust federal reclamation
project featuring water, hydrogen and clean energy making. Red state Republicans- the populist wing of the party, have little chance of winning a campaign because of their resistance to Covid vaccinations and mask wearing. The omicron variant may eventually become the true herd immunity deviant closing out the more lethal forms of the disease, yet Red states Republicans also tend toward being environmentally illiterate global heating IQ. challenged that will buy electric vehicles only when fossil fuel ones are phased out by the manufacturers. The 2024 race looks like a race to the bottom. To win, Republicans would need to run someone resembling Robert Redford in Downhill Racer with a strong and real green reclamation bill. Democrats probably hope Sen. Ted Cruz is their opponent so they can begin Cuban communist collusion hearings against the foreign-born Canadian-Texan.
A green energy reclamation project could serve political economy well. It might also be advanced because it brings in support of diverse elements from red state voters that want an end to illegal immigration and blue state voters that would like green energy and jobs. The bill could include ten billion dollars of solar panels for central America to help their economies that ought to be paradises instead of gang lands with killer politicians on the left and right. A green reclamation project could serve as the basis for a recovered American economy with progressive taxes on the rich funding free community college education for all means-tested Americans. Independent voters might like a mirror project desalinating salt-water built across the border in Mexico bring the vast Mexican deserts into farmland (keeping Eco-reserves desert for wildlife adapted to deserts of course). They might like the super-conducting pipeline to branch off at El Paso to continue along the Interstate 10 corridor to Jacksonville where it would meet a Federal highway one pipe traveling to New England.
The far west coast could have a pipeline one day to consolidate energy transmission in a super-conducting power line that solar, wind and hydrogen fuel cells could deliver electrons to. People looking just to paychecks don’t have much time for political philosophy or innovating leadership ideas that should arise from an intelligent political class. When they fail the nation fails to meet common existential challenges.
A good green contemporary reclamation project would have a somewhat different meaning than that of the Eisenhower era when conservation of the natural ecosphere was not foremost in the mind of the President. A good green reclamation project should reclaim ecospheric health with the adaptation of modern technology to problems of sustainability made by over-population and technology and living design ill-suited to the contemporary world social and physical ecosphere. It could serve as a template for African, Asian and South American transitions catalyzing energy and healthy ecospheric sustainability. Free enterprise need be free of plutocratic domination and repression and that requires enlightened democratic governance (inclusive of smart leadership as one might expect in a Republic even though it isn’t there today).
Republicanism is a democracy’s method of bringing intelligent politicians (an oxymoron) to political leadership. When republicans select environmental and vaccine IQ. challenged and elitist rich insiders they elevate inferior leadership and deservedly lose or should lose elections. Democrats have their own issues of course that uniquely developed with the Obama administration enlisting the party to support Bush II tax cuts on the rich, support an avoidable civil war in Syria, conflict with Russian interests in Ukraine and homosexual marriage instead of making a new social structure that left traditional family structures uncorrupted.
If Pres. Obama had a policy initiative G.W. Bush he would have got Americans to invade Syria in support of liberating rebels to bring Sunni leadership and the tyranny of a repressive majority developing prosperity for-themselves. Perhaps Lebanon would have fallen to the Sunni too and today Lebanon and Syria would be as prosperous as Dubai. Obviously the new Sunni states leadership would have lacked royal imperialism and been destined to foist theocracy upon the masses. Russia could have been an American ally and been assured of continuing port facilities in Syria with a long-term lease. Democrats of the future would have lacked the hatred of Russia and tragically have lost support for an intifada of accusations of Russian collusion regarding President Trump’s 2016 election victory.
I note that my own policy preferences would have been abstemious concerning the tragic and avoidable Syrian civil war. I preferred constructive engagement with liberating social networking technology and patient commercial integration and transcendence of sectarian and class supremacies. The Obama homosexual policy of grafting homo-couples onto marriage made a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan requisite since the Taliban would have resisted forever a butch military domination of their territory. Countless retards, women and children would have been dragooned into service as suicide bombers to blow up hospitals, schools and etc. by the Taliban until. Troops withdrew. President Trump had a rational estimation of long term Afghan discontent apparently.
I stipulate that on most social moral issues I side with red state ensembles. Red states may be deficient of support for high-end intellectual thought and expression of ideas however, equaling that of socialists, collectives and others with elitist one-party rule latent desires. On economic and environmental issues I support actual egalitarian free enterprise within rational ecological legal parameters preventing destruction to environment or environmental ecosphere loss or decay and preventing oppressive levels of concentration of wealth. Owning of public stocks should be limited to investments by any individual to three. Networking wealth led to the U.S.A.’s wealth distribution being equal to that of Mexico today.
Engendering tribalism in politics defaults political power and concentration of wealth to elites owning corporate shares too big to drown under the onslaught of anti-intellectual, anti-political philosophy sentiments of pure materialism paradigms for short-term proplit. Broadcast media collectives with anti-political philosophy, anti-faith values drive voters toward self-preservation identity politics down the broad road to environmental and moral devastation. Not only does democracy fail with tribalism party values under collective media conditioning reflecting plutocrat-positive spin, so does the ecosphere.
Solar heat absorbing asphalt combines with heat absorbing structures to make numerous hot urban micro-climates that are unpleasant to live in an require extra air-conditioning often provided by dirty energy production. A million miles of asphalt highways around the nation should be resurfaced with solar heat reflecting composition developed by federally financed research. Those heat absorbing and releasing at nigh roads might even by converted into low efficiency solar energy production surfaces with efficiency improvements over time as material efficiency increases.
Salt water from the Pacific might be piped to the drying up Great Salt Lake with solar power to make evaporation and condensation collecting areas producing fresh water for locals and people downstream. Obvious Eco-reclamation projects of large scale too large to be locally or even state-financed should be addressed by the federal government. Special interest groups may include those that are the world’s best at developing worst-case scenarios for-others. New reclamation projects can be on a best-case scenario rather than the automatic lethargy lines in support of worst case.
Matter of Fact (poem)
Suddenly, with seven sounds
light shelters day all aroundspirit designs masses know
quark them with time slowing down
A spectral harmony of chords
data wave mist shores
constant is all true motion
before every ocean the Lord
Sent a single consonant
string vibration remnant
dark energy syllables
space apart full grown plants
Worms swim the ocean deep
chasing new moments to keep
worms infiltrate under ground
where those that drown may sleep.
Donkies, Honkies and New Year Pyres (a poem)
The red dog and a donkey
looked up at the honkies
where so much freedom were loose
flying high with a goosey creed
Chem rockets flow sprocket gas
blowin smoke through sprockets past
chains fall loose down on da ground
plosive speaker sound too crass
Sure poem a Nome of sorts
put handy cainings to forts
high art doved war and peace
push da globe lease on sports
Investment risin higher
porth even introverts aspire
where so much freedom were loose
in rich gilded goosey fire.
Merry Christmas
When Time Ends (a poem)
Those pesky poems rumble
brinking heavy thunder downon the jungle
as electric cats scatter
when sound and light matter
precipitating pain
on morning rounds
Sober-crowded rurals
pace reticles toward supply chain proplits
meaning-fooled muons
flip floppink to gluons
plutocratic manuring those CEOs
toward compiling planned blinging
songs of the Chief Justice’s middle finger
Nothingness is a wave enveloping being
erasing every existing logic
more than sand castles crumbling
noiselessly in the water of time
opposing parenthesis on empty sets
spiders’ best economic networks
crab oars no more
When time ends
below the surface
dimensions forever in place
within eyewalls of infinite universes
eternity begins
cycling faith with the Prince of Peace
upon the sea of glass.
Metaverse Structures in the Mind of God
Metaverse structures in the mind of God
no one has seen the Fatherexcept the Son
who lives in the heart
Mathematical structures past through
to different universes
exceeding set theory’s paradigms
faster than light
As if the self-aware mind of the Metaverse
realized itself as the entire Metaverse
whence it expands at an infinite pace
faster than itself with infinite space
Should an initial trans-universal, primordial field
differ with first cause and shear will
to perfect symmetries, balances and scale
four dimensions without origin filled
A word spoken in the darkness
Hegelians may speculate
God realizes himself and perfect sentients
to generate an infinite number of Universes
With infinite tools to actualize perfection
every possibility may need to exist
anything less too incomplete
where infinity falsified could consist
Pluralism is a function
a defined construction sentient beings make
within a monistic field for-itself
to eternity time will take
God, personifying the Trinity of Three Persons
is One symmetry-breaking for-Himself
monistic, plural, sentience omniscient
before existence, Universes and time
If there is an infinite quantity
of every item in the mind of God
some were actualized in His Metaverse
-elements of infinite qualities of perfection
Others should have reciprocals-
junctions where infinities
evolve less good coordinates so
functions fade away to nothingness
Against an infinite plain of being
from nothingess every script arises
that for-never existed
into time’s temporal order it goes
Less than eternal brake temporal shores
partially, through glasses darkly
waving cardinal and ordinal positioned doors
existing sharply with general relativity
Fractions adjust selections that work
with quantum settings for quantum field content
physical infrastructure births to entangled states
sent quanta-collapsed, entangled material Universe fate
Divine selections pre-determine history
design parameters for evolving mystery
uncertainty in support of quantum time and motion
the Lord’s work to infinite oceans.
Making Fresh Water for the Southwest
The new day of Democrat party led environmentalism fell as flat as a failed souffle after the party reveal of the Von Biden green plan turned out to be trinkets and glass beads of 500 billion bucks and nothing more. Making water for the American southwest might be possible, as may be turning a million miles of solar heat absorbing black asphalt highways into light sunlight reflecting or even photon for voltaics surfaces if research were funded, yet another lawyer President just did the usually kick back to constituents rather than lead a green reformist upgrade to infrastructure and political economy.
One might like the invention of instant particle induction entanglement in the Higgs field products from nothing that would create anything imaginable out of thin air if it were possible. Using solar power to pump seawater to Deming New Mexico where it would spill downhill east and west partly evaporating and collecting under transparent roofs over the border canals is a simpler way to make millions and millions of gallons of fresh water for the parched southwest. It might be convenient to integrate solar powered electrolysis in the canals to produce hydrogen gas as well. The hydrogen would be made into a liquid to cool underground coils of super-conducting wire that would store solar energy during the day for release at night.
Superconducting power storage coils and lines could be built under or near railroads and freeways to let vehicles draw power directly for electric engines or to recharge on-board batteries wirelessly. If gov bureaucrats had some technical ingenuity such infrastructure could probably be designed and built within a couple of years.
I viewed an educational video on the Sahara desert again recently and realized it is a useful tool to consider the state of the present U.S.A. to in light of global warming from greenhouse gasses. The Sahara flipped from a lush green place with water to become a desert with less than a millimeter of precipitation annually, in less than two-hundred years. The cause of that was a twenty-thousand year cyclical wobbling of the Earth that changes rainfall patterns (we are in the midst of the desert cycle with the end of the green phase occurring 7000 years ago). That drying plus global warming could bring the U.S.A. to a desert condition in fewer than two hundred years as well, as the inventor of the Gaia hypothesis James Lovelock believed would happen writing in his book ‘The Final Warning’.
Covid 19 should make pre-school congregation dangerous for five years; so why not spend the money earmarked for three-year-old infection vectoring on building border desalinization canal infrastructure to provide fresh water for farming and civilian drinking in the southwest?
A Strange Idea In the Governor's Race Concerning Federal Land
An ostensibly conservative neo-Republican state representative threw his hat into the race for governor recently descrying federal “tyranny” over Alaska. He said he recognizes no land ownership of the federal government in the state. He is also, as you might have guessed, an anti-vaxer. As governor he would be recalcitrant about defending against traditional Covid 19, the Covid 19 omicron deviance, and future deviant strains of the virus. His conservation seems mainly concerned with conserving ignorance of Alaska history and the social biology of viruses.
The candidate could of course just be a separatist who would just like to dominate or expropriate federal lands for himself and/or political allies and actually isn’t as uninformed as it seems. I don’t know what republic he supports as a member of the Republican party; is it the U.S. Republic?
I don’t often follow Alaska politics because of low expectations that politicians will do anything intelligent concerning environmental or alt energy infrastructure development, modernizing economic diversification or sustainability of natural resources. I wrote this comment because the concept of someone ignorant of Alaska’s history running for Governor, and in the news, expressing illogical or obtuse statements for several months deserves notice. One should resist historically unsupportable politic rhetoric. Therefore I wrote a brief historical sketch concerning the U.S. government ownership of most land in Alaska since they bought it from Russia 157 years ago in the transitional year of 1867.
It is said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. The ignorant aren’t inevitably going to repeat history though, since they may not be smart enough to accomplish prior political errors for-themselves.
The U.S. Government was the first government over the entire state. Before the U.S. government there was a Russian Imperial government that claimed the state yet had settlements mostly along the coasts, leaving the interior and far north generally alone. Before the Russian there were countless waves of Eurasian migrants spanning 30,000 years- most of whom continued south, albeit slowly, along the coast and in the interior when ice-field recession allowed, as to points as far as Terra del Fuego and Florida. None of these tribes ruled the entire region known as the state of Alaska. Often they were at war with one another erasing the existence of previous or neighbor tribes when they could.
Land ownership and recognition of land ownership is important to a free enterprise democracy. The U.S. government bought Alaska from Russia and nearly a century later settled land claims with native or aboriginal Alaskans during the Nixon administration. To fail to recognize legitimate federal ownership of land purchased lawfully by anyone in the effort to take the land for oneself is like the action of a thief. Land thievery isn’t a good disposition for a governor to have, especially since if that became law it would controvert all land and native land settlements made with or purchased from the U.S. government. That would subvert most private land ownership in the state since it was all at one time owned by the U.S. government.
The U.S. government has been very generous in regard to land for Alaskans over the years. It had a homestead program that allowed Alaskans to stake claims for a pittance merely for paying survey costs to licensed surveyors. After statehood the U.S. Government gave vast tracks of land to the state government. Some of that land is continuously offered for sale to the public in regular sales. The U.S. Government gave Alaska more land than comprises the state of Delaware. In fact the state has more land than many Delawares. What more could anyone want?
The U.S. government has been the primary investor and developer in the state since the beginning of its ownership. It supplied the state’s first military government- Brevet Colonel Jefferson Davis, to serve until before development of a territorial Government and governor like Judge Wickersham. It created the Matanuska Colony and paid southern farmers to move to the Mat Valley to build farms during the 1930s. Some depression era farmers arrived and stayed.
Before the Japanese attack on Hawaii and later Alaska the territorial government military equipment was just two-hundred rifles in the Haines Barracks. During the war the U.S. built the Alaska highway, numerous airfields and military bases from Kodiak to Juneau. In the 500-mile air war followed by a ground assault the U.S. government had many casualties. The air war was especially treacherous flying from the Kodiak army air base to bomb Attu and Kiska islands. American athletes from the southwest were trained as commandos to retake islands captured by the Japanese. It was a very costly battle in one case with the second highest casualty percent among those involved, of the Pacific War placing second only to Iwo Jima. Many of those soldiers were native Americans who lost their live on a cold, windswept island ridge in a trench dug in the snow repelling three Japanese bonsai assaults. Yet a candidate for governor does not recognize U.S. ownership of any land in Alaska.
The U.S. Government has been a major investor in the state continuing through and after the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. Its air power has turned back hundreds or thousands of probing sorties by Russian nuclear weapons armed bombers along state borders. Its naval power continues to defend the shores from sudden invasion (although state bureaucrats might be able to stop a Chinese invasion of a few hundred thousand soldiers if the U.S. government no longer defended the state). Alaskan land, sea and space grant colleges have benefited from federal investments. State infrastructure from ports to roads have received federal funding for decades- even now federal investments in ports, the Marine Highway system and broadband internet and cell phone infrastructure is in progress.
I understand the feeling of arriving up north from the south and feeling like one is somewhere distant, in something like a colony. Alaska is several hundred miles from the closest state to the south, yet that is no excuse for ignorance concerning historical reality. Alaska might have been considered ‘far away’ before the invention of jet aircraft and the telephone. Some might wish to disavow ties to the U.S.A. and the government when traveling abroad because of the embarrassing decision of Chief Justice Roberts to legalize homosexual marriage. They might not support U.S. foreign military policy of supporting conflicts and chaos and eventual exit. There are reasons why, since the Vietnam War the United States has entered many conflicts and exited after high numbers of local casualties have resulted; namely it might be a consequence generally, thought not always, of making the world better for a planetary plutocracy.
Consider Venn diagrams and plutocrat capitalists as x’s. Russia has far fewer x’s than Europe and the U.S.A., yet Russia and its former homeland Ukraine have the most arable, available land and resources that were outside the realm of political control by the global plutocracy of the new world order. The majority of x’s want that land of the Ukraine and Russian circles. One might tire of ignorant national political leadership that pursues plutocratic interests and want strong national democracy with free enterprise and limited capital concentration that is reformed to function along a sustainable ecological economic basis with a much more egalitarian distribution of capital. Even so anachronistic approaches to politics won’t work and won’t solve much. They distract and default more control to what does work; global plutocracy in partnership with elite Chinese Communist Party leadership directing its own expansions into Africa, Latin America, Europe and elsewhere.
Federal investments in the second to last state to join the union continue in fields from education to science, anti-dope law enforcement to environmental conservation. The state isn’t simply a destination for environmental looters to plunder everything that exists in a lawless environment, though some people might wish it was. Neither is it a place for unequal protection of the law (Alaska had the first black federal sea captain on a revenue cutter patrolling Alaska waters in the proto-Coast Guard).
Sure the federal government does a lot of stupid, inept things especially when Democrats are in power. For instance, Speaker Pelosi has sought for several months to fund pre-school for 3 and 4 year olds where they can peacefully assemble to serve as Covid 19 infection vectors. I would think it will be at least five years before it would be a good idea to cluster maskless three year olds together in pre-schools, especially since they are too young for vaccinations (I belief that is still is the case).
Even so, the U.S. government’s title to Alaska land is plain, solid and honest as anything can be in the world. Historical daftness should be on the left side of politics; not the right, yet it commonly is equally apportioned as left and right de facto serve development of a two class society, with 1% owning 95% of wealth including national income, buffered by a minority middle class that defends against tax increases on the 1%, and the majority class of everyone else. Global plutocrats will rule, or do rule the national political economy partnered by willing bi-partisan insiders.
Some politicians never take the time to learn history during their rise to power and that ill suits leadership. I am a partial preterist and post-millennialist as a Christian whom believes that people including theologians and scientists often misinterpret the Bible book of Genesis as well as eschatological references in the Bible. For one thing many of the references Jesus made in Matthew concerning end times referred to the approach Jewish apocalypse at Jerusalem in 70 a.d. when perhaps a million Jews were slaughtered by the Roman army. The end of history and the conclusion of human existence could be tomorrow or in two or three billion years; one cannot really know. Yet if one is of the opinion that the tribulation is ahead and that the world including the federal government is run by demonic spirits and views the collapse of traditional morality seemingly forced by the federal government then one could be somewhat more radical in wishing to sever ties to that believed evil anti-Christian entity perching on the precipice of eternal damnation.
That sort of viewpoint can negate values of political competence concerned with making legislation that actually supports democracy and good health of the citizens and ecosphere of the nation as readily as moral corruption in politics can render the masses and politicians servo-units of global plutocrats concentrating wealth. There are so many networked tools to divide and conquer for socialist corporatism these days that ironically the late Joe Vogler’s Alaska Independence Party politics of separatism seems to have returned via the the race for governor.
Omicron Panic and Skeleton Crews
The new Covid variant named Omicron sent a stampede on Wall Street serving as an early warning of the dangers faced by a modern global economy designed as a world wide web quite vulnerable to exotic viruses. Plainly the Biden administration may face the same sort of challenges to keep the economy open intelligently that the Trump administration faced and failed.
Establishments and bureaucrats are loathe to change unless they see a potential profit in it. Bureaucrats and government administrators are perhaps the least likely people to invent a way society can profit from adapting emergency response measures. Instead of making a profit government spends like drunken sailors on a failing slope in something of a supply-side paradigm believing in error that future economic growth after the end of the short or intermediate term pandemic will compensate for the avalanche of new public debt.
The U.S. government needs to find intelligent redesigns to keep the economy open even during a pandemic with more serious viruses like ebola adapted to become an airborne pathogen; it needs to find a way to generate skeleton crew personnel within the private sector able to keep businesses functioning regardless of the severity of the pathogen. I am sure the government of the United States is doing such a thing nor is capable of doing so since creativity is required. I wish them luck tough and hope they can find the capacity to try.
Tubman, District of Geronimo, etc.
I suppose it’s just a matter of time until Democrats try to get rid of the name of Washington D.C. Like the Washington football team formerly known as the Redskins, the names of a slave owner and a killer of Arawak Indians; a felonious, yacht sailing Governor returned to his colony-owning royal liege king in chains (Columbus) may be perceived to be a bad influence on the next generation of kinder, gentler Americans. The likeliest name to appear might be the U.S. capitol city of Tubman in the District of Geronimo.
Metaphysical Uncertainty (poem)
Dissipating fog passed over
spent shell casings of judgment
concerning land flowing below
Turned sideways, ontological perspectives
screen inferences about quantum reality in-itself
for-itself embedded in the Higgs field
That Higgs field with line branches of words
shapes thought of ideas for tomorrow
when sunset illumines birds with gold
Mystic regard for warmer things share
a common border; vacuum energy of space
describing fortunes of five hundred states of being
Like music of smoke and mirrors
collusion of collision cancels cultures
ram in the thicket, doubts.
Democrats Value Global Environmental Problems at $500 billion
The Democrat’s present Big Big Really Big spending plan has set the value of environmental problems including green habitat loss, species extinction and global atmospheric heating at $500 billion dollars. They could force through any amount they want, for example %5 trillion dollars and a pack of regulations such as new zoning laws that conserve vestigial wild spaces, yet are more concerned with day care so three-year-olds can be properly indoctrinated. They boast they can save $5000 for couples struggling through life on $100,000 annual income while aspiring students and others living on fewer than $8000 income yearly get nothing including free community college tuition.
George Washington was a White (not whites only) Nationalist
George Washington was white and a nationalist, therefore he was a white nationalist. Muddying logic works quite well to serve the concentration of wealth socially with any dissidence to globalism and plutocratic interests disqualified in some way or other as a racist or general foe of the placid democrat persons in the corporate acceptable set for receiving views or even publishing in mainstream social media.
Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function
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